Since both are long gone now I would like to see what people thought of both stables and which entertained you more. Both started in 2010 and were a major focus in both companies

The original Nexus was made up of Wade Barrett, David Otunga, Daniel Bryan, Skip Sheffield, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel, Darren Young and Michael Tarver. They attacked various legends, Vince, feuded with Cena and were then beaten by the WWE team at Summerslam. Eventually the group became the New Nexus under Punk, while Barrett would go off to form the Corre. After Punk's match with Cena at MITB the group were done.

Fortune was formed by Ric Flair and consisted of AJ Styles, Kazarian, And Beer Money (Roode and Storm). Desmond Wolfe wanted to be in but Flair never let him. Later the group would add Matt Morgan as Flair's bodyguard, and also Doug Williams. They later fused with Immortal, but eventually turned face and ditched Flair, and proceeded to feud with Immortal, adding Christopher Daniels. After Roode turned heel and won the belt, the group dissolved with everyone going their seperate ways.

So which stable did you like more? I think Nexus definitely had the better debut, one of the great moments of the year. However I think Fortune had the more talented guys by far, and they had some great matches and segments. I also think Fortune made Storm and Roode into solid maineventers. Barrett I think was the only one who really benefitted from Nexus, I guess maybe Otunga too.

Tell me what you think!
Nexus. They were new and exciting. It was something completely different and really made the WWE exciting. It was also a large stable with young wrestlers who used it to break into the main event.

Fortune was average. Although i liked those in the stable itself i didn't enjoy it. TNA had already done many stables before so it was stale. I was never excited by it and it dragged on and on before it became irrelevant.
Both never lived up to their potential and fizzled faster than they should have.

Taking all of that into consideration, Nexus made more waves than Fortune did but Fortune was a much better faction. If Fortune was booked like Nexus they could have very well been the 2nd coming of the NWO with all the TNA originals being in Fortune vs the WWE guys they aquired over the years in Immortal. That's pretty much what I think they had in mind but with the ECW faction disintegrating like it did and TNA's failure to prepare for this angle in advance teasing a MEM reunion, and letting Booker and Nash get poached right before it the plans for Fortune changed and it never really got off the ground. A shame really, It would have been good tv if they got it right.

I don't know what the hell happened with Nexus, but they lost heat fast and never recovered...probably because they kept BS'ing with Barrett's push
Nexus was fantastic in its early stages, it is unfortunate that only two members really became relevant afterwards (Wade and Otunga, though of course Wade is the real star).

I suppose you could say Darren Young found some fame with NXT.

I loved Justin Gabriel, I think he would do well in a mid-card feud against a heel. Though I do understand it was his mic work that needed improving.

Heath Slater is easy to hate, he's not too spectacular in the ring but you have to give him credit for having character.

Skip Sheffield (or Ryback) was never exciting, just your regular power house with no character and always looks like he's on roids. On a side note: I never got to know Tarver enough to really like or hate him.

Daniel Bryan was only a member of Nexus briefly so i'm not counting him, but he is fantastic.
Nexus sucked. Fortune was way better than Nexus.

Nexus was a group of nobodies while Fortune had Ric Flair, AJ Styles, Kazarian and Beer Money.

This video says it all :

Deffinatly Nexus.
Their debut alone will top anything that fortune has done. Hell fortune felt so threatened by Nexus they had to insult them just to try and get their popularity up trying for the shock value.
Nexus was a better storyline, at the start. It came out like a bang and everyone was paying attention to it. Unfortunately once Super Cena got involved it all went tits up and they fizzled out without any real pay off.

Fourtune however were by far the better wrestlers. Everyone in that group could go. I just felt like they never got used to their potential. Their feud with EV 2.0 or whatever was awful and the rest of the time it was sometimes easy to forget they were actually together.

So both were wasted in my opinion but Nexus get it due to the start of their storyline. If you were asking who I wanted to watch wrestle though it would be Fourtune by a county mile.
I thought Fourtune had much more potential.The original 4 are all very talented wrestlers and TNA mainstays that I wanted to root for, and having Ric Flair as their mentor gave the group immediate prestige. Obviously TNA booking was tying itself in knots with the whole Immortal thing and it just became nonsense, I feel like it was a major waste. Nexus never really did anything for me, bunch of guys you hadn't really heard of, with terrible shirts and worse music. 7 deep and still the whole group could get owned by Cena...never really seemed scary after that first night. Wasn't ever interesting to me until Punk hijacked the group, and of course that didn't go anywhere either...again a shame. Stables and factions have always been one of my favorite parts of wrestling, but it seems like nobody understands how to book them right anymore...when was the last real good one? Evolution maybe?
for me it depends which way you look at it both stables could have done better then they did thats for sure. with nexus they pretty much lost importance after they lost to cenas super team at summerslam which was the biggest mistake wwe could make with that but nexus had a better storyline behind them and had the most impressive debut out of any stable ever in my book.

then theres fortune and they were all established guys in there own way and the group made storm and roode into main event stars i thought fortune just got stronger when they added doug williams and matt morgan espically morgan at that time he was a monster heel but fortune was only important during there fued with immortal and the fued with EV2 which i really liked.

overall id say fortune is better.
If you take the whole existence of each group and judge them I would have to say I enjoyed Fortune better. Nexus had the better debut, but never even came close to reaching their potential. Fortune was solid throughout, and I really like all of the wrestlers in it. I would say their biggest moment was turning on Immortal which I really enjoyed even though it was said to be thrown together last minute. Nexus never really interested me past their debut and the first couple weeks so I have to say I liked Fortune better overall.
Nexus originally had the bigger impact. Never (to my knowledge anyway) has a group of rookie nobodies made such an impact their first day on the main roster. The storyline was huge and had the potential to shake the very foundation of WWE. Of course they did not follow through with it properly and the booking team had "better" plans. Nexus could have lived on a bit longer but they ruined it when they split into Punk's New Nexus and The Corre. Neither were anywhere near what the original was. I wish the two factions had feuded and merged back into one, with Barrett leading all members of both groups other than Punk who never needed them.

Unfortunately, I have to take the second version of Nexus into consideration and that is part of why I think Fortune was the better stable. New Nexus ruined everything that the original was. What was an angry group of rookies that wanted domination, turned into jobbers that came out to CM Punk's music. Fortune, on the other hand, was probably the best faction since Evolution. They took the four best TNA "originals" and helped establish them as the top guys they always had the potential to be. Roode and Storm in particular benefitted greatly from their time in that stable. Fortune was the better group, as it accomplished what it set out to do and did not fade into obscurity with a tiny fraction of its potential left.
To me, Nexus was better because they just came in and wrecked the place and left big names lying on the floor. They left their footprint on wrestling, albeit for a short time, but then again they seperated and two-bit clones like the New Nexus and the Corre were made. Their first iteration made great television and left everyone on the edge of their seats.

On the other hand Fortune was a group of TNA originals who were stepping stones for Immortal and only got secondary titles and tag team championships. They really just never make an impact (pun unintended) on me. Nexus was a more shocking and history making stable, Fortune were just a group of guys who screwed with ECW originals and joined Immortal. In my eyes Nexus is above Fortune in almost every way.
I enjoyed Nexus far more than Fortune for several reasons. While I'm disappointed that Nexus ultimately went out with a whimper instead of a bang, I thought it was a better faction.

1. Nexus Was Fresh - The NXT concept itself was different. Whether you liked it or not is a different story. What was also unique and fresh was the idea of these young nobodies banning together to form a group to "take over" WWE. The debut of Nexus where they obliterated John Cena and the entire ringside area was epic and remains one of the best endings to any wrestling television show I've seen in a decade. EVERYONE was buzzing about Nexus and wondering what was going to happen. We didn't see that with Fortune. It was just a continuation of the neverending faction wars storyline that TNA had been doing for years.

2. Nexus Produced A Star Worth Watching - Without Wade Barrett, Nexus would've been nothing. He was the glue that made the faction as a whole work. He had the ability in the ring & on the mic. WWE had stumbled a little bit here and there with him, but they'd gotten very much back on track with him before he was injured. Had it not been for that, Barrett would be in the midst of a huge push, at least according to reports. When it came to Fortune, they didn't need to be put together to get over. Styles was already thought of as the heart of TNA and had held every title a man in TNA can hold. Beer Money had long since been the overall best team in TNA for a couple of years. The star potential was already there and plain to see and they had multiple runs with the tag titles during the days when the TNA tag team scene actually meant something. The only guy left is Kazarian but he's never really been a "star" in my eyes.

By the time Fortune came along, I was really hating the TNA product. I was tired of the never ending corporate power struggle storyline and the subsequent faction wars angle that TNA worked into it. They'd recycled that same storyline several times over the years, plus Fortune just seemed like a near random collection of guys that banded together without necessarily "needing" to be together. Nexus had the luxury of being nobodies that hadn't been established. Their debut in and of itself blows anything Fortune ever did as a faction out of the water in my eyes.

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