Fortune: 'Bunch 'o tweeners?


King Of The Ring
Let's face the facts, boys and girls. Even though Fortune might be a 'rip off' of the Four Horsemen for some people, you must admit that it has some awesome members. Quite honestly, I find it hard not to like them. I'm trying to be a true wrestling fan and detest them just a little bit, but I can't. They're all too rad!

AJ Styles - Great in the ring, and ( oh my gawd! ) great on the mic. I am an AJ mark, I won't deny that, but the guy pretty much got the rhytm of his dandy new heel character. I love that guy.

Ric Flair - Gold. Each and every time. I don't care if he's wrestling or if he's talking. I enjoyed his crappy work in WWE and I'm LOVING his stuff in TNA. Go Naitch.

Beer Money - They're awesome, but they need something extra. A 'lil somethin' somethin' to make them stand out more. Other than that - great team, great talkers.

That being said, as we all know 'they' are coming ( assuming 'they' aren't some stupid voices in Abyss' head ), and 'they' will most likely be heels. Right now we have heel stables only, and probably a face ECW stable ( let's hope not ).

I think that Fortune needs to turn into a bunch of tweeners. I love that attitude they have, and I know most of the fans do too. Look at what it did to Orton, Rock, Austin, list goes on. Wrestling needed a badass tweener in the face of Orton, but what it REALLY needs is a tweener stable. Everybody loves Beer Money, AJ, Kaz..oh fuck I forgot Kaz in that list. Poor guy. Anyway, everybody loves these guys, and someone needs to opose 'them'.

I see a tweener stable in Fortune, 'they' - heel stable and a face stable led by Hogan/Bischoff. It could really elevate AJ, Kaz and Beer Money's careers. Especially AJ and Roode. Roode is your natural bad guy and AJ sucks as a pure face. I can see Kaz and Yosemite Sam prospering as well, but not as much as AJ and Roode.

What do you sheep think?
I agree with you it would be more interesting if they were a tweener stable, because like you said.. there aren't any face stables so it would be weird.
I think what can make beer money more "over" is if they were in more promos featuring "beer" and "money" Tna can really do a lot of humorous promos with them and I would enjoy seeing the crowd give them even more heat.
I think Kaz is going to benefit the most out of this stable since he hasn't been over with the crowd.. he hardly gets any heat and got little pops when he was face,. hopefully this elevates him..and Aj; when the stable comes to an end hopefully it will be the stepping stairs for him to turning face.
I find it interesting your list consisted of 3 of Foutune's members, then you mentioned Kaz only later. I have the feeling that Kaz won't be in Fortune long, the guy might as well be the Invisable Man. He may have some skill, but has zero personality and couldn't cut a promo if his life depended on it. My hope is that Kaz is replaced with Morgan, the guy has it all and should be pushed.

AJ to me is the new Ric Flair, I like the stylin'n & profilin' gimmick that Flair gave him. He can cut a promo with the best of em and makes a great heel. Hes the best worker in TNA.

Beer Money - those guys are "money". Great workers, great heels & they always deliver in the ring.

I agree, Slick Ric is Gold. No one can cut a promo like him. I would like to see him hang up his trunks though, its time to just be a manager and take an occasional bump like Harley Race did when he was managing. You can probably tell I'm a Flair mark by my avatar, ect. - been one for 30 years, so no stopping me now.

Totally agree with you about Morgan. He has so much personality and charisma, I also find him him the most amusing wrestler out of tnas whole roster. I love his cocky smile.. his amazing heel work and overall personality.
I'd love for him to be in fortune instead, lol @ "kaz can't cut a promo if his life depended on it" It's so true haha I don't have much hope for kaz sorry but he needs to improve his heel charisma and get back to the drawing board.
i totally agree with you, the stable right now is like blehhh, same old, same old, but if it went tweener and was bad ass it would be a big draw for tna, and you know what would be cool, for the 'they' heel stable, for them to be like the ministry of darkness, like all ritualistic and stuff, that would be a breath of fresh air
If the NWO-rebirth happens, then Fortune will probably become very similar to the IV Horsemen during their war with the NWO. Despite the fact that nothing about the Horsemen changed in terms of their image or arrogance, they became the heroes because they were standing up for WCW's legacy in the face of the enemy. Fortune, with TNA original AJ and Beer Money leading the way, could serve the same role. And then, thanks to being tweeners, they can turn right around and heel it up big time in a feud with RVD, Hardy, etc.
If they is a sort of NWO rebirth, then Fortune will definitely fit the role of the Four Horsemen back during those days. Sometimes they will stand up to whoever "they" is and can be the cocky heels against the MCMG and RVD. AJ, I feel plays the face role to perfection and he has gotten a great deal better as heel thanks to Ric Flair. Beer Money is also good at playing faces and are excellent as heels. I think they will drop Kazarian sometime soon and pick up maybe Morgan or Wolfe who will be much needed addtions. But like I've said, Fortune has the chance to be the perfect tweener group.
I think Kaz does fit Fortune well. I mean, you already got a good mouthpiece in Flair. Kaz can get business done in the ring.

Here is who I think would also fit Fortune well....

1) Daniels
2) Samoa Joe
3) Austin Aries
4) Davey Richards

Think about it. The Horsemen weren't really just another stable, they were a heel stable of elite wrestlers. So Fortune should be a stable of elite wrestlers.
If the NWO-rebirth happens, then Fortune will probably become very similar to the IV Horsemen during their war with the NWO. Despite the fact that nothing about the Horsemen changed in terms of their image or arrogance, they became the heroes because they were standing up for WCW's legacy in the face of the enemy. Fortune, with TNA original AJ and Beer Money leading the way, could serve the same role. And then, thanks to being tweeners, they can turn right around and heel it up big time in a feud with RVD, Hardy, etc.

That would be perfect and could totally see it happen, as for people talkin about morgan i can totally see it happen people were in and out of the horsemen through out time so its not out of the realm that Kaz could get kicked out but i honestly feel TNA sees kaz as the poor man's Aj styles.

For some reason in the back of my head I have thought why not have Jay Lethal beat flair again dispite all the help of fortune and it gains rick flairs respect and Jay Lethal becomes a part of fortune. I doubt it but it would be another goo overall wresting and mic skilled talent for fortune in place of Kaz, I think Morgan would be GOLDEN!!! In fortune the 4 hoursmen have always had an enforcer I would say roode coud fit the bill but then it kind of takes away from james storm
Personally I would hate to see morgan in the group!

Maybe i'm an idiot, i have been off this site for awhile, but what happen to Wolfe? I thought he was gonna be in the group?? He'd be nice...
I heard that Kaz might actually be getting pushed as the leader of Fortune not being kicked out!

Isnt he supposed to have a fued with AJ with AJ turning face and them having a few 5 star matches with Kaz actually winning a few? If not thats TNAs fault cause thats the way it seems there pulling us.

I must agree that Fortune should be a "Tweener" stable though because there are none around now that the Wolfpac are gorn again. It could be cool.

Who I would like in Fortune is Wolfe, AJ (Until he turns face) and Beer Money. They are who I would like to see, but as I said above, Kaz is most likely going to be in and not Wolfe (Though he fits perfectly!)
I think they all should be elevated by being in Fortune, but they do need a purpose. They need someone to feud with, and they would certainly be served better by being a "tweener" faction. A little like nWo Wolfpac, in that it was cool to like the bad guys. I'm telling you, nobody liked the IV Horsemen back when they were killing. You respected them, but you didn't like them. This isn't that group. I also think, although I like him, Kazarian needs to go it alone, and they need one true bad ass like Samoa Joe or Matt Morgan. They need an Enforcer Arn Anderson type guy.
If TNA was so intent on making the stable Fourtune, then I think they really should've put all of their effort behind the stable and pushed them as the top heels on the entire roster. Why else is there even a point in having a stable like Fourtune? What are they doing right now? What is their purpose? They're just lost in the shuffle and so far the entire built up with Fourtune has been disappointing and I don't care in the least about them. That shouldn't be the case at all. TNA's product is so convoluted and they throw so much stuff into it that something that could possibly work doesn't because it's buried under ten other layers.

I don't think Fourtune should be tweeners at all, not unless they're fighting FOR Tna against some sort of outsiders angle, as all the members are originals. Aside from that I think they need to be heels, especially with Flair.

Also, if Kaz becomes the leader of Fourtune and they get behind him as the top star in the stable, then this whole thing has already failed. Kaz shouldn't even be in the stable. If it's suppose to be credible in any way like the old Four Horsemen were then it has to consist of the best, the elite in the company, and Kaz doesn't fit into that mold in any way. He's an okay wrestler (not a great one) but aside from that he has nothing. He has no charisma, no personality, and no one gives a shit about him. I can't take Fourtune seriously at all with him in it. Styles is the top rated wrestler in the world, Beer Money are arguably the best tag team around, so it's clear Kaz just sticks out like a sore thumb compared to those other three. It's not working.
Styles is the top rated wrestler in the world, Beer Money are arguably the best tag team around, so it's clear Kaz just sticks out like a sore thumb compared to those other three. It's not working.

I agree that Kazarian sticks out in this group, like I said before I like him, but they need a beast in this group. Matt Morgan or maybe Samoa Joe fit this group better. But as far as it's not working, give it time brother, they just officially started the group. No faction in wrestling history takes off from the word go. There is plenty of potential here, just not with Kazarian.

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