Former TNA Head Of Talent Relations Speaks Out


Championship Contender
Right After Wrestling with Terry Taylor
Hosts: Arda Ocal and Jimmy Korderas
Available at or via Itunes.

Who Terry was most proud of signing while in TNA: "I think all roads lead to Kurt Angle. If you're building a promotion, he's the guy to build around. AJ Styles has an amazing future. But Kurt is the guy. He does moonsaults off the top of a cage when he has nothing left to prove. He shows up and works hard and always has great ideas for the company. He's almost generous to fault - where he always tries to make the other guy look as good as he does. Guys like RVD and Sting - who is just getting a new character and is still fun and interesting."

On his release from TNA: "The company decided that they wanted someone else to do the talent relations job. perfectly within their realm. we talked about it and they felt they would rather have a better fit. ive been with them for 8 years with a very struggling beginning. I don't know if anyone sees it coming. I have been preparing for that day since the day i started. I was very grateful to work there it was a great company. was i surprised? maybe a little bit."

How many calls Terry made to Pat Patterson before getting a break in the World Wrestling Federation: "I was making $200 a week. I had a wife and kid on the way and I had an 8-year-old son and I needed a job...soon. So I called Pat (Patterson) every Friday at noon for 9 months - 45 phones calls - and I always got the answering machine. And I always left a message. I just said, 'Pat, this is Terry Taylor. I just wanna let you know I'm eager to work and I'm not asking for a guarantee just an opportunity. If you don't like me, I'll leave you alone. But I just want an opportunity.' And finally Pat calls me back and says, 'if you promise to never call me again, come to TV on Monday'!"

His feelings on younger guys who didn't go to the vets for advice: "I found the guys who were willing to listen and ask for advice usually did very well. The guys who thought they already knew everything - you couldn't tell them anything. Kurt Angle will listen to anybody if he thinks you can actually help him. AJ Styles will listen to people. Sting will listen to people. There are guys who think they know everything. What's the worst advice you can give? Advice that's not wanted. Guys who don't wanna be critiqued just don't do very good. The ones who do want your advice will do well and those are the guys you make time for."

The part that caught my eye was "Some people think they know everything" which sounds to me a good explanation for Generation Me which were accused by RVD as being snobs.

Could it be also the reason for Samoa Joe's de-push? He was suspended last year for causing tantrum backstage.
I think TNA management still complains about Samoa Joe's weight, they want the guy to lose weight because he looks over-weighted. I remember reading he got suspended because like you said for causing tantrum backstage and he probably be one of those guys who thinks he knows everything.

I heard AJ styles is hard headed at times, he good in the ring, but there are times when he a babyface, he cuts heel promos and he seems to do that all the time. He suppose to be the face of TNA, but they seems to be using guys like Angle and Sting to be the top face of the company because they don't want the ratings to go down any lower.

Look at guys like The pope. I know everybody wanted him to be champion one day but look at him now. It seems hard for him to get over to a higher level and he seems like he in the same spot all over again. I am not sure if he asking for advice. I know there are guys in that company probably don't want to ask Sting or Angle because maybe from their perspective they are not putting guys over. You know what maybe they ask kurt, but I am not so sure about Sting

if i was a wrestler and seeking for advice about my matches and how to improve and get better, I would have ask Kurt Angle, Flair guys who know how to put other guys over and make the matches look good. I wouldn't go to Anderson because he talking about he doesn't want to wrestle in five years or maybe Hogan

Dizzy, if you were a wrestler for TNA, who would u ask for advice to and why?

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