Former Title Holder? Really?

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
I was bored and I've been having a look on at the title history section. Most of the world champions have been more than deserving. I don't agree that wrestlers should be given titles because they've worked hard their whole career, but wrestlers like Benoit & Rey Mysterio don't really stand out in text. Khali does, but that's really the only one. But as you get to some of the mid card titles some of the champions are baffling.

Albert for example. Not only a former Intercontinental champion. But and Intercontinental champion during one of the biggest storylines of the past 10 years. By far the worst IC champion on paper. I honestly can't remember the reign at all. You'd think there would have been at least 10 other wrestlers they could have put the belt on during that time.

WWE lists all of the U.S. Champs, not from when WCW came to WWE, or when the belt was bought back in 2003. So on that list is David Flair, Steve McMichael & One Man Gang. But worryingly enough, Bret Hart. That would be former WWF Champion Bret Hart. Who came to WCW and wasn't pushed to the moon. So sad.

But it's the tag titles that are the worst. Rico, Bull Buchanan, Mosh, Thrasher, Hardcore Holly (Several times), Men On A Mission, Brutus Beefcake, Heidenreich and others. There are others, but it would take all day to list them.

Obviously you have to take into account of the era in which certain wrestlers got title, the circumstances, and the ammount of titles that float around. But there is still some really odd choices. Especially when you consider the ammount of talent that WWE has had over the years.
There are a lot of questionable champions when you look back at it now, but when these guys were becoming champions it didn't seem so odd. You mention Albert as being a bad ic champion, but when he won the title he was in the middle of a pretty decent push and you can't blame the wwe for trying to see if he had what it took to be a high mid-carder or main eventer by giving him a reign as the ic champ. Also I don't believe that you can really say certain guys aren't deserving of the tag titles. Men on a Mission might not have had great ring skills, but they were a popular tag team and if the fans like them that's all that matters. And they reign only lasted a couple of days anyway, and the team they beat was the Quebecers so they werent taking the titles from a hall of fame team or anything like that. Also Brutus beefcake was a talented wrestler who was on a great tag team with Greg Valentine so I don't know why he's on your list. The headbangers were another team that wasn't very good, but they again were over with the fans. It's not always about how skilled someone is as a wrestler, if you were to break up demolition and teams like that they wouldn't have done very well as singles wrestlers, so to put other singles wrestlers that weren't that good on your list of bad tag champs doesn't do much for your argument. Its' not like Repo Man aka Smash was selling out arenas across the US
Yeah I posted in the "worst title changes" thread that Albert was on of the worst ever. He actually took the belt off of Kane! Are you frickin kidding me? Albert over Kane? I cannot explain that one to save my life.
It is quite perplexing what they do with their titles sometimes, but I think the slight unpredictability of it (Rey Mysterio as World Champion?) makes it very interesting and keeps us tuning in.
When you look back there really are some bizarre title reigns. One Man Gang always stood out to me as one that was head scratch material. He was absolutely nothing more than a comedy jobber in WWF, and he gets the #2 title in WCW for about a month? He was a name, nothing more than that. The tag belts are likely the most notable for random reigns. Guys like Al Snow winning gold that's not hardcore makes little sense to me. He was ok in the ring, but that's all. The Godfather's IC title reign, or was it reigns, comes to mind also. Why was he given a belt? Ricky Steamboat, Randy Savage, Bret Hart, The Godfather. Just doesn't have a good ring to it.
Yes their has been alot of odd or random title holders over the years. I dont mind Albert's win, since the WWE was trying to make a new star, but that seemingly failed. And when you have somebody like Santino(who I like, but was jobbed out for a year)win the IC belt, Albert doesn't seem very weird. But then again Albert won the title when it meant something and their was alot of competition instead of now where their 100 belts floating around and only 10 people per division. Title holders now look very weak compared to a few years ago. One certain title holder that sticks out to me is Rico/Charlies Haas. This was a weird match up and Rico began as the gay manager of Billy/Chuck, yet he eventually wins gold with Haas?

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