For The First Time Ever (and at WrestleMania) Interim vs Actual WWE Champion?

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Championship Contender
I immediately thought about this after MITB, but wanted to wait to post it. I basically wanna know if you all think this is the right thing to do, if it'd be better than HBK vs Razor where there was the same double champ issue, and should WWE do this again but with their biggest title this time?

I mean you have CM Punk as the WWE Champion, whoever wins next Monday is technically interim champ if Punk comes back and he could claim so

Now what if they put up both on the line to give us a match to name the Undisputed Champion. Say Chris returned @ the rumble and won the Raw Elimimation Chamber match to become champ and we got the fantastic promo feud of Y2J vs CM Punk for example?

Now you have two champions, if Punk wants to come back and play champ when it suits him to headline the biggest event of the year

And also should WWE do stuff like this more often I mean other sports do.

I think it has more hype to it when there are two champs even in this type of way it could draw a lot more into the title match if Rock Cena becomes non title as it should be, and then the World title will also stand on its own for SD! but with all the focus on Cena and Rock you need to sell your other matches just as hard and what better way than keep this Punk thing going till Mania, have someone be the interim champ and save_us the WWE and be the undisputed champ and bring the gold home and be the clear sole champ

just a thought
I like the idea of having the HHH Champion vs the WWE Champion to unify the belts and have one distinctive champion for RAW, and obviously the best place for a match like that would be at Wrestlemania but then that leaves the issue of what you do to make a World Heavyweight Championship match at Mania mean anything compared to Rock vs Cena and WWE vs Punk.

What are you going to do, have Undertaker win ANOTHER Rumble and make Orton vs Taker in a streak vs title match? That's been done way too many times in the past and it's a cheap copout because we all know that Taker isn't going to lose, the focus needs to be on making the best match possible but that's a discussion for another thread. Are they going to keep the Danielson thing going until Mania? I highly doubt they want a guy that new to the company to be in one of the main events at Mania. There's not a lot of things they CAN do on Smackdown to make the World title hold up to that kind of hype around a WWE Championship match so if there going to do this they may as well start packing up over on Smackdown now.

Don't get me wrong it's a great idea, but I just don't like the thought of the World Heavyweight Championship having to get pushed out of the picture any more then it already has been.
I thought about this when he won too. I for one think it will probably happen. Maybe not at Mania, but it'll happen. They can't just have Punk return and not acknowledge the fact that he went out as champ.

As for who he'd go up against, depends. You'd think he would come back as a tweener, so If it's at Mania, maybe a heel like Alberto Del Rio, The Miz, or even a Corrupt chairman in Triple H who uses his power to capture the title. But if it were to happen before, or after Mania, the obvious one would be Cena.
This may be crazy...but how about this at Wrestlemania. John Cena defends his WWE Championship against The Rock and CM Punk defends his WWE Championship against Stone Cold... Punk can come back a month before mania and claim he never lost the title. Cena can say he's actually been defending and competing so he should be the rightful champ. Both men defend their titles in their respective matches and the winner of the matches will then meet at the next PPV to unify and crown an Undisputed champ. Potentially setting up for Cena vs. Austin, Cena vs. Punk, or Punk vs. Rock

It should obviously end up being Punk vs. Cena to unify the titles but it would be a nice little set up and put both men in a Main Event at Mania. Everyone wins. Especially the audience.
Folks, when will the "E" understand that CENA-ROCK will not sell more......or less.......if the title is involved. I can't fuckin stand this ROCK - CENA bullshit because it over shadows and pisses in the face of the other wrestlers that carry each show. I want a fucking title match that doesn't involve those two monkees. I can't stand either one of them anyway. Both should go get involved in scandals and dissapear somewhere so I don't have to listen to thier annoying promos anymore. I have no interest in CENA-ROCK as a title match.

PS.....Leave Austin alone. If he has 1 more match, it's fucking ******ed to throw him into the Rock/CENA/PUNK/TITLE mix. An Austin match needs to stand alone with it's own itinerary or it's useless.
My feeling is this - Punk returns at some point in the fall to face the new WWE champion, combine the two belts and have an Undisputed champion on the RAW brand. This could potentially lead to the Smackdown champion challenging the Undisputed WWE champion, saying "there can be no Undisputed champion until you face me" or something like that. Gut feeling tells me that we could see Orton vs. Punk for the Undisputed WWE title at Wrestlemania 28. There has been talk for quite some time about combining the two world championships, and this may be the right time to do it.
This probably wouldn't be acknowledged for storyline purposes, but aren't champions in the WWE required to defend their title at least once every 30 days? If that is the rule, then Punk could be gone for months and technically not be the WWE Champion anymore anyway since he didn't defend it.

I suppose Triple H could "change" that rule now that he's running WWE, but why would he? Most likely they'll just forget that rule exists and let Punk come back as champion so he can feud with whoever the champion is while he was gone.

Still though... Call me a stickler, but I don't like it when WWE does something that doesn't make any sense within their own set of rules, storyline or not. Keep it consistent! Everything else about the storyline has been amazing, but that would be a flaw if Punk came back still recognized as champion (if it's over a month).
This probably wouldn't be acknowledged for storyline purposes, but aren't champions in the WWE required to defend their title at least once every 30 days? If that is the rule, then Punk could be gone for months and technically not be the WWE Champion anymore anyway since he didn't defend it.

I suppose Triple H could "change" that rule now that he's running WWE, but why would he? Most likely they'll just forget that rule exists and let Punk come back as champion so he can feud with whoever the champion is while he was gone.

Still though... Call me a stickler, but I don't like it when WWE does something that doesn't make any sense within their own set of rules, storyline or not. Keep it consistent! Everything else about the storyline has been amazing, but that would be a flaw if Punk came back still recognized as champion (if it's over a month).

If Punk comes back after 30 days then 'technically' he would've been stripped of the title. Since he said he was taking the title and actually 'leaving' (implying forever), WWE (kayfabe) needs to crown a new champ.

But if Punk ever comes back, while WWE might not acknowledge him as current champion (citing the 30 day thing/him leaving for good), they can't deny that he was never actually beaten. A claim, given precedance set by HBK/Razor, that can lead to Punk having a championship match.
Crap like that is long past dead. In this day and age, it would be hard to believe WWE doesn't have the kind of fail-safe to prevent something like this. Whether we are supposed to suspend our disbelief or not. Punk can come in and claim he never lost the title, but that would change the fact that the title is officially under someone else's hands.

When it happened with Shawn Michaels and Razor Ramon, it was not acknowledged as two separate reigns. Ramon was officially the champion. Shawn just acted as though he was the real champion. Not only that, but that time Shawn never left the WWE. CM Punk did.

This idea would be a mess that would make Punk look like whiner. This isn't UFC. There won't be a feeling of sport in it.
Technically, isn't Punk stripped of the WWE Championship? They held a tournament to crown a new champ. Really the only thing he's got going for him is that he's got the actual belt (Similar to when Lesnar left New Japan with the belt) and that he can claim to be the champ to discredit whoever is champ when he returns.

I see a Punk vs. Cena rematch potentially happening around Survivor Series. Either way you look at it Rock vs. Cena for the WWE Championship is happening at Mania. There's also the possibility that Rock could win the belt...
I had been discussing the idea of a interim vs actual championship match with a friend of mine.. although I do think its a great idea I think that Wrestlemania is way too far ahead in time for this to take place.. Were talking April 1st which is about 8 months away.. That is far too much time to try and drag out the CM Punk storyline because a. it would die out b. the buzz around it needs to be cashed in on sooner rather than later..

I do agree that Rock vs Cena should not be a title match because the stardom of John and Rocky are more than enough to carry the match without the title being being on the line.. plus it would be a slap in the face to everyone on the roster who have busted their ass day after day only for Dwayne to stroll in as he feels and get a title match.

Look at it this way..
Rock and Cena which is without a doubt the main event.
WWE Raw title match
World heavyweight Smackdown title match
IC title match
US title match
tag team title match
divas title match
and any other big fueds that dont involve any titles..

By leaving the the belt out of the Rock and Cena showdown it will add more excitment to whichever other match that it is featured in.. this seriously has the potential to be one of the best Mania's of all time.. and I think its been a good 5 years since we could say that about a Wrestlemania IMHO.

I think that would make a very interesting storyline if they went that route. The should let the interim champion (probably Del Rio cashing in tonight on Rey after defeating Miz) remain on top for a few months. Punk and the real title will be on people's minds. Hype will surround his return. Then a unification storyline could begin with Del Rio or whoever is champion by that point. Punk would need to win in the end because he has the orginal title which should be the one that matters.
I thought about this too but with Cena facing Punk instead but I doubt it will happen at Wrestlemania. I think it will likely happen at Night Of Champions, it's a more fitting PPV for this kind of match.

I think what will happen is Mysterio will win the WWE Title on Raw then Cena will come out and claim he has a rematch clause for the WWE Title, so he cashes it on Mysterio and we have Mysterio vs. Cena for the WWE Title at Summerslam (if you seen reports, they have something major planned for Mysterio at SS, so I think it's this). Cena wins then Punk comes right out afterwards, announcing he's back then challenges Cena for NoC to determine who the real WWE Champion is.
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