FOR ONCE, I agree with Mark Madden.


Getting Noticed By Management
Will wonders ever cease? I actually agree with Mark Madden for once, with his new editorial about the crap that went down at the TNA PPV this last Sunday. I may not agree that Matt Hardy and Shannon Moore should be fired, but the rest of it about hits the nail on the head. TNA should be ashamed for letting this happen and people should pay for it. Read it and speak your mind on his thoughts, which are actually quite true for once and don't feel like they are spoken out of spite.
You're right, Madden was dead on.

I even agree about the Hardy's and Moore. I'm surprised we haven't yet seen Helms in TNA. If you get rid of one, the rest of the traveling circus of butt buddies is sure to follow. I hope they all 4 end up re-starting OMEGA again. Let them do their thing and let us focus on the guys who give a damn about wrestling.
both of you guys bring up excellent points i cant really come up with anything better what happened was CRAP the people should have DEMANDED their money back!!!! I know i would this just goes to prove that TNA is history (if it ever gets mentioned in history)

T Total
N Non stop
W Why? Please stop
You're right, Madden was dead on.

I even agree about the Hardy's and Moore. I'm surprised we haven't yet seen Helms in TNA. If you get rid of one, the rest of the traveling circus of butt buddies is sure to follow. I hope they all 4 end up re-starting OMEGA again. Let them do their thing and let us focus on the guys who give a damn about wrestling.
I can't agree with this though. You can't punish a group of people because they are friends or related to an idiot. After the match Matt Hardy had with AJ Styles at the Pay Per View, it proves the guy can still pull a great match and will hopefully continue to get his head wired on straight. Ink Inc. also is a good little young Tag team. Sorry, you need Shannon Moore for it to work. These two guys seem to be at least trying, unlike Jeff. Well, maybe Jeff is trying . . . every single narcotic you drop in front of him, that is.:confused:
I've always been a fan of Mark Madden. This editorial was spot on. Both Hardy's are garbage. They've always been. Jeff was tolerable because of all the stunts off the ladder. Matt's a joke. I used to hear about what a great wrestler he was. He's not a great wrestler. He's just a dude that bought into his own hype. As far as firing Shannon Moore, Mark, really.... you're talking about HB2K, lol.
both of you guys bring up excellent points i cant really come up with anything better what happened was CRAP the people should have DEMANDED their money back!!!! I know i would this just goes to prove that TNA is history (if it ever gets mentioned in history)

T Total
N Non stop
W Why? Please stop
I never said that TNA should go away and that it's history. It does, however, need to get it straight or it will be and what happened last night, I feel, will go down as the beginning of the end for the company, if it dies. I hope not as I really want an alternative to WWE, but this is getting ridiculous.
Mark Madden is my hero. No truer words have ever been spoken about TNA. JR would be the best person to build TNA to prominence, but I seriously doubt he will ever leave WWE.
Well T2K.... I know where you're coming from there. I was a little off in my point I suppose....

Jeff should be gone, at the very least til he gets himself together. I wasn't discrediting Matt and Shannon's abilities (I even admit, Matt has been doing better lately). It was more of me saying that these guys like to work together and usually end up in the same place, so if you have to get rid of Jeff, maybe it would just be smarter to trim the fat now instead of getting screwed again down the road.
I never said that TNA should go away and that it's history. It does, however, need to get it straight or it will be and what happened last night, I feel, will go down as the beginning of the end for the company, if it dies. I hope not as I really want an alternative to WWE, but this is getting ridiculous.

ahh i must have misunderstood but we both agree that they need to straighten out and i mean SOON or else the death of tna will come THIS YEAR NO DOUBT
I agree with Mark Madden's commentary except for a few points.

1.) Firing Matt Hardy and Shannon Moore. They might not be the best wrestlers in the world, and self-trained, but shouldn't be punished for the sins of their brother/friend.

2.) The fans/marks have turned on the Hardys. It's not so much that fans and marks have turned on the brothers, but I think it more that fans are truly worried about the well being and health of Jeff Hardy. A man on drugs isn't thinking clearly, or for the well being of anyone.

Now, I don't know all the facts, and don't truly know if Jeff was under the influence. We're all just connecting the links and making guesses. One way would answer all questions: drug test Jeff. He should have been immediately tested upon showing up at the Impact Zone for work appearing as if he's under the influence. He should NOT, EVER, be sent to the ring to work in such a condition. It's dangerous to Steve Borden, himself, and disrespectful to TNA, Sting, other TNA wrestlers, and most of all, the fans!

Management should never have let Jeff Hardy step out from behind the curtain or get anywhere near the ring if they had any reason to suspect that he was impaired. And the worst part, to allow him to continue to be in the main event shows others in the TNA locker room that Jeff Hardy's status is above their safety as performers. This is a very dangerous message to send. What if Jeff Hardy shows up to Impact under the influence and is told to perform in a match with AJ Styles, or Kaz, or Crimson, or anyone. How can any wrestler believe they can perform their moves on Jeff safely without risking his life (or theirs)?

Now I know I'm not a wrestler, never wrestled a match, or trained to be a wrestler. But I'm assuming that when you step in the ring with an opponent, you are providing a verbal bond with your opponent that you will do your absolute best to not only provide an entertaining match, but to do your absolute best to keep your opponent safe. When you perform a suplex, a DDT, an Attitude Adjustment, an RKO, a Pele, a DWI, your opponent is trusting that you will perform the move to not only entertain the fans, but do it in a manner that will keep you safe. Accidents happen, sure. But after last night, who's going to want to step in the ring with Jeff Hardy and risk their lives and Jeff's?!
Madden was completely spot on with his assessment of Hardy, just 100 percent correct. Honestly what company lets a guy go out there in that type of condition?? You could see it as soon as he was coming down the ring! Literally stumbling in the ring. Now I'm not trying deflect Hardy's issue, but when you have a employee who comes into work not sober in any way shape or form, you call him a cab, send him home and consider what to do from there. You do not, under any circumstances let him work, especially if A) he is in Public relations (which hardy is in a way) or B) is in a position to hurt himself, and others. That is just unacceptable and quite frankly if the owners of TNA, Panda Energy don't do anything about that, the whole company should be reported to the better Business Bureau.
The rest of it, I see as simple wishful thinking. Moore is a solid midcarder, and Matt hasn't done anything yet to make me say, "yeah fire him". As with J.R, anyone's guess is as good as mine, but from what he has stated it's hard to see him leaving for TNA.
Why is EVERYBODY missing the fact that Mark Madden hasn't posted ANYTHING about TNA in months? This guy just sits back and waits for something bad to happen in TNA so he can just shit all over it... We haven't heard anything from Mr. Madden because TNA's ratings have been up, and they have been doing better business so far this year.

Then Jeff Hardy f**ks up, and all of a sudden Mr. Madden is right there to remind us all that TNA sucks!!! Blow me, Mark... Mark Madden is an idiot, period. Jeff Hardy probably needs to be suspended and drug tested before every appearance he makes when/if he comes back. Jeff needs help.

As far as Matt & Shannon needing to be fired, what? What did Matt & Shannon do? Matt wrestled the match of the night last night with AJ, and Shannon had a solid tag match...
Why is EVERYBODY missing the fact that Mark Madden hasn't posted ANYTHING about TNA in months? This guy just sits back and waits for something bad to happen in TNA so he can just shit all over it... We haven't heard anything from Mr. Madden because TNA's ratings have been up, and they have been doing better business so far this year.
Mark Madden posts a column almost weekly about TNA. As well as contributes almost weekly about TNA in Chair Shot Reality. I usually take everything Mark Madden says with a grain of salt: he's not a wrestler. He has history with Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan. However, he hit it right on the head here. Management showed very poor judgment last night in regards to the main event last night, and everything Mark Madden said, TNA management deserved.

Then Jeff Hardy f**ks up, and all of a sudden Mr. Madden is right there to remind us all that TNA sucks!!! Blow me, Mark... Mark Madden is an idiot, period. Jeff Hardy probably needs to be suspended and drug tested before every appearance he makes when/if he comes back. Jeff needs help.
Mark Madden does seem to relish every opportunity to jump on TNA, TNA writers, TNA wrestlers, TNA fans, and everything associated with those things. To call him an idiot is a little far. He has more inside knowledge and know-how of the wrestling business than the both of us combined. He's smart enough to know to stay away from the business and stay on his radio show. He's smart enough to know how to collect a paycheck writing a wrestling article read by thousands, if not millions, of wrestling fans. And he's smart enough to make an article interesting enough that we, the fans, comment on it on a wrestling news site forums board.

As far as Matt & Shannon needing to be fired, what? What did Matt & Shannon do? Matt wrestled the match of the night last night with AJ, and Shannon had a solid tag match...
I completely agree here. To fire Matt Hardy and Shannon Moore seems a little extreme. Why punish these two for the sins of their brother/friend? Who cares that they trained on their background trampoline? Many fans haven't turned on Jeff or Matt, we just wish Jeff would get his shit together and take care of himself before he becomes the next wrestling tragedy.
Madden is totally right here. Whoever was in charge to let the main event happen should be fired. Hardy should be fired as well. I wouldn't put Matt Hardy or Shannon Moore in the same boat as Hardy, but its not like they are contributing much to the show anyway. TNA needs to stop with the bullshit and have a regular wrestling show for once. Remember those days? No power struggles, weddings, or doped out champions. They owe a big apology to the fans and better come up with something if they want to keep their base.
I usually hate reading his editorials because they're always bashing bashing, primarily TNA. However, this one is dead on and I completely agree with him that Jeff Hardy needs to be released - TNA deserved this negative commentary.
Wow, everyone agrees that Jeff should be fired. Didn't we all agree on this BEFORE Madden chimed in.

Preview of next week's Madden:

spoilers: grass is green!

This board:
Bah, I agree with what he had to say about Jeff but honestly, coming down on Moore and Matt was rather childish and gratuitous. Matt is great on the mic and keeps getting better while his match at the PPV was solid. Moore, although I am not a fan, impressed me during the tag match as well. The match was highly entertaining, and he kept the moment going while selling his smaller build and nicely playing the role of the "faster/agile" guy in the ring vs. Beer Money's power-game.

So Madden can shut up about them.

As far as dignity and shame, please, I'm not going to defend TNA's decesion on sending out Jeff but I will say that having senior citizens like Mae Young eating dogfood while wrestling in mud in their underwear is not exactly dignified.

So he could shut up about that too...

But yes, as far as what the editorial had to say about Jeff, I agree... fire him.
Sorry folks but Mark Madden is yet again not 100 percent completely right. Madden's the most right he's ever been (about 50 percent) but no Madden is still not able to form or present an opinion without his TNA bias. If Jeff Hardy was impaired last night, and it was real, then yes he's a fuck up who fucked over the company and the fans. He needs help, the wrestling business shouldn't have to owe Hardy a whole lot but keep in mind Hardy's put his body on the line for the wrestling business in great matches for 15 years. This doesn't excuse his drug behaviour, if this is in fact real, but i can see how wrestlers who hurt their bodys day in and day out need an escape to deal with the pain and stress of such a job. What Hardy is claimed to have done is completely unprofessional and he would get fired from most jobs. He will most likely fuck up again and again given any more chances. I still think the wrestling business has a duty, especially to its stars who have paid their dues for the companies, to get proper help paid for them to overcome their addictions fuelled by years of performing at high, stressful levels. These stars, however, should not be thrown out on stage when their all messed up and asked to perform for a minute. He should have been replaced in the match. TNA hung Hardy out to dry by putting him out there, he hung them out to dry showing up in his condition. And the fans who watched the event were hung out to dry. The situation is so stupid. Yes, someone should be fired.

Anyway, Madden's right that this was a total embarrassment and that TNA fans and other wrestlers deserved better. Think of all the fans who paid for that PPV, they may never buy another TNA PPV again. It was a stupid ass move by a company seemingly reverting back to WCW 2000 and i hope to god it wasn't constructed to generate attention because this will NOT generate interest whatsoever. This is one of the worst things that could happen to TNA (a million times worse than the 3/3/11 thing, which wasn't anything at all). Perhaps Hogan and Bischoff want to be fired or perhaps they've been paid off by McMahon to destroy Dixie and the Jarretts. Hardy should not have been sent to the ring last night, drugged or faking it, it was a bullshit move and I, a poster here who defends TNA any chance I get, cannot defend this. Madden's right, this was absolutely disgraceful like something out of WCW 2000. Whoever thought it was ok for Jeff to wrestle even for a minute last night should be fired. Real or not, it was just stupid. It will not generate interest. No one wants to see a drugged out clown getting pinned in a minute, real or not.

Firing everyone Hardy knows though isn't going to solve shit. Bringing JR to run TNA is a fucking stupid move. JR has health problems, he has NO experience running a company. It's stupid. Madden was right about Heyman though, Heyman's a bullshitter con artist. I'm starting to think Mark Madden should be hired to fix TNA. Seriously, at this point, WZ fans think Madden's a genius so how could he go wrong if he had absolute control of TNA and the internet community behind him? Still though, Madden's not 100 percent right. He's closer than usual, but still only half right.
Mark Madden does seem to relish every opportunity to jump on TNA, TNA writers, TNA wrestlers, TNA fans, and everything associated with those things. To call him an idiot is a little far. He has more inside knowledge and know-how of the wrestling business than the both of us combined. He's smart enough to know to stay away from the business and stay on his radio show. He's smart enough to know how to collect a paycheck writing a wrestling article read by thousands, if not millions, of wrestling fans. And he's smart enough to make an article interesting enough that we, the fans, comment on it on a wrestling news site forums board.

I agree with you to a certain extent, but I still stand by my comment that Mark Madden is an idiot... So what if Mark Madden has "insider knowledge"? Hulk Hogan & Eric Bischoff have WAY more insider knowledge than just about anybody. And still, how many of the people on here say that they should be fired for what happend last night? Mark Madden's "insider knowledge" is negated by the fact that he hates Hulk Hogan & Eric Bischoff. Therefore Madden cannot complete a rational thought when speaking about TNA. With that said, Madden is an idiot because he cannot look at this from an unbiased & professional point of view.
I love Jeff, I've been his fan for years but he's got issues.

That being said, I feel like Matt should be held responsible for his brother. Maybe not completely but to a certain extent. They ARE family and I've seen several videos where he sticks up for Jeff when people talk about his drug use. I know he can't control Jeff but I think he's a bit of an enabler and enablers might as well be the dealer in some cases. He followed his brother to TNA, as his blood he needs to get management to take action before he kills someone.
I usually can't stand the guy but as much as I hate to say it he is right jeff needs to feel responsiblity for actions just releasing him won't do that. Now fireing matt or moore may be a little harsh but suspending them maybe. madden is right make the guy hit rock bottom then he can make the choice to go to rehab or die. I think he should be released but TNA should have a contract waiting for him if and when he sorts himself out.
matt hardy doesnt doing things properly in TNA.

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