Focusing on one thing at a time

Christian Battlez

Getting Noticed By Management
I wanna put all my work into the thread I just started in the Book This section to build some life back into that forum. Therefore I am ceasing all current Book This projects including a Night after WM 26 and the SVR 2009 one I was gonna do. I wanna put all my work into this new one to make it succeed. Sorry for any readers that will miss the shows but tune into the new one.

The Big Four: The new Boom Period in Wrestling
See this is why some of the Book This stuff is hard to follow and get interest in, people dont stick with what they are doing, so why follow anything they start?
trust me this is gonna be such an interesting read. the reason im dropping the other one is to focus on this one not to diminis the other one. I don't wanna do it but this one is gonna be unique and different im ired of doing generic WWE feds. This will be worth it I promise. Tune in.
The best way to keep it interesting, is to use your own roster. Stop using ones that we've been seeing week in and week out for years now.

And, it's possible to focus on a BT, and still get the writing done. I do it all the time. It's called Microsoft Word.

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