Flogging Molly or Dropkick Murphys


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
Both of them are Celtic Punk bands with DkM being from Boston and FM from LA. They've been active fro pretty much the same amount of time (DkM since '96 & FM since '97).



These are just a couple of my favorite songs and in the caseof DkM possibly there best known songs.​

DkM: These guys have more of the Punk feel to them. When I think of today's Punk music this kind of music is what comes to mind. They're a bit more hard than FM. i have all the albums and listen to them all the time.​

FM: a bit softer and not what I think of right away when i tihnk of Punk music but I absolutely love the violins and wind instruments they use in their songs. I know DkM has celtic type insturments in their music as well(Bagpies in Warrior's Code & an Accordion in Shiping up to Boston [Althoug i don't think Accordions are celtic exactly but you know what I mean]) but with FM they're more pronounced wich is good in this type of music.​

This was a difficult choice but after listening to a few albums from both of them as well as the songs I posted I have to go with Flogging Molly. You have to remember that both of them are Celtic Punk bands and Flogging Molly has more of that Celtic/Irish feel to it.​
I really like both and I don't think they can be compared. Sure both bands are playing Irish-inspired music but it differs too much to make a fair comparison IMO. DkM are more Punk, but FM have a more traditional sound. It depends on how I'm feeling. Somedays I prefer a more traditional approach, on others I prefer Punk.
Flogging Molly and Dropkick Murphys are both good bands. They have similar sounds, however, I have to say that I like Flogging Molly more because I enjoy pretty much everything they have released and own two of their cd's whereas with Dropkick Murphys I pretty much only like their singles. I really love the Celtic sound that Flogging Molly's songs have to them.
They are very different bands, and although I enjoy both, I do not know that many songs from either. The ones I have heard though, I do like.

I would say if I had to choose, it would probably be Flogging Molly, I prefer the more traditional style of their music over the more punky aggressive Dropkick Murphys.
I am listening to Dropkicks as I type this I love there more Punk approach and there traditional Irish is still there listen to the Boondocks Saint theme they did. I love Flogging Molly to but they can get a little to traditional for me, like there Float album. So DKM for me.
Firstoff I will say that I love and respect both bands, but if I have to pick i'll go with Dropkick Murphys. While FM has the more traditional feel which I love I prefer DM's singer. Also I would say overall I like more of DM's songs and own more than FM's stuff.
Gotta say GA, i'm very surprised you didnt include Drunken Lulabies, that's Flogging Molly's best!

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