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Flair to SD? What about Hogan?


Pre-Show Stalwart
So we read on the WZ news board, the report about Bonnie Hammer and the Exec's at the network wanting to bring back Flair. Vince will probably budge eventually because he knows that it is what's best for his business and business relationships with both Flair and Bonnie.
Aside from that backstage politics, where would you put Flair on Smackdown, how would you involve him, clearly he wouldn't be active competitor, but what else can he do??

My ideas;

General Manager
Teddy Long is promoted to RAW GM, after his years of dedication to WWE he finally runs the "Flagship" show. Plus he is getting stale on Smackdown, angles with other superstars on RAW for Long could do him good. Vince announces Flair as the new GM for Smackdown? Or..
In the spirit of bringing Smackdown to the next level, have a storyline with Flair investing in Smackdown, putting money into the brand and buying it from Vince. I know that only just happened with Trump/RAW but somewhere a few months down the line, just WWE will put a different spin on it. Flair says how Vince never devoted enough time to Smackdown, and that he will use what incredible talent there is on Smackdown to bring it to the same recognisable/house hold name level as RAW.

Flair opens Smackdown in a couple of weeks, or when Smackdown is next in Charlotte, and he tells the fans he is looking for a new client. He took Triple H, Randy Orton and Batista and made them all what they are today on some level they ALL have to recognise it, even Randy. Flair tells the fans how he loves the business, and since he can't wrestle in WWE anymore, he has to do the next best thing. Find someone to invest his time with...

Then........'s music hits.

My choices for Flair would be,

John Morrison
A true competitor, failed attempts at winning his first World title, Flair's help can only elevate this young stars game. Flair would educate him a bit more in Submission wrestling, perhaps Morrison would have a new Submission finisher. Keep him more fresh than he already is.

Matt Hardy
It seems clear to me that Matt is posed to apologise to Jeff perhaps and/or screw him again at Summerslam, so he will probably take Jeff's spot on the roster when he goes. The addition of fellow North Cacalacian Ric Flair as his new manager would allow the fans to take a different look at one of the Hardy brothers, Matt can learn more basic ring skills rather than just the flashy/high risk he relies on. I think the only problem for this is Matt would probably have to be face. So unless he runs down at SS to help Jeff and ends up costing him accidently, or doesn't manage to. Apologies after to Jeff, turning him face, and Jeff turns round and hits him with a Twist of Fate for the last time, setting up a possible Jeff heel return.

Dolph Ziggler
Flair runs out at Summerslam and costs Rey the IC title, against Ziggler and celebrates with him in the ring. Flair heel?? Hmm. But I think it would be a perfect fit, Ziggler is young brash and like Flair in his prime. Flair sees that and invests him self in making Ziggler a star. Flair is too over as face I think and Ziggler too over as heel. Unless the angle takes place over a long period of time and shows both being tweeners, and then eventually Flair turns heel?

The Hart Dynasty
The mouth piece for the next generation. I think that this is the least likely one to happen, but perhaps the one I'd most like too see in a strange way. It's known Flair and Bret don't get along, this could be a real kick in the teeth on the part of Vince to Bret. But I don't think that the young Harts would be happy with it, knowing what we know. But at the end of the day, if it gets them over? I don't see why not.

What are other peoples thoughts?
wow a very refreshing idea. I liked the whole him and matt hardy thing, but when i read the ziggler one it has to be ziggler. they could even turn ziggler face since flair is so over anyways. ziggler that could be that top face smackdown will need. he could become world champ, and down the line switch it up like flair. awesome idea. not so much the hart dynasty cuz they need to find their niche first. dont like him and jomo together either. or another alternative would be flair comes in as a heel by some miracle and sides with ziggler which would be legendary and catapult ziggler like batista and orton. flair could say jomo is like a young hbk and he hates hbk for what he did to him.
Flair being a possible manager for a wrestler did not occur to me. Honestly, I don't want Flair to return to live WWE shows. I cringe whenever he goes on the mic, and whenever he does a physical stint (even something like getting beaten up by Jericho) I am on the edge of my seat, and not in a good way.

However, if he was a manager, I wouldn't mind his return. I think managers are widely underused in the WWE today, and Flair would be a good addition for the lucky performer he'd get paired up with. Flair could draw some notable ratings for Smackdown if that is where he went, and could be the fuel for a push for a rising star.
If Flair were to come back to Smackdown i think he could be a great manager for one Dolph Ziggler. I dunno. they both have the kinda, ha wer better than you and you know it look to them that could reely make a great team. Flair could be Dolphs voice of reason where as Ziggler could take care of all the stuff inside of the ring. I think this would futher the carear of ziggler and i think it could notch Flair another little bit up in peoples respect books for willing to help promising young talents. And dolph ziggler is defently a young talent!

Or he could come back as a GM. He could comeout and say...Teddy...Your Fired!...and your new GM is...Ric Flair. The fans would go nuts. He could do a double role as both a manager and a GM but i highly doubt it.
I hope not let sleeping dogs lie.

He wasnt a great GM when he was the GM of Raw after the WCW/ECW Invasion, and honestly what could he add to Smackdown? and what would they do with Long?
According to the WZ news site, NBC is constantly up Vince McMahon's ass to do something "shocking or special" in order to garner continued interest or increased interest in the WWE.

O.K. - those may not have been the exact words, but if you read the posts you'll get the picture.

Anyway, NBC higher ups want McMahon to bring Flair back to TV and Hogan just had some kind of laser surgery on his back and says he wants to wrestle again if the surgery allows him to do so.

I'm sure NBC execs would hav no issue with bringing he greatest entertainer / wrestler of all time back, so should McMahon find a way to bring Flair and Hogan back as a team ??

Truthfully, I have no idea how he could do it or how it would work, but IMO it would draw mass ratings for Raw, Smackdown or ECW. Anyone who ever watched wrestling would at least tune in and if Vince and creative could make it interesting, the WWE may retain a good portion of the returning audience with the new kid-friendly concept.
ZT you beat me to the punch about the Hogan part. I was going to post a new thread about this but I guess I haven't posted enough replies yet to do it. Anywho, this is hard to admit but after reading the story earlier today on WZ I went ahead and watched Brooke Knows Best tonight to see what Hogan said about it. From what I gathered Hulk is getting low on money, they showed a picture of the house he lives at now and it's far from a mansion to say the least. So if the risky surgery he had does work out in his favor then I really think Hogan is dead serious about coming back and trying to wrestle. Would it be pretty HELL NO but when in the last 15 years has Hogan really had that many good technical matches. I sure as hell would mark out if he showed up at Raw in the next few months. As for Flair, I think him going to Smackdown would be a great idea, not to wrestle but to GM or manage someone like Timmy mentioned above. If Flair does come back which I think he will, then he needs to stay out of in ring action, he's retired as a wrestle stay that way. But any other role would be great. In closing, the difference between the two is this, if Hogan comes back he will only come back to wrestle on occasion. Hogan as a GM or any other non wrestling role probably wouldn't work, unless he was going head to head with Flair in a Smackdown vs Raw GM type storyline. As for Flair, a GM/Manager role would be the only option IMO, I don't care what NBC says!
So we read on the WZ news board, the report about Bonnie Hammer and the Exec's at the network wanting to bring back Flair. Vince will probably budge eventually because he knows that it is what's best for his business and business relationships with both Flair and Bonnie.
Aside from that backstage politics, where would you put Flair on Smackdown, how would you involve him, clearly he wouldn't be active competitor, but what else can he do??

My ideas;

General Manager
Teddy Long is promoted to RAW GM, after his years of dedication to WWE he finally runs the "Flagship" show. Plus he is getting stale on Smackdown, angles with other superstars on RAW for Long could do him good. Vince announces Flair as the new GM for Smackdown? Or..
In the spirit of bringing Smackdown to the next level, have a storyline with Flair investing in Smackdown, putting money into the brand and buying it from Vince. I know that only just happened with Trump/RAW but somewhere a few months down the line, just WWE will put a different spin on it. Flair says how Vince never devoted enough time to Smackdown, and that he will use what incredible talent there is on Smackdown to bring it to the same recognisable/house hold name level as RAW.

Flair opens Smackdown in a couple of weeks, or when Smackdown is next in Charlotte, and he tells the fans he is looking for a new client. He took Triple H, Randy Orton and Batista and made them all what they are today on some level they ALL have to recognise it, even Randy. Flair tells the fans how he loves the business, and since he can't wrestle in WWE anymore, he has to do the next best thing. Find someone to invest his time with...

Then........'s music hits.

My choices for Flair would be,

John Morrison
A true competitor, failed attempts at winning his first World title, Flair's help can only elevate this young stars game. Flair would educate him a bit more in Submission wrestling, perhaps Morrison would have a new Submission finisher. Keep him more fresh than he already is.

Matt Hardy
It seems clear to me that Matt is posed to apologise to Jeff perhaps and/or screw him again at Summerslam, so he will probably take Jeff's spot on the roster when he goes. The addition of fellow North Cacalacian Ric Flair as his new manager would allow the fans to take a different look at one of the Hardy brothers, Matt can learn more basic ring skills rather than just the flashy/high risk he relies on. I think the only problem for this is Matt would probably have to be face. So unless he runs down at SS to help Jeff and ends up costing him accidently, or doesn't manage to. Apologies after to Jeff, turning him face, and Jeff turns round and hits him with a Twist of Fate for the last time, setting up a possible Jeff heel return.

Dolph Ziggler
Flair runs out at Summerslam and costs Rey the IC title, against Ziggler and celebrates with him in the ring. Flair heel?? Hmm. But I think it would be a perfect fit, Ziggler is young brash and like Flair in his prime. Flair sees that and invests him self in making Ziggler a star. Flair is too over as face I think and Ziggler too over as heel. Unless the angle takes place over a long period of time and shows both being tweeners, and then eventually Flair turns heel?

The Hart Dynasty
The mouth piece for the next generation. I think that this is the least likely one to happen, but perhaps the one I'd most like too see in a strange way. It's known Flair and Bret don't get along, this could be a real kick in the teeth on the part of Vince to Bret. But I don't think that the young Harts would be happy with it, knowing what we know. But at the end of the day, if it gets them over? I don't see why not.

What are other peoples thoughts?

I'd say Matt Hardy's action weren't aimed at an apology, i think it was to keep the title on Jeff so he could take it at SummerSlam and keep the title on a Hardy and he will "injure" jeff so severly "storyline wise" he'd have to take time off which he is anyway..

If he was gonna appologize he woulda already done it. :)

IMHO As for Bret and Vince's dischord i doubt that exists anymore anywhere near as much as some people seem to think they have moved on. Only people who bring it up are fans who knew what happend at the PPV and things that happened after from that era and assume they still hate each other.

If Vince truely hated him he would never have let him into the HOF regardless of what the fans wanted.

Flair coming back, i think Teddy Long is on his way out, he's barely has any impact on the show since he moved back to Smackdown (not saying thats his fault), so Flair could take over as GM.

But knowing Flair if he was around ringside he'd get to ansy and want to get back in the ring and compete. Granted he'd put young guys over, but he's currently in his 4th retirement run. Give us a break, :)

Give him the GM job, he'd do a good job at that.

John Morrison failed World Title attempts - um he was an ECW champ u remember that?.
Thats still technically a world title. and he beat CM Punk numerous times during that run b4 Punk went to RAW.
I think they are jsut testing the waters with him as a face since he's always been heel/semi-heel.

Still it was a good post.

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