Five Wrestlers ask for release from TNA this/last week?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Apparently Kaz and Homicide have recently asked for their release from TNA with Kaz frustrated where the Suicide charachter is going direction wise and Homicide shafted to allow Hernandez to be pushed as a singles wrestler as the TNA president wanted to.

Wondering what your thoughts are on Dixie Carter stating wrestlers can leave last week on Impact and then prohibiting them from doing this? Also anyone else know who asked for their releases?

Also with morale looking low with the wrestlers not interested in her speech where does this leave TNAs future?
I called the Homicide request months ago among friends. I kept saying that despite the fact that Homicide was the "face" of LAX, the real work of the group was being carried by Hernandez, who people would likely flock to if he were pushed, and Homicide's lack of a real "look" would ultimately watch him fall out of favor with the TNA fans. I was right. He ended up having to change his gimmick (a bit) by joining up with the WE in order to remain relevant. I dont' blame him for asking for his release, because before WE, and before the turn on Hernandez, he was going to end up going the route of Chris Harris – who suffered the same fate when AMW split, and the crowd followed Storm and not him.

If I had to guess as to who else asked for their release, I would probably venture a guess of any combination of three from guys like Consequences Creed, Alissa Flash, Bashir, Kiyoshi, Madison Rayne and I'll even throw in a wild card for ya with Samoa Joe.
I haven't seen this reported anywhere, but I'll go with the speculation...

It hasn't been a secret that Kaz isn't happy with the direction of his character. What's funny is that he didn't like the direction he was going in before, so they gave him the Suicide gimmick. If you ask me, he seems like a whiner, and will probably be given his release. It's a little sad though, because he has potential, and has been name a "Future Legend" by the Cauliflower Alley Club. He's had issues working on a character, and finally has one. If this won't work for him, then he needs to find something else to do for a career.

Homicide surprises me a bit. He has a title match Sunday, so I don't get why he'd be upset. Sure it doesn't look like he'll win, but that's no reason to give up. He's been at the top of that division for a while now, and needs to deal with it. He's simply not a main event guy yet.

I have no clue who the other three are, but hopefully they at least have legitimate gripes.
If I had to guess as to who else asked for their release, I would probably venture a guess of any combination of three from guys like Consequences Creed, Alissa Flash, Bashir, Kiyoshi, Madison Rayne and I'll even throw in a wild card for ya with Samoa Joe.

I can see it being Creed, Bashir, or Kiyoshi, simply because they're not used.

Madison Rayne would be a nut job for leaving. The Beautiful People is the best thing to happen to her, and is the only way she'll get legitimate ring time, let alone TV time. Her skills aren't that great, and she can certainly be replaced.

Samoa Joe isn't going anywhere. He's up to being the top heel again. I'd find his address, go to his house, and call him a ******.

Alissa Flash would sadden me, and for totally impartial reasons, I don't think it's her. TNA just dumped the Raisha character so she could focus on being just one person, and has given her solid TV time. Her match with Hamada was the KO MOTY, and her match last week with Tara was solid. She's the 2nd best worker they have in the KO division, and I'm sure they'd find a dollar value to keep her around.
Alissa Flash is being hailed as "The Future Legend", actually. Kaz' nickname was "The Future". Semantics, I know, but the word "legend" holds more weight with me.

Homicide initially asked for his release weeks ago, prior to his push with the World Elite, just after he was squashed in losing his X-Division title to Joe, who immediately moved onto a new program with Lashley (if I recall correctly), which made Homicide irrelevant – again. Homicide to me actually seems like more of the whiner, IMO.
I can see it being Creed, Bashir, or Kiyoshi, simply because they're not used.

Madison Rayne would be a nut job for leaving. The Beautiful People is the best thing to happen to her, and is the only way she'll get legitimate ring time, let alone TV time. Her skills aren't that great, and she can certainly be replaced.

Samoa Joe isn't going anywhere. He's up to being the top heel again. I'd find his address, go to his house, and call him a ******.

Alissa Flash would sadden me, and for totally impartial reasons, I don't think it's her. TNA just dumped the Raisha character so she could focus on being just one person, and has given her solid TV time. Her match with Hamada was the KO MOTY, and her match last week with Tara was solid. She's the 2nd best worker they have in the KO division, and I'm sure they'd find a dollar value to keep her around.

You have to keep in mind though, NS, these reports came out weeks ago. Prior to the last set of tapings. When Joe was being bounced around between a feud with Homicide, Lashley and whoever else. He literally bounced between three feuds in two months. There was very little build, and very little pay-off to any of them (aside from winning the X-Division title that he then just dropped to Red anyway), so I can see him as a wildcard for being one of the guys who asked for his release at that time. Ultimately why he was made to be the top heel in the company again.
Alissa Flash is being hailed as "The Future Legend", actually. Kaz' nickname was "The Future". Semantics, I know, but the word "legend" holds more weight with me.

I know that, but the Cauliflower Alley Club actually named both of them "Future Legends". They named Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit also. They're usually pretty good, as you can see, at naming these things.

Kaz is a great wrestler, and can do things in the ring that "wow" everyone, but he has the same problem as Daniels when it comes to developing a personality. It just doesn't happen. He needs to either learn to live with the Suicide gimmick, and what they give him, or find a job at Burger King and quit wasting their time.
While I agree that Kaz' issue seems to be more of a personal problem with actually learning how to make his character work, I don't really agree with the Daniels comparison, because IMO, Daniels actually has a strong character. His personality itself may not be all that interesting, since he's just "Daniels" now, and no longer the Fallen Angel, but even as a name, I thought he did a remarkable job putting the triple threat over with AJ and Joe at the next PPV on iMPACT!
First of all, I'll doubt the validity of this report until something actually happens.

But, assuming it's true, what a big surprise. :rolleyes: A couple of guys who can't work and get themselves over are whining because their spot in the second biggest wrestling company isn't what they want. Big deal. I mean, is anyone actually surprised Kaz is complaining? He's never been much more than a constant complainer. It's why he left TNA in the first place, it's why he never did anything in the WWE (I mean, he was actually appalled they asked him to cut his hair...and then within a month of leaving WWE, he had his hair cut), and it's why he'll always be a no one.

As for Homicide? Why is he even in TNA? The guy just plain is not a good wrestler. He's Petey Williams part 2. Boring worker with a cool move or two. Big deal.

My biggest question is why would TNA not fire them a long time ago?
Do we have any source at all yet? Yeah, gonna take this one with a pinch of salt. However, Homicide and Kaz wouldn't be huge losses for the company. Homicide is very boring as a singles competitor and isn't being used well at all. Kaz has always been a complainer about everything, so I wouldn't be surprised to see him leave and well wouldn't be too bothered, he's an average worker who's never going to set the world alight.
The source report for the other three wrestlers (the first two – Kaz and Homicide were already known) came from a partial credit to PWTorch Newsletter in an article Impact Wrestling posted on the 11th. I'm not sure what the rules are here for posting to internet wrestling rumors sites, so I'll leave the link off for now, but as far as I know, that's where the rumors this thread mentions came from.

How believable said site and internet rumors of wrestlers asking for releases, or being uphappy with the company are a another story, though. We've all seen how the internet can be used to spread rumors that aren't even true, like Roddy Piper dying, or most recently with TNA and Samoa Joe, him being upset over TNA not using his friends catering company, or whatever the rumor was that he personally squashed on Twitter or Facebook, or whatever social networking tool he's affiliated with.

Whether it's true or not however is irrelevant, IMO. It's believable if you ask me. The real question is, should anyone really care? I meant he likelihood of it being someone like Kurt Angle or A.J. Styles or anyone really relevant has to be low, no?
Kaz needs to leave! I disagree with the negitive statements about him! Sure he whines alot..... But so does Triple H.... So......
Christopher Daniels Should not have beaten Suicide for the title! Sure he accually won the title.... but Kaz is young and Daniels is old!
Talking about not passing the torch! And besides.... ECW can always use more TNA stars.....
Ummm.... some one said something about Chris Harris.... As far as I know, Chris Harris left TNA for WWE.... TNA didn't brake them up.... But I might be wrong!
Kaz needs to leave! I disagree with the negitive statements about him! Sure he whines alot..... But so does Triple H.... So......
Christopher Daniels Should not have beaten Suicide for the title! Sure he accually won the title.... but Kaz is young and Daniels is old!
Talking about not passing the torch! And besides.... ECW can always use more TNA stars.....
Ummm.... some one said something about Chris Harris.... As far as I know, Chris Harris left TNA for WWE.... TNA didn't brake them up.... But I might be wrong!

You say you disagree with the negative statements referring to Kaz whining then you immediately say that he is indeed a whiner. So you don't really disagree, now do you?

And what does Triple H have to do with Kaz?

Daniels should have lost because he's older than Kaz? So by your logic I guess Consequences Creed should be TNA World Heavyweight Champion, or maybe that baby Jim "the Anvil" Neidhart was carrying in the ring. Yeah, and by the way Kaz is only 6 years younger than Daniels and he's still 32. Not that 32 is old, it isn't, but it isn't exactly "young" either.

Also you mention passing the torch? Kaz had the X Division title in 2004, the torch was passed, he tripped, you can't blame Daniels for that and its not like Daniels is a Legend just yet.

And yes, you are wrong about TNA splitting up AMW. TNA split AMW and was fully ready to give Harris a singles push - hell, he had a spot in the King of the Mountain match at one point. I'm surprised you don't remember the fued between James Storm and Chris Harris with that ridiculous blindfold match in the cage at Lockdown. In fact Harris wouldn't leave TNA for almost a year after AMW split, which was pretty stupid on his part as they saw more in Harris than Storm, which was obviously a mistake seeing how much he failed and how over as both a heel and a face James Storm became, especially with Beer Money Inc.

Actually Kaz, Cassidy Reilly, and Chris Harris all took the same path - get a little credibility with TNA, jumped to WWE for the money only to be lost in WWE Development deals forever. Yeah, Harris made it to ECW and Kaz made it to Velocity but give me a break neither of those worked at all and Cassidy was injured as far as I remember. This move has really only worked out for Paul London and CM Punk.
Damn, I thought I was the first one to create this thread. Ah well, I guess we will have to wait and see what happens in TNA. I guess TNA is in lame duck mode for now until Hogan actually shows up. I could care less if Kaz leaves since there isn't really anything going for him in TNA. Homicide leaving wouldn't hurt TNA either. I don't say I blame them since Dixie pretty much insulted every wrestler there by saying she has no idea about the wrestling business, but if you aren't with her you can leave.

I don't think it is any big name wrestlers that want releases anyways. Lets just hope that Hogan can make it better instead of worst.
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