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Five Contracts set to go bye bye.

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
The Wrestling Observer is reporting that the contracts of Team 3D, Kevin Nash, Awesome Kong and Christian Cage are set to expire within the next few months. Although there have been no confirmations that these talents will re-sign, there have been no indications that they won't.

In the case of Christian, it has been reported that he has had some issues with the way creative has been booking the product over the past several months, however the main draw for him is that he prefers TNA's lighter schedule to WWE's full time road schedule.

Team 3D and Awesome Kong are expected to re-sign with TNA.

So out of all of these, who do you think is going to jump ship, and who would you like to see jump ship.

For me, Only two would I like to see jump ship. Cage is a lock for that. I've been tooting the horn of Cage for years now, and a move back to the company that got him his start should happen. I know, he lives in Florida and loves the schedule, but Cage at this point has a legit shot to be a big player in the biggest company there is right now. The Opportunity for Cage to be a champion in the WWE has never been better.

However, that being said, I would love, love to see Awesome Kong jump ship, preferably to Smackdown. She could simply have her way with everyone in the Divas or Women's division. Kong would make an impact like we haven't seen in a while in the WWE. Plus, a Beth Phoenix vs. Awesome Kong match at Wrestlemania 25 would be something I would pay to watch.

But if any of these people are going to jump ship, then sadly it will be Kevin Nash. I honestly don't know how he doesn't have a job with the E at this point anyway. He's buddies with Triple H and Shawn Michaels, despite screwing Vince over, Vince seems to still think highly enough of Nash. If Nash were to comeback as a backstage talent, then he'd have a perfect fit with the E.

So in reality, I would love to see Cage and Kong go to the E, but in reality, I'll be stuck with the Dudleys and the Silver Fox.
I could defintely see Awesome Kong in the WWE, because I really do think WWE may be noticing the ratings draw the Knockouts are and thinking it might be beneficial to snatch up those Knockouts. They already did with Gail Kim who was the biggest draw of the Knockouts, really.. if they take Kong the Kockouts division will have dropped huge and be pretty poor in comparison to the WWE. Without the Knockouts bringing in the ratings, how much of an impact do you think that'll have on the Impact show every week in the ratings? I think it'd honestly be a pretty big negative for TNA. Kong could definitely make it in the WWE.

I would LOVE to see Christian go back to the WWE and actually be a bigger player there. I definitely think he could, and I think the WWE fans would respond to his return. He's already got the history in WWE, now he's got even more fine tuning and has been TNA and NWA champion. That's the one talent from TNA I would really like to see back in WWE, and despite the schedule being better in TNA... more money, an opportunity to really go somewhere beyond what he did before in WWE, not to mention a chance to stay with the company as he gets older and winds down so his legacy will be remembered by WWE and not TNA, could be a lot of motivation for Christian to take on that heavier schedule again.

I could also definitely see Nash back in the WWE, although I doubt it would be in much of a wrestling capacity. But he still does have a lot to offer the business as a whole, and he could definitely find a role in WWE. Not to mention his careers nearing its end, he could find a place in WWE in another aspect like creatively or scouting, and he may want to be a part of WWE for the Hall of Fame. TNA's not going to offer him as much as WWE could.

I don't see Team 3D going back to the WWE, and I really don't care one way or another whether they do or don't. They're definitely the least likely to jump ship.
The only one that I'm relatively sure is staying is Christian. While he'd certainly make a splash in WWE, I'd be worried Vince would do what he did before and leave him down in the midcard. He deserves to be in the main event, as long as he goes by Christian Cage and not just Christian. That name never worked for me on its own.

Nash, I hope he goes. The main event is messed up enough as it is. Dropping a more or less manager would uncomplicate it a bit with Jarrett being back. Nash really adds nothing and is just taking up a big paycheck and a roster spot.

3D I think is gone. Right now with the WWE tag situation as it is, they'd be welcomed back with open arms. They're a legendary team and seeing them back with the name that they're famous for is how they should round out their career.

Finally, Kong. I am begging her to stay. If she goes to SD, I give her 2 months before she's putting Michelle or Kelly over clean. The reason the knockouts are better than the divas is that its not about looks, its about talent. Kong has talent, Michelle allegedly has looks. Vince would have Kong make a big splash, then have her become another run of the mill worker. Kong deserves better than that.
However, that being said, I would love, love to see Awesome Kong jump ship, preferably to Smackdown. She could simply have her way with everyone in the Divas or Women's division. Kong would make an impact like we haven't seen in a while in the WWE. Plus, a Beth Phoenix vs. Awesome Kong match at Wrestlemania 25 would be something I would pay to watch.

Have to disagree on that one. WWE would ruin Kong. The one thing TNA have done right over the last year (for the most part), is book Kong as they have. WWE wouldn't do that. They have time on WWE TV for Michelle McCool but I can't see them giving a long push to a woman who's bigger than most the males, and who doesn't have blonde hair & big fake tits.

The initial push might be ok, but they'd lose intrest in her quickly.

Nash is going nowhere. Why would he go to WWE where he'd have to work, when TNA will pay him almost as much to do nothing and help on one?

Team 3D might want to go back to WWE. But I doubt they'd hire tow wrestlers who haven't improved since they released them. And who've gained an extra 250lbs between them.
I think it's fairly likely that Christian will stay because he's guaranteed to stay in the main event in TNA but in WWE it's more likely that he'd be put on ECW and would have to build himself up again.

Kevin Nash will probably be the most likely to leave TNA although i still don't think that too likely that anyone will leave. T quote Nash "There's always room to politic" so i think it's more likely that he'll sign a new contract with more money and less dates than go to WWE

Awesome Kong. WWE just wouldn't use her right so it'd be stupid to go from TNA

Team 3D. well this is difficult because on numerous occasions The Dudley have said that they would like to go back to WWE for one last run. but i don't think that'd be a good idea for them. they are working main event in TNA and i don't think they'd retain that status going into WWE again. although seeing them against the hardy's again would be pretty great.
I would love to see Christian Cage, Kevin Nash, and Team 3D back in WWE yet, I doubt any of them will.

Christian Cage would make a big impact in the WWE when he first got their but, after a little bit of time with him facing the champion of the brand, not winning but coming very close, creative could lose interest in him and leave him in the mid-card. He deserves better than that IMO.

Kevin Nash probably won't leave either because he would go to WWE amd have to work even more than he does now. I just can't see him leaving TNA for a harder job in the WWE.

Team 3D probably won't leave because they really weren't on good terms with the WWE when they left. They really haven't changed much since leaving WWE either/ Actually they've gained like 200 or 300 pounds between the two of them.

Oh yeah, Awesome Kong probably won't leave TNA because if she went to WWE she would play a role like Beth does. They are big and strong but, in the end they put the littler diva over. Also, Awesome Kong doesn't have the good looks, obviously, that the WWE wants in their diva's. If you think about it you can't be a diva without good looks. You can be a Knockout without good looks though.
Christian Cage? The only one I see leaving is Christian Cage. I think a return to the WWE would be great right now. He could either come back to face off against Edge, or he could align with Edge and go after the Undertaker or Triple H. So many awesome possibilities. There is nothing left for him in TNA with any meat on it anymore.

Team 3D/Dudley Boys? Whats left for Team 3D/Dudleys in the WWE? No real tag teams to go against, they got WAY to out of shape and they already did it all as far as a tag teams in the WWE. Maybe two or three years from now things will be different, but for right now, not looking good for another Fed run.

Kevin Nash? Maybe he could have one last decent run with or against HBK/Jericho, but if he went back to the WWE, I see a creative position behind the scenes for him. NOT that I'm at all for that.

Awesome Kong? The best she could do for herself is to stay in TNA. The WWE would only push her for a few months against Beth Phoenix and random other Divas, but she would soon enter Bertha Faye or Bull Nakano territory. It wouldn't last. In TNA she can have a longer, more productive run. But the WWE may give her an offer that she can't pass up, nor would I blame her for doing so.
Yes, I know! The Dudleys have put on a lot of weight, but they are still fantastic heels if given the chance. They are still a dominating presence. They pretty much are the Triple H of tag team wrestling, i.e: they don't do as much as they used to but still what they do has an impact on an entire feud/storyline. If they went back, for sure they would be used as stepping stones to build an already ill tag team division.

So would Awesome Kong in the WWE. They would use her to build up crappy/pretty wrestlers and that is unfit for a wrestler of her caliber. It might just not be fair to all the other female wrestlers out there, but she is one hell of a talent. If only she could do mic work...

Christian Cage has already said he prefered TNA's lighter schedule so I don't see him jumping ship unless they give him an air-tight guarantee he'll be a heavyweight champion and have a big role in the WWE. I'm still not quite convinced he could make it big over there. Ha HAS become a bit bland and too scripted for my taste in the last months...

Kevin Nash... ... ... I do sincerely hope he jumps ship so as to help TNA's budget. He is a complete waste of time and space in TNA. If he did go to the WWE, it probably would be as a backstage presence or backup to HHH or Shawn Michaels. I'm not religious but I do pray he doesn't go the scouting way because we might never be graced again with some of the world's most talented "vanilla midgets". I quite simply abhor a whole company of Kevin Nashes... Besides, I never understood why this guy has had so much control and influence over the business...
The Dudleys- I wouldnt be surprised if they jumped ship but at the same time their in the main event scene in Tna and they dont have much to fued with in wwe so im not sure.

Awesome Kong- I dont see it because if i remember correctly wwe and tna offered her a contract and she turned down the more money for tna.

Kevin Nash- I think Nash is the most likely because he has not been happy and he still has good relationships with the top guys in wwe.

Christian- I love to see him in wwe again but i dont think he will come back unless hes sure he will get a title run and stick around the ME.
Who would I like to see jump ship:

Definitely, Christian. The man consolidate himself as a main event player and champion.
A program with CM Punk is the first thing I could see. Don't ask me why now, but is just some sort of dream match for me.

also, I would like to see Kong "crossing the line" (pun intended, duh). Domination beyond recognition would be the factor. An alliance of some sort would come into play, ending in a long and profitable feud between Beth Phoenix and Kong. This could also help some of the divas to improve their game, specially the "heels".

...and who do I think is going to jump ship:

No one. Honestly, all of them are ok with the schedule. Though I might be wrong, but they are making good money there too, so I see no reason to jump ship. Not even Nash. As Jake said: Why WWE would want an old hack like him right now, when they are trying to make a space for the new talent and putting over new talent as the face of the company? (with the clear exception of Triple H, but that's because the new TV deal..)

Team 3D is a joke right now. the only reason people would like to see them is because Bubba Ray is not that bad at the mic and could draw some heat on the team, yada yada yada... WWE has Santino for that crap matches-excellent mic work. He is far more entertaining than 3D.
I really don't think we're going to see Christian go anywhere besides TNA. a lighter schedule and better high profile matches in TNA suits him better than the WWE, although I'd love to see him return to the WWE and have a feud with Edge. That would be great to watch.

There's been talk of Team 3D heading over to the WWE in the future and this could be it. I don't see how they would fit in, since there aren't many tag teams to feud with. Unless they're going to build up a new tag division in the WWE, they also would suit better in TNA.

There's been talk of Nash not being happy with bookings in TNA, and if he were to go back to the WWE I do NOT want to see him wrestle. Nash is better off going to Smackdown instead of Raw, and perhaps helping out younger talent over there, like Kendrick for example. I love the idea of Kong heading to WWE, but with Vince's obsession for looks I don't see that happening. Realistically, I see only Nash going back if he decides to.
Would like to see Christian back in WWE but think he will sign on for a couple more years of TNA then go back to WWE/

Nash is more or less finished. Could be if use backstage in a mentor role. Not really bothered either way.

Kong should stay in TNA as WWE don't use there divas properly.

3D - Well Bubba should stay in TNA, but D-Von should return to WWE and resume the Revarend D-Von with the Deacon Batisita as his enforcer.
I wouldn't mind Christian and the duddleys returning. Christian's popularity has rose since coming to TNA and he seems like he could make an "impact" in WWE. It has been reported that he loves TNA's schedule but something about Christian makes me believe he would love to be a huge WWE star like Edge. The Duddleys would only be hire so the WWE could have another legit tag team, since they have like 0. I don't care if their jobbers or have the belts at least their legit.

As for the other 2, Nash is old and useless. Kong is an amazing talent, but would be booked horribley. Should would get a massive push but eventually she would be jobbing to Kelly Kelly & Maria(Beth Pheonix).
Christian Cage is a bonafide superstar. Especially in TNA. They've booked him solid ever since hes joined the company, you cant argue that. I would hope he would want to stay.

Why would Team 3D go to the WWE? There a career tag team. Why in the world would a tag team seek employment in the WWE? Say what you will, but wrestlers across the world would give there left nut to hold a TNA tag title. A WWE tag title, f'n please. And think about the creative freedom 3D has in TNA.

Awesome Kong, as well. What competition is she gonna have in the WWE? She's only made her mark in TNA. She's got a few years before her character is tapped out. TNA is giving her a career a female wrestler could only dream about.

Kevin Nash is a great character and still has value. Unfortunately, he doesnt seem to be a ratings draw in the slightest. He does help ground the storylines he's involved in, and make TNA seem realistic. I'd hate to see him go, but I bet the WWE fans would embrace him.

I really cant stand how people automatically assume these people will leave TNA for WWE the second there contracts are up. Contracts run out, they get renewed. Doesnt mean people are jumpin ship. WWE DOESNT DESERVE ANY OF THESE TALENTS ANYWAYS.
Kevin Nash... ... ... I do sincerely hope he jumps ship so as to help TNA's budget. He is a complete waste of time and space in TNA. If he did go to the WWE, it probably would be as a backstage presence or backup to HHH or Shawn Michaels. I'm not religious but I do pray he doesn't go the scouting way because we might never be graced again with some of the world's most talented "vanilla midgets". I quite simply abhor a whole company of Kevin Nashes... Besides, I never understood why this guy has had so much control and influence over the business...

I agree wholeheartedly. I've never understood why this guy is even still around. Even at his best when he was capable of working a mediocre match, it was from like '94-'99 at best. He's been costing since then and brings no value whatsoever to any company unless they can use him as a tax writeoff.
He has no respect for other workers and no real interest in the business except for the money he's stealing from people who could earn it if they cut him and gave them a shot.
If he does go to WWE I would have to stop watching especially if he's put into a booking or story/scouting position. He has no passion for the business and only cares about what he can get out of it, so putting him in a position to try and find new wrestlers as a scout, or by setting him to book matches would be the biggest mistake by Vince since he signed lesnar to a 10 year deal. not that lesnar was as much of a useless sack of dirt as Nash, as lesnar could work in the ring, but he also was only there for the money and didn't care about the business. and look what happened with him.
Kevin Nash - I can't see him going to WWE. What would be the reasoning? He can't really wrestle anymore, so he wouldn't be able to perform with those who can. On top of that, his schedule is so much lighter and he's probably being paid enough to stay around TNA. The only way I can see him moving back to WWE is if he realizes that his career is virtually over and he wants to be in some sort of manager role or a road agent or something, just to ensure that he'll be in the Hall of Fame as well as keep a steady, simple job with "the big leagues". But if he's still interested in wrestling, I can't see him leaving TNA.

Awesome Kong - She'd be stupid to go to WWE while she's already top shelf of TNA.

Team 3D - Supposedly, they aren't very well liked by many people in the WWE. If that's the case, it makes it harder for them to jump ship. On top of that, they've gained weight and increased in age. Would they help out the tag team division? Certainly. Will they go to WWE? I doubt it. TNA is treating them like they're the gods of the tag team wrestling universe.

Christian - Now this, I could see. He's made enough of a name for himself that the WWE would most likely put him in the main event scene of Raw or Smackdown, especially if he's still good friends with Copeland. I think most people would be interested in seeing a face Christian against a heel Edge while they're this solid of performers. The money would be better, the exposure would be better, and his status as a professional wrestler would become more relevant if he moved back to the WWE. Only problem is the time schedule.

Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing them all head to the WWE. As far as I'm concerned, TNA sucks, and WWE should just buy them out and use their talent as they seem fit lol. But if I had to guess, I'd say none of the four will be leaving.
Well I see this whole talk is about jumping ship and which TNA star is going to the WWE. It ain't going to happen. Those are TNA's top stars and they need them. If TNA has to increase the salary to keep those guys even if by a tadbit, I'm sure they will do it and keep those superstars. Trust me, losing Cage in TNA is nothing I want to see for them or talk about. That guy surely belongs in that company and TNA is really to be praised for his lift to higher heights as a main event player. Cage will re-sign. Awesong Kong, would be bad to see her leave. She is dominance personified in the Knockouts Division, I'm sure she will re-sign. Team 3D, um, they've talked a lot of shit about WWE, they'll be indefinitely staying. Kevin Nash I couldn't care more less for where he ends up. I like Nash and all and respect what he has done and been in the past, but he's just one old rag in TNA that needs to leave or stay backstage or do anything he wants to do besides appearing on TV.

But basically when it comes down to all talent, its TNA or indies, don't think most would like to work with WWE. Many of them see through the money for who WWE truly is, in their notion.
i'd like to think the dudleys would just retire. they have always been a secpond rate tag team, pushed by fortunate circumstance.
if they jumped to the E, i hope that they'd go to ecw, though. vince likes to ruin ecw originals. it may be funny to see him do it to those talentless hacks.
kong-the only way i see her coming back to wwe is if chyna came back so she could feud with beth or chyna.other then that,she would probably job to maria,kelly kelly,or michelle since wwe wants divas,not the women that people like kurt angle r scared of(for real he said it on the cw11).

team 3D-i can kinda see them coming back if kane gets drafted to smackdown and he tags team with taker again.or if jeff gets drafted to ecw so they could feud with the hardys.and like others have said,y would they come back to wwe?they would either be misused or leave wwe and head back to tna.

kevin nash-would be nice to see the big guy back,but he would probably just be on smackdown cus of big show,khali,taker and koslov.but i really don't see him coming back to wwe.hes to old now.he'd probably just be manager,announcer,or even a scout.

cage-i can really see him coming back to the wwe.have a great feud with edge and evan bourne,y2j,taker i guess,shelton banjamin,HHH and more.but i expect that in a year or 2 he will be mid card.

so i can only see cage coming back without there being anyone changing brands or anything.
Christian Cage

I would only like to see Christian return to WWE if he is actually gonna be utilized properly this time. Not jobbing to Cena and Batista in consecutive months. He could be a World Champion hes got the Mic Skills and the In Ring talent. But I don't think Vince would use him right because he went to TNA and because he wants the focus on Edge not Christian. So Christian would be better suited to stay in TNA.

Team 3D

They won't go back. I saw a video where Team 3D told a bunch of fans at a TNA house show in NYC that they were staying and not going to the other company. Even if that was a work Vince wouldn't be too happy with that and probably doesn't want them back.They're older and fatter than they were during their last WWE run. Bubba works too stiff and gives the young guys a hard time in WWE so he's not liked. Plus no Tag Division in WWE. They have creative freedom in TNA. They have real tag teams like LAX,Beer Money,and MCMG in TNA. They are Main Event in TNA. They also have buisinesses and homes in Florida. So they will stay in TNA as well.

Kevin Nash

He's the most likely to jump ship although I don't think he will. He's really old at this point in his career. He should just stay backstage and work for TNA. He's getting paid a boatload. He will probably stay in TNA and he'll probably keep wrestling even though he shouldn't because they wanna pay him to wrestle not work backstage. He has friends in WWE. HHH,HBK,Vince. But unless they pay him a good amount for a quick storyline which I personally think would be better then move to working backstage and a future HOF spot.Because TNA is just not worth it.

Awesome Kong

No Way They won't push her she knows that she isn't a model so it won't work. She will definetly stay in TNA. The only way she goes is if Vince pays out the ass because he knows TNA's knockout division keeps them afloat and Kong is one of their biggest stars.
Team 3D: No chance. They're too in with TNA management to jump ship. Which is a shame because TNA is giving them some awful storylines, making them Angle's bitch.

Christian Cage: I hope he does. Cage is not really getting any new competion on TNA. I have to agree, Cage-Punk would be a good program

Kevin Nash: Maybe. If he is gonna retire soon, I don't see any point of him going to WWE.

Awesome Kong: It'd be awesome if she did move ship. The Knockouts division is going south real quickly, and she would definately get the exposure she needs on Raw with Mickie James and Beth Phoenix. But then again, they are giving her a good spot on TNA. See what happens, I suppose
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