Fitting Wrestling Into Yes, Prime Minister


Mastermind of ATV
So, anyone ever heard of this video?

Basically, this video gives out a funny and rather true observation of the people who read british newspapers, people who read the Daily Mirror think they run Britain, the Guardian's for people who think The Labor Party should, and so on and so forth. (Even The Sun gets a mention!)

I've been doing a little thinking on it, and I think I can find a way to mention some of the IWC's finest personalities and sites. Keep in mind, this is not perfect. So please, let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions, it would be appreciated.


What Culture is read by people who think they book everything. Cageside Seats is read by people who think they ought to be the bookers. Bleacher Report is read by people who actually do run the company. (Because how else can they be mentioned by the company on occasion?) The WWE YouTube channel is watched by the wives of the people who run WWE. Wrestling With Wregret is watched by people who want to run WWE and learn from the mistakes of past. Dave Meltzer is read by people who think WWE ought to be run by another person and Kayfabe News is read by people who think it is.

And as for The Sportster? They don't care who's running the show as long as they can keep making those top ten lists that get monotonous after awhile.

Thank you.

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