Fitting end for the DEADMAN?


ALLSTAR by day ROCKSTAR by night
credit for this thread idea goes to LEEMURf as he asked the question 'Do you think the Undertaker will get a sendoff' I apologize for not putting this in your thread as I simply wana see people response to MY specfic IDEA.

I don't feel given the character of the Undertaker he should recieve a sendoff or retirement ceremony, as great of a career he has had his character just doesn't allow it. If he were to have a retirement match at WrestleMania you say either pending on the outcome "Oh ok they kept the streak intact great career" or "I can't believe these guys and Vince actually took away a huge part of the legacy of maybe the most loyal employee ever!" throw in a few more curses etc. and you get the point.

NO NO I feel there is only one event that has besides 'Mania truely earned the allowance of being the event the Deadman last wrestled and that event is......Survivor Series. This is where he made his official on-camera debut on November 22 at Survivor Series as a heel when he was the mystery partner of Ted DiBiase's Million Dollar team and has had some pretty special moments there as well. I'm a big fan of career's ending where they started, I believe they gives us a warm fuzzy feeling or a sense of closure if you will. Take as an example players signing one day contracts just so they can retire with the team they started out with or had the most special moments at.

The idea is very simple. Have 'Taker come back a month earlier then SummerSlam after his usual break and win the title, then at SummerSlam as he is defending it Randy Orton costs him the match but not the title probly by RKO'ing 'Takers oppenent as he is getting ready for the Tombstone kinda a 'yeah I just did that in front of you and you can't do anything about it' moment. The next night Orton comes out and says "I've waited a long time to get my chance at the Deadman again and now I'm better then ever, he will not defeat me. I don't care if I have to go to hell and back with him myself I will take that title and I will finally take his legacy!". Next few weeks more from behind antics and match costing and another one at the Sept PPV this prompts 'Taker to finally adress the matter. He says he will give Orton a title shot at whatever the Oct. PPV is. Orton loses the match flips out after goes deeper into his character then he is and demands a rematch, 'Taker says no and Orton during one of 'Takers matches viscously attacks him resulting in a suspension. 'Taker returns after a week off and tells Randy he'll get one more shot at Survivor Series, Orton says no he wants more! 'Taker says forget it. Later that night another viscous attack to end the show. Following week 'Taker is pissed off goes to ring and yells for Randy to come out because he wants to get his hands on him and will not rest until he does. Orton comes out with a evil grin and says "fine 'Taker you want me you got me but ONLY and I do mean ONLY if you put your legacy and career on the line also" 'Taker accepts and also adds "If we are gonna do this, your gonna have to bury me to get what you want". A BURIED ALIVE match is the match, after a solid back and forth action Randy gets upper hand towards end but cant put him away after a few RKO's Orton finally snaps and viscously attacks the Undertaker with a chair until he can't move and his rolled into the grave. Dirt layed over lights go out lighting hits the tombstone and that is it, no send off no celebration just a fitting and ironic end to the man we call UNDERTAKER.

I've chose RKO because I personally feel he and 'Taker can feed off eachother with promo's and head games and at that time will probably be 5-6 yrs since they've fueded.

Thoughts, agree disagree I'm just curious it's just something i thought would be fun to talk about as I only want to make threads that I think entertain and make the reader really think about the topic
I like where you are coming from... but realistic it's just not as big as his WM legacy.

When it really comes down to it, the only thing that matters is a possible main event WM 28 against John Cena. That could be the 20-0 finale that sends Taker to retirement. The buzz will be out of this world and people will actually make themselves believe Cena would take down Taker because how much the writing makes him a super hero every single day.

I get it.. end it where it all began, but to me it all began at WM for Taker. As soon as I see him on tv or hear his name mentioned, I think of the epic streak.
I don't really like the idea of the undertaker going out with a loss, especially the sort of loss where we'd normally be expecting him to return and get his revenge. Hell even with the career ending stipulation people would be expecting him to find a way to return and destroy Orton.
One of my fondest memories of the Undertaker was Royal Rumble 94 I think it was. He fought Yokozuna in a casket match, and in it, just about every heel in the company ran out during the match to aid Yokozuna in taking out the Dead Man. He fought them off single-handedly for a good long while (Until somebody took Taker's urn).

I think this would be an awesome way to have him go out. Make it take the whole locker room to beat him. When he finally does get taken out put the mystery back into it. Have him disappear, lightning, smoke, give it the works. That would really be the end that I would like to see.
Undertaker should call it quits at Survivor Series 2012, bringing his career full circle. It all began at Survivor Series, and that would seem to be a fitting place for it all to conclude.

The Undertaker's Wrestlemania streak should never be broken, I am adamant in my views in regards to this. It is the ultimate show of respect to the man who dedicated his entire career to Vince McMahon and the WWE, through the dark days of the Monday Night Wars, when he too could have defected to greener pastures in search of a bigger payday.

Taker should face whoever at WM27. Jericho, Punk (my choice), really whoever, and he defeats them to go to 19-0. Then he takes his usual post-Wrestlemania hiatus which he deserves. He comes back whenever and finishes out 2011.

In 2012, at WM28, he has to face Cena, and this does not mean I am suggesting a Cena heel turn, because I'm not. With lots of fans, especially in the IWC, expecting Super-Cena to end the streak, Taker emerges victorious again to go to 20-0, finishing hs career undefeated at wrestlemanias.

However, Taker is old school and respectful of the business, and I'm sure he feels that no one is above the business, and like so many greats before him he has to call it quits in defeat. So Cena requests and is granted a re-match at Survivor Series, in a casket match. Cena defeats him cleanly (again no heel turn), stuffs Taker into the casket, and the casket is wheeled away, complete with Paul Bearer, druids, and the general eerieness of an Undertaker finale. Except this time it actually is the final time. Cena, the face of the company, gets yet another feather in his cap. Taker goes out in style but with tradition intact. Plus, it still keeps open the possibility of a return if he so desires, although I would hope he wouldn't do so after all of this.

That in my opinion would be the ultimate wasy to say good-bye to the Undertaker. Lots of hype leading up to the PPV, a send-off the next night on RAW (a tribute style although with Taker not actually present), and of course a DVD to do a complete retrospective on his career.
I have to say, i like parts of this idea.... the Buried Alive match is a given (although in pg wwe i doubt it happens). It's a match that 'taker started and its a match he has always been great in. But i also believe he needs to win the match. Taker will not go out on a loss, especially if its at wrestlemania. Here is my whole idea for him.....

Its Wrestlemania 27 or 28, and the Undertaker is facing (someone i think is better than Cena) Triple H. At this point HHH is a heel again and is working with a I own this company gimmick making everyone bow down to him and kiss his ass since he is the future boss. Taker is the only one who doesnt do this, as Cena and Orton are feuding together over the title (Again i know). This all begins in December and goes through Triple H costing undertaker the royal rumble, and then again costing him a title match against orton at what ever febs ppv is called that year. This leads to Undertaker calling out Triple H and saying that at Wrestlemania its time to end it once in for all, Triple H has worn out his stay in the business and at Wrestlemania they'll settle it in a Buried Alive match.

Now on to the night of Wrestlemania there would be your usual matches but the Taker vs HHH match would be 'the mainevent'. It would be your typical HHH vs Taker match through and through with both working at there best. At the end of the match you would see a Tombstone on HHH on the concrete just outside the grave area. (The grave area itself being made as an addition off the side of the set, and has a blue tarp off over the side holding the dirt (the tarp is key here.)). Taker drags HHH over and throws him in the dirt and begins to bury him. AS Taker finish's burying HHH he turns towards the ring and just stares, then at the fans, then he turns and looks at the tarp. He removes the tarp and reveals a second hole. Taker turns to the fans once more as if to say, "i said this was where it ends" steps in to the hole and lays down. A moment later lighting strikes the hole and sets it afire. Thus ending the legacy of the Undertaker, and sending him out on a very high note, defeating a man who has been around near as long as he has in the wwe. And to cap off the night and for Taker to really pass on the torch to a worthy person (After successfully defending his title earlier in the night) Randy Orton would walk out and just stand there staring at the graves and get that look he gets, the one that would say, its all mine now.

The next night at the end of raw, and yes it would break storylines and kayfabe, you have the man, Mark Calloway come out to end the show by saying goodbye to his loyal fans and thanking everyone for being there and enjoying the show he has put on for nearly 2 decades. And to be honest there should be people brought back for his farwell such as Pall Bearer, Shawn Michaels, Stone Cold, and so forth. The people he spent most of his career with, and even Triple H, so like i said breaking storylines. You would have the likes of Stone Cold, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Vince McMahon, Stephanie, Kane, Edge, Paul Bearer, and of course Jim Ross as he called a majority of takers matches, less the ones the last 4 years or so on smackdown.

This is a fitting send off for someone who has walked through thick and thin for the WWE and he deserves nothing less. Im not sure if Taker would want to do something like this but it would be an amazing thing to see. Now you must all remember this is just my idea and my own opinions. A person can dream cant they. So criticize or do what you must...
I like the idea, but how about adding a little comedy to it. How about after Orton buries him, the lights go out, lightening hits the tombstone, and then, up from the dirt you see 'Taker's hand pop out. Then his arm and then half of his body is sticking out of the dirt. Just when you think 'Taker is about to crawl out of the dirt, suddenly from behind, out of the dirt as well, HBK grabs 'Taker from behind and pulls him back in. Michaels, with a mic in hand, tells the audience, "Hey, if I'm out then I am taking ol' 'Taker with me!" Then they both descend back into the dirt. (BTW, this was not intended to be a real ending to his career, just a little fun.)

In reality, 'Taker should go 20-0, at WM, probably against Cena. Then, after the match, goes off into the sunset. No sendoffs, no emotional "Next night on Raw" tributes. Just takes his undefeated WM streak and heads off to the next phase of his life!!
I always had the thought of that if it ended at Wrestlemania, it would be a stipulation that he had to choose his career or the streak meaning that if he won at that years Wrestlemania then he would have to retire, but if he lost the only thing lost is the streak.
It might just be me, but I think there could be such a simple send-off for the Undertaker.

I've always felt that if he was going to go out, it shouldn't be noted as a retirement match or loser leaves match, he should just lose and we never see him again. Personally I'd have him wrestle in another buried alive match and lose, only at the end to bring his hand up like he did in the Mankind buried alive match, give a thumbs up or something and have that be the end of the Undertaker on screen.

Then Hall of Fame him as Mark Calaway and let him do a retirement speech there.

I just don't think they should call it a retirement match, let everyone put it together that that is the end of the deadman.
The senario is cool, but not with Orton. I think it would have to be someone like HHH to do it (shhh to all the haters), I just think it needs to be someone who has history, and is a legend themselves. Orton too new. Also I think he needs to go 20-0 at WM. In saying that however I hope he goes out on a los. HBK did and he had the greatest career ever, was the greatest performer ever and yet he let Undertaker end him. Undertaker should be defeated but by some one of a higher calibre than Orton.
its hard to say that the record should end. and i think taker has to end at mania, but because so much of his legacy has been around his undefeated streak at mania, i think he has to keep it.

Here are the big questions here:
who is believable enough to beat the undertaker at WM?
should he try to put someone over? would that be passing the hypothetical torch?
should they put him up against someone who he has already beaten at WM before? (kane x2, hhh, orton, edge, batista, big show)

if they are going to try and get someon knew who wwe thinks would benefit from a match with say cm punk and its over the world title. they have to make it seem as though punk has a chance though

otherwise the obvious, though tragic pick, is john cena. hes superman, hes the franchise. how could he lose at mania. and he doesnt have to be a face. hbk and taker were faces this past year. its one even cares anymore.

my wild card pick would be....Chris Jericho.....they havent fought, hes a beast, hes always able to win the world title. hes a real threat.
I believe it shouldn't be a one on one match i believe several superstars should come up and make the challenge and have a fatal four way or something similar
I think they should give The Undertaker a nice retirement sendoff even though his character doesnot allow for things like that. For example, Taker waited until after Raw went off the air go go out to the ring and say goodbye to Ric Flair. But then again, after this years Mania he tipped his hat to HBK on live TV. And that is what makes me think he will get a great sendoff, but not with the kind of tribute on Raw like Flair and HBK did.

To me a fitting end for the Undertaker would be to retire after going 20-0 at `Mania. I would like to see him face SuperCena at WM27; and at WM28 finish his career putting over a good, young talent. And he wouldnt need to drop the streak to an up and coming talent to put him over at Wrestlemania. Taker could do just as much for someone by wrestling a great match having him come so close to ending it.

As for an actual post match send-off. I have a great idea. Well its not actually mine; SOMEONE else talked about this in another therad. He would give a short "Thank-you" speech and say goodbye by saying something like: "It is now time for me to, REST....IN....PEACE!" HE would leave the ring for the last time with his coat and top-hat and stand on the stage to look back at the crowd, raise his right hand high. The lights would go out, come back on, and all that's left is Undertaker's coat, hat, and a 20-0 Taker graphic on the Titantron. And we will have said farewell to the greatest Wrestlemania legend of all time.

That would be my perfect ending for The Undertaker. And just imagining that moment nearly bring tears to my eyes, imagine if WWE actually sends him off like that.

But however WWE does decide to send off the Deadman, I just hope it is not with a loss. Taker deserves to win his last match. But the tradition now seems to be to lose your last match. And I dont think everyoune should have to go out like that. And if they retire him by ending the streak, it will kill me despite the fact that Taker himself would be ok with losing it for the right person. But The Streak means everything that is wrestling to me. It is my be all end all of sports-enetertainment. And if The Undertaker's Wrestlemania streak ever dies, a part of me dies with it, and I will never pay attention to wrestling again! I dont think anyone on the current roster has done anything to deserve to beat the Undertaker at Wrestlemania.
The dead-man is one superstar who should end his career on a winning note. Also, he will soon come out of his current "weak" storyline in which he is portrayed as weak since he is still recovering from coma. Once back in full swing, everyone will forget it and history will repeat itself, that the dead-man cannot be wronged.
I always had the thought of that if it ended at Wrestlemania, it would be a stipulation that he had to choose his career or the streak meaning that if he won at that years Wrestlemania then he would have to retire, but if he lost the only thing lost is the streak.

Thats a great idea to end his career. The only downside of it is the fact that its a lose-lose scenario. You need to be Mr Mcmahon to add that stipulation. There needs to be a strong storyline to make it believable. But its a great idea to end his career, him choosing to keep the streak alive in cost of his career to end...
I don't think anything other than a grand old retirment parade down the main street of whatever town RAW is in that week would really do the undertaker justice..
Taker has valid claims to the "Mr Wrestlemania" title apart from defeating HBK at the last 2, part of the tribute to Shawn was taker never trying to lay claim to it out of respect.
He deserves to go out at the biggest show of all because he helped make it what it is today - The Biggest Show of them ALL.
The End of the streak is the end of the Undertaker.
They shouldn't announce it as a possibility until he fails to win then he can say "The streak is broken, I am finished, I've had a great ride and I will Rest in Peace" go down on 1 knee, the lights go out the bell tolls and he disappears
It's tradition to go out putting someone over, usually someone close in the locker room. It's rare to see it used as a promotional tool to put over someone younger and it's not really a "pass the torch" thing either, it's also often someone who will be close to making the decision to retire as well.
Undertaker is a tradional as shown by his remaining in character. Vince and some of the younger powers @ the E (HHH & Steph) do respect tradition so I don't think they would force it to be Cena or Orton or hopefully not Punk. On the active roster I can think of 2 that come close
and a couple of maybes

Above all it must be a clean finish.

However I wouldn't be to upset if they allowed him not to be beaten if he didn't win.
The only way to get a clean finish so he doesn't lose is a Last Man Standing match where neither can make the 10 count.
since im a massive jericho fan i would love to see taker and jericho have a match at wm 28 for takers 20-0 streak
have jericho put undertaker in the walls of jericho after an extremly brutal match, when it looks like he is about to give up, have undertaker fight out and end the match with two tombstones for added effect.. it would be one of the best matches ever, (maybe even better then undertaker V HBK.... yeah i said it)
Here's your send off for the deadman!

He goes 20-0 at WM defeating John Cena etc etc. As Undertaker comes out to address the fans on Raw and enjoy his 20-0 John Cena comes out and respectfully requests a rematch. Undertaker of course as a man based majorly on respect (speaking back to his heel days of "You Will Respect Me") agrees.

Now for the twist. Vince McMahon returns as a massive heel. Comes out and says "UNDERTAKER if you lose your match against John Cena. You WILL retire". The match is a casket match. Since it's been done in the PG rating.

Undertaker and Cena have an incredible match with Cena coming out the victor CLEANLY.


The Next Night on Raw:

Undertaker comes out to address the fans as he has done as the deadman and the American badass so therefore he is not breaking character. He talks about how he has many great matches and put many souls to rest etc etc.

*cue Cena's music*...

Cena comes out, enters the ring and says he respects the Undertaker and wants to thank him for paving the way...but it isn't just him that wants to thank the Undertaker. Then Cena looks towards the ramp...and each of Undertakers WM opponents that he has defeated come out and down the ramp. They come out applauding the Undertaker. Cena goes outside the ring and joins them in their applauding of the Undertaker.

All the men are applauding the Undertaker then he kneels down, and does his traditional pose for the fans 1 last time... the lights do their fancy trick. Then the lights go dark. When they come back up what do we see? The urn in the middle of the ring......Raw Ends with the image of nothing but the Urn in the middle of the ring.

pretty basic I know..but at the same time it would allow the Undertaker to not break character and give us a lasting image that will stand the test of time.
i think the best send off for the DEADMAN would be for him to go 20-0 at WRESTLEMANIA but his final match be for the WWE championship.

he could have one of his WRESTLEMANIA classics with someone like Y2J, Orton or maybe even someone he hasnt faced at WM like CM PUNK, if it was PUNK it would do wonders for his career.

the end of the match would have to be TAKER gets the tombstone, the pin an the title but have the camera watch him as he walks up the ramp an as he gets to the top he just stops looks out at the crowd holds up the belt an have all the lights go out, when they come back on the belt is just neatly laying there, cue the all rights reserved logo an the end of taker
While your idea is good, we will see Taker again..There is no doubt about it, Taker is a HOF'er!!

I always think of Survivor Series as Taker's ppv...obviously because he debuted there..and I have thought about the exact same thing OP has talked about, but just the thing, we WILL see him again!! and he will get a send off!!
But you never know with Taker!
Cena comes out, enters the ring and says he respects the Undertaker and wants to thank him for paving the way...but it isn't just him that wants to thank the Undertaker. Then Cena looks towards the ramp...and each of Undertakers WM opponents that he has defeated come out and down the ramp.

When I first read this, I thought "No way. Too many burned bridges for that." But then I went back and looked at the list of guys, and amazingly, the only guys who would be a problem are Kevin Nash (as "Diesel") and Ric Flair. Even the really early guys like Snuka, Jake the Snake, and Bundy are alive and well and should be agreeable to appearing. Obviously the Bossman is dead, but he's the only one.
These ideas are fun, but they build no new stars. And WWE needs new stars. Since Wrestlemania 2006, they've lost HBK, Batista, Flair, Foley, Booker, RVD, Angle, Jeff Hardy, Lashley and JBL, plus Benoit and Umaga, all guys who could credibly main event a PPV and all guys (except Flair and Foley) would would have been reasonable bets in 2006 for Wrestlemania 2011. And they're not going to have Undertaker, Kane, Mysterio, Big Show, Edge and Jericho for long.

So something like the Undertaker's farewell story is going to involve someone out of the next generation of stars who need building up to the Cena-Orton level. Seamus, Jack Swagger, CM Punk, the Miz, John Morrison, Wade Barrett, Alberto Del Rio, Drew McIntyre, Brian Danielson, someone like that. And before you scream that they aren't worthy to retire a legend like the Undertaker--that's the whole point. The point of the story will be to make a new guy's legend over the Undertaker's bloody, beaten, broken body.
Great idea, but Undertaker will wrestle either cena, or another top dog(if he doesn't get cena this year at mania) at WM 28. He will win going 20-0 at WM. Then wwe will sell the dvd......UNDERTAKER 20-0, and it will be wwe's biggest selling dvd of all time. Undertaker will have a send off, but he won't get all mushy, he will do it in character. I know we all speculate what will happen with the deadman, but we shouldn't......he will never lose at mania, and will retire after WM 28. And, in my opinion, go down as the best superstar of all time, next to Austin and HBK. Holla, if ya hear me.................
ps...johnbragg, they will never sacrifice the dead man's legacy to push another up and comer, they can push guys a thousand different ways

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