First Job

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Downward Spiral

I'm Not From Your Country
What was everyone's first job? I just started down at the local IGA as a night fill worker (stacking shelves, loading, etc.) and I get paid about $7.50 an hour (Australian). I was wondering what everyone elses first jobs were and what experiences they had.
My first job was washing dishes in the local pub. Never go to The Red Cow in Werrington. I've seen what they do to the food.
My first job was a good ol' paper round. But I'll probably end up doing dishes or stacking shelves in the summer...

What exactly do they do to the food at The Red Crow? I have some friends that live near there.
Mine was a good old paper round, first proper job was in a pizza place in quite a rough estate in my town, was always some characters and sketchy situations that came with that job.
My firs job was to rip the covers of of paperback books so that they could put hardcovers on them, for school libaries and stuff like that, it was extrmley boreing and the two guys I work with were from Louse (I hope I spelled that right), and were big Backstreet Boy fans so they were constantly puting those craptacular CDs in their CD player wich ment I was forced to listen to that crap
GOD that job sucked!!
My first working job was working in a resturant at a race circuit, it paid 5 pound an hour, it wasnt too bad, met a few famous faces. This was when i was 14. Had many jobs since then.
My first job was as a car salesman in California. Got paid extra commissions depending on how much I sold. Usually brought home around 3/4k$ a month.
My first just was working at a movie theater when I was 15. I started off cleaning up the theaters, etc, worked my way up (if you can call it that) to working in the restaurants in the movie megaplex (fast food, essentially) and concession stand and basically doing everything a supervisor does except for the power and higher rate.

Got fired for essentially being late once in four years. They were trying to force me out, but whatever.

Pretty cool though, met lots of cool people and got free movies.
My first job was at West's Leagues Club in Campbelltown as a bartender earning about 18.50 an hour, i was 18 at the time (Spiral would have heard of that leagues club)
my frist job was working at Quiznos and i was paid 6.75 that was the min wage in Cali back in 2004. It was an ok job when i was in high school and i satyed till i became Manager but got tired of it and left and doing the college thing. So ya ok job but hey i never faied a health inspection or a coperate report :D
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