FIP Wrestler on VH1's Tool Academy


iMPACT! Player From The Start
I was watching Tool Academy (sue me I'm addicted) and I recognized a certain guy. A man named Chasyn Rance who said he was a wrestler and it ringed a bell. I jumped on and looked at the FIP roster page (which is ROH's sister/brother promotion) and there he was. Chasyn "Not Cocky" Rance. It made me laugh because I always thought this guy was a jackass not only in character but person and I'm sure that this show is gonna prove it. Just thought I would point this out and if you want to see a really funny show with a total moron that really thinks he's a star you gotta watch this show. I swear if WWE hires this guy then I am officially done with them. I don't see TNA doing it because he had a few try outs with them and he didn't impress at all. The guy is like 5'4 and has nothing special at all.
I havent seen the Tool Academy as of lately but I will check it out when they pass the reruns.But let me check the FIP roster right now...Ok got it this dude looks like a total jack ass,And you say he is in the tool academy wow,He is small,But I have to tell you one thing he actually have won some titles not major titles but hey.

But no i dont see him going to TNA or WWE,If one of this 2 major companies offers him a contract,I will walk away from wrestling,Seriously.
Ah, never mind you can only see him on the first episode. He walked out because :he didn't need the academy" and watching it I'm thinking to myself. "yes sir you do." Anyone in Florida please do me a favor. When he wrestles for FIP again (or if I should say) PLEASE stara chant of "Kill The Tool!" It would be classic.
As much as I hate to admit it, I also noticed Chasyn Rance on the show, and although I didn't immediately recognize him, the name rung a bell. And while clearly, the dude's an asshole, I actually think this could be beneficial for him. Let's face it, people from reality television have their weird niche in society. And with Rance already being a pro wrestler with decent credentials, this might get him into TNA or WWE. Each company has experience with television stars in their programs (Pacman Jones, that guy from the Sopranos working with Team 3D being just a few of TNA's examples, and reality stars in WWE such as The Miz, David Otunga appearing on TV, Jessie Godderz of Big Brother "fame" being signed to FCW), and Rance could be just another example. Plus, let's face it, the idea of a "tool" is a gimmick which is used in wrestling. The Miz, Zack Ryder, both can be labeled as "tools" on-screen, and their gimmicks work. So, the fact of the matter is, yes, Chasyn Rance is a huge tool. And although he didn't expect to participate in the Tool Academy, and although he may have walked out on it, this could be a blessing in disguise for him.
i think chasyn is the biggest tool of all 3 seasons why cause he left his beautiful gf anyways with that said i dont think tna would hire him and there already enough egos in wwe

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