Finn Balor Injured.... Again


It was announced a little while ago that Finn Balor suffered a concussion last night during his match with Jinder Mahal. The injury came as a result, it's believed, of taking a stiff forearm shot from Mahal and fans have been giving Mahal the business on Twitter all day because of it. The report doesn't mention how serious the concussion is or how long Balor will be on the shelf.

No matter how you slice it, this is a big kick in the balls for Raw and Finn Balor. Balor only just returned to working some house shows last month and last night was his first televised match on Raw since suffering shoulder injuries last year that put him on the shelf for about 8 months.

Whatever potential plans were in store for Balor are probably on hold or outright scrapped. It's hard to tell where Vince's mind is on stuff like this as he always gets extremely nervous about how to use someone if they've suffered a concussion.
Honestly... I think he'll be fine. He got his bell rung. That could have happened to anybody. I don't think a concussion makes you injury prone. If it keeps happening, then it's something to definitely worry about. Just bring him out for a promo next week and the week after or something like that. The way Wyatt was talking to him would lead me to believe that's Balor's next feud but that won't likely take off until Orton/Wyatt ends. So they've got time on their side here.
It would be a difficult situation for a promoter to be in. You have a first class talent that you want to run in the main events of your shows. He gets injured after you put the belt on him.
Then when he comes back, injured again. Wasn't he injured in NXT too? I'd be a bit worried to put faith into the guy to run a main event fued with. Let him go through some low card guys for a bit and see if he can stay healthy. I personally like his gimmick and his ring work is not bad, but not deserving of the super push he got when the brand split started.
I kinda fell bad for him right now, he makes his debut on the main roster, gets injured in his third match. Comeback from his injury, gets injured again in his second match. It's like he got some really bad luck on his side right now.

If I was vince right now, I would be worry about pushing finn balor in the main event level because while these injuries aren't his fault, he really look like finn balor is injury prone, so I hard to put your full confidence on a guy that's always injured to be in a top main event level.

If I was them, I would have finn balor prove that he's able to stay injury free for a while and let him stay in the midcard for a while and if he can stay injury free for a while, then push him to the main event level.
These kinda things ruin people's careers, being labeled as injury prone during a mega main event stint. Real shame for Balor as I would love to see him take on some of the talents on the main roster but hopefully it isn't the end of his main event run. One more chance please Vince. You've supported Cena now support Balor.

Anyways to be honest, even after writing what I just wrote, I would love to see Balor in the cruiserweight division. Perfect way to do it is have Neville take out Balor and say we are the same size but he gets all these other opportunities compared to me. Something along those lines anyways, without completely shitting on the division.

Finn vs Neville, Aries, Perkins, Kalisto, Swan and Kendrick. Now that would be cool.
I think a one-off concussion is very different to the kind of injury he suffered at SummerSlam. And the reality is that the first injury was really not his fault - Seth injured multiple people with the move (obviously not with intent, but just the truth). As for this concussion, well, it happens. It doesn't necessarily mean that all hope is lost. But I'm sure they'll be a little careful with him for a while. He posted a picture post-Raw with some rapper on social media, and he seemed absolutely fine. Obviously I don't expect blood gushing down his face, but you get the point. I think nothing changes here and things proceed as normal. We might just not see him in an actual match for a couple of weeks, dependant on severity.

The point is, for those worried that Finn is too "injury prone" need not worry. So far, there was nothing he could do about a badly executed powerbomb or stiff hit.
Bad news.

But I still don't agree with him being injury-prone. He has had both injuries due to the wrestlers against him. First, Seth Rollins and then Jinder Mahal. That forearm by the latter was hit very hard hit as the replay proved.

I felt that something was wrong when his torpedo dropkick was done in a sloppish way. And there was redness on his face as well. I hope that he recovers soon. Bad Luck.
Vince should know better not to invest his time in wrestlers that are easily injured all the time. It's like forcing a kid to play a grown mans game and expecting that kid to succeed.
Vince should know better not to invest his time in wrestlers that are easily injured all the time. It's like forcing a kid to play a grown mans game and expecting that kid to succeed.

Did you even see the hit he took? There's a difference between stiff and straight up reckless/brutal. The forearm he took from Mahal was fucking nasty and fell into the latter.

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