FINALLY Theo makes a sig and tells you about it!

Theo Mays

Part Time Poster
So I bet you think this is about a Rock sig don't ya? Well guess what....

It is. I, like many of the siggers here I'm sure, plan on (or have) produced a pretty awesome Rock sig since his return just hours ago. I'm still in awe over it and had to make something to commemorate the moment. So without further adieu I give to you a Theo Production of The Rock!


First I started with a blank canvas. I brushed around a bit on it with a black brush, leaving some area still transparent. Then I added the Finally Home text (which I'm iffy about), added a black/white gradient overlay, and faded it. Next I added in my image of The Rock. Then I added two stocks, erased some of them, set them on lighten, dropped the opacity, and colored them in as a silver. Then I added another stock to give it some texture and erased parts I didn't like while set on lighten. Added three more stocks (two on screen, one on lighten) and erased what I didn't like. Next I added a dark red color fill set on lighten with a dropped opacity. Then a black/white gradient on luminosity was added and put in a simple The Rock as text. To finish it off I added diagonal scan lines as the top layer and erased over The Rock. Then I added vertical scan lines and again I erased over The Rock. Those two layers were both set on soft light. I saved it up and called it a night. Comments and criticism is welcomed and anyone is allowed to use it if they wish. Enjoy!
Great work Theo.

I really dig the effects that are on The Rock. It is like an aging/antiqued look. I think the part of the whole thing is the pixelated background of Space.

What are you trying to do Theo? Outshine me or something?

In all seriousness, that is one insanely attractive rocky signature. How are you iffy on the text? I think that's one of the greatest elements of it, and the subtext as well. Great choice of font and font color. The lighting is terrific and it "flows".

One thing, though, Theo. Did you miss the cardinal rule when sig-making - adding a border? Perhaps it's just me, and if so, you need a more visible border. Even a one pixel border will work.

Overall, it is a nice signature, and I feel you're on a roll as of late - keep it up!

Personally, I love it, besides the fact that the render just isn't one I like. But that's the actual render. The effect and work done on the graphic? Great. I think the text fits, the background fits, and the style captures the moment. I can't really see anything I don't like, besides the afore mentioned, lack, or lack of visibility of a border. Aside from that, greatness. 9.5/10
Great work Theo.

I really dig the effects that are on The Rock. It is like an aging/antiqued look. I think the part of the whole thing is the pixelated background of Space.


Thanks. That's exactly the look I was going for. Had the vintage type feel, but keep a new look type presence if that makes any sense.

What are you trying to do Theo? Outshine me or something?

In all seriousness, that is one insanely attractive rocky signature. How are you iffy on the text? I think that's one of the greatest elements of it, and the subtext as well. Great choice of font and font color. The lighting is terrific and it "flows".

One thing, though, Theo. Did you miss the cardinal rule when sig-making - adding a border? Perhaps it's just me, and if so, you need a more visible border. Even a one pixel border will work.

Overall, it is a nice signature, and I feel you're on a roll as of late - keep it up!


Haha thanks BC. I just felt the need to follow the social norm and make a Rocky sig. As for the faded font I'm just not sure of the font style I selected. However my lazy self didn't feel like finding a new one. As for borders, I find them to be overrated around these joints. Sometimes I feel as if a border hurts a sig and with my most recent stuff you'll notice I usually don't have a border present.

Personally, I love it, besides the fact that the render just isn't one I like. But that's the actual render. The effect and work done on the graphic? Great. I think the text fits, the background fits, and the style captures the moment. I can't really see anything I don't like, besides the afore mentioned, lack, or lack of visibility of a border. Aside from that, greatness. 9.5/10

Thanks SES. I was shaky on the render ass well, but I felt is was one of the better ones of his recent self and I didn't want to use an old picture. Again regarding the border, wasn't needed. Sometimes a border hurts a sig and I think that applied here.
Awwww shit! Looks like I just stumbled across the way to make sigs like the Great Theo! Lol.

Loving this sig, man. Really like how you put in the vintage, yet, studio-feel on it. Really makes me think as if this was cut out of a titantron of his. The "coming home" text fits in nicely as well, not to showey, but not to fadey neither.

Though, the only real "problem" that I see in it would be the "the rock" text. I feel it's a bit unecessary and could do better without it.

But other than that, I'd say this sig is perfect. Nicely done, my man. :thumbsup:

Great Sig Theo! It seems that you have one of the nicest Roc sigs of the many on WZ right now. Everything about the sig is great for me. It has a very cool old school feel to it that particularly stand out to me. 10/10, *****, A+ etc.

Anyways I love yours Theo! So much so I even tried to follow your guidelines but got lost along the way :lmao:. Anyways here is my result:

For this I did basicaly what you have done but I couldn't follo it properly due to the GiMP/Photoshop differenes. I added a small bit of C4D but other than that I did basically an attempt of what you have done.

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