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FINALLY!!! The Miz is truly awesome!!


Gone but never forgotten.
Start marking out, everyone. The Miz finally won his first major singles title on Raw by defeating Kofi Kingston for the United States title. It's time to rejoice!

So, where do we go from here? Who will he defend against, first? So many questions, so little time.

Props to Kofi for putting on some really good back-and-forth matches.

But moving on, I don't think The Miz will have the title for that long. But, at least we having a talking US Champion now. That match those two had a few minutes ago was actually realllly good. He's really improving and if he does keep it for a couple of months, hopefully he can pull a US title reign through.
Start marking out, everyone. The Miz finally won his first major singles title on Raw by defeating Kofi Kingston for the United States title. It's time to rejoice!

This is the best news I've heard out of WWE in a while. Although, why couldn't they do this on the PPV? Why did it have to wait until tonight? Miz could have easily won the belt last night, without Swagger looking bad. I hate when they do shit like that.

I hope he gets a nice lengthy run with it though. The last few champs have all had the belt long enough for us beg for a new champ, so hopefully this happens here. Miz and Kofi can definitely work a good series together, at least getting them to the Rumble.
Kofi put on a hell of a match tonight, as he has since getting the belt. The problem with Kofi is that he didn't have a strong character that fans could connect with. Miz has a very strong character to which fans connect (even if that connection is usually disdain). I think Miz will have the title for a while, so that we have a talking US Champion. I don't know how much Kofi will be in the title picture for the immediate future (remember MVP left the US Division pretty quickly when Kofi beat him). Swagger needs to be kept separate from Miz if they want his Undefeated Streak to mean anything (and not make Miz look like a weak, interim champion).

Maybe some Miz/Bourne matches? Let Primo and Carlito into the division for a while. The big thing is that the US Title get some talk time from the champion and not just challengers, which is something we'll get with Miz.

And as to why tonight and not last night? I think having Miz beat Kofi 1-on-1 actually makes Miz look stronger as the incoming champion, so I'm cool with the decision to put it off until tonight.
I would have cringed and cried a little inside if The Miz had lost the match and stood in the middle of the ring to say "I am....awful." Somehow, I had an idea he would win. He has been coming up short too many times against Kofi to simply stop the program with him.

Hopefully he might have a solid reign with the belt, as opposed to being a comedic champion. There are plenty of credible, young, and hungry challengers in the division who can give Miz a good feud: Primo, Masters, Carlito, Chavo, Swagger, and of course Kofi who will no doubt get his rematch.

I hope I don't put my foot in my mouth by saying this, but I'll say it anyway: The Miz will be a bigger star than John Morrison. Someday.
Because i am The Miz And i am Awesome

in all serious though, its about god damn time this has happened. I was reading the spoilers cause i dont get raw till wensday and i no joke had a mark out moment.

I hope he has a long reign and maybe just maybe faces JoMo or mr ziggles At WrestleMania for the undisputed midcard championship.
Interesting that just a few short months ago when Miz and Morrison broke up, so many were saying that this would be horrible for the Miz, yet here we are with both as midcard champions, but with Miz on a show with at least double the audience. I guess he's not fading into obscurity........

Perhaps it's because he's done a hell of a job getting people to care about him (of course in a negative way) and it seems is the type of guy that could feud with anyone due to his mic skills. I'm just curious what mid card faces will give him a run.
I still don’t think that the Miz is as great as people say he is nor do I think he is "awesome," but this is definitely a good thing for not only him but for the WWE too. He is probably going to be main eventing someday whether we like it or not so hopefully this title run means that they are going to establish him as a believable threat in the mid-card and later on a threat to a World Title. It’s a good thing for him because it builds him up and it’s a good thing for the WWE because it shows that they are starting to create the stars of tomorrow on the Raw roster. Even though I don’t like him, I still recognize that he is going to probably be there in the future to hopefully they don’t fuck this reign up.

I would have preferred if Jack Swagger was given the title, but I think they might have Miz and Swagger feud for the title and I wouldn’t be surprised if they have a match for it at Bragging Rights, so there is the possibility that Swagger might win it in the future. Now, I wonder where this leaves Kofi at. Is he going to continue being in the title scene or are they going to have him do either something else or nothing at all?
Finally? His first legit singles push started what, four months ago? Two years ago everybody on the internet lamented the fact that Miz even had a roster spot. One year ago everyone complained that he was being carried by Morrison (he wasn't), who didn't deserve to be held back. Now, only a few months into his first run as a singles wrestler, he finally gets his first singles title? Man, the internet is a fickle, fickle lover.
I have a gut feeling that he beats kofi at bragging rights in a return match and then feuds with MVP. Its just a guess but I could see these two going into a long feud just because the mic work would be good and after they seperate mvp from henry cause everyone knows that isnt going anywhere MVP will need something to do. I think this would be a fresh rivalry that would be good for both of them. It could be Bourne or even Chavo but if i had to take a guess Im gonna go with MVP as the best choice
Ah, just the other day, my girlfriend was laughing when she saw the Miz on Smackdown. Not being a wrestling fan, obviously she knew him from his Real Word days. "That guy actually became a wrestler?!" I told her a couple years ago, we couldn't believe it either. Now he's finally getting his chance, and I'm stoked. I don't want to see him start a program with MVP because that would be a step back for MVP. I still think Swagger's not quite ready for a mid card title push because of his lack of mic skills. I didn't see his promo from RAW tonight, but I heard it was far from spectacular. Don't get me wrong, he's got the chops inside the ring to make it count, but as far as I'm concerned, he's not cutting it yet as a good heel. In time though. Obviously a rematch with Kofi is in order to get things started for the Miz. But I think they're going to start moving Kofi towards the main event pending he starts getting on the mic. On a quick side note, I'm starting to wonder how a heel Kofi would work. To me the obvious choice is going to be Evan Bourne, and I'm starting to think that's why they moved him away from the Chavo/Hornswoggle thing, because the fact is the Miz is going to need credible face opponents. MVP is too high up, and Kofi, like I said, I believe is on his way up. Who else is there other than Bourne? Maybe Christian, those two could have some classic matches for sure, but I'd hate for him to get moved to RAW and then lost in the shuffle. How about the Miz vs. Morrison at Bragging Rights?
I think this is definitely a deserved title reign for The Miz. Even for a moment when he held the belt you could tell that The Miz was getting a little emotional over his first singles title reign. The man truly loves being a professional wrestler and right now he is living the dream and he is going to make every moment count.

While we are on the subjects of future contenders, first and foremost Kofi will definitely get his rematch very soon(quite possibly some type of stipulation match to make their little fued a bit more interesting). But I say when Miz and Kofi are done why not bring in Mark Henry. I can see that being a priceless fued. Miz is definitely going to be booked to look like their is no way he can defeat Henry. Henry is definitely going to look like the odds on favorite to take the belt from the Miz. For some reason the Miz will find a way to keep the belt around his waist. I think it can be an entertaining fued that can make The Miz more of a legit competitor once he comes off a huge fued such as one that Mark Henry can give him. The belt will definitely have more prestige from then on that Miz can work programs with MVP, Swagger, Ted Dibiase Jr., and other upper mid-carders/main eventers without making it look like those other wrestlers are taking a step back.
As far as contenders go: They're slowly turning Chavo face. Granted, they're not making him out to be a big winner as a face but they're doing it nonetheless. I think MVP is going to continue this team with Mark Henry, which I am somewhat liking but would like more so if it didn't seem so much like a random pairing of two guys in red.
I think this is good for the Miz and it's going to be interesting to see what happens next but I disagree that Kofi doesn't connect with the fans. He gets one of the biggest pops each night. He doesn't do a lot of mic work, but he does some good PR stuff and his in-ring work is what makes him connect with fans. When you're a mid to lower card face, you don't need to speak often to connect with fans. You get your one promo a month and do work in the ring to show why they should love you. The heels are the ones who have to put in more effort. It's more effective for a mid card heel to get on the mic and say things that should make you hate him. Miz exemplifies that and then some and I think this title win is a long time coming and I'd like to see he and Kofi trade the belt for a bit before bringing anyone else into the picture because they've had excellent matches together .
I have no idea what everyone sees in The Miz.. i think he truly is "awful" and he should've lost that match on Raw just so he could say that line.. he's annoying as hell.. and it has nothing to do with him being a heel, i'd still hate him as a face.. i happen to love the heels more than faces
. I don't want to see him start a program with MVP because that would be a step back for ?

I can see why you'd consider it to be a step back but speaking for myself, I'm cool with that. despite being an MVP fan. Back in the day there was a few year period where a large number of people were constantly annoyed with the likes of Benoit, Jericho, Booker T, and RVD not getting to the point that they felt that they deserved but in all four cases, to various degrees they each ultimately did. I think that even if it takes awhile guys like MVP finally reaching the top will be worth the wait. Plus it seems to me that lately there is more room for variety when people are at the level that MVP is currently at so being stagnant for awhile probably isn't the worst thing as long as he's still being given an opportunity to build his fanbase importance in other ways.

As for the subject of this thread I didn't care for The Miz when he first started out but once he teamed with Morrison and started to get more of a character I started to like him and once they split and he didn't have anyone else to rely on I liked him even more. He's not the most talented of performers but he's entertaining to me.
I thought it was interesting that Kofi Kingston didn't lose, I thought for sure before the PPV that the title was changing hands. I was actually picking Jack Swagger to win the title. My only question would be why not let Miz take the US title on PPV rather than a TV aired show (RAW).
It's good for Miz to get a good clean with and become US Champion. This is the WWE basically saying "OK, Miz. Here's the ball. Now run with it and make us some money." The question is whether this will help him or not. I think it helps him even more than many people think. It makes him a viable mid-carder to near main event status wrestler. He can have solid matches with Kofi, Swagger, Bourne, and any other midcarder that makes it to the Raw roster.

This is a good move, and it's simply a case of getting the belt off of Kofi and having him chase the belt for a bit. And it also gives Miz ample time to cut epic promos and appear on PPV's as a focal point of some kind. And this also guarantees him a spot in the Main Event at Survivor Series if the old fashioned format's used. It's a good move. And I am glad it finally happened. Not to mention this also sets up a Miz/Morrison match at Bragging Rights. It's more or less why they did it. And it was a damn good idea to do so.
Although I am happy that this finally happened, I am a little dissapointed that this didn't go down last night. Seriously if you are going to have a title change do it at the PPV FFS.

Other than that it was a good match and I am looking forward to the Miz having a good lengthy US title reign, perhaps losing it at mania. I don't know, I just hope that he can take the ball and run with it because this is the exposure he needs to make that last jump into upper midcard status; where he can sit until there is a loss of main eventers on RAW and he can make that jump into the title picture.

I feel the miz's career is building perfectly at the moment.

Just my Opinion
alright so my thoughts on this is great. I can't wait to see some of the promos miz is going to be doing in the coming weeks i see him holding this title for a decent while im thinking there could be a miz and morrison fued on the way with bragging rights coming up but if they don't decide to do that then i can see miz and kofi till bragging rights than after the miz successful title defence he'll start getting into fueds with guys like bourne, swagger, primo, carlito, hell maybe even chavo all we can do is wait and i see. Miz will make and excellent champ.
I have a guess as to why they saved the US title switch for Raw.

At HIAC, the big stories were Cena and Undertaker taking the world titles, and DX beating Legacy in their (presumed) blowoff match. If Miz had won last night, it would have been the No. 4 story. Now, it's the No. 2 story of the day. I think being No. 2 on a post-PPV Raw might be a better spot than being a distant, distant No. 4 at the PPV.
I agree with the whole title switch happening after the PPV with all the storylines that unfolded after Hell in a Cell. The Miz has greatly improved and it was just a matter of time before he bacame the United States Champion. The title match itself last night was amazing and a nice change of pace for Raw. Now the question is how Kofi will react as well as how good of a champion Miz will be.
Kofi had one heck of a run w/ that title. They really did a good job at building up Kofi's legitamacy, as well as making the strap a legit title again. Kofi's run as champion helped not only himself, but helped the title as well. I'm very happy with the way he carried it.

As for Miz winning, I love the move. Miz/Kofi have great chemistry, and they have been trying to slowly build The Miz into a "hated heel"...first with his mini fued w/ Cena, and now taking the strap (cleanly) from Kofi helped his credibility big time IMO. I'm sad to see Kofi lose it, but honestly, this has been a great move by the WWE to build the US Title back into something legitamate.
Just a few comments on this thread as a whole.
First off glad to see Miz with the title and I think his run will be okay.
Next Morrison has the flashy moves but Miz is better on the mic tells a better story in the ring and has more charisma.

The big subject here is who is the next challenger. MVP should be above the US Title level so for now I am leaving him out, Swagger is going on an undefeated streak so for now leave him out, so that leaves Kofi, Chavo, Bourne, Carlito, Primo, Henry, and maybe a Dibease or Rhodes. Carlito, Dibease, and Rhodes are heels so leave them out for now. That leaves Kofi, Chavo, Bourne, and Primo (not to mention they could always debut someone). Plus you can always do six pack challenges and fatal four ways etc. But smart money says if it is one on one look for Chavo, Bourne, Primo, or Kofi to get the look.
Evan Bourne is probably the best bet to feud with Miz to be honest. Bourne has been poking his head into the US Title picture for a little while now, and unless The Miz starts another lenghty feud with Kofi, Bourne is the only face IMO that can go into a legit feud with Miz at the moment. Everyone else is a heel (Swagger etc).
I would actually like to see santino and miz go at it for the us title.. I kno santino is a comedy act but just think bout the promos these two would have especially if they make santino just alittle serious bout it.. Both can wrestle and put on a show.. I think a long program with them would be great for raw for us title for them and for the WWE.

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