Final Resolution - Too many gimmick matches?

So far the lineup for Final Resolution includes.

A Casket Match
A TLC/Full Metal Mayhem Match
A Falls Count Anywhere Match
A First Blood Match
A Submission Match
A Special Referee Match
A Cookie Suspended Above the Ring Match

While that last one sounds like Russo through and through I wonder about the other ones. Part of me thinks that a lot of them make sense. We've seen MCMG and Gen Me before and after the empty arena match was so brutal it doesn't make sense to go back to a normal match. I think this one makes sense in terms of elevating the feud and these two teams could do wonders in that sort of match. It's a shame it comes in the same month as WWE's TLC match as I'm sure some people will say that they're copying.

Special Referee - could make sense if it means somebody screws Morgan over again as it can allow Morgan to remain strong which is much-needed if he takes two falls to Hardy in two consecutive PPVs. I just hope it isn't a swerve and a heel turn by the special ref.

Submission Match - again, makes sense in terms of the feud by why is TNA ripping on MMA. Remember the Samoa Joe/Angle match which took a lot from MMA style while not mocking it? Why not leave the submission stipulation for when Angle returns and give us the money moment of Jarrett tapping to the ankle lock?

Casket Match - unnecessary in my view, just have a singles match. The casket match fits the Undertaker's gimmick. This just seems thrown out there.

First Blood - again, this seems unnecessary unless it's to overcome Rhyno's shortcomings in the ring (if he has any, we haven't seen enough of him lately to really judge).

Falls Count Anywhere - this could work given the uniqueness of it being a women's match and these two have been going at it tooth and nail for weeks now. After the last outing went no contest this also makes sense in terms of feud progression.

Cookie Suspended Above the Ring Match - I am going off Wikipedia by the way in terms of the full lineup that's been announced rather than TNA's official card release. Is this real? Is it simply a singles match but she's above the ring? Why not just ban her from ringside? I am quite simply hoping that Jay Lethal wins back the X Division title.

Do you think this PPV is a bit heavy on stipulation matches or do you think they compliment the various feuds that are going on? I think it's telling that Styles/Williams is a regular singles match and, along with MCMG/Gen Me, will probably be the best match of the night if it's not overbooked with a Kaz intereference.
I agree I think that this card is a bit too much about gimmick matches. Gimmick matches are good if you use them in the right spots and don't put alot of them on one card.
TNA is just gimmick crazy and this PPV is no exception IMO. Why do an empty arena Match then go to a TLC Match? Why waste a First Blood Match already with RVD/Rhino when they just started feuding? Casket Match? When did Abyss become the Undertaker? Cookie Suspended above the Ring Match? Really why not just ban her from ringside? The Guest Referee in the Main Event I hope is not a Heel turn from whoever it is.

I guess this is TNA's version of Extreme Rules or TLC but thats just me.
Yeah that Cookie match is for real. She's suspended 25 feet in the air, in a Cage.

I think there's too many gimmick matches, but then again, that's what TNA are known for. Styles/Williams is singles match for the TV Title & hoping MCMG/Gen Me have a good match.
There'll probably be some lame Team 3D promo, but I'm hoping the PPV won't be as bad as we expect.
Before I start off, the whole event is just gonna be horrendous.

1st: Jeff Hardy vs Matt Morgan-Special Referee

Oh lord. OK, having one can work but two, all I can see is oh lord.

2nd: Motor City Machine Guns vs. Generation Me-Full Metal Mayhem Match

This match would work but to schedule the match in the same month as the TLC PPV just gives me the feeling that they're just trying to copy the WWE.

3rd: Jeff Jarrett vs. Samoa Joe-Submission Match

With their feud as it is, their match should be a no holds barred match, not a match based around trying to make someone tap out. Will be incredibly boring.

4th: Abyss vs. The Pope-Casket Match

Absolute shit. Just shit. The casket match is Undertaker's and another example of TNA's writers not having a mind of their own.

5th: Rob Van Dam vs. Rhino-First Blood Match

There is no reason to have there their first match in this feud to be a first blood match. Will just suck.

6th: Mickie James vs. Tara-Falls Count Anywhere Match

The one match on the card that will have a gimmick match that works. They keep brawling everywhere in the building and with the way their feud is going, the match would not work if they kept the match solely in the ring.

7th: Robbie E vs. Jay Lethal-Cookie Suspended above the Ring

Oh come on, they just couldn't ban her from ringside. This match will be terrible and there is no reason to suspend in a cage 25 feet above the ring.

3 hours of complete shit.
imo 3 of these have never really been gimmick matches. well 2 but i'm including cookie in the cage as 3. what really does a special ref add to the match? so cookie is in a cage...for what really? oh and a falls count anywhere? really? why do they still call that a match? Anyway, I don't see this as too gimmicky. I don't even see the casket match being all that I mean this'd be tna's 3rd since 06 or 07 and the last two were kinda forgettable sting vs abyss and abyss vs mesias were the two, the 2nd one being the better one, amazing that it was i know lol. TLC is sure to be the match of the ppv I mean these teams are just amazing. First blood match I've just always seen as a way to limit blood. I see no point in this match....don't see the point to the feud really...just not interested. if it was a montster's ball match w loser getting fired then maybe I'd be interested. submission match....there's been 3 since 06 or 07 that I can remember anyway, 4 if you include the angle/desmond submission match in 3 degrees of pain. desmond v angle was def not bad. Neither was angle v joe. lashley v joe was a bit of a letdown imo. Maybe joe v jarrett won't be so bad. overall no this isn't too gimicky in my view
yea i believe there are way to many gimmick matches. it seems they are just trying to add excitement to a pay per view that looks pretty boring. they could just drop the cookie stipulation i mean its pointless and just a waste of time.:banghead:
To be honest, I'm not feeling this ppv lineup. Over half of the card are last PPV matches with gimmicks to them. Honestly, this is too much of a risk. Gimmick matches are meant to be worth your wild, not something that an 8 year old would do on a video game.
I remember last year every PPV card would always have a gimmick match. This card does seem abit over booked.

Jeff Hardy vs Matt Morgan-Special Referee Match
This gimmick is needed as apart of the story line is about how Morgan got screwed last month due to a referee screw job.

MCMG vs Gen Me. Full Metal Mayham.
Meh im unsure on this. i dont see it as a rip of WWE TLC ppv at all. but with the way the feud as gone. From normal match to Ultimate X to Empty Arean Match sure it seems like the next step. Could have been a cage match but i think this match be a spot fest.

Jarrett vs Joe Submission Match
Yeh again seems like the next logical step in the storyline.

Abyss vs Pope Casket Match
WTF IS THE POPE DOING WITH A CASKET!!!. Im still trying to work out why the F*** he is bring out a Casket.

Van Dam Rhino First Blood Match.
A gimmick match TNA could have def done without on the PPV. Maybe leave it a singles match and then a first blood on Impact sure that be ok to hype up this fued but doing it straight off the bat i call STUPID!!

Mickie Tara Falls Count Anywheres
Again another match that has something to do with the storyline of them brawling all over the arena. That or a Cage match would do me.

Jay Lethal Vs Robbie E - Cookie in a cage.
Umm didnt WWE do this back in 1997 with HHH and Chyna at D-generation X PPV. where Chyna was looked in the cage above the ring for the HHH vs Slaughter.
I guess having people just face each other in a match and leave it all in the ring is a dumb idea. Gimmicks = money!!!!

This is turning out to be wwe extreme rules....
I actually like the look of this PPV. I like the pair ups as they should all be competitive matches, all apart from the submission match. I just hope JJ taps out in record time.

For those saying TNA doing a TLC match the same month as WWE is stupid, well your wrong. This is the perfect time to do it. MCMG vs GenME will be incredible. It will completely outshine anything WWE try's to do, so if you are trying to compete with WWE why not just out shine them in a match WWE invented.

The Cookie hanging above the ring match. Why not? Ban her from ring, hang her from the roof, makes no difference. It is simply a way so she can drop the hair spray to Robbie E so he can remain champ.

Casket match - yeah pretty much a waste of time, but if Pope wins I will be happy.

This PPV will be a lot better than WWE TLC guaranteed.
Its a good point Eyebrows. There are certainly too many gimmick matches on the PPV. I think its unwanted though and a bad move on the part of TNA. Gimmick matches should be used as feud ending matches and none of the matches that have been announced look like feud ending matches. Its only been two PPV's since Immortal got formed so I expect them to continue to dominate the PPV results. So the results are not in doubt and it makes gimmick matches even more meaningless.

I'm only interested in the MCMG/Gen Me match because I know they will tear the house down and in the Main Event because I want to see who Morgan chooses as referee and how the main event pans out because it might determine where the Immortal angle is going.

I think booking these many gimmick matches is a cheap way of generating interest as the storylines are clearly not doing a good job of generating interest.
Jeff Hardy (c) vs Matt Morgan - w/ Special Referee
TNA World Heavyweight Title Match

This match loses something because Jeff already beat Morgan cleanly once. Now we have a special ref? We all pretty much know who it'll be. Question is, will Russo do what we expect and turn "the ref" heel, or will he call a fair match and Morgan loses? I just can't see Hardy losing the belt.

A.J. Styles (c) vs. Douglas Williams
TV Title Match

The only match I'm looking forward to. Isn't it odd that Williams is the face and Styles is the heel? I wonder how the crowd will react. The only non-gimmick title match on the card should be the best in term of ring work.

Motor City Machine Guns (c) vs. Generation Me
Full Metal Mayhem Match for the TNA Tag Team Titles

I'm not as worried that they're copying the WWE because the Guns and Gen ME are a different planet. WWE may put Edge vs. Kane in a TLC match so this one will be ten times better. It makes sense these two teams would have such a match, but Gen ME has to win to be taken seriously at this point. Another loss and their credibility is shot.

Robbie E (c) vs. Jay Lethal
TNA X-Division Title Match w\ Cookie suspended above the ring

This gimmick match makes no sense because Cookie hasn't done enough to be an issue. Chyna and Paul Bearer were always troublesome. Cookie's only been around a month or two. For hope's sake Lethal should win the belt back but somehow Robbie E. will pull it out. If he wants credibility, he'll win on his own merits.

Jeff Jarrett vs. Samoa Joe
MMA Submission Match

Ugh. You know Jarrett's boyfriends Gunner and Murphy will be lurking around. Still, Samoa Joe has to win or his credibility is shot like Gen ME. If Jarrett taps out maybe this will be the end of this absurd gimmick.

Abyss vs. The Pope
Casket Match

The Pope can now appear and disappear in caskets, and Abyss loves putting people in them. Didn't The Pope first start bringing caskets in the first place? I don't see the point of including it. Their last two matches were not good at all. These two have no chemistry and they better pull out a great match or the fans will turn on them quickly.

Rob Van Dam vs. Rhino
First Blood Match

Blood spills on EVERY SINGLE IMPACT, so why these two are facing in such a match is pointless. Plus Rhino losing to Tommy Dreamer clean kinda kills his credibility already.

Mickie James vs. Tara
Falls Count Anywhere Match

Does Mickie still feel she must get through Tara to get to Madison Rayne? This should be the cap to this feud so Mickie can move on to feud with Rayne or maybe The Beautiful People. Still, with Falls Count Anywhere and what happened on Impact, anyone else think Angelina and Velvet will get involved during or after the match and beat up Mickie? It's a good way to set up another set of feuds.

Beer Money vs. Ink Inc.
#1 Contenders Match

Brother Ray vs. Brother D-Von

I know it's not a gimmick match but I wanted to include any other matches on the card. That makes 10 matches, and 7 are gimmicks. I'm kinda surprised they didn't go for a tables match with Team 3D or an Inferno match with...well, anyone. A 10 match PPV is still a good thing seeing as how Impact has been lacking. Beer Money vs. Ink Inc. should be a solid tag team match, and Ray vs. D-Von should be...well...a good thing to get some nachos.
I dont get it, ONS or whatever wwe changed the name to was all gimmick and there was no complaints back then....not sure when that ppv died....still I mean that was full of gimmick. yet tna does it's all eyebrow raising? I don't get it but whatever. in my view I guess some of the gimmicks fit the ppv I mean it's called "final" resolution isn't it? not all feuds should end in a regular match. Does anyone know if kaz has a match? Anyways, I think all immortal members should win here. Although I would love douglas williams to get the belt here...williams/aj feud would only work if aj wasn't in immortal, I think. Not saying immortal should straight up dominate but they should win
Gimmick matches to this degree are typically used when there's nothing else of substance that the company can use to fill up the time on their PPV. At the moment, TNA is bringing absolutely nothing to the table. I guess they are hoping to dupe their fans into purchasing the PPV by means of gimmicks as opposed to offering quality wrestling matches in coherent storylines. If they haven't enticed viewers to tune in to see compelling storylines, maybe they'll tune in to see MMA Submissions matches, or Cookie suspended above the ring matches.

Of course, there will still be a mysterious tweet coming before the PPV airs, promising to change TNA Wrestling forever. Which will likely be retracted moments before the PPV airs, because by then those purchasing the event will have already done so.

In all honesty, I don't think I would watch Final Resolution if it was being aired on Spike TV for free. There's not one single thing about it which captures my interest in the slightest. For those who choose to do so, I hope you enjoy it, I really do. And be sure to let us know how D-Von versus Bubba Ray version 5 or 6 plays out.
I dont get it, ONS or whatever wwe changed the name to was all gimmick and there was no complaints back then....not sure when that ppv died....still I mean that was full of gimmick. yet tna does it's all eyebrow raising?

I don't like the WWE PPVs which are all gimmick matches either but I would have expected ONS to be all gimmick matches before the card was released. I posted this as I'm more concerned with TNA PPVs...I can't afford to buy the WWE ones but we get the TNA ones free so I watch them all. It's not a case of double-standards, if anything it's because TNA interests me more.
I'm actually very much looking forward to this PPV and I think it has the potential to be on of the Best PPVs this year. I have no problem with most of the gimmick matches because all of them of a reason for having a gimmick. I'm really excited for this PPV and I can't wait for Dec 5 to watch Final Resolution.
I don't like the WWE PPVs which are all gimmick matches either but I would have expected ONS to be all gimmick matches before the card was released. I posted this as I'm more concerned with TNA PPVs...I can't afford to buy the WWE ones but we get the TNA ones free so I watch them all. It's not a case of double-standards, if anything it's because TNA interests me more.

I guess you thought TNA's last PPV was awesome too huh? TNA's PPVs are really lacking something and I dunno if its them having them in the Impact Zone or what but its something. They just don't have any sizzle or excitment at all most of the time.
I guess you thought TNA's last PPV was awesome too huh?

I only enjoyed the MCMG Guns/Team 3D match from the last PPV. I know TNA's booking leaves a lot to be desired at times but I can always rely on some of the TNA talent to keep me interested. There's no-one in WWE that I'm a massive fan of in the same way as Styles or MCMG etc. I like most of their guys but I really only tune in to see Swagger, Punk, Bryan, Del Rio and Christian. I'd still buy their PPVs if I had the money.

The art of the PPV is dead in both companies in terms of giving that big night feel as free TV seems to be where most of the energy and attention is focused on. PPVs feel like a longer TV episode. But anyway, that's a whole other debate and off-topic for this thread.
Before I start off, the whole event is just gonna be horrendous.

1st: Jeff Hardy vs Matt Morgan-Special Referee

Oh lord. OK, having one can work but two, all I can see is oh lord.
I like how there was no reasoning to this, like at all. You didn't even point out why this is supposedly bad.

2nd: Motor City Machine Guns vs. Generation Me-Full Metal Mayhem Match

This match would work but to schedule the match in the same month as the TLC PPV just gives me the feeling that they're just trying to copy the WWE.
Contrary to popular belief the ladder match with weapons was not invented by the WWE.

3rd: Jeff Jarrett vs. Samoa Joe-Submission Match

With their feud as it is, their match should be a no holds barred match, not a match based around trying to make someone tap out. Will be incredibly boring.
Jeff Jarrett touting himself as a submission expert probably has a lot to do with that. You know, try watching TNA before criticising it.

4th: Abyss vs. The Pope-Casket Match

Absolute shit. Just shit. The casket match is Undertaker's and another example of TNA's writers not having a mind of their own.
Casket matches existed a long time before the Undertaker, try learning about wrestling.

5th: Rob Van Dam vs. Rhino-First Blood Match

There is no reason to have there their first match in this feud to be a first blood match. Will just suck.
There's no reason for two guys who both thrive on hardcore matches to have a match that involves weapon usage? Ok. Idiot.

6th: Mickie James vs. Tara-Falls Count Anywhere Match

The one match on the card that will have a gimmick match that works. They keep brawling everywhere in the building and with the way their feud is going, the match would not work if they kept the match solely in the ring.

See, you've gotta be trolling this is the only match you like? Trolololol

7th: Robbie E vs. Jay Lethal-Cookie Suspended above the Ring

Oh come on, they just couldn't ban her from ringside. This match will be terrible and there is no reason to suspend in a cage 25 feet above the ring.

3 hours of complete shit.

Of course there's a reason to suspend her above a cage, she might die. It'd be funny.

Of course these are the critics of TNA, people who are so fucking stupid they can't even put two and two together. You're a biased ******. You've yet to point out single flaw. The only bad match on the card is the one you like, this proves that TNA is not for you and you need to go back to 11 year old fantasy land in the WWE.
Gimmick matches are generally done when the company has nothing else to bring to the table. Usually, a gimmick match should be saved for the conclusion of a heated feud. In TNA, it's being done because they haven't built storylines that are compelling enough to draw the viewer. So rather, they're dragging out gimmick matches in order to hope these "special attractions" will be enough to draw buys.

The TLC match between Generation Me and The MCMG's make sense. They've had a heated feud that's dragged out for 2 months, and has included an empty arena match. So to have a match with the potential for so much destructivity in it makes sense.

I can't say the same for the rest of the matches. Why do Jeff Hardy and Matt Morgan need a special referee? I get that the "rookie" referee botched the first match. Simple solution? You have your senior referee call the next one! Instead, TNA turns it into an overbooked crapfest where Matt Morgan gets to pick the referee in a match where there's no feasible way to take the belt off of Hardy.

Im not sure why Abyss and Pope need a casket match. Im guessing it has something to do with the fact that the two of them likely can't have a good straight up single's match against one another. We don't know though, because they had a stipulation match last month.

Which brings me to Lethal vs Robbie E. Instead of just banning the meddlesome Cookie from ringside, or stripping Robbie of the title if she does, they decide to place her over the ring in a cage, where she obviously in some way WILL get involved. But why do something simplistic when you can be complicated?

Jarrett vs Joe in a submissions match makes sense, somewhat. Jarrett is claiming to be a submission's master, and Joe is The "Samoan Submission Machine." The problem is, we've already seen Joe "submit" to Jarrett. So Joe either has to win the match, or his credibility is shot. But if Jarrett loses, his new found "mastery" of submissions is a total joke.

So yes, this a completely overbooked PPV. Its an attempt by a company to sell a PPV on anything other then what its focus should be, and thats good, concrete storylines.
I don't think there are too many gimmick matches. It might seem that way, with there being a lot of different gimmick matches on this show compared to WWE doing their whole gimmick PPV theme thing. I think it's a good idea to have a variety of gimmick matches on the same show because it makes the matches stand out. The problem is that there seems to always be complicated booking in these matches, which sometimes ruins what could otherwise be an incredible show.
I was just going over the list of matches for Final Resolution and 6 of the 9 scheduled matches are gimmick matches:

"The Blueprint" Matt Morgan vs. (c) Jeff Hardy of Immortal

Jeff Jarrett vs “The Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe

“The Monster” Abyss vs “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero

Rob Van Dam vs “The War Machine” Rhino


Motor City Machine Guns (champs) vs Generation Me

Tara vs Mickie James

“The Phenomenal” AJ Styles (champ) vs Douglas Williams


Robbie E (champ) vs Jay Lethal

Beer Money vs Ink Inc.

I like the occasional gimmick match, but to me this is just too many for one PPV. It was like they tried to figure out every type of gimmick match there is and put them all on one card.

Do you think this is overkill? Would you prefer more regular matches or do you like a PPV filled with gimmick matches?

No problem with it at all as long as the matches are of good quality, whether they are gimmick matches or not. And, in this case, each of the gimmicks in the gimmick matches make sense given the recent storylines of the people involved in each match. So I'm OK with it, as long as, like I said earlier, the matches are entertaining.
Of course it's overkill...1-2 matches max should really be a gimmick. Trying to remember all the stips is just ridiculous. Did they really need the Knockouts match to be a gimmick match? I'm hoping Shark Boy makes his return in the X Division match, that will be the only chance for redemption in that one.

Seriously, I'm hoping the Hogan/Bishoff signings expires after a year (and Russo bails too, somehow), so they can bring in someone new to work the creative end...this is WCW-circa-2000 level out of control.

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