Final Resolution: TNA Heavyweight Title


Is hanging up the boots
Once again if you do not want to be spoiled, please do not read on.

Booker T & Kevin Nash & Scott Steiner & Sting vs. Samoa Joe & AJ Styles & two partners of their choosing.​

You heard that right folks, an 8 man tag team match with the TNA Heavyweight Title on the line. This is something only TNA would do. Here's the deal, if the Main Event Mafia wins the tag match, Sting retains his World Title. But if the TNA Originals win the match, no matter who pins who, A.J Styles receives the title.

So say if somebody like Eric Young is in the match and actually pins somebody like Kevin Nash, Styles gets all the credit and the title. Sounds pretty damn stupid to me, but it's TNA so I guess I'll have to live with it.

The two mystery partners have not been announced yet. It should be a good 20 minute 8 man tag team match. But what's going to fill the rest of the show? I see the Mafia looking dominant by winning once again. One of the mystery partners will be pinned. But I am hoping this is entertaining and should be a good match come Final Resolution.

What are your thoughts on this unique match? Who do you think will be the remaining participants alongside Joe and Styles?

Let your thoughts be heard.
Just when I'm liking TNA alot and thinking that they may cut down on all the match stipulations they throw this to us. I think it's down right dumb that Styles & Sting are the only one's who get to benefit regardless if they pin the person of not. I just think it's very TNA to do a match like this and it really is pointless. Why not just have a normal tag match with no belt, or a match where whoever pins get's the belt? I see Sting retaining, and as for the mystery partners, it could be a returning Daniels(styles, daniels, and Joe would be a marks wet dream come true)and probably Lethal or maybe even Low Ki.
Either the Guns or Eric Young and Petey Williams will be joining AJ and Joe. I'd love for the Guns to pick up the tag titles on the second time of trying though, so let's go with the Young & Williams theory.

I reckon TNA will want to make things interesting. Want, not necessarily will. My guess? Joe pins Nash or Booker to win AJ the title. In-fighting ensues on both sides.

Remember, I called it.
I read this in the spoilers the other day, I was just waiting for somebody to post it. Pointless and stupid. There's nothing wrong with a simple 8-Man tag. Only problem for TNA being that WWE will have promoted two or more similar and bigger matches just two weeks before. So why would you buy the TNA version?

Is there any incentive for Joe & the other two faces to help A.J.? If the faces win is Styles going to give them a world title shot? If not then why would they care about his title aspirations. It's the same on the heel side as well. I thought both groups were together because of age and pushes. Not because of friendship.
Jake nailed it as always. There is nothing in this for any of the teammates of Joe, and really nothing in it for Sting's teammates either. If tehy want to be champion, their teammate isn't going to give them a shot at it is he? Of course not. That's the flaw in this match. If you want to do Styles/Sting 2, why not do that, or why not just have an 8 man scramble for the title? At least that would make something close to sense here. Joe pins Nash, Sting loses title to AJ? What in the hell does that accomplish? Nothing but pushing TNA further towards the title of oddest booking ever.
Why do I see Team 3D being the choice for Samoa Joe/A.J. Styles? Team 3D mentioned feeling offended because they weren't asked to join the M.E.M. so that could be a hint.

Forbid that this ends up being Matt Morgan and Abyss. Or even worse, L.A.X. I'm sorry, but if the Heavyweight Championship is going to be on the line, then you need to make sure all 8 guys are remotely worthy of the title. Scott Steiner is stretching it.

I'd love to see a Triple X reunion come out of this. With Eric Young pulling away from Super Eric, that means it can't be too much longer before Curry Man reforms into the Fallen Angel. And Christopher Daniels has Main Event T.N.A. Original written all over him. Connect that to the attack on Petey Williams recently, and you have a nice 4-some.

As far as the storyline and the situation with the title being on the line, leave it up to T.N.A. to find "unique" in the form of "shit". Seriously? W.C.W. used to put the Heavyweight title on the line in Tag Team matches.. T.N.A. wanted to one up them with an 8 man tag. nice. :disappointed:

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