Final Resolution: Three Degrees Of Pain - Desmond Wolfe v. Kurt Angle

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Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
Desmond Wolfe is literally in the middle of announcing this match, and I'm actually stoked for it. It's essentially a Three Stages Of Hell, with the stipulations being Pinfall-Submission-Escape The Cage.

This plays well into the style of both men. I'm hoping it was the planned ending, and not a hurried ending because Hogan is coming.

Wolfe needs the win more than Angle, but I wouldn't be surprised to see either man come out on top. Should be a 5 Star match with any finish though.
3 DEGREES OF PAIN im sorry but that just sounds like a big wwe rip off i mean come on and the brass knucks angle again its like a whole new generation of william regal.I really think angle and wolf are giving too much too early.
Thinking about the match a bit more, I'm thinking Angle wins.

Wolfe will probably score a quick pinfall, and then we'll get a long stretch before Angle wins the submission fall. After Wolfe taps to that, it'd be hard to climb the cage, and that sets up a win for Angle. Angle has gotten pretty good at putting guys over while still picking up the win.

According to the poster for Genesis, Angle is in line for a title run...
I am really pulling for Wolfe to win personally. Like you said, he needs the win more than Angle and also with a Wolfe win it can keep this feud going between the 2 (because I'm quite enjoying this feud and I would like to see it keep going).

I see the win going to Angle (because its Kurt Angle, that's a good enough reason by itself) but I'm hoping for Wolfe so the feud can go on a little longer.

At the end of the day 2 things are certain.
1) Wolfe is going to get put over HUGE (win or loss)
2) It should be an awesome wrestling match and could very well be a Match of the Year candidate
It could be interesting, although I'm not really all that wild about the gimmick aspect of the match in and of itself. Take away all the showy window dressing, and this is just a two out of three falls match. It could be a very good match, however, and I look for Wolfe to job to Angle when it's all said and done. The poster for the Genesis pay per view seems to indicate that Angle is going to be in the running for a TNA world title shot, so a loss to Wolfe at Final Resolution doesn't seem to be in the cards.

While Wolfe doesn't necessarily need the win to get a good rub and come off looking great, he needs it much more than Angle. And, quite frankly, I'm tired of Kurt Angle in the TNA world title picture. He's been consistently in the main event scent in TNA for 3 years and it's old, tired and stale. I'm not saying that Wolfe should be the guy going for the title, but I'd like to see Wolfe walk away with the win against Angle.
i think it is a rip off of the 3 stages of hell and i wouln't put it past kurt angle if it was his idea for the match but i will say its not the match that makes the money its the talent and if you watched turning point then you will know that the last time wolfe met angle they tore the house down and he matched angle hold for hold so i think this will be good as well i mean if you go back to summerslam 2006 they had the extreme rules match with the big show and sabu and that match sucked so it goes back to what i said its not the match type its the talent that makes the match good. wolfe and angle are doing good and hopefully it will end with an ultimate submission match or an iron man match so i see no problems with the program that they have. but wolfe does need a win
This match shall be very good considering who's in the match. If this match is anything like their previous then it should be fan fucking tastic, hopefully it shall get a long time for it. The Submission part I am looking forward to the most to actually, not too sure on the whole cage aspect but still looking forward to one hell of a match.
I think this match is very good, however, as I said in the Kurt/Wolfe thread, I feel it's too much too soon. I thought this feud would last another month or so, and this match seems like a match to end the feud. But anyway, onto the actual topic. I believe Desmond is going to get the first fall, and Kurt will get the submission, and then somehow, both will escape the cage at the same time.

If it doesn't end like that I can see Kurt winning the last two falls to win the match. However, since Desmond did not win in the other match they've had, I'd assume he would win here, in over though he hasn't needed to win to get over.
Wolfe really needs this win, and with the match he had tonight, it looks like he may just get it. He looked great wrestling with Daniels, and has been nothing but gold in the ring with Angle.

I'd like to see Angle score the first fall, starting as the aggressor, with everything going on surrounding Jarrett. Then Wolfe can win with a submission, and catch angle off guard, or rushing too much, and even it up. Escaping the Six Sides Of Steel will be a big task, but i'm sure we'll get a decent 20 minutes for this match alone, with both men really upping the ante for the main event.
I'm excited for this match.... or should I say "these matches"? I don't think I have ever seen a "3 degrees of Pain" (or "3 Stages of Hell") match not go into the 3rd round. So we will potentially be seeing 3 matches in one between two of TNA's best guys: Angle and Wolfe. Wolfe has been on a roll lately and I definitely see him getting the win here. Angle won the last match, but Wolfe has had all the momentum ever since. I expect them to win one of the first two rounds each, and then Desmond picking up the win in the 3rd round to end what will probably be the match of the night. I am looking forward to this more than any other match on the card because we know these guys are capable of putting on a good match with each other.

Desmond Wolfe will defeat Kurt Angle.
First of all, this will go into the third stage, because these kind of matches always go all three stages. The first stage will go to Desmond Wolfe with the pinfall, Angle will get the submission, and Wolfe will win by escaping the cage. This has been a great first feud for Desmond, but it is clear that they are ready to end it. Kurt can go on to feud with Jarrett since they teased it last night, while Wolfe can move into a title picture, either the X or World.
I would expect this great matchup on card to go all the way to the third fall as these two put on one heck of a great match at Turning Point. This match will consume a large amount of time on the ppv and i expect Kurt Angle to win again as he looks to push to become the TNA Champion once again.

Desmond Wolfe will likely pull off the first victory and Angle will will capitalise and get the final two. I'm looking forward to this match the most.
Are you ready for this PPV guys? Only four hours left and the card is looking sweet. The two last matches have got to be a splendid visionary. But all round, I think I'll enjoy this whole event. I'm pulling for Wolfe to win the Three Degrees of Pain match here and pick back up some momentum, but thn again, him being triumphant over Angle in a match of this nature sort of means he's better because it's kind of like a End all, be all "Best of". I can say this kind of match was indeed made too soon, I don't want this feud to end right now. However in a Russofied booking decision, the third fall could likely end in a draw.
Match Of The Night. No doubt about it. Angle and Wolfe pulled no punches, and each fall was a great match on it's own. The chain wrestling looked crisp, and they really put on a clinic for everyone on the roster. The reversals and finisher attempts were all sold well, and it left me wanting more.

The finish of the match was a bit of a surprise, but Angle showed he can still put people over by beating them. This feud still has room to grow, but I'm thinking it'll end with all the events coming in the new year.
As my girlfriend and I were watching this match, she looked at me and said, "this is the kind of match that makes me forget that wrestling's more of a theatrical sport." She's totally right, too. The skill these two guys showed in putting on 3 totally different matches in the context of one match was absolutely astonishing, and if they keep them apart now for a good 6 months or so, it'll be just as much fun to see them go at this all over again...Ultimate X-style, perhaps?

As an aside, though, I am getting a little sick of seeing various IWC sites talk about Angle's neck and how hard it is to watch him go out there. The man's in better shape than pretty much any one of us, doing things that absolutely none of us can do, and consistenly making everyone who steps in the ring with him look like,, adamantium! Couldn't it maybe, maybe just be that the guy, injuries and all, is just amazing at his job? That's certainly what I'd like to think.
I hear all the overrated rants by the IWC about Angle, but I think last night's match definitely hushed the critics. I mean any man who can go out there and perform better then most men half his age with a broken neck or a bad back deserves some credit.

Angle and Wolfe are magic in the ring. Every fall was amazing. It was like watching an old school wrestling match again. Poetry in motion. I had a hunch Angle would win, but the match made me want Wolfe to win so much more. The match had so much great chemistry, that I really had no idea who would win in the end.

This is why I love TNA Wrestling because of performers like Styles, Daniels, Angle, Wolfe, and Samoa Joe. People can say what they want about TNA's ratings, company, story lines, and characters. Overall though, they have the best wrestling matches on record. Matches that mean something more then a belt or a gimmick.

This was the match of the night and a match of the year candidate in my opinion. Wolfe can only go up from this match. Anything Angle touches turns to gold in the ring. If we see Angle and Styles in the future, that will be another Match of The Year Candidate.
Thia match will be Awesome.Angle will win but wolfe will over huge.

This is such a rip off over three stages of hell.

Thats just me.
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