Final Resolution: Mick Foley & Abyss v. Raven & Dr. Stevie

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Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
This was just announced by Abyss, during a segment with Mick Foley. i like the match getting a pay-per-view payoff, with who knows what coming up once Hogan arrives.

Foley's future is a bit murky, and Abyss looks to be heading back to being a monster, and Raven and Stevie are just money. This is filler, clearly, but it could be a decent 5 minute match.
It'll be an interesting match, but like you said, little more than filler. As far as I know, it is not a no-DQ match which takes a lot of the potential away if you ask me. Hopefully I'm wrong about that or, if nothing else, the feud gets intensified so we can see these four do what they do best and beat the shit out of each other with weapons. I would make a prediction, but I really have no idea.
As far as I know, it is not a no-DQ match which takes a lot of the potential away if you ask me.

It's not a No DQ, but if you ask me, that means it could be even better. It may not even be a match at all. The show already has a stacked card, with a lot of matches to fit in, so maybe before this match even gets under way, we just get all four, and potentially Daffney, beating the hell out of each other with whatever they can find. That gives us a No Contest, keeps the angle going, and doesn't take more than a few minutes to get out of the way.
This should be a good match with a few interesting spots. Some people think that Abyss/Stevie has gone on for too long, but I disagree. I have enjoyed the entire feud since the beginning. Now Raven and Foley are added to the mix for this match. I think that the feud might end after this match though. Abyss should come out on top at the end of everything because he is the most likely of the four to stick around for a long time, so I think that his team will win.

Mick Foley & Abyss will defeat Raven & Dr Stevie.
Not this again. Last I check abyss and mick foley were in a fued that was never resolved, its hard to believe that two guys can wake up one day and forget about a bitter fued like they did. Millions of times abyss has faced stevie in some ways its so old. Adding mick foley to the mix is just stupid and the only reason they did it was to combine hardcore wrestlers which was uneccesarry. Raven is so so so out of place in this fued since have we ever found ravens motives behing helping stevie and I for one dont get how raven can be in a bitter fued with abyss and disappear for a while and start the fued up like he wasnt gone for a few monts. Mind boggling and poor creative writing in my opinion.
Not this again. Last I check abyss and mick foley were in a fued that was never resolved, its hard to believe that two guys can wake up one day and forget about a bitter fued like they did. Millions of times abyss has faced stevie in some ways its so old. Adding mick foley to the mix is just stupid and the only reason they did it was to combine hardcore wrestlers which was uneccesarry. Raven is so so so out of place in this fued since have we ever found ravens motives behing helping stevie and I for one dont get how raven can be in a bitter fued with abyss and disappear for a while and start the fued up like he wasnt gone for a few monts. Mind boggling and poor creative writing in my opinion.

He doesn't need a reason, any wrestling fan will tell you that Stevie and Raven are mates going back from ECW and including WCW. He doesn't need a reason, it's like HBK coming out to help HHH. He doesn't need a reason why.

This match should be good, I like the mentor role Foley has with Abyss because Abyss is essentially Mankind. Add this to Raven who is always a good worker in my book, plus the most underrated wrestler EVER, this should be a good match.
I had flashbacks to ECW here. No lie. Foley and Abyss were both great, and Stevie and Raven sold everything well to put the match over. There was actually some nice psychology behind the weapons use, and it got everyone into the match so much quicker.

Foley's elbow off the ramp onto Stevie was great, and almost made us forget that Neal was probably still dying at ringside. Raven biting at Abyss' leg was pretty funny, but was perfect for the character.
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