File Under "R" For Racism.


The Shark Should've Worked in WCW
Professional wrestling has never been a politically correct source of entertainment. Ok.... Let me rephrase that, after watching a black tribesman being led by the hand of a white man. Professional wrestling is anything but politically correct. In every company you find, you can find gimmicks that definitely play upon stereoypes, if not are outright Racist. Surely enough as finding signs of Racism in pillars of our youth, such as Bugs Bunny and any Disney Movie, you'll find that Racism is an integral part of our childhood. Don't believe me on the Bugs Bunny and Disney part? Well, let's have a gander, shall we?


Oh, that did nothing for you? Caricatures, you say? How about this one.


I'm sorry, but the name of the song is What Makes The Red Man Red! Now, of course, if we're taking context into matter, we have to consider the times. To have a gimmick like this was pretty much an accepted part of society, both in the times of Mel Blanc, and Disney. Again, that isn't to excuse the outright you just saw, sometimes in perfect harmony and sing song fashion. It's just an accepted part of the culture.

Now, some promoters, on the other hand; they've had the gift of time, a Civil Rights Movement, and plenty of protests regarding racism in the media. Yet some still chose to place Racist characters within their television programming, to be seen nationwide! Hell, at one time, it was Bill Watts, the president of WCW, who decided to have black slaves, led by a rope to the ring, who wrestled under the influence of their white Massa Colonel Parker. Then again, we're also talking about the same guy who produced this little gem of a quote;

from Bill Watts said:
Why should I have to hire a fucking *** if I don't like ****? If I don't want to sell fried chicken to blacks, I shouldn't have to. It's my restaurant.

To say Racism is alive and well in wrestling would be like saying that Vince McMahon has a little money. A little money made off the back of gimmicks that are borderline racist. Now, granted, Vince doesn't target one race; he seems to hate everyone equally, and displays such a notion with some of his gimmicks. Other promoters? Well, they're less subtle with how they feel about other races. How do you feel, Vince Russo?

From Vince Russo said:
I'm going to tell you something right now that you will absolutely not agree with, but I've been a wrestling fan my whole life and I will live and die by this. It's hard enough, believe me, I write this shit, it is hard enough to get somebody over. You will never ever, ever, ever, ever see the Japanese wrestlers or the Mexican wrestlers over in American mainstream wrestling. I'm an American. If I'm watching wrestling here in America, I don't give a shit about a Japanese guy. I don't give a shit about a Mexican guy. I'm from America, and that's what I want to see

Ah, Patriotism.... Isn't it great? Anyway, look, you have your choice of plenty of racist characters, and any race, really. Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, Vikings. Yeah, even white people are slightly represented. Very Slightly. The question is, of all the racist gimmicks you've ever seen, which is the most racist?

My pick has to be Kamala, not only for the fact that he played a Tribes Man, complete with spear and war paint, but he was also led out to the ring by the hand of the white man. Led by his manager, Friday or Kim Chee, Kamala paraded around his gimmick for years, which was initially designed by Jerry Jarrett and Jim Harris, the man who played Kamala. But what was so damning about this man was that he showed absolutely no sense of thought himself. Pretty much, he acted on the whim of his overlord; he never spoke, and he never expressed himself, save for rubbing his belly every now and then. It was already a bad gimmick, but including the fact that he seemed to have no thoughts of how own; why that was the killer for me. Absolutely no one can prove to me that this gimmick, under any rationale, should have been around in an era as politically correct as ours. Still, the man made a two decade long career out of playing the village simpleton who was going to "put his opponents in a big pot and cook them." Everything about this gimmick, from the war paint, to being lead by a white man in everything he did, just screamed inhuman to me. Kamala always seemed to me less than human, and more of a subservant being for his white onlookers. If that isn't racism, I'm not sure what is.

Anyway, that's the most racist for me. What is the most racist gimmick in the world of wrestling to you?
I wont go back that far since im not a classic wrestling fan, but Cryme Tyme.

Two black guys running around robbing people, selling counterfeit Royal Rumble numbers, their catchphrase was "Money, Money, Yeah Yeah." Just very stereotypical.
I wont go back that far since im not a classic wrestling fan, but Cryme Tyme.

Two black guys running around robbing people, selling counterfeit Royal Rumble numbers, their catchphrase was "Money, Money, Yeah Yeah." Just very stereotypical.

Yeah, Cryme Time was actually pretty bad, too. Something that goes unforgotten, somewhat, is that it was black people robbing from others. Though, in all fairness, after their first stint in the WWE, they really did tone down the whole "stealing" part.

The Royal Rumble thing, to me, was just ingenious. I don't think there's really anything stereotypical to counterfeiting, and there's no race that is notorious for counterfeits. But while I agree there was ahint of racism, it really wasn't as pronounced as other gimmicks. Sure, it was a bit crude, but nothing that awful, really. The stealing thing wasn't horrible, but I see where you're getting at. I think it was more playing the role of street smart; don't have to be black or white to be street smart.
I'll always shudder at Kerwin White with the line "If it's not White, it's not right"

Kaientai were pretty racist as well (just mark that down for all Japanese wrestlers actually)

But, yeah, it's hard to argue with Kamala, at least on a world-wide scale, although the Headshrinkers deserve a mention, especially with their ability to try and wear shoes coming off really badly
I'd have to say Cryme Tyme, but since a couple people already did, I'm gonna go ahead and say Funaki. When he was with Taka in Kaientai, some of the stuff they did was good for a laugh, but it was pretty racist. Then at the end of Funaki's run with the company, they repackaged him as Kung Fu Naki. Now that's some racism right there!

Also, this isn't a character, but I think we all remember the HHH vs. Booker T program leading up to Wrestlemania XIX. If you don't, go find some YouTube videos of some of the stuff that HHH said. A lot of it could definitely be taken the wrong way.
Wasn't it JBL who led that program on SmackDown! against illegal aliens/mexicans during his feud with Mysterio? I thought that was astoundingly racist, to be honest. I understood it was kayfabe, still, seemed rather edgy from what SmackDown! was used to doing at the time.
This is a really great thread. This also help prove what I've been thinking all along....VINCE MCMAHON DOES NOT LIKE BLACK PEOPLE.....or Japanese or Mexican people. Now we could be here all day discussing racist gimmicks, and the few that have been named, Cryme Tyme, Kamala, and Kerwin White, are by far at the top. A Cryme Tyme segment that sticks out to me is when they sold DX tix to the RAW that night. HBK asked for a "deuce down low!" lmao....Funny, yea....but still cant see why Black Wrestlers cant be Black Wrestlers. Its been done, but....something is missing. They don't have to be Godfathers and Papa Shangos, Boogeymen or British Kings. Bobby Lashley worked ok....sorta
This is a really great thread. This also help prove what I've been thinking all along....VINCE MCMAHON DOES NOT LIKE BLACK PEOPLE.....or Japanese or Mexican people.

Yeah, I don't buy that one. At the least, Vince is indiscriminatory in his discrimination. He will make fun of absolutely anybody, regardless of race and culture. IDR pointed to something earlier, in that he had JBL go out and play the stereotypical white upper class citizen. His booting out of the the Illegal Immigrants was not only a little humiliating for hispanic people, but also shined a horrible light into white people. It was as though Vince was saying, "White people, you take yourselves way too seriously, and you can be just as racist as anyone else." JBL always portrayed something of a caricature to me, and was something to be apalled at how horribly racist he was, and how overbearing he was. His portrayal of the rich white man was something that can be said as stereotypical, too. So when people say that Vince just hates a group of people, I sincerely doubt its just minorities. Vince has been quick to make fun of white people, as much as any other reason.

By the way, in the spirit of things... It's not Japanese or Mexican, really. It can be Samoan, Asian, Hispanic, but saying he's racist against a country is kind of dumb. You can't be racist towards a country, just towards a race. Just sayin...
Although I feel it was a good faction, the original Nation of Domination I believe you could file that under racism using stereotypes of the black panthers mixed with a few other stereotypes.

Using a pro black theme by using "Nation Salute", calling people White man, listen to video clips and entrance music. Even the way Faarooq used his mic skills earned him a ton of heat from the fans.

One quote faarooq had about Ahmed Johnson. "Johnson was not black enough and that he was a white boy waiting to come out."

They also feuded with the Los Boricuas who were made up of puerto rican wrestlers and the Disciples of Apocalypse (DOA bikers). This feud was portrayed as a gang style war.

All three groups were based around stereotypes. I believe this was racism because it depicted the primary traits of real groups from our past.
i'm kinda tired of hearing all the racism talk, not just in wrestling, but in general. Why has no one here mentioned Cody Deaner, or any red neck gimmick for that matter? Because in modern day America racism is only wrong if its directed at a non-white American.

Why can a Black man call me a Cracker, but I can't call him a ******. Saying that word alone can possibly get me warned or banned, but that would just prove my point.

I agree there is alot of racism in wrestling, but for the most part it's funny. I always laughed at Deaner, and my buddy, who is black, loved cryme tyme and JTG is his favorite wrestler.

As for a specific gimmick, how about Finlay. He's Irish, so automatically that means he loves to fight. He even comes equip with his own Shillelagh and leprechaun.

Sorry for my little rant. Good topic.
WWE has always been racist to a point. Look at some of the characters that stand out from history.

Rowdy Roddy Piper, Kamala, Tatanka, The Mountie, Yokozuna, Mr Fuji, Khali, La Resistance, Kaientai, The Un-Americans, Mohammed Hassan, and many many more have in some way been involved in some kind of racist angle or stereotype.

Even Hulk Hogan wa only given that name because Mr McMahon Sr wanted to have someone that could portray being from an Irish bacground, because he believed everyone should have a recongnisable ethnic status to make them different (hence Piper, Slaughter, Kholoff, Putski, Shiek among others all being around during the 70's/80's)

Even look at recent examples. Santino seems hugely racist to me, because the guy playing him is CANADIAN!!

What about Eddie Guerrerro?? He's Mexican, so he must 'Lie, Cheat and Steal', just like all those other immigrants. WWE clearly wanted him to be a heel, he was just too good at playing the role to not be a face though
Vince has always trod a fine line with Race... Koko B. Ware was the first guy I saw who I thought was having to play to a stereotype just to have a job, and I was a kid then!

The Headshrinkers weren't so bad, as they used that gimmick before Vince got involved, same for Kamala... it was actually Jerry Lawler's idea...

Eddie and Chavo was pretty bad... the humor was there but the low rider etc was about as stereotypical as it came... but WCW did it first with the LWO...

The most shocking form of racism WWE has ever produced was the way Mark Copani was treated... an italian who was told he wasn't allowed to portray a muslim heel anymore... cos Vince decided he needed to have fanatics in hoods accompanying him... That Vince allowed that was racist, that he allowed the network to kill the character even worse... It reinforced every negative stereotype that the character had worked hard and done so well to combat...
Racism occurs everywhere.
And that includes wrestling.
I guess this is a nice thread if you wanna whine about race, but other than that, there are no real findings.

So that makes it ok for racism to exist? Just because it exists everywhere, we should allow it in professional wrestling, really? That's one of the poorest excuses for a post I've ever seen on this forum, and I mean every bit of that. If there's racism in the world, call it out, and at least acknowledge that someone is treated differently. Racism is literally the inhumane treatment of people based on their skin color. You don't find that to be a problem is wrestling.

As for no findings, how exactly do you figure? We've had about eleven posts, all of which more valid than yours, explaining a character that had racial stereotypes. Do you want to guess that makes it, genius.


And if other people are sharing an experience that, to them, was racist, how do you decide that there's no findings.

Or, are you just, you know, racist yourself? That works, too.
i'm kinda tired of hearing all the racism talk, not just in wrestling, but in general. Why has no one here mentioned Cody Deaner, or any red neck gimmick for that matter? Because in modern day America racism is only wrong if its directed at a non-white American.

Why can a Black man call me a Cracker, but I can't call him a ******. Saying that word alone can possibly get me warned or banned, but that would just prove my point.

I agree there is alot of racism in wrestling, but for the most part it's funny. I always laughed at Deaner, and my buddy, who is black, loved cryme tyme and JTG is his favorite wrestler.

As for a specific gimmick, how about Finlay. He's Irish, so automatically that means he loves to fight. He even comes equip with his own Shillelagh and leprechaun.

Sorry for my little rant. Good topic.

Excatly! I took extreme offense to the Cody Deaner gimmick. They billed him from Muscle Shoals Alabama which is where I live and they sterotyped him into being dumb trailerpark trash and i've never even seen a trailerpark in this area! It just sterotyped the hell out of Alabama. Anyways the hypocrisy in some of these young black people these days is just dumb. They feel its alright to call white people crackers on honkeys or 'whiteboy' but if we call them coloreds or N***** they get all offensive. They find it justified seeing how whites kept blacks as slaves, what? About 200 years ago? None of them were alive back then so I don't see reasoning for the bitterness. If any black people should be bitter it should be the ones who were alive in the 50's and 60's during the civil rights movement, but to be quite honest I have never met any black person that lived during that time who was bitter but instead kind. Its alot of the young black kids who are ignorant and think they know it all.

Sorry for rambling so much and not staying on topic haha, but anyway since alot of people said what I was gonna say about the most racist gimmick, Cryme Tyme, I'll just say what i beleive is the most racist moment which would be Piper painting himself black.
Wasn't it JBL who led that program on SmackDown! against illegal aliens/mexicans during his feud with Mysterio? I thought that was astoundingly racist, to be honest. I understood it was kayfabe, still, seemed rather edgy from what SmackDown! was used to doing at the time.

F*** JBL
When he crashed ECW ONS 2005 with the WWE SD guys , Mysterio was in the ring and he said " I have a ticket you little Mexican!!!"

JBL needs to be put in a ring with Vader in WCW circa '91! Stupidf***!
Oh, Jesus fucking Christ.

Guys, at no point did I say it had to only be centered around other races. I said, quote, "whites also receive the treatment of any other race in wrestling." And you point to Cody Deaner, which is a great example But no one here said that racism was left only to other races. My personal gimmick, I feel, is more racist than anyone else's, because again, we have a black wrestler, who shows no thought process whatsoever, and has everything commanded to him by his white overlord? What isn't racist about that? Do you see black people led around by hand by white men everyday?

No, you wouldn't see that, because its fucking racist. Again, any race is open for discussion. Every race has been parodied in wrestling. But that doesn't mean Racism is not blatant and clear in wrestling
Surprised JBL's goosestep at the house show in Germany hasn't been mentioned. Now granted it's not exactly Vince's fault or anything, but shit. It is kinda unbelievable how in the 21st century a wrestler can pull that kind of stuff in the name of cheap heat. I doubt JBL is a legit racist, but that's a pretty good example of a performer taking the gimmick too far.
Wasn't it JBL who led that program on SmackDown! against illegal aliens/mexicans during his feud with Mysterio? I thought that was astoundingly racist, to be honest. I understood it was kayfabe, still, seemed rather edgy from what SmackDown! was used to doing at the time.

How is that racist? That's like saying that people that hate people that murder are bigots. What part of illegal doesn't this country understand? They now try to soften the blow and call them "undocumented" which is complete and utter bullshit. If somebody is here illegally, they have NO RESPECT for our country and should be afforded no rights whatsoever; especially at the expense of the taxpayers.

But back to JBL. He talked a good game on Smackdown, especially with Eddie, but the funniest thing was learning that Eddie was JBL's best man at his wedding LOL

Only in the world of professional wrestling can upholding the law make you a heel LMFAO
lol@ Farooq Asaad!....when Ron Simmons first came to WWF he was a former WCW world champion. His WWF debut he came out with a weird blue helmet on! I remember Jim Ross interviewing him on RAW and he asked him why he changed his name he said "Don't u dare call me ron simmons or I'll kick Yo' hoonkey ass!!" but I imagine Vince came up with the gimmick and the ideas for what he'd say
How is that racist? That's like saying that people that hate people that murder are bigots. What part of illegal doesn't this country understand? They now try to soften the blow and call them "undocumented" which is complete and utter bullshit. If somebody is here illegally, they have NO RESPECT for our country and should be afforded no rights whatsoever; especially at the expense of the taxpayers.

I believe that, unless your a hick who really wants to buy into JBL doing the country a disservice, is that JBL played the role of a stereotypical white upper class citizen, who wants the immingrants out of our country, for our benefit. The heat comes from the fact that JBL classified all Hispanics as "Illegal Immigrants", merely because they looked the part. That, in effect, is what ultimately makes JBL the heel. It wasn;t that he was trying to protect his country, as you say. It is because JBL broadly swapped all members of one race in the same style; that they were all illegal immigrants to this country, and thus, didn't belong here.

For the record, as it pertains to this storyline, I always have a cartoon that makes me laugh, and fits into the idea IDR is trying to portray.


Now can you see how JBL is a stereotypical character, at least in this gimmick?
Excatly! I took extreme offense to the Cody Deaner gimmick. They billed him from Muscle Shoals Alabama which is where I live and they sterotyped him into being dumb trailerpark trash and i've never even seen a trailerpark in this area! It just sterotyped the hell out of Alabama. Anyways the hypocrisy in some of these young black people these days is just dumb. They feel its alright to call white people crackers on honkeys or 'whiteboy' but if we call them coloreds or N***** they get all offensive. They find it justified seeing how whites kept blacks as slaves, what? About 200 years ago? None of them were alive back then so I don't see reasoning for the bitterness. If any black people should be bitter it should be the ones who were alive in the 50's and 60's during the civil rights movement, but to be quite honest I have never met any black person that lived during that time who was bitter but instead kind. Its alot of the young black kids who are ignorant and think they know it all.

Sorry for rambling so much and not staying on topic haha, but anyway since alot of people said what I was gonna say about the most racist gimmick, Cryme Tyme, I'll just say what i beleive is the most racist moment which would be Piper painting himself black.

For the record, Piper only painted himself half black LOL I wouldn't even consider that racist. Saba Simba is a huge example being an actual spearchucker it seemed. That is a far worse example than piper. There are just too many examples throughout wrestling history to name just one though.

If we want to look at whites though, you don't have to look further than Sheamus today. When isnt he made of for being a ginger or being Irish? Then we have fucking Finley the walking, talking stereotype who even had a fucking leprechaun as a kid! It's everywhere and it isnt going away.
Sorry, I don't know how to pull a quote from someones reply....But Tenta, you're right, Vince does give it to everybody. No matter the creed. Maybe i'm bias cause i get tired of seeing the same guys. Maybe it'll get more "colorful" later at the top.
I believe that, unless your a hick who really wants to buy into JBL doing the country a disservice, is that JBL played the role of a stereotypical white upper class citizen, who wants the immingrants out of our country, for our benefit. The heat comes from the fact that JBL classified all Hispanics as "Illegal Immigrants", merely because they looked the part. That, in effect, is what ultimately makes JBL the heel. It wasn;t that he was trying to protect his country, as you say. It is because JBL broadly swapped all members of one race in the same style; that they were all illegal immigrants to this country, and thus, didn't belong here.

For the record, as it pertains to this storyline, I always have a cartoon that makes me laugh, and fits into the idea IDR is trying to portray.


Now can you see how JBL is a stereotypical character, at least in this gimmick?

Yeah that cartoon is pretty funny. The great thing about my ancestry is that im 7/8 European and 1/8 American Indian so, no matter what, I wouldn't be going anywhere! LOL

I know JBL wasn't trying to protect the country. That was obviously missed sarcasm. It's much like Punk's gimmick today. It isn't the actual beliefs...It's how fucking arrogant he comes across pushing his beliefs and I love that!

You can pretty much find a stereotype in every wrestler on the roster if you think about it for any period of time.
Yeah that cartoon is pretty funny. The great thing about my ancestry is that im 7/8 European and 1/8 American Indian so, no matter what, I wouldn't be going anywhere! LOL

I know JBL wasn't trying to protect the country. That was obviously missed sarcasm. It's much like Punk's gimmick today. It isn't the actual beliefs...It's how fucking arrogant he comes across pushing his beliefs and I love that!

You can pretty much find a stereotype in every wrestler on the roster if you think about it for any period of time.

My apologies. Seeing some of the responses I've gotten on this, particularly the promotion of using the N-bomb openly... Well, you can say that I've given up on a lot of faith in mankind.

Anyway, I'm quite shocked no one has brought up this one yet:


I mean, come on now guys, the wrestlers are riding Lawnmowers into the damn arena. If that isn't racist, I'm not sure what is. In something that I always find to be dark, unintended humor, one of the things people boast about Smackdown, and consequently one of the reasons Rey Mysterio can never leave Smackdown, is because there's such a large hispanic population which watches the program. Which makes it all the more ironic that they decided to air a gimmick of stereotypical Mexican laborers on the show with a huge hispanic viewing population. Does that not strike anyone else as flat out horrendous booking, and at the least, not catering and even knowing your audience. In a bit of irony, they derided the lack of Mexican American wrestlers, right before putting on their jumpsuits, setting up their lawn mowers, and chanting various Hispanic slurs. What, was the WWE afraid to do a vignette with them waiting on the corner for someone to buy them?

Again, Kamala gets my pick as the most racist, but this one isn't far behind at all.
There have been lots of racist gimmicks in wrestling. Some early ones I can remember were in WWF and WCW. Samba Simba comes to mind. A black man dressed as an African American Savage.


In WCW, Booker T was apart of a tag team before Harlem Heat where he was an African tribesman named of all things Kole as in Coal. Who can forget about the white stereotypes of hillbillies and rednecks in Hillbilly Jim, The Godwins, Festus, and even Cody Deaner.

The most recent racist gimmick I can speak of in WWE would be the Mexicools. 3 talented lucha libre wrestlers that are turned into noting but gardeners coming down the aisle in riding lawn mowers.


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