
Pole Smoker

Pre-Show Stalwart
Now recently I unfortunately got in a pretty rough fight with a couple of guys.

You see it started when I was talking to a girl over the internet. She told me she was single and so I thought I would go for it. The next time I tried to talk to her over the internet she didn't reply so I though screw it plenty more girls.

Now skip ahead a few days and I get a random phone call from a guy who says he is going to beat the sh** out of me for talking to his girl. At first I thought it was a prank by my friend who has a similar voice so I played along to catch him out. When he said a girls name I was talking to's name I knew the guy possibly was legit. He went on to tell me about when he sees me he gonna fight me and so on. I hung up and thought he was just your typical all talk kind of guy. How could he know me anyway or find me?

Skip ahead another week

I am out in town with a friend at a pub (or bar for you Americans). I am going outside for some fresh air. The pub is on a street corner and I go around the side. Now he must have been around the other side Where the entrance is and as he comes round he bumps into me and realises it's me. He's with a friend. He recognises it's me somehow and questions me about me talking to his girl. Now I am not scared at all because seeing these guys they were not intimidating. They were skinny and I am a pretty broad guy etc. They were real scum and looked filthy. I calmly tell him that she told me she was single and I apologize for my actions.

From there this is where the fight starts. He thinks I'm being wise and punches me right across the mouth. From there I'm fighting two guys trying to throw full punches to the nose and I kick one of them hard in the shin then puch him. That guy then runs and I start getting the better of the other guy. He runs after a couple of puches and thats that.

Now my questions are:

How could I have handled the situation better?

Should I have been hitting on the girl? Should you only do that to girls you know are single

What are your experiences with fighting?

I will add though that I have no idea how he knew me or why the girl stopped talking. To be honest I think it was a stitch up and someone wanted a reason to fight me or something. Not to mention he got my number
Quite a [weird] story, man.

How could I have handled the situation better?

Well for starters, you probably shouldn't have been playing along the way you did when the guy talked to you on the phone. Simply ask for more details and then explain yourself. Say that you didn't know the girl wasn't single and that you were just casually having a conversation with her. That would have most likely avoided any physical confrontation that would have occured (which did).

But as far as the bar goes, the fighting there was unavoidable. From what you've said, you tried to explain yourself there; but much to the guy's frustration, he was unwilling to listen to you and thus threw a punch. When a situation gets to the point where it becomes violent such as in yours, common logic would only apply that you punch back and kick his ass.

Should I have been hitting on the girl? Should you only do that to girls you know are single

It was an honest mistake, dude. You had no idea the girl wasn't single so I see no reason for you to be asking such a question. The girl shouldn't even have said that she was single in the first place. If anything, it was her fault that this all hapened--not yours.

What are your experiences with fighting?

I dislike fighting alot. I honestly see no real prupose in it. Usually I have high tolerance for insults/threats; But if it gets to the point where the said person is swinging at me, than I won't hesitate to swing back.
How could I have handled the situation better?

Seems like you tried to do the gentlemanly thing. You're not going to drop down to your hands and knees and beg them to accept your apology. It sounds like these boys were just out to start some trouble, got themselves a little rush of testosterone through their nuts and thought they'd make themselves feel like bad asses. When you're in a situation with someone in that mind set, there's usually not much you can do besides throw hands. If someone that doesn't really know you from Adam tries to pick a fight with you over nothing, you might as well just throw the first punch and try to get him out of your face as quickly as possible. For all he knows, you could be a serial killer that cuts off people's faces to make tablecloths but he's going to get in your face anyhow.

Should I have been hitting on the girl? Should you only do that to girls you know are single

No reason why you shouldn't have. Girl tells you she's single and she seems interested, then you're doing the most natural thing in the world. I had a few similar situations back in the very early 2000s with girls and, sometimes, girls just wanna start some shit. This may have all been some sort of a set up for this girl to feel special by telling her man that some guy was hitting on her and that he should do the macho shit and claim his property. If a girl says she's single and she's not, then it's not your fault or your problem.

What are your experiences with fighting?

I used to get into fights a lot when I was in grade school. I was a chubby kid, a natural target for bullies, but always fought back. I know some judo, various different self defense moves, some boxing etc. but I learned all that stuff for fun and the knowledge that it could possibly help with my job. Never really got into many scuffles after that until I started my job as a Corrections Officer. I've had to get very physical at times with some troublesome inmates, but most problems I've had have come from family members of inmates. I always carry a collapsable baton with me when I'm out and about. Haven't had to use it but I've made it well known that I know how to use it well and am not shy about using it if it's necessary. You get into someone's head enough, make them think that they could be making a big mistake by getting in your face, then you've usually won the fight before the first punch is throwin or, sometimes, even without having to throw one.
How could I have handled the situation better?

You defended yourself, but, if it wasn't a life-threatening situation, I would've looked to press charges for assault.

Should I have been hitting on the girl? Should you only do that to girls you know are single

Some women are just plain fucking snakes, man. You offered the man an apology, that's all you can do. If he can't accept your apology, then that's his problem, not yours.

What are your experiences with fighting?

I've gotten my ass kicked and I've kicked some ass.
To be honest there's nothing you can do in this situation once you're in it. It was unfortunate/carless that you got involved with someone who wasn't available, it was even more unfortunate that you then ran into trouble afterwards.
These things happen, people make mistakes and I should know, I got involved with someone married many years ago. She was of the opinion that her marriage was over, he didn't quite agree. That got ugly real quick but I was lucky enough not to run into him in a bar. The point I'm trying to make is, even if you know you're doing something stupid, it won't always be enough to stop you. Sometimes you've got to make these mistakes and experience the consequences to really "get it".
Dude, after reading your story it doesnt seem you could have done anything differently. If you like a girl and she tells you she's single you tend to believe it...why wouldn't you? What bitch would like about something like that?? If the guy genuinely believes you have been chatting up his girl and this isnt just a way of him beating up someone then its all her fault, not yours. She deserves his anger, not you.

As for the actual fight? Even if you don't want to brawl, and most people don't (I know I would rather not have to punch someone if I didn't have to), sometimes you need to try and stick up for yourself, especially against a couple of dirty scumbags like that. You did the right thing thats for sure.

Don't worry about it man, they know you arent someone to be intimidated by assholes like them, so this shit is probably over now, and for the best.
I hope that it is over with now but I don't think it is. If he sees me again and he's with friends I think it could get pretty nasty.

I'm not taking action because that will just start it up again.

There's lots of gangs in my area so he might have more friends to fight.

What do you think I should do to avoid further fighting? I'm not going to hide like a pussy in my home town.
Thanks for the help
How could I have handled the situation better?

Sounds like you didn't do anything wrong. You hit on a girl who told you she was signal. Dating would be really hard if we had to verify the status of every girl we were interested in.

You also didn't instigate the fight and were more or less defending yourself. If I was there I'd be cheering you on.
Should I have been hitting on the girl? Should you only do that to girls you know are single

In retrospect no, but verifying that a girl is single (beyond just asking her) is ridiculous. Maybe she was really single and this guy is just an angry ex-boyfriend. Or maybe she was single when you originally talked to her. Or maybe she's just that type of girl.

What are your experiences with fighting?
If you don't include my brother, none. So maybe my opinion carries little weight.

What do you think I should do to avoid further fighting?

You sound like someone who can take care of yourself, so I wouldn't worry about it. But if you think its something you can't handle, I'd make sure I don't travel around those areas without friends and, if necessary, get the authorities involved.
I hope that it is over with now but I don't think it is. If he sees me again and he's with friends I think it could get pretty nasty.

I'm not taking action because that will just start it up again.

There's lots of gangs in my area so he might have more friends to fight.

What do you think I should do to avoid further fighting? I'm not going to hide like a pussy in my home town.
Thanks for the help

Were do you live?
How could I have handled the situation better?
I can't really think of how you could have handled it any better. I would have poked fun and went along with the bastard as well. So nothing really.

Should I have been hitting on the girl? Should you only do that to girls you know are single
How could you possibly have known? If a girl doesn't mention she's currently involved then my first thought would be she's single and I'd probably do what you did if she's a cutie. I would only do it to single girls, well the ones who I think/know are single. Never an involved woman. Trouble brews, you should know that part tho.

What are your experiences with fighting?
I actually got into a little tussle on new years. This fu** had a camera and tried getting a shot up my girlfriend's skirt and I let him have a few good ones upside the face and a nice Doc Martin kick to the skull. Not proud but that's what happens.

I'm sorry this had to happen to you, man. But glad you prevailed and kicked some ass.
How could I have handled the situation better?

Don't chat up people you can't see in person for one. And two, don't ever assume that a threat is a joke.

THAT'S what probably got you in the fight. When the guy rang you and you didn't take it seriously. No amount of apologising later is going to help when he does find you, especially when he's got backup. Lucky for you, they were both *****es..... allegedly.

Should I have been hitting on the girl? Should you only do that to girls you know are single

Yes, definitely, but as it turns out it seems you weren't even talking to a girl, so i go back to the first point, don't chat up people you can't actually see.

What are your experiences with fighting?

I haven't been in a fight in 9 years, since i left school. There's been plenty of occassions where a friend of mine has been running his mouth and has then had to back his own shit up, and i leave him to it.

Now you may think 'how can you abandon your friend like that?' I don't mean i literally walk off and leave him to get his ass handed to him, but i don't stand there and say 'you're gonna have to fight me too.' I'd let my friend learn their lesson the hard way, and step in when it got out of control.

There's been a couple of times where ********s have threatened me over literally nothing, say 'he was eyeballin' me so i'm gonna beat the fuck out of him' kinda shit, and thankfully there's always been someone there (usually a violent individual themselves) who's stepped up and said 'Walsh is sound mate, fuckin' back off or i'll smack you one.' (Walsh is my last name for those of you who are confused).

And the only other time i can remember where i had to dig my way out of a violent situation, i told the guy to throw a punch and he walked off. Fuckin pussy!

Basically i'm at a friend's birthday, it's being held at the pub my firend works at, and there's about 10 to 15 of our social circle there having a good laugh. I'm outside, i've got a pint glass in one hand and a large glass, cider, bottle in the other. I'm chatting to an old school friend i hadn't seen in ages, when his cousin comes over and tries to join our conversation.

How does he try to do that? By taking the piss out of me of course, so having years of experience in soul crushing insults mixed with blunt sarcasm and a quick wit, i made him look like a total dick, to the point where his own cousin (who he'd come to talk to in the first place) was telling him to shut up, and was only laughing at my comments.

So, dickless, feeling emancipated by all this, steps in and says 'I know you think you're a funny cunt, but if you carry on i'm gonna lay you out.'

So i look at him and think to myself 'hmmm i've got two weapons, and a small gang to back me up if this gets hairy, whereas his own family don't even want to know him right now. I think it's safe to see if this guy's got any balls at all.'

So i say 'well you're choices are throw the punch and see what happens, or we go our separate ways and don't talk to each other.'

And he walked away, looking like a dickless pussy as a result. If the situation hangs on who's going to strike first, no one with any real honour and courage steps down first when they were the one who started the situation in the first place, right?

I also once told a work colleague the same thing. He'd been signed off work with depression (even though there was fuck all wrong with him, seriously i'm not being unsymapathetic, there was literally nothing wrong with him. No doctor's note, nothing), and i assumed all of his reponsibilities. He comes back to work, for about 4 days, and he's decided he's going to milk this 'depression' bullshit for all it's worth and be paid to stand behind the counter all day.

I ask him to do some admin and he basically said 'i'm not doing that'. So as a joke i wave the sheet of paper in his face. Not kind i know, but i wanted him to know i wasn't going to take this bollocks from him, knowing full well he wouldn't take it from me. So he says:-

'Do that again and i'll punch your head in.'

And i said:-

'Throw the punch Nigel, because i'd rather have a black eye and have you carted out by the cops than stand here and listen to you whinge like a fuckin' bitch for the rest of the day.'

Low and behold, i left work without a scratch.

Not proper fighting experiences, but that's the best i can do.
Don't chat up people you can't see in person for one. And two, don't ever assume that a threat is a joke.

THAT'S what probably got you in the fight. When the guy rang you and you didn't take it seriously. No amount of apologising later is going to help when he does find you, especially when he's got backup. Lucky for you, they were both *****es..... allegedly.

Yes, definitely, but as it turns out it seems you weren't even talking to a girl, so i go back to the first point, don't chat up people you can't actually see.

I haven't been in a fight in 9 years, since i left school. There's been plenty of occassions where a friend of mine has been running his mouth and has then had to back his own shit up, and i leave him to it.

Now you may think 'how can you abandon your friend like that?' I don't mean i literally walk off and leave him to get his ass handed to him, but i don't stand there and say 'you're gonna have to fight me too.' I'd let my friend learn their lesson the hard way, and step in when it got out of control.

There's been a couple of times where ********s have threatened me over literally nothing, say 'he was eyeballin' me so i'm gonna beat the fuck out of him' kinda shit, and thankfully there's always been someone there (usually a violent individual themselves) who's stepped up and said 'Walsh is sound mate, fuckin' back off or i'll smack you one.' (Walsh is my last name for those of you who are confused).

And the only other time i can remember where i had to dig my way out of a violent situation, i told the guy to throw a punch and he walked off. Fuckin pussy!

Basically i'm at a friend's birthday, it's being held at the pub my firend works at, and there's about 10 to 15 of our social circle there having a good laugh. I'm outside, i've got a pint glass in one hand and a large glass, cider, bottle in the other. I'm chatting to an old school friend i hadn't seen in ages, when his cousin comes over and tries to join our conversation.

How does he try to do that? By taking the piss out of me of course, so having years of experience in soul crushing insults mixed with blunt sarcasm and a quick wit, i made him look like a total dick, to the point where his own cousin (who he'd come to talk to in the first place) was telling him to shut up, and was only laughing at my comments.

So, dickless, feeling emancipated by all this, steps in and says 'I know you think you're a funny cunt, but if you carry on i'm gonna lay you out.'

So i look at him and think to myself 'hmmm i've got two weapons, and a small gang to back me up if this gets hairy, whereas his own family don't even want to know him right now. I think it's safe to see if this guy's got any balls at all.'

So i say 'well you're choices are throw the punch and see what happens, or we go our separate ways and don't talk to each other.'

And he walked away, looking like a dickless pussy as a result. If the situation hangs on who's going to strike first, no one with any real honour and courage steps down first when they were the one who started the situation in the first place, right?

I also once told a work colleague the same thing. He'd been signed off work with depression (even though there was fuck all wrong with him, seriously i'm not being unsymapathetic, there was literally nothing wrong with him. No doctor's note, nothing), and i assumed all of his reponsibilities. He comes back to work, for about 4 days, and he's decided he's going to milk this 'depression' bullshit for all it's worth and be paid to stand behind the counter all day.

I ask him to do some admin and he basically said 'i'm not doing that'. So as a joke i wave the sheet of paper in his face. Not kind i know, but i wanted him to know i wasn't going to take this bollocks from him, knowing full well he wouldn't take it from me. So he says:-

'Do that again and i'll punch your head in.'

And i said:-

'Throw the punch Nigel, because i'd rather have a black eye and have you carted out by the cops than stand here and listen to you whinge like a fuckin' bitch for the rest of the day.'

Low and behold, i left work without a scratch.

Not proper fighting experiences, but that's the best i can do.

While these guys were *****es during the fight they were still up for it. I'm not even worried about that situation now I'm worried if I see this guy and again myself and he's with friend's that I'll get jumped lol. I've had lots of bad luck with fights and attract them often lol. If I'm with friend's though it will be ok.

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