Feuds You Wish Would Have Been Longer or Shorter


Getting Noticed By Management
We all know the nature of the game in wrestling, wrestler A vs Wrestler B and they get x amount of matches to resolve the feud they are currently in.

Sometimes they fight for the right amount of time for example austin vs mcmahon, they destroyed each over for 2 years straight almost and it never felt old because of their hatred and quality television they provided us. Another more recent example might be hbk vs the deadman, they fought on 2 consecutive wrestlemanias and it felt right cause they had and awesome first and the second culminated with months of build up and the retirement of shawn michaels but if they could have squeezed in another match i would have been all for it because those were so amazing at what they did i could have watched fight for many more matches.

But sometimes you also get those feuds that are sooo mishandled that you cant wait for them to be over and when they do you wonder why did they kept them going for so long. A clear example would be Michael cole vs jerry the king lawler. That feud (although some think it should have never happened) should have ended at wrestlemania with a victory of lawler over cole but they decided to drag it on for months!!!!

But anyways, i think ice made my point. So which feuds do you think should have gone longer and which ones should have been shorter than they were?
I would have liked to see Kane and Cena's feud last longer leading to Cena giving into the "hate" and turned to a heel. I think if the feud was done a little better and stretched out a little longer it could've been better and a good way to turn Cena heel.
And any feud the Undertaker gets in that leads into wrestlemainia instead of starting them post Royal Rumble any feud Undertaker's involved in should start in October or November the latest to give it a good enough build up.
There are many feuds I would have preferred to have gone on longer and also laster a shorter amount of time.

CM Punk vs John Cena: Shorter, they overdid it and as a result overexposed the greatness of the rivalry. I love seeing these two wrestle, but they did so too many times. They ruined it to an extent.

John Cena vs Randy Orton: much shorter. These two feuded for what seemed an entire era. They had so many matches and people got burnt out on them, they did the triple threat match at 'mania 28 and then it resumed later in 2009. I wish they had not overdone it in 2009, so they could have had a feud in 2013. In 2013, I wouldn't mind seeing Orton/Cena feud one last time though, its been a long time.

Edge-Orton: longer, I enjoyed this feud and found that they had great chemistry together. On a side note, I think Sheamus/Orton would be pretty good nowadays, with Sheamus now the babyface and Orton the heel, they practically changed places.
The Corporation vs the Ministry of Darkness should definitely have gone on longer. The Corporate Ministry was weird and unnecessary. It made Taker look weak.

I like long feuds, so I can't think of any that shoulda been shorter. I'll say Hogan-Sid so that Hog-Flair would've happened.
A feud that comes to mind that should have been shorter is the terrible Triple H vs Scott Steiner from early 2003. Even though the feud only went for a few months, the build up and matches were horrible and stopped a lot of young, talented wrestlers such as Kane, Booker T and RVD get title shots and prove that they could compete in the main event.

As for feuds that should have gone longer, feuds such as Randy Orton vs Edge, Chris Jericho vs Randy Orton, John Cena vs Batista and John Cena vs Brock Lesner from this year come to mind.
As a fan of the then-World Wrestling Federation, I would say that in the late 80-early 90s, the Hulk Hogan-Mr. Perfect feud was criminally shorter than it should have been. Now I won't cite the typical conjecture of backstage politics and ego causing this feud to not see its full potential. Instead, I'd prefer to keep things on the kayfabe side of it all. The Hogan-Perfect feud had chemistry and magic to it, and hear me out when I say this.

There's no secret that Hulk Hogan had a formula, we know all about the rinse and repeat nature of Hogan's matches. But then again so do several other of the greats, once you get to be on a level that puts you in the elite class of superstar, people expect you to keep doing those tricks over and over again, even when they become old hat and stale to many people.

With that said, despite seeing Hogan prevail in this short feud. The ring psychology displayed was well done in my view. The look of Hulkste selling Mr. Perfect's offense was golden. Of course, Hogan would turn the tables, but there were moments in several of their matches where I remember Mr. Perfect being able to outfox Hogan technique wise and you would see the look on Hogan's face expressing how just muscling in and powermoving his way into a match with Mr. Perfect wasn't going to cut it so easily.

It was just good stuff to see all around, I really enjoyed it, and while it was a brief time, I definitely think this feud despite its shortness did help Mr. Perfect's heel credibility. So that was one bright spot I could mention, I just wish we had more of it. Again, who can forget the classic belt smashing incident on Saturday Night's Main Event?

Now I will mention a feud I wish would have ended much sooner, in fact I wish it never even began in the first place, this one involves Hogan too...the Dungeon of Doom angle, no offense to Kevin Sullivan, I didn't like everything he did in WCW, but he was entertaining at times. Those crazy matches he had with Chris Benoit were classic, and it's not like the feud with Hogan couldn't have had promise. But when you add in silliness like the Yeti, The Loch Ness, and so on, it just got tiresome. That ridiculous overdone cage that WCW used at WCW Uncensored '96 where The Horsemen teamed up with the Dungeon to take on Hogan & Savage, I just said to myself enough was enough.

Sure, this angle did get Big Show's career started in a big way, (and this is coming from someone who isn't a big fan) and that of course had paid off well for him. But to me, I just think that this feud dragged on to long. Then again, there was a lot of downsides to the wrestling landscape between both WCW and WWF during 1995. The Dungeon Of Doom vs Hulk Hogan was just one of those things.
I would have liked to see Hart's feud with Goldberg get full treatment back in 99. They had a segment with Leno all set up.

An actual Bret Hart/Hogan feud....

A finish to the Wolfpac angle.

Savage and his tribulations against Nash and others in 99.

A good blow-off for the Hart Foundation back in 97.

nWo 02.

A true Brock/Goldberg feud.

A non-Cena fuck up of the Nexus feud. The same goes with the Summer of Punk with HHH actually, for once, putting someone over. And of course Brock this last year, he could have torn through the roster. Jericho got his push derailed too.

Rock and Jericho back in 99.
I hoped old school ECW could've kept their version of the Malenko/Guerrero rivalry going for just a bit longer.....every match they had was "match of the year" quality!!
1) The Orton/Kingston feud from 2009. I know the mentality at the time (still quite a bit now, too) was "shorter feuds=more money," but 3 months was not even close to enough time for these 2. This program could have built Kofi up and pushed him into the main event. A lot of good came from the short time they had together though: Kingston proved that he can rock it pretty well on the mic and can roll with the "big boys."

2) In 2008, there was a little feud that has been forgotten by most people. It was the Jamie Noble/William Regal program. They produced some fantastic matches, did well making people care about the story, and was genuinely the funnest part of Raw for the duration of the feud. Not only should this feud have been longer, it should have been better publicized. There should have been a couple (at least 1) PPV match between them with some sort of stipulation.

3) Sheamus/Santino from 2010. This could have been a really great feud. They wrestled only 3 times (I believe), but I saw the potential for a much deeper feud. The verbal assaults (calling him a joke/failure/embarrassment) that Sheamus hurled at Santino could have lead to a match, which would see Santino lose. Sheamus would continue the verbal attacks, leading to another losing effort on Santino's part. Sheamus would continue insulting him, and Santino would go on to a losing streak. After a couple weeks or three, Santino would interfere in a championship match that Sheamus was in and would cost him the match. Afterwards, Sheamus would beat Santino. Marella would sustain an "injury" and miss a couple months of action.

Upon Santino's return, he would cut a promo out of character (i.e. without the accent) stating that Sheamus had been right. He was tired of being a loser. Ending with a statement akin to "My name is Anthony Carelli, and I'm not your dancing clown anymore."

It would have turned him heel, made him be taken seriously, and give him the opportunity to actually showoff his exceptional ring skills.
As a fan of the then-World Wrestling Federation, I would say that in the late 80-early 90s, the Hulk Hogan-Mr. Perfect feud was criminally shorter than it should have been. Now I won't cite the typical conjecture of backstage politics and ego causing this feud to not see its full potential. Instead, I'd prefer to keep things on the kayfabe side of it all. The Hogan-Perfect feud had chemistry and magic to it, and hear me out when I say this.

There's no secret that Hulk Hogan had a formula, we know all about the rinse and repeat nature of Hogan's matches. But then again so do several other of the greats, once you get to be on a level that puts you in the elite class of superstar, people expect you to keep doing those tricks over and over again, even when they become old hat and stale to many people.

With that said, despite seeing Hogan prevail in this short feud. The ring psychology displayed was well done in my view. The look of Hulkste selling Mr. Perfect's offense was golden. Of course, Hogan would turn the tables, but there were moments in several of their matches where I remember Mr. Perfect being able to outfox Hogan technique wise and you would see the look on Hogan's face expressing how just muscling in and powermoving his way into a match with Mr. Perfect wasn't going to cut it so easily.

It was just good stuff to see all around, I really enjoyed it, and while it was a brief time, I definitely think this feud despite its shortness did help Mr. Perfect's heel credibility. So that was one bright spot I could mention, I just wish we had more of it. Again, who can forget the classic belt smashing incident on Saturday Night's Main Event?

Now I will mention a feud I wish would have ended much sooner, in fact I wish it never even began in the first place, this one involves Hogan too...the Dungeon of Doom angle, no offense to Kevin Sullivan, I didn't like everything he did in WCW, but he was entertaining at times. Those crazy matches he had with Chris Benoit were classic, and it's not like the feud with Hogan couldn't have had promise. But when you add in silliness like the Yeti, The Loch Ness, and so on, it just got tiresome. That ridiculous overdone cage that WCW used at WCW Uncensored '96 where The Horsemen teamed up with the Dungeon to take on Hogan & Savage, I just said to myself enough was enough.

Sure, this angle did get Big Show's career started in a big way, (and this is coming from someone who isn't a big fan) and that of course had paid off well for him. But to me, I just think that this feud dragged on to long. Then again, there was a lot of downsides to the wrestling landscape between both WCW and WWF during 1995. The Dungeon Of Doom vs Hulk Hogan was just one of those things.

An outstanding response. The Hogan v Dungeon storyline could have been really good if WCW didn't go goofy with it. Sullivan was great at playing a demonic heel. Instead they had him play a cartoon evil heel. It was sorry. And then instead of going dark with his allies they went cartoony. Shark? Zodiac? Yetti? Even Kamala was used very poorly. They could have done that storyline soooooooooo much better.

Storyline that I think was way too short in WCW was Goldberg v Sting. There was money to be made there. After that Nitro match I would have built back to a Sting Goldberg match. Even if you had Goldberg win, I would have it come across as "barely" making it look like Sting was the man who had it in him to beat him. You could have extended that out over several months, mixing in smaller feuds for each man to keep them busy.
Storyline that I think was way too short in WCW was Goldberg v Sting. There was money to be made there. After that Nitro match I would have built back to a Sting Goldberg match. Even if you had Goldberg win, I would have it come across as "barely" making it look like Sting was the man who had it in him to beat him. You could have extended that out over several months, mixing in smaller feuds for each man to keep them busy.

Yes, Sting Vs Goldberg should have been huge. If you watch their first encounter on Monday Nitro it was amazing (And mind you I am NO fan of Goldberg). The audience was chanting Goldberg over and over again, but something happened durring that match. The tide slowly started to turn. The more Sting made Goldberg look like a dominant monster the better it made Sting look for fighting on against an unstopable monster. This actually turned to tide of who the fans were cheering for. By the middle of the match you could see and even feel that the crowd wanted Sting to beat Goldberg. By the time Sting locked in the Scorpion Deathlock the audience was pretty much on the side of Sting. Sadly we got that botched finish thanks to Hogan's (real life) ego. I think that the reason that WCW didn't have follow up matches between the two right away is because Sting was so loved by the WCW fans that they knew that given time that Goldberg would eventually have been booed out of the building. Fans do not boo Sting. It's why Sting heel turns do not work. By the time WCW got back to this feud Goldberg had completely cooled off and was just another guy on the roster and as good as their short match at Slamboree 1999 over who the franchise of WCW was it was too late. The fans weren't chanting Golberg anymore. As a matter of fact there was a guy in the front row chanting Goldberg, but it wasn't a good chant. It was a lets heckle this guy chant. So, this potentially HUGE money making feud was blown because of Hogan's ego :(
IMO If WCW had done A Goldberg Vs Sting fued at the right time it could have taken up much of 1998. I would have had a few matches between the two headlining PPVs that were two or three months apart. Sting would come close each time, but somehow he would lose. This "losing streak" would consume Sting so much that at Halloween Havoc he would come out and cut a promo saying that he is the franchise of WCW and how he has held every title and beat everyone on the roster... except for one guy and that guy is the Heavyweight champion of the world. This would set up to their final match at Starrcade where Sting would finally win. I really think this would have been MUCH better than Nash Vs Goldberg... :/

Another angle that I wish would have gone on longer was the West Texas Rednecks! These guys were so over that their song "Rap Is Crap" actually got airplay on country radio stations! Why WCW didn't push this group to the moon is beyond me! They were all talented wrestlers, were funny as hell and got way over with the fans. Instead of pushing them WCW burried them. It made no sense whatsoever!
One Major Feud I would had loved to be longer was the Punk-Jericho feud from last year.
A Big feud with Major Potential. Had 2 amazing matches. One more at Over The Limit would had been great.

Another one would be the recent Orton and Del Rio Feud. That feud was terribly boring. WWE should have made it big and do something with it, and had at least ended it in TLC.

Christian and The Miz had a brief feud last years summer. That would have been an awesome feud if the WWE let it to last much longer, and actually had promos.

Alberto Del Rio and Rey Mysterio. Del Rio took out mysterio twice in Major injuries, and not one big major match did they have. WWE should give it one more chance at this years wrestlemania.

John Morrison and R Truth, Two Best Friends who had one steal the other's opportunity at the WWE title at EXtreme Rules 2011, leading Truth to turn heel, and taking Morrison to the hospital. Everyone thought they would have their "Big Match" at summerslam with Morrison finally getting revenge, but no. It all ended on an episode of RAW, which I thought was terrible.
I wish that the Undertaker vs Triple H feud leading to Wrestlemania X7 would have lasted longer, not the most recent ones, but that one was really great, the promos, the fights and everything that hapenned during that time was fantastic, to me that was one of those things that i wish it would have lasted much longer, another one i really enjoyed also had to do with Triple H and Taker, it was the one between the Two Man Powertrip vs The Brothers of Destruction, i remember that the intensity between those 4 guys was awesome, and i also loved the one between Stone Cold and triple H leading to the 3 stages of hell match, i also wish it would have lasted a little longer, as for the one i wish it was shorter, it was the one between DX vs the Spirit Squad, to me that was just ridiculous........
I don't know if it should've went longer, but I feel that the Randy Savage/Jake Roberts feud, with being such an awesome feud should've had a grander ending. I hate to ruin the classic Savage/Flair match at Wrestlemania VIII, but if they had went with Hogan/Flair instead, than the Savage/Roberts feud should've definitely been stretched out to Wrestlemania VIII for the conclusion, perhaps in a Steel Cage match, or a No DQ match (they had already had one at Summerslam 91 between LOD and the Nasty Boys, so it was realistic).

Another great feud from that time period that I feel was way too short was Undertaker and Jake Roberts. You're talking about two of the most psychologically brilliant characters (both kayfabe and for real) ever conceived by WWE. The two wrestlers that were better at playing mind games with other wrestlers than anyone in history (though Goldust is up there too). This could've been a real epic feud. It started off awesome, with what I feel is one of the most overlooked face turns in WWE history with Undertaker. But it only lasted about a month and a half, before Taker basically squashed Jake at Wrestlemania VIII. A lot of this had to do with Jake leaving, which was a shame. But if he hadn't left, I certainly would've loved to have seen the Taker/Jake feud continue, maybe up to Summerslam 92. It would've been much better than Taker/Kamala, that's for sure. What if Taker and Jake had the first Casket match? That would've been awesome.

I have to agree with a previous poster discussing Mr. Perfect and Hulk Hogan. That was definitely a feud that should've lasted much longer. If there had been more ppv's back then like now, it probably would've. Unfortunately that feud was taking place in late 1989/early 1990's, when the ppvs in that period (mainly Royal Rumble 90 and Wrestlemania VI) were centered around Hogan/Warrior. If the current ppv schedule was taking place back then. I could've seen Warrior winning the Rumble, Hogan and Perfect having a World Title match at the Royal Rumble, then maybe another rematch between Hogan and Perfect at the February ppv before Wrestlemania ending the feud to make way for Hogan/Warrior. But alas, it wasn't meant to be.

I would've liked to have seen Bret Hart and Bam Bam Bigelow have a long, serious feud. They had quite a few matches against one another in 1993, and there was a bit of a rivalry going on, but at the same time, not really a clear, drawn out, full-fledged feud. Bret and Bam Bam would've been much better than Bret/Yoko.

Mr. Perfect and Ric Flair could've had a long, epic feud if Flair hadn't left when he did. If he had stayed, they could've had an absolute clinic.

Jumping forward a decade or so, I would've loved to have seen what would've happened in a feud with Stone Cold against Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit. They started to build towards that feud, as Austin reportedly had specifically asked to work with Eddie and Chris, but then his blowup with Vince happened and he left. That sucks, because that feud could've been outstanding. Not only for the promos (which Eddie and Stone Cold could've provided), and the matches (all three would've provided).

I'm not really gonna discuss feuds that should've been shorter. I can't really think of any off the top of my head. I can think of feuds that should've never happened, lol, but feuds that dragged on too long, can't really think of any off the top of my head.
Edge vs. Evolution in 2004. Edge had made his return from a year long injury on RAW, vowing to take down Evolution one by one, starting with Randy Orton at Vengeance, and at Vengeance he beat Orton and took the IC Title away from him, but then like a month later they abandoned the storyline and had Edge go onto feud with Jericho and turn heel instead. This feud could've been a modern day Dusty Rhodes vs. Four Horsemen, Sting vs. nWo, Austin vs. The Hart Foundation if they have continued it and all the way to Wrestlemania 21, it could've made Edge a main eventer and a mega-star one year earlier. The way I saw this feud going down was Edge taking down Orton first at Vengeance, Edge taking down Batista at Summerslam next, then Edge taking down Ric Flair at Taboo Tuesday, but then as he would try to take down the final member, Triple H, before the end of the year he would fail in his efforts instead, until the Royal Rumble where he would go on to win the Rumble match and finally at Wrestlemania, would take down Triple H and become the World Heavyweight Champion for the first time. This could've been a great storyline for RAW if it had been given a chance.
The Sting/Goldberg angle had a lot of potential. I did not think Goldberg was getting booed there but maybe he was and he was facing Sting....Anyway, the other one at that time was Bret Hart. That Nitro in Canada is still one of my all time favorites. But they did nothing and had two months before Owen died....I wonder what the plan was for that as Bret "quit" and was going to go on Leno and fight Nash there or something.

Anyway, I believe Goldberg was injured at this time. He got injured shortly after Slamboree and was out until July so that most likely nixed any feud with Sting.
Orton/Kingston from 2009 is the first one that popped into my mind. I thought Kofi was doing the best promo work of his career, and then I think they had a match and it was dropped. I think they could have gotten a lot more out of Kofi from that feud. Good call on the Hogan/Hennig feud too. Even as a kid I wanted more from those two.

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