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Feuds that should have been inside HIAC, but weren't.


King Of The Ring
Since WWE started the Hell In A Cell PPV concept, there's been incessant complaining about the matches that have taken place inside The Cell not being important or personal enough. In the HIAC PPV era, the first match to take place was CM Punk vs. The Undertaker. While it was a decent match, there was no heat behind it. There was nothing personal behind it, simply Undertaker kidnapping Teddy Long after Long had screwed him over in his submission match with CM Punk. Punk hadn't screwed Taker, a non-wrestler/General Manager did. Undertaker demanded a rematch inside Hell In A Cell, and a scared Teddy Long acquiesced. No personal issue between Punk and Undertaker, it simply fell inside the Cell because the PPV demanded it. The other two HIAC matches actually made sense, as Cena vs. Orton had become quite the rivalry, and Legacy vs. DX had become so as well. However, it was after 2009 that things fell off the wagon.

In 2010, we were given Sheamus vs. Randy Orton inside Hell In A Cell. Orton had won the six-pack challenge the previous month at Night of Champions to win the WWE Title, and this was simply Sheamus' rematch. No feud, nothing personal. It was simply the heel cashing in his rematch clause on the face champion. It wasn't brutal, it wasn't personal, and Orton retaining was a foregone conclusion. All that was left was to see if the two would have a good match, and it was slightly above average.

The other match that year was Kane vs. The Undertaker, which was actually quite personal. Kane had attacked Undertaker during the summer, taking him out for months. In the meanwhile, he began a ferocious search for Undertaker's attacker, and also won MITB in the process. When Undertaker had returned at Summerslam to attack Kane, he was tombstoned instead. The feud extended several months, and while it felt personal coming in, the match was awful. Quite simply, it was an embarrassing debacle, an insult of a main event for those who ordered the show.

2011 gave us Mark Henry vs. Randy Orton, and a triple threat match between Cena/Punk/Del Rio. Both matches were for the major championships, and both lacked heat. Henry had beaten Orton for the World Title the previous month at Night of Champions, and this was Orton's rematch clause. It fell inside Hell In a Cell not because it was personal, but because Orton needed his rematch and this was the PPV for it. The same could be said for the triple threat match for the WWE Championship. Cena had beaten Del Rio for the WWE Title the previous month, and Punk had not yet received his rematch. The addition of De Rio took all the personal aspects of what could have been Punk vs. Cena, which could have been very personal. So rather, we got a triple-threat match that was nothing more than two ex-champions cashing in their rematch clauses.

2012 almost worked, as there was only one Hell In A Cell match. However, it failed to work. Ryback was only filling in for an injured John Cena, who was truly the one in line for the shot. We've yet to get Cena vs. Punk in the Cell, and Ryback vs. Punk, which we just got again, was overshadowed by a heel turn by a referee. Again, a non-wrestler getting involved in the main event.

2013 was hit or miss. If Heyman had truly been inside the Cell with Punk, it would have worked. Instead, we got Ryback, a surrogate for Heyman. We also got a forgettable match, as the chemistry between the two was just not there. Conversely, it's hard to argue against Bryan vs. Orton in the Cell. The two had been feuding for months, and the feud got quite personal at times. And while it was a decent match at times, the finish was an overbooked mess, with another non-wrestler being the reason for the finish.

Why do I recap all of these? To show that Hell In A Cell is a poor concept, and like Undertaker vs. HHH at Wrestlemania, it's the timing and the personal nature of the feud that demands Hell In A Cell, not just because it's that "time of the year. For me, there have been two major, money feuds that could have worked inside the Cell, and it baffles me that WWE never went there.

2008: Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels: The feud of the year, easily, and they left this outside the Cell altogether? Jericho threw HBK through the Jeritron, beat Michaels to referee stoppage at the Great American Bash, then puched his wife at Summerslam. How does this not work for inside the Cell. Granted, the two had a great, match-of-the year Ladder Match, but there's nothing personal in a ladder match. The Cell? That's another story altogether.

2009: Randy Orton vs. HHH: How did this match, which main-evented Wrestemania, not make it inside the Cell? Orton had kicked Vince in the head, punted Shane on multiple occasions, and RKO'd and DDT'd Stephanie. With the latter, he also placed a kiss on Stephanie with HHH handcuffed. Instead, they went for single's match as the main event of Wrestlemania 25, one that absolutely bombed. This match would have been perfect inside the Cell, perhaps even moreso than Jericho vs. HBK. What's more? It would have had to be a better match than the one we got at Wrestlemania.

These are just two examples, as I'm sure that there's quite a few more matches that should have gone inside the Cell, and failed to. Keeping in mind that the Cell was only introduced in 1997, go from 97' to present with your choice.

What match(es) belonged inside Hell In A Cell, and for some reason, didn't make it?Why?

What's the match that deserved the Cell the least, but got it anyway, and why?
Great thread, and I do agree about the HIAC PPV being an awful concept. These matches should be based on the feud, the personal aspect of it all, not because it's that time of the year so let's throw something together. Another good example of strange WWE booking. It's no coincedence that the only good, or at least great, HiAC match was not featured on the annual PPV, but rather Wrestlemania (28).

As for matches that should've taken place inside HIAC, probably John Cena v. Edge back in '06. Maybe Eddie v. Rey instead of the custody angle, which was terrible. Can't really think of any more, besides the ones you've already mentioned, but that's also because WWE feuds haven't been all that great lately. Seems to be heel attacks face for no reason, they feud, face wins, move on, repeat.
What about the feud between Kane and Shane McMahon? They had several matches and some really good ones like the Last Man Standing matches and what about all the moments like when Shane chucked Kane into the skip that was on fire.

Or, Edge vs. Matt Hardy? That feud about Lita was actually really good and I don't see how it could have gotten more personal then it was. Sure, they got the Ladder Match for the Loser leaves RAW but I think it should have been a HIAC match.
Thank you!

This thread hits on a sore spot for me: Hell in a Cell, Elimination Chamber, TLC...these shouldn't be yearly PPVs. It forces awkward situations where the feuds in these matches are tepid at best, rather than really deserving the match. They also force awkward booking in RAW and Smackdown to build up to them, rather than letting a feud between two guys be really storyline driven. It shows an underlying weakness in the WWE: they don't have enough storyline strength to really sustain their PPVs, and so they have to rely on gimmick matches to hook viewers. This seems like such a losing proposition in the long run.

The only feuds that in my opinion had enough hatred and bile built up enough to earn Hell in a Cell would've been Cena Vs. Punk (obviously this was intended for Hell in a Cell last year but Cena got hurt, Punk Vs. Bryan, and Punk vs. Jericho. I know this is a CM Punk heavy list, and that's not really intentional...it just so happens that no one else has really had any valid feuds that deserve that level of a blowoff.

Side note: Team Hell No vs. The Shield was great for a TLC match, and obviously they got one...but wouldn't that have been SO much better in the months after WrestleMania when those guys were absolutely tearing it up, rather than the BEGINNING of their feud (again, the calendar ruins a great concept).
Do you really think Punk vs. Bryan had enough hatred and build up? It started with a Beat the Clock challenge....

Sure, it started small but it grew into a nice feud by the time it wound up. A No-DQ match wasn't really enough in my eyes for this. Of course, given their technical wrestling ability, I probably still would've rather had a best 2 out of 3 falls match because I'm old-fashioned that way. But kind of goes to show that Hell in a Cell really shouldn't be an every year thing.
Chris Jericho vs Shawn Michaels should have ended in the cell, even if it wasn't for the WHC. That was a huge brightspot on an otherwise dull year in 2008. A well built personal feud that went for months but all of a sudden it just stopped. If you remember they had Jericho lose to Batista than beat him a week later on Raw because they needed the top heel to go against Cena when he returned. Sometimes WWE booking can drive you crazy.

The match that didn't need HIAC was that six man in Armaggedon 2000. This is what killed the match for me. Overbooked and unnecessary. This match started the trend of the match losing it's mystique which it can't recover.
Chris Jericho vs Shawn Michaels should have ended in the cell, even if it wasn't for the WHC. That was a huge brightspot on an otherwise dull year in 2008. A well built personal feud that went for months but all of a sudden it just stopped. If you remember they had Jericho lose to Batista than beat him a week later on Raw because they needed the top heel to go against Cena when he returned. Sometimes WWE booking can drive you crazy.

The match that didn't need HIAC was that six man in Armaggedon 2000. This is what killed the match for me. Overbooked and unnecessary. This match started the trend of the match losing it's mystique which it can't recover.
I actually really enjoyed how they used the cell like when Rikishi fell off the top into Vince's truck after he ripped the door off and got arrested due to Foley calling the cops. I just wish though that not every match would come out of the cell, no point in having a cell if they get out. Imagen if it was that easy to get out or prison?
I'm going to disagree with the Jericho vs. Michaels pick because I think the ladder match was a good pick or them because we know both their histories with ladder matches. I'm also going to disagree with Punk vs Bryan as it wasn't personal or memorable enough. I don't remember if Punk and Jeff Hardy had a hell in a cell match which leads me to believe they didn't and they should have. Another was Jeff and Matt Hardy if they weren't going to turn Matt back face a few months later. Another possible one was Brett Hart vs HBK for obvious reasons. Those are the best ones that haven't been already mentioned. As far as ones that shouldn't have been in there, it's hard to argue with the ones you've chosen.
The only feuds that in my opinion had enough hatred and bile built up enough to earn Hell in a Cell would've been Cena Vs. Punk (obviously this was intended for Hell in a Cell last year but Cena got hurt, Punk Vs. Bryan, and Punk vs. Jericho.

I'll agree on Cena vs. Punk, as I mentioned it several times in my original post. It absolutely deserved the Cell, although I worry we would have gotten the same finish we did to the Ryback match. Cena has Punk up for the AA, and Brad Maddox hits him low, and Punk gets a fast count. I think WWE was determined to go that route, so despite the fact that Punk vs. Cena would have had some major heat behind it, it would likely have ended in the same B.S. finish we got in his first Cell match with Ryback. But I agree that the match deserved the Cell, 100%.

My problem with Punk vs. Bryan was this: They tried to play it off as two guys who had known each other for 10 years, which was all well and good. But they ever reached that real leve of hatred or seriousness for one reason:: AJ Lee. I know she was an Internet darling and easily one of the hottest things in the company, in more ways than one. But her insertion into the feud killedthe personal nature of the feud between them. Yes, she was excellent in her role, but her being the third wheel in the feud killed any promise of it deserving the Cell.
If I've said it once I've said it a million times. Wrestlemania 17 while being epic was booked wrong. It should have ended with the first ever WM main event HIAC match between Triple H and Stone Cold. It could have been the ultimate blow off to their feud.
3 feuds that come to mind are Cena vs. Edge, Rock vs. HHH, and Austin vs. Undertaker.

Instead of the Steel Cage match that they had on RAW, Cena & Edge could've ended their feud inside Hell in a Cell at Cyber Sunday 06. I was thinking Backlash 09 at first but it was more about the title around that time for those two than it was personal, so I think Cyber Sunday could've been perfect for a Hell in a Cell between the two men. Edge had beaten Cena in his own hometown at Summerslam, Cena beat Edge in his own hometown at Unforgiven, Edge invaded Cena's home and slapped Cena's father, and Cena threw Edge in a lake, so there was still a lot of heat there. And since it was Cyber Sunday, they could've added a special guest referee in the match for the fans to vote on. One of the choices could've been HBK, who fans would've easily voted for, and that way they still could've set up the DX vs Rated RKO feud that would follow, with HBK playing a part in Cena retaining.

Rock and Triple H have competed in pretty much every match except a Hell in a Cell. The 6 man Hell in a Cell at Armageddon don't count, I'm talking one-on-one here. I'm thinking this could've happened at King Of The Ring 2000, and just to give The Undertaker something to do maybe he could've been a special enforcer to keep out the McMahon-Helmsley Regime incase they interfered, similar to his role at Over The Edge 1998. But then again WWE had just had a Hell in a Cell match at No Way Out 2000 and would have another at Armageddon at the end of the year, so maybe not. I didn't mind the 6-man tag at KOTR, I'm just saying this feud was worthy of a Hell in a Cell match.

I'm suprised that Austin and Taker have not had a Hell in a Cell match with how many times they've feuded over the years. They've tagged together in Hell in a Cell and were in the 6-man HIAC but they don't count either. Maybe this could've happened at Judgement Day 2001 cause there was no stipulation in that match and I can't recall a Hell in a Cell match happening in 2001.

I like the choice of Shane vs Kane, that would've been a good main event for Armageddon 2003. That PPV was god awful from what I remember, Hell in a Cell between Shane & Kane could've been it's saving grace.
Great thread & I pretty much agree word for word with the original post, though I don't think a Cell match was necessary or would have added that much to the HBK/Y2J feud. Don't get me wrong, it was easily one of the best feuds ever & one of the more personal as well but I think the Ladder match was a smarter/better choice to end the feud on.
What match(es) belonged inside Hell In A Cell, and for some reason, didn't make it? Why?
Several come to mind. Cena/Edge was a good rivalry that could have included a Cell match. Several great feuds from the Attitude Era like Austin/Taker, Austin/HHH or Rock/HHH probably would have been fantastic inside the Cell. But two more recent ones really come to mind...
- I completely agree that Orton/HHH should have taken place inside a Cell at some point in 2009. I don't think their Mania 25 bout should have been in the cell & DX/Legacy & Cena/Orton inside the Cell made sense later that year but if their is one feud in recent memory that should have ended in the Cell but didn't, it would be Orton/HHH. Their styles & the very emotional feud they had going could have worked great inside the cell.
- Cena/Punk one on one inside the Cell should have happened in 2011, if not 2012. Del Rio was wrongly added to the match in 2011 & when WWE seemed to try & correct their mistake the following year Cena was injured & Ryback took his place.
What's the match that deserved the Cell the least, but got it anyway, and why?
- I think the Kane/Undertaker feud definitely deserved a match inside the Cell but I would have much rather preferred to see it either shortly after their Mania 14 bout when the image of Kane's debut & ripping off the Cell door was still fresh in people's minds or better yet instead of a plain singles match at Mania XX, Kane & Taker should have faced off inside the Cell that night.
- I don't think either of the Cell matches from 2011 deserved the stipulation. Henry/Orton was not nearly personal enough & their match style made for a very lacklsuter match inside the cell. & as I already stated, Del Rio didn't belong inside the Cell with Cena & Punk, let alone winning the match.
- The only other Cell matches that I would say are as undeserving of the stipulation as the 2011 Cell matches would be the two Punk/Ryback Cell matches. I am a huge fan of Punk & I'm okay with Ryback too but they have ZERO chemistry IMO. Their matches in 2012 felt very forced & their 2012 Cell match was one of, if not thee, worst Cell match in history. I thought it would be better in 2013 since there was some history between the two of them & since Heyman was involved but I was wrong. It wasn't quite as terrible as their 1st HiaC match but it was very lackluster, once again felt very forced & it felt like the Cell was simply lowered by accident & Heyman just happened to be standing on top.
- I think the Kane/Undertaker feud definitely deserved a match inside the Cell but I would have much rather preferred to see it either shortly after their Mania 14 bout when the image of Kane's debut & ripping off the Cell door was still fresh in people's minds or better yet instead of a plain singles match at Mania XX, Kane & Taker should have faced off inside the Cell that night.

Man you beat me to it. This is the one that I've been saying for years. I always thought they should've had one back in 1998. As far as the most undeserving, I guess I'll say Punk VS Ryback/Heyman from this year because I'm just not into the whole Punk VS. Heyman thing.
Imagine if Bret Hart had the chance to work a cell match with either Undertaker, Austin or Shawn Michaels in 1997. We all missed out on something special there.

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