Feed Me Rusev!


Leading A Revolution
So last night on Raw we all saw a confrontation between the US Champ Rusev and Ryback. So this is a simple two part question:

1) Do you think Ryabck will be the first man to legit defeat Rusev by pinfall?(I'd say or submission but...come on... that's not really Ryback's style)

2)Do you think he is the right choice to do so?

I could see WWE having Ryback being the first to defeat Rusev. It would be a good one for a guy who they are trying to rebuild. However, I don't see Ryback as the right choice. I'm not sure how well the match quality would pan out, but that said, the intense big guy who doesn't talk a lot and just wants to dominate people, doesn't seem like the character I would have stand up for America to defeat Rusev and reclaim the US Title. I thought at one point on RAW that Ryback was gonna pumps his arms like he always does, but chant U-S-A instead of Feed Me More. Also, I'm still not sure about Ryback. I think WWE's decision to turn him heel after WM 29 was a poor choice that did some serious damage. I'm still not sure how well he is gonna be able to rebuild as a face, and I would hate to see the big first defeat of Rusev go to someone who down the road could fizzle out and be just another guy.

Thats my opinion. Whats yours?
It's tough to say. I like Ryback, but I don't want Rusev's streak to end just yet. I'd build it up to Wrestlemania. Then you have a plethora of guys who can fight him there in a big match, be it Reigns, Cena, Ziggler, even Bryan or, The Rock (unlikely, I know, but they have hinted at it a little. I like to think there's a reason they had The Rock interrupt Rusev of all people last month).

I'm a Rusev fan, hence my desire to see him carry his undefeated streak into Mania. His match is one of the matches I'm looking forward to at Mania, assuming he's not just thrown into the Andre the Giant Battle Royal.

So, that said, I hope to see some physical matches, with Ryback coming up a little short. But it won't be the end of the world if he beats Rusev. I'm just glad we're getting a Rusev feud where we don't know who's going to win.
I doubt Ryback will win the feud or be the first to beat Rusev by pinfall/submission simply because I don't think that will happen until WM31. Who ends up doing it then is anybody's guess. Early reports said Cena. That makes sense considering his patriotic gimmick. People around here would hate it, but A) it's WrestleMania and ending Rusev's streak, no matter who does it, is a very good time for it B) again, Cena's patriotic character is a great fit since Swagger lost and Angle isn't showing up C) it would put Cena down the card which, his haters mostly bitch he's in the main event too much.

If it's not Cena then Reigns could benefit from it if he's somehow not busy otherwise.

All that said, I'd have absolutely no problem if Ryback was the one to pull it off. I just don't think he will.
Look like it going this way. Looks like Ryback is on the way to becoming a monster face like Goldberg was. The best way to cement a dominant face is to beat an unbeatable heel like Rusev.
Because of his gimmick, I think it would be better to have a guy with a patriotic gimmick beat Rusev, I was hoping they'd reach a deal with Angle, but that's not happening. Swagger just isn't gonna be the guy, Rusev has passed him now, it will take a bigger star to beat him. Basically, there is no one left, and I really hope they don't waste a WM appearance by the Rock on Rusev.

But one thing for sure, we will find out who WWE has more faith in. If Rusev wins, we can expect for him to become a top heel in 2015, If Ryback wins, it could be in the cards for him to have a Summerslam Title match. They've been pushing these two for a little while now, time to find out who they like best.
If they have Ryback lose who is more over than Swagger, Henry and Big Show would it make sense? This would be just like Rybacks scenario a few years ago. Set to burn, set to fail.

I am a Rusev fan, I am a Ryback fan too. I would really enjoy Rusev losing to anyone besides John Cena. Eventually they all fall to Cena which is frustrating to a lot of fans. If WWE wants to truly build Ryback up, him beating Rusev would do wonders for him. I hope it happens but only time will tell if it does or doesn't.
Actually, it's a compelling match-up because we can't honestly know which one wins it. On the one hand, Rusev is a favored son at this point; he's coming out on top in everything he does.....and the best part is, he's not doing it by foul means. The guy doesn't cheat, he rarely even throws punches. Does anyone realize how unusual this is for a heel?

On the other side is Ryback, whom the powers-that-be are giving another shot at the brass ring, presumably hoping to correct whatever made him fall short the first time. To this point, he hasn't come close to losing, yet he hasn't faced very high caliber opponents yet, at least not in singles matches. But he's being depicted as a monster, and that's something every performer would like to play.

So, who wins? Personally, I can't see either being given decisive wins over the other, yet both men have been winning their matches decisively. Something's got to give. My guess is that Rusev prevails; I've been believing he's headed for near-main event status.....and when he finally loses, it's going to be a Cena or Orton-level wrestler that does the deed. I have a hard time accepting the idea they've been building Rusev to this point just to feed him to Ryback.
Well, with Reigns just coming back and presumably being set for the WWE Heavyweight Championship, Daniel Bryan on the shelf, and probably no one other than Cena that people think can legitimately actually beat Rusev, then what choice do they really have?
I hope they have Ryback go over here because they seem to be building him up and it's about time RUSEV had a lose. I don't mind Rusev but he has won a lot of matches against a lot of meaningless people. I know they are building Rusev up, but I really think it was the wrong move to give him the United States title. Ryback needs to win here becasue they can't stuff up yet another push for the Big Guy can they surely. It was mentioned in an earlier comment that Ryback would go down hill if he loses and I agree with that 100%. I think Ryback really needs to hold a title and finally win a title match becasue he is yet to hold a title. It would be a step in the right direction if they want to invest time in Ryback then it would be a good move to build him up to the wwe world title.
I like the move. Ryback has definitely had a bounce back 2nd half of the year and he seems to fit the mole of one who can defeat Rusev. All the other hopefuls were all washed up and them going over would do nothing for either side. With Ryback going over here, it could start an actual rivalry for Rusev instead of him just mowing down opponents until he reaches the top. That being said, he will probably be squashed like the rest of the hopefuls who took on Rusev.
I seem to be in the minority on this one, but I just don't get the Ryback hype, maybe its because i wasnt watching the first time he was around (thought the product was garbage and took a break) but to me this feels like an undeserved push to the moon. He's big and has some okay moves and the crowd does get behind him but to me he tops out as a lesser Roman Reigns who everyone kills for his mic work yet ignores that most of Ryback's mic work is cringe worthy. Don't get me wrong, there is a place on the card for him, but to me Rusev is being built as a top heel and is very believable as a legit long term top heel, something the wwe always desperately needs. I don't think a loss will kill Rusev but at this point, as others have said, but i think his streak is important enough to last until wrestlemania or at least the rumble.
When Ryback came out during the Highlight Reel last night I groaned. It's a compelling match up because you're not sure who is going to win, but this just isn't the right time for it.

These two should be kept as far away from each other as possible until after Wrestlemania. They're both being pushed to the moon and if either of these men lose to each other it kills their momentum.
I personally think the match is going to suck, but I will admit that it's a step in the right direction for Rusev...and a step back for Ryback- simply because he's got to lose. If Ryback beats Rusev, the latters career might as well have been devoured. Personally, I would've fed Rowan to Rusev first. Then moved on to Ryback, who could've been fed....I dunno, who are some relevant heels who are free and can afford a loss?

Was it just me or was their confrontation rather....lacking? When Swagger came out to face Rusev for the first time, the place practically caught on fire. When Henry came out to do the same, crowds went crazy. Here, the response wasn't anything phenomenal. I was like "Oh cool, that should be interesting" and not "HOLY SHIT MAN! WHIP HIS ASS!"...because that's what I apparently do when I mark out. Maybe the whole 'stare down before the heel backs out' bit has grown stale...as Rusev seems to do that a lot.
What makes me think that Ryback could be the one is how little WWE thinks of undefeated streaks as far as the guy who breaks them tbh.

Taker had his streak broken by brock, who is legitimate but didn't deserve it. Last year the shield had been undefeated for 8 months solid on one on one matches and especially 3 on 3 tag matches.... Cena, ryback (at his peak) sheamus, orton, taker, daniel bryan, kane they all fell but then on a random smackdown Team Hell No and Randy Orton beat them......

So hell give it to Ryback but save it till Rumble at least
So last night on Raw we all saw a confrontation between the US Champ Rusev and Ryback. So this is a simple two part question:

1) Do you think Ryabck will be the first man to legit defeat Rusev by pinfall?(I'd say or submission but...come on... that's not really Ryback's style)

2)Do you think he is the right choice to do so?

I could see WWE having Ryback being the first to defeat Rusev. It would be a good one for a guy who they are trying to rebuild. However, I don't see Ryback as the right choice. I'm not sure how well the match quality would pan out, but that said, the intense big guy who doesn't talk a lot and just wants to dominate people, doesn't seem like the character I would have stand up for America to defeat Rusev and reclaim the US Title. I thought at one point on RAW that Ryback was gonna pumps his arms like he always does, but chant U-S-A instead of Feed Me More. Also, I'm still not sure about Ryback. I think WWE's decision to turn him heel after WM 29 was a poor choice that did some serious damage. I'm still not sure how well he is gonna be able to rebuild as a face, and I would hate to see the big first defeat of Rusev go to someone who down the road could fizzle out and be just another guy.

Thats my opinion. Whats yours?

Ryback is right where he belongs - the mid card. I remember before he got put pushed to the moon to face CM Punk at HIAC in 2012, he had a brief feud with the IC Champion at the time, The Miz but instead of having him defeat Miz for the title, they moved him on to Punk.

That being said, Ryback would be the perfect guy to beat Rusev. He doesn't have to be overly patriotic like how Big E tried to be when it clearly wasn't natural. Ryback is American, he's from Vegas, that's enough. If they have to, they can just get him to change his tights to reflect something patriotic.

However, getting back to topic, I think if possible if they can extend this feud to WrestleMania where Ryback defeats him that would be great, a true WrestleMania moment.
After Smackdown tonight, it's pretty obvious that his next feud is Ryback. After literally kicking Ryback off the stage and through the curtain, Ryback isn't going to take this lightly.

It's going to be one hell of a match if they let them go at it.
This could not be more phenomenally stupid, both from a timing standpoint, and a build standpoint.

What ingredients do you have? A chance for a colossal clash of two unstoppable monsters, truly worthy of a WrestleMania showdown, and a chance to put the US title over HUGE. A no-selling monster face with unmitigated power being the only man capable of facing down a monster foreign heel who has never taken a step back, let alone been in danger of losing.


Rusev got dispatched by the rock.

They start the angle off with a fucking injury angle for fucks sake.

They start it in fucking December, rendering it ran into the ground by WM, unless they do it utterly PERFECT (IE Ryback doesn't come back til the Rumble from his injury, Rusev finds ways to duck him indirectly til mania)

The only possible way this can work to potential is.....

Ryback has to surprise return to the rumble and eliminate Rusev. Rusev has to spend the next months avoiding him and defending the title against tomato cans. Showdown at Mania, with a sweet patriotic themed singlet.

Wont happen. Undercard at at Rumble. Useless.

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