Fear in Wrestling


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Some gimmicks are flat out silly such as Sparky Plugg. Others are serious, such as Randy Orton. Sme are just weird such as Bastian Booger. However, as a child or an adult, different people may be frightened by various gimmicks. I was reading a debate between Jake and Ech in the tournament and read a comment Jake made about how Issac Yankem was a good gimmick because dentists are scary. This got me to thinking: what gimmicks struck a chord with you as almost or actually scary?

To me, it would be Papa Shango. I was only a kid when I saw him, but this guy scared the living hell out of me. He had power over the Warrior, who was my second favorite wrestler at the time. The voodoo was something that I didn't understand and didn't want to. Throw in the face paint and the weird dancing and this guy was just terrifying to me. Looking back he was fairly silly, but at the time he literally gave me nightmares.

So who did scare you or what "evil" gimmicks were the best to you?
the undertaker in the early 90s. i was 5 years old when he made his debut nd he scared the hell out of me everytime he came out
I was always afriad of Paul Bearer because he was creepy looking and had that weird highpitched voice.
-Kane around the time he made his debut, when he talked in the voice box...it used to creep me out.
-Chyna because, idk why, she didnt look normal and her voice was really weird sounding too.
-Goldust because he was freaky looking
-Gangrel because he was scary
-Vampiro, to an extent. I could watch him wrestle, but he was simply scary looking
The Undertaker when I was little, I can remember the first time I saw his entrance and it had me scared, I was curled up on the corner of the couch.
I going to have to go with The Undertaker. I was only a little kid when I first saw him. And while his ring attire had no affect on me His entrance scared the living hell out of me. He would come down with the caskets and Paul Bearer the whole thing was frightning.

I remember watching wwe superstars late one night and once his music hit I turned on every light in the house and couldn't sleep for days. Come to think about it to this day i still won't watch some of his promos alone at night.

Eventhough I've come to respect him and his abilities and he no longer scares me, being terrified of that guy is what made me fall in love with wrestling in the first place the very sight of him would send chills down my spine. and that creepy funeral music didn't help eaither. All in all The Undertaker was the personification of fear for me and nothing has come remotly close to topping the terror I felt whenever i seen him come down the Asile
Oh man the undertaker for sure... I know Shocker!!! But I remember going to an old house show at the old Arena where I lived! So yeah to set the mood throw back WWF chairs at ring side and metal gates around the ring crappy lighting, stuff nightmares are made of. Well it was Undertaker Vs Sid Justice. And even sid scaried the crap out of me. They both were so damn huge. Like everyone else I was very young and impressionable. So when Undertaker was pretty much invincible to damage, it really had an effect on me. Here is Justice kicking the crap out of the undertaker and he just keeps rising up! It was freaky!
I think that Mortacai was really scary to me
like shoving religion down people throats in a very religous way
They were going to start an angle between him and Undertaker, but I feel it would have worked better if Taker was The Dead Man, instead of the American bad Ass.
Also, Vader was scary in his own right
Watching Sean O'Haire, I had the thought that if Hollywood wanted to make a movie about a modern-day Satan, they couldn't find anyone better than Sean to play the part.

I kept waiting for him to morph into Ol' Scratch and go after Roddy Piper. Even though it never happened, Sean O'Haire sure scared the devil out of me.

I was terrified of Meng back in the WCW. He was the stereotypical Pacific Island monster. He would go around taking out everyone he met with the Tongan Death Grip. I had nightmares of him finding me and doing it to me in my sleep. I think that is why I admired Goldberg so much, he was the only one I can think of the was able to break out of it.
Doink The Clown scared the living crap out of me.

Matt Bourne's Doink, the evil one.

I've always been terrified of clowns, but when he'd go to little kids, and scare them I was afraid he'd do that to me.

The biggest mistake they made was turning him face, it killed the character, but I was secretly glad, and I never trusted him. Even as a face. Clowns are meant to be happy, but an evil clown just make sense.
Undertaker. I was about 6 when he tried to embalm Stone Cold alive, and I left the room because I was so scared he was going to kill him. I might have even cried a bit, I dont remember.
Not personally, but The Boggeyman. I watched on dvd when The Boogeyman made his tv debut in OVW. People were grabbing small children and running. Chairs were getting knocked down. People were even making their way to the arena exit. It was the funniest thing I had seen in a long time.

My husband always talks about Abdullah the Butcher in Georgia Championship Wrestling. How terrified people would be watching him and how employees at the Bell Auditorium in Augusta, Georgia, had to tell people that Abdullah would not really harm them.

Oh how I miss kayfabe:)
This is going to sound werid but when i was younger i had a nightmare about scary sherri and im not joking. But i remmber being younger and when i was 6 watching hogan vs sid justice and i was afriad of sid to the piont i had an action figure that chewed up caus i was nervous
Like many said, I was also scared of The Undertaker when I was young. However, when I grew up to be past 8 or 9, my fear for him turned into absolute hatred. There was no one I hated more then 'Taker from like 1994 until a couple of years ago (while I'll probably never be a real fan of his, I've come to really respect his work). I remember when he first cost Diesel the WWF Championship when he came from under the ring during Diesel's match against Bret Hart, and then actually defeated Diesel at Wrestlemania 12, after taking TWO Jacknife's... I wished 'Taker would just die forreal from that point on. Fuck I hated him. I was never Steve Austin's biggest fan, but when he feuded with 'Taker... I wanted him to kill 'Taker every time they fought.

But when I was a kid, I was just scared of the dude. He played his character so real that it was hard for a five/six-year-old to not be scared of the motherfucker. And there was no one since then or before that that actually scared me like 'Taker did when he first debuted.
I'm not sure anyone really scared me, but I'd say Jake the Snake Roberts. The one from 91-92, the 1 i consider the best pure evil heel ever. He did such terrible things like slapping Elizabeth and having his cobra bite Macho Man. That guy was creepy.
Mae Young...........s hand child........

hmmm, i'll blow past that.

Undertaker use to be freaky as when i was a kid. Also, Kane used to scare the living shit out of me when he was debuting and still had the mask and Bearer. Hell even guys like Viscera and Gangrel used to scare me, no looking back they just look stupid.
Val venis doink the clown and sting scared the liveing shit out of me when i was young val he used to act so pervert and that scared me and doink when he was a heel i used to have nightmare that clown would try to chase me with a knife and sting his entrance was so freaky at the time like when he came out of the rafter
The Undertaker was the one who always scared the shit outta me when I was a little kid. Everything from his entrance to putting Stone Cold on the emblem scared me as I had nightmares for weeks about it.
Doink the Clown. My god my favorite thing at the time in wrestling brings in someone dressed as my worst fear in a clown. My god I shit myself everytime I saw him. I'd hide under pillows, turn wrestling off, and even leave the room until he went off. My god I was dead ass afraid of him. I still hate clowns, but I can stand watching him now, and look back thinking how silly I was over getting that worked up.

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