FBI Re-Opens Case on Clinton


Doubt it, bud.
It's official. New emails pertinent to the case have been obtained which has led to this re-opening. One would have to think that there has to be a lot smoke for the FBI to make such a move this close to the election - 11 days out.

Would also be interesting to see a president elect being indicted during the months leading up to inauguaration Very, very interesting development.
This is absolutely huge. I just hope the Clinton campaign has some kind of contingent available to keep Trump/Pence out of the White House. With this revelation, I can easily see undecided voters shifting from Hillary to Trump.

This new wave of populism is extremely concerning to me. Part of me wants to see it in action just so I can see it fail for schadenfreude, but my cursed humanitarian aspects fears for the detrimental effects others will go through.

If only this were wrestling though:

From the initial descriptions of these new emails, I would suggest that that FBI letter is a massive overreaction.

Three 'new' emails that were not new at all, not withheld by the Clinton camp and may not have even been sent by Clinton herself.

Not to say that this is not damaging.
I don't necessarily blame them for the reaction. Hillary was on very shaky ground after her acquittal. She played the political game, and had she kept a lower profile afterwards, she would have been in the clear. Instead, she's running for POTUS, where scrutiny is unrelenting.
At this point, our country deserves Donald Trump. One term for Donald Trump would probably mean no Republican President for 50+ years going forward. Sounds like a good deal to me.
Барбоса;5598717 said:
From the initial descriptions of these new emails, I would suggest that that FBI letter is a massive overreaction.

Three 'new' emails that were not new at all, not withheld by the Clinton camp and may not have even been sent by Clinton herself.

Not to say that this is not damaging.

Any shake up on the road to November is potentially damaging. There are people who will ultimately switch their vote or not vote at all due to things like this. Those same people usually go with a knee-jerk reaction to this stuff without actually reading more about it. The headline of "FBI re-opens case against Clinton" is enough for them to start talking out of their ass without looking past the first paragraph of any credible source giving more info.

Whether or not there is cause for concern or charges to be brought forth is somewhat irrelevant. Some people will run with it & it gives something for Trump to talk about during the next 2 weeks. I highly doubt anything comes of this that will really hurt HRC.

Only way Trump wins is if she dies in a fire or is shot by a lunatic. The email scandal is Trumps one bullet against Clinton & that fails in comparison to the clip full she has against Mr. Orange. The guy will start a war & lose us allies due to his constant diarrhea mouth if he becomes POTUS.

All in all his reaction to the election results will probably do more damage than this FBI letter & anything to come from it.
At this point, our country deserves Donald Trump. One term for Donald Trump would probably mean no Republican President for 50+ years going forward. Sounds like a good deal to me.
Would be a great deal for the roughly ~5 rich white men who would still be alive in America after the rest of the population had either left or starved to death
You have no idea how many people are willing to move if he wins. Granted, the likelihood of that happening is slim, but people are still ready to go. Ireland, England or Canada would be a nice change of scenery for me personally.
No one is moving, no one is burning it all down, there will be no revolution. But, he will be the biggest embarrassment in the history of the United States which could very well cause the collapse of the Republican Party as early as 2018, maybe 2020. I don't think he would kill the party completely, but it would never look the same, which may not be a bad thing. That's assuming they learn their lesson after Trump.
No one is moving, no one is burning it all down, there will be no revolution. But, he will be the biggest embarrassment in the history of the United States which could very well cause the collapse of the Republican Party as early as 2018, maybe 2020. I don't think he would kill the party completely, but it would never look the same, which may not be a bad thing. That's assuming they learn their lesson after Trump.

They nominated Sarah Palin just 8 years ago, and it's devolved into Trump. They didn't learn their lesson. And agreed on the hyperbole of people sailing across the Great Lakes to Canada, Lots of folks talking out of their asses.
He has a fraud case this November and a child rape case in December, but let's all pretend her email case is just as bad.
He has a fraud case this November and a child rape case in December, but let's all pretend her email case is just as bad.

Oh yeah didn't you know that? Any Trump supporter will tell you the same thing: bad is bad, but Trump's bad things are all made up by the media. Trump was just talking like he was in a locker room and women should be appreciative of his attention.
I haven't been in a locker room since high school, so maybe I'm out of touch, but most locker room antics in my days consisted of snapping towels on guys naked asses and accusing guys of being queer for peaking in the shower. Not once did I ever hear talk of sexual assault.
Guys definitely say nasty shit when women aren't around. Do most talk about kissing them without permission or just grabbing their pussy's? No. No, they do not.
Where else are you supposed to grab them- by the hand? What is this The 1950'S?

Joking aside, if you have the means to do so why not move? Sure there is bullshit everywhere you go, but why keep a front row seat to this shit show? I know not everyone saying so will leave, but there will be people heading out if this goes sideways. If he starts a war, we are all screwed though, no matter the location.
I haven't been in a locker room since high school, so maybe I'm out of touch, but most locker room antics in my days consisted of snapping towels on guys naked asses and accusing guys of being queer for peaking in the shower. Not once did I ever hear talk of sexual assault.

The bold bit isn't miles away from sexual assault though, both figuratively and literally.
I feel quite bad for Hilary. Looking at her political history (and before that) she's been fucked over a lot.

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