Favourite songs by....ALICE IN CHAINS

Hollywood Naitch

The current reigning and defending
Now then ladies and gentlemen, for the 2nd in my series of threads, I have chosen the Seattle grunge icons Alice In Chains!! I know they are popular here, so I hope to see people joining in and posting their favourite AIC songs. If one of your picks has already been posted then you don't need to post the link again, but please explain your choices!!

I will do mine first.



Just unbelievable. A fantastic, instantly recognisable riff, and the perfect song to headbang to, it really does feel like something is being smashed over your head over and over with this vicious riff. Definitely my favourite Alice song, I went mental hearing this played live last November. I lost my voice during the chorus I was screaming so loudly! I think the way Layne and Jerry sang alternative lines in the chorus is very unique, and special.

Also, on Live performances AIC would often go straight into the opening riff from MITB as the riff from Angry Chair was fading out, as can be heard on the LIVE cd, they also did this live when I saw them.



Beautiful, emotional, perfect. Nutshell is the complete opposite of Man In The Box and I love it almost as much. It is probably the most beautiful piece of music I have ever heard, and the acoustic guitar works perfectly. You can see the talent of AIC in that they can produce pieces of music so varied but both universally loved. This song means so much to me and I don't even know why! I first heard in on the Unplugged album and had to stop the car I got so into it, I had to sit an concentrate, I was mesmarised. The only criticism of Alice's live show that I saw was that there was an acoustic set by Jerry in the centre where he played most of their famous slower songs, but Nutshell was inexplicably left out.



You may think this is a strange choice, as it is off the latest album without Layne, but man I love it. I was so excited to here AIC had reunited and were making a new album but "A Looking In View" disappointed me slightly, although I love it now. It was very dark and not the Alice style I was hoping for. However, when I heard this I was so pleased. Great riff, cool lyrics and a brilliant chorus that makes you pump your fist in the air. Alice In Chains were back baby!



Another song from the new album, and it is right up there with Nutshell as one of the most emotional pieces of music I have heard. I adore how the song changes at the 2 minute mark into a phenomenal, albeit short, solo from Jerry. I got goosebumps the first time I heard this song, and still do almost every time I play it. Wonderful, and really meaningful lyrics. I believe Jerry is talking to Layne in the lyrics.
Natural, I love you :)

Well I'm a huge Alice In Chains fan so it'll be hard to narrow down what my favourite songs are, but here goes.

In no particular order



This is the song that got me into Alice In Chains, the lyrics are top notch (Jerry Cantrell wrote them when his friend Andrew Wood died) and the music is great, Jerry Cantrell and Layne Staley's harmonised vocals stick out on this song a lot to me.

Angry Chair


This song is great because it just seems raw, Layne Staley's singing is deeply personal as he wrote the lyrics and they echo his battles with drugs.

Get Born Again


Emotional on so many levels A) because of the lyrics and B) because it was one of the last songs Layne Staley sang

Black Gives Way To Blue


The last song off the new album is dedicated to Layne Staley and the emotion Jerry Cantrell shows in the song is heartwrenching.

Lying Season


An unreleased track, recorded during the Dirt sessions (I think) that I only heard two months ago, its quickly becoming one of my favourite tracks. Its hard rocking showing off how each member was great (Cantrell, Kinney, Staley and Starr) and the lyrics are great
My favorite song by Alice in chains is "Heaven beside you". I don't know why but even though I only discovered them a few years ago, every time I hear that song it makes me feel nostalgic. I love serious songs that don't take themselves too seriously, and this is a prime example with it's warm simple verses lead by a chorus that spits in the face of melancholy meaning with a tame melody combined with pensive lyrics.

My other favourable mentions go to "Man in a box" for a chorus that you just want to shout at the top of your lungs, "Would?" and "over now".
My other favourable mentions go to "Man in a box" for a chorus that you just want to shout at the top of your lungs, "Would?" and "over now".

I fucking love Over Now. Ever since I heard it on the radio and then discovered it was on the unplugged album I had. I love the coda in it. When my friend and I first started writing music I used that coda to explore areas outside of the regular verse/chorus setup.

The chorus in this song is like the secret to a great chorus to my ears. Plus the churning river throughout the song is classic.

Technically billed as "Alice Mudgarden" (Jerry Cantrell, Layne Staley, Chris Cornell, Mark Arm) I believe this sounds more like AIC than it does Soundgarden or Mudhoney. At the end of the song there are three different lines being sung at the same time and it actually works! Plus the screaming at the end by Cornell is fucking epic.
Most of my favourites have previously been mentioned but I may as well give my take on them.

Check My Brain: I really like the new album, William DuVall may not be Layne Stanley but he is damn good in his own unique way. Awesome (one note) riff to this one, really heavy and cool. Cool lyrics and some impressive vocal work from Duvall who goes a long way towards filling the huge boots left by Stanley in my opinion at least.

A Looking In View: Another off the new album. This one is a fucking monster, though. The riff is heavy as fuck man, probably one of the heaviest I have heard. It's got some really cool lyrics and just a really dark vibe through out which I love.

Man In The Box: Of course, how can you be a fan of Alice In Chains and not love this one? It is a great song, monster riff, awesome vocals from Layne just a great hard rockin song.

There are plenty more but I will stop there.

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