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Favourite Royal Rumble Elimination

Hulk Hogan's Brother

Stop asking me what I'm gonna do!!!
As the title states, I want you to list your favorite Royal Rumble elimination. Many a time the elimination of a particular participant stays in your head sometimes due to the manner in which the participant who got eliminated took the bump or due to the fact that the elimination came as an absolute shocker. Sometimes its the hilarity of the elimination that makes it memorable.

Without further ado, here's my favorite elimination in a Royal Rumble match:


I doubt if there has ever been a bigger shocker than this one. Undertaker absolutely dominated the first half of the 2002 Royal Rumble match only to get eliminated by none other than Tough Enough winner Maven. No one could have imagined this even in their wildest imagination. And the way in which Undertaker reacted after he got eliminated by Maven just makes the elimination even more memorable. The bloodbath which Maven was subjected to was absolutely brutal with Maven taking some really stiff unprotected chairshots to the head. Without a doubt this was the biggest moment of Maven's career.

My honorable mention goes out to Jerry Lawler's elimination by Bret Hart at Royal Rumble 1997. Jerry was comentating at the time when suddenly his music was played. At that time Bret was in the ring with Austin and had Austin locked in a sharpshooter. Jerry left for the ring by saying "It takes a king....". As soon as he entered the ring Bret broke the sharpshooter on Austin and went straight after Jerry. He punched him twice and Jerry fell over the top rope. He came back to the announce table to complete his incomplete sentence ".....to know a King". Throughout the entire match Jerry kept talking about how he would have won the match had he been a participant and Jim Ross and Vince McMahon kept reminding him that he was a participant. I could not get the video but it should be watched for its hilarity. I think Jerry holds the second place for spending the least amount of time in a Royal Rumble match.

So what are your favorite Royal Rumble eliminations?

"The ones where people knew how to use Youtube and Wrestlezone together properly." - Moderator
Mr Baller delivering a basketball shot to the head of Jordan Lights... wait that was in WZCW's version of the Royal Rumble, ummm the elimination of 'Taker by Maven was great. I personally love the elimination of Scotty 2 Hotty by Kane and Undertaker.

In 2001 when they were both dominating the Rumble together and they awaited the next entrant and when Scotty 2 Hotty's music started playing I was cracking up. It was brilliant.

Chokeslam through the table. Kane is one of the best Royal Rumble eliminators and heres why. But you knew it was gonna happen which is the only downfall. I loved it though.
The Warlord held the record for years for the quickest elimination. He was a beast of a man and many expected him to do well in a Rumble match. That being said for Hogan to eliminate him in 2 seconds was so awesome.

My other favorites are Beth eliminating Khali and when Kane set the record for most eliminations in a match. He was so dominant that it gave me chills with every elimination.

I also have to give a shout out to Drew Carey for eliminating himself.
My favorite is Santino's because it goes along with Santino's character. It was very funny. I love seeing it in the highlights everytime, how he gets up and says he wasn't ready, hysterical. Santino holds the record for least time in the Rumble and I really don't see anyone breaking that record. I also liked seeing Beth Pheonix eliminating the Great Khali. It was planned perfectly too with her kissing him, and pulling him over, good stuff and good booking.
apparently im a little older than most of you but my favorite was luke of the bushwackers coming into the ring (i forget the year, im thinking 93 or so) as only the bushwackers do. waiving his arms around, and he slipped into the ring, was grabbed by earthquake, and was tossed over the top rope on the other side of the ring. however, luke landed on his feet, continued the bushwacker dance, and walked straight to the back. hilarious.

obviously they purposely broke the warlord's 2 second record with santino a few years ago, so to me that kind of takes away from kane's elimination of santino in 1 second. but warlord getting on the apron and pounding his chest, then getting clotheslined by hulk hogan right over in 2 seconds was pretty awesome. warlord wasnt a main eventer by any means, but he was a big bad dude and i was pretty young at the time and hated guys like warlord, so i loved it.
Mine is from 2004. In the 2004 Rumble, The Big Show mowed through every one of the final six. He took out John Cena, tossed out RVD and used one hand to dump out Chris Jericho. It was then down to Chris Benoit, Show and Kurt Angle. Show was the favourite but Kurt Angle snuck up behind Show and nailed him with the Angle slam. Angle then asked the audience who they wanted to see the Ankle Lock put on; Benoit or Show. The fans said Show and so Angle went after the big man.

Show was tapping, but that meant nothing. Angle kept applying pressure to the ankle of Show but then Show started to crawl to the ropes. He dragged himself up and literally flipped over the ropes, eliminating Angle. Show rolled back in the ring, having landed on the apron. It was shocking to see Show, a 500 pound man, flip over the top rope and eliminate Angle like that. Truly a sight to behold.

I remember watching this as a little kid only wanting one thing, the Rock to win the Rumble. I pretty much thought it was over when Big Show had him on his shoulders and was about to put him out. Needless to say, I acted like a pogo stick when the Rock used Show's own momentum to put him over the top rope. It's not only my favorite elmination but one of my favorite memories as a kid.
Damm, 'Snake....I was gonna post that Undertaker elimination at the hands of Maven, but that was in your first post. That was a definite shocker, 'Taker was on a massive role at that point and then got taken out by the rookie, before absolutely demolishing him. WWE must have seen big things for Maven at that point...but it didnt quite work out that way for him did it?! lol

My other favourite elimination is from the Royal Rumble 2000, where Rikishi and Too Cool danced before Rikishi threw them both out


Such a great, fun moment from back in the day. I loved Too Cool at this point, they were so entertaining, and this made me laugh when it happened. If only wrestling was that much fun these days...
I've got to say Austin's elimination of Kane at the end of the 2001 Rumble. The way he cannonballed back off the ropes and onto his back after clotheslining the Big Red Machine over the top was funny; but it was real. While the win was pretty predictable, it portrayed the Rumble, in my eyes, as exactly what is meant to be...physically demanding and exhausting. I like things to appear 'real' and considering the beating he had sustained previously by Triple H, for him to just stand up at the end would be wrong. A little off topic, but the face off across the ring between The Rock and a bloodied Stone Cold was brilliant.
I would have to say....
Muhammad Hassan, Royal Rumble, 2005

The crowd was booing him like crazy. And when he entered, everyone stopped fighting and when totally against Hassan. Including Mystero, Benoit, Jericho, and so many others. After all, he was eliminated right before the next contestant could enter.
My favorite was when Kane eliminated the Honkey Tonk Man in the 2001 Royal Rumble. Kane dominates the Rumble, is by himself then out of no where the Honkey Tonk Man comes back. He walks in the ring, starts talking about how he's the greatest IC champ ever, tells Kane to hold on, starts to sing only to turn around and get the guitar broken over his head followed by Kane just shaking his head at HTM as he tossed over the ropes. To me that was just hilarious and by far my favorite elimination ever.
Funny enough I was just watching the 92 Rumble last night and the spot where Sid whips Slaughter across the ring with such speed he flips over the top turnbuckle and out is just amazing and looked brutal. Even more impressive when you think how unathletic and fat Slaughter was by then
Mine is 2005's elimination of Muhammed Hassan, where everyone just stopped, waited for him to get in the ring an attacked him, but i'm a mark for American pride so yea, its a little biased. Lol. Heres the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LT32JLIQq_M

My second favorite elimination was mentioned by the poster, one of the Bushwackers comes in, does his bushwacker walk across the ring and gets thrown out the other side of the ring, funny as hell. And maybe Drew Carey's self elimination in 2001 when staring down Kane. Lol.
Luke of the Bushwackers in 91 gets a mention for total hilarity! I have to confess that I still totally mark out whenever I see The Great One eliminate The Big Show in 2000. Myy number one fave tho has to be when HBK eliminated both Edge and Orton within seconds of each other before his epic mini-match with Taker at the end of the 2007 rumble...Edge gets the classic backdrop over the top rope treatment and Orton gets the Diesel treatment after an attempted chair shot to HBK...SWEET CHIN MUSIC!!! Crowd goes nuts as it was in San Antonio and sets up possibly the best rumble ending in history...
Before I give you my favorite I would like to dispute the WWE's notion that Santino broke the warlord's record. I will say that he tied it but there's no way anyone could possibly be eliminated any faster than he was? Don't believe me? Watch the replays.

I would have to say my favorite elimination was Mohammad Hassan. Simply Great!

But that has already been discussed so I'll give my second favorite. This was the elimination that never was. After eliminated Jake Roberts from the 1992 rumble, he jumped over the top rope to continue his assult on Roberts. Both Bobby Heenan And Gorilla Monsoon went on about what a terrible mistake it was....and then he got back in the ring and continued to compete. Bobby Heanan made the rather poor save that you have to be propelled over the top rope by someone else. The fact is Randy Savage fucked up and we were just supposed to overlook it. Why is this my favorite? Because the WWE tends to treat their fans like they are stuipid and makes up rules as they go along to fit the story they have going on at the time.
I'll again show my old school affinity.

Bret Hart and Lex Luger eliminate each other.

I loved it because NOBODY saw it coming. So much could have gone wrong with that finish, but both guys nailed it and there was a "did that shit just happen?!" feeling immediately after. They looked at like 15 replay angles and still it was a dead heat.

Yokozuna bench presses Savage over the top.

The year prior to Hart / Luger, the only Superheavyweight to win the match supposedly built for SHW's (maybe Big John Studd counts), Yokozuna, dominated and won. The last man in at #30 was Randy Savage, who as usual went batshit and tried to pin Yoko after the elbow. Duh. Yoko bench pressed Savage with one motion, and over the top Savage went. A dominating finish for the sumo.
Benoit 2004, it was so epic when he threw the Big Show out. I was at the Rumble and everyone was freaking out when we saw it happening it over time
Shame all my favorites have all been mentioned. Maven eliminating Undertaker, the entire Rumble stopping to eliminate Muhammad Hassan, Santino's record breaking 1 second elimination.

So for mine, I'm going to go with The Hurricane eliminated by Triple H and Stone Cold Steve Austin in 2002:
(sorry for the long video, this was all I could find. Guess no one else cares about The Hurricane...what a shock).

Just the fact that he tries to chokeslam HHH and Austin, and the look on their faces as they look at each other like "WTF, seriously?". Was a hilarious moment in my opinion
I'm surprised nobody's mentioned Snitsky eliminating Paul London in 2005.


When I first watched this online, I thought, "OH MY GOD! *place horrible Joey Styles impersonation here*" The way London landed right on his head made me wonder how he wasn't bleeding. Paul London could have been very severely injured there. I can see Raw now: Paul London sidelined for 12 months. Snitsky: "It wasn't my fauilt!"

J.R.'s reaction is gold, as usual.
I agree with the guy above me, I love the way Paul London got eliminated, however I also did like when Kurt Angle got Eliminated by Triple H at the 2002 Royal Rumble even though it wasn't a good one.

But maybe my all time favorite Elimination happened at the 2010 Royal Rumble when Batista eliminated HBK, not for the Elimination itself, but what happened after the Elimination, that was my favorite.
I will go with Shawn Michaels eliminating The British Bulldog.Both wrestlers were the first two to enter the match and stayed till the end.Bulldog throws Shawn over the top rope and thinks he won the Rumble as did everybody,but Shawn enters the ring and knocks him off the turnbuckle.Everyone's shocked,then we see the footage and realise that Michaels had only one feet on the floor and hence was never eliminated.Great Booking by the E.

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