Favourite One Night Stand Match?

Favourite One Night Stand Match?

  • Awesome vs Tanaka (2005)

  • Dudleys vs Dreamer & Sandman (2005)

  • 6 person tag match (2006)

  • Cena vs RVD (2006)

  • Hardys vs WGTT (2007)

  • Cena vs Khali (2007)

  • Batista vs HBK (2008)

  • Edge vs Undertaker (2008)

  • Other

Results are only viewable after voting.

Dan E. Inferno

Strange things are happening to me
I figured this was the best place for this topic. If it's not, my apologies.

Anyway, Extreme Rules is approaching and that got me thinking back to the event that proceeded it, One Night Stand. I know it's basically still the same event, that being a card full of extreme matches, but that's not the point. Basically, from it's four year history from 2005 to 2008, what was your favourite match? Even though the event only lasted four years, I still believe there are plenty of good matches to choose from.

I'll begin by saying my favourite match is the TLC match from the 2008 event. It was a solid match throughout and had a very exciting finish. Hawkins and Ryder each had a great table spot, Edge suffered a last ride through two tables and the result was shocking to me at the time as it (temporarily) banished Undertaker from the WWE.

So, what is your favourite One Night Stand match? Reasons for your choice would be appreciated as well as your vote.
For sentimental reasons, I have to pick Cena vs. RVD from 2006. I'd waiting so long for RVD to catch his huge break and I knew that this one was do or die. If he didn't win this match (and I had strong doubts that he would), he likely never would. RVD winning the belt he'd long deserved was such an exciting, emotional moment. But that's not all this match had going for it. From start to finish, that crowd rode Cena like few others ever have, and he played right along with them. From his defiant walk down the aisle, which is now one of my favorite entrances in recent wrestling history, to his antics involving his shirt, to the smiles he would constantly throw this decidedly pro-RVD crowd, Cena was there to piss people off and he did it in classic fashion. The action may have not been all it could have been, but it wasn't about that. This was more about a moment in time, a conflict between smarks and Cena, and a chance for a loyal, deserving soldier in both WWE and ECW to have his crowing moment. And in that loyal solider's grandest moment, it became clear to me that Cena was becoming a very special attraction in wrestling, someone who could play the hometown hero or the travelling opposition depending on what the night called for. He had been booked like that for a few months at this point, but this was the night where it clicked for me. Cena was for real.

I say this about very few matches, but I will never forget this match. It means a lot to me.
My favorite match from ONS has to be Cena vs RVD in 2006. The build-up with RVD announcing when he was going to cash in Money in the Bank to the build-up that ECW was returning was epic. That match is what truly made John Cena in my opinion. Sure he was already riding high, but to be able to put a match in front of one of the most hostile crowds in recent memory made him a grade-A superstar and professional in my book. The chants from the crowd towards Cena and the sign that said "If Cena wins, we riot," didn't even phase him. Not to mention the way that RVD won the championship was freaking awesome with Edge spearing Cena through a table, the frog splash, and Paul Heyman counting the pin. The celebration afterwards will always stick in my mind too.
First of all, the first PPV IMO is the only One Night Stand. It's the only one I've seen and probably the last WWE PPV I actually purchased.

To answer OP, Awesome vs. Tanaka. That was such a awesome f'n match, although I enjoyed every match on that card. Even though my money probably didn't even make it in their pockets, the abuse those two guys gave to each other, I felt like they earned it. Guys who put themselves through that kind of hell deserve to be paid accordingly. The UFC usually rewards their fighters mid 5 figures for awards like knockout of the night on their PPV's. If Awesome and Tanaka didn't get anywhere north of that for that match, they really shouldn't have done it.

It really was the last great PPV. I haven't seen one since that I was that much into.
Even though, Undertaker vs. Edge was probably the greatest out of all these matches in terms of wrestling, in my opinion, I'm am going to have to go with RVD vs. John Cena. When it came to back and forth wrestling the match was pretty average. But the energy, build-up, and atmosphere behind it was what made it a night to remember. All the Anti-Cena chants were hilarious! And the best part was that he took it all into stride, while RVD was riding the momentum that Hammerstein was giving him. Made for some good entertainment.
my fav isnt on that list at all ? my faviourite was the tag team match between tommy dreamers adn terry funk vs edge and mick foly man that shit was HECTIC! seeing terry walk off blind from his own blood split open ear to ear just to come back out with a barb wire bat that match was awesome and we also saw a run in between bulige kedic.... and lita which was entertaining
normally i would say cena/rvd the reason i have to pick taker vs edge because i was there in the crowd i believe taker went through 4 tables and was retired so to be there thinking taker was retired also that same night i believe hbk vs jerihco in a stretcher match so ill go with that as my fav
For me, it's probably Dreamer and Sandman vs the Dudleys. That to me was just a nostalgic match, a true old school ECW match. What made that match special was, if you saw it live, Sandman's entrance to "Enter Sandman". That moment gave me chills, especially since you knew that was going to be the last time you were ever going to see that on TV. I also loved Joey Styles commentary on the match as well, and of course, the CAT FIGHT! CAAAAT FIIIIIGHT! in Joey's best "I just about hit puberty" voice.
It's close for me between edge vs taker and cena vs rvd. as far as the match itself goes, edge and taker take it easily, but as far as the energy and build up and stuff goes, cena and rvd take it. Cena vs RVD led me to believe that those fans would have LITERALLY rioted had Cena won. I don't think he would've left that building alive. I'm not talking it up, I'm serious. But I agree with Johnny on this, Taker going through those tables was WICKED! I did NOT see that coming...That was probably one of, if not THE, biggest bump Taker's taken and it was just a good match in general. Those two always put together good matches when they are in the ring together.
I love the Awesome/Tanaka match from the inaugural One Night Stand. It wasn't the most technical match ever but it was an awesome brawl. Tanaka and Awesome really went at it in the ring and put it all on the line. Some of the hits those two guys took were really hard but they put on a hell of a show for the fans.

Taker/Edge would be a close second though. That match was awesome as well.
For me, it was the first-ever One Night Stand's Main Event. Dreamer& Sandman vs. The Dudley Boyz had EVERYTHING that I loved about the Old ECW- The Sandman/Fan connection when he came through the crowd as they sang his theme, The Dudley Boyz bringin in Spike and setting a table on fire for the finisher, Beaulah and Francine...oh yeah.., and of course the mildly random Old ECW stars making their prescence felt (BWO).

Not only that, but of course Stone Cold. With him and others they did what I have been waiting on for almost a decade- revenge on Eric Bischoff. It was justice, and it was special to see being a hardcore fan of E-C-DUB for so long.

:worship: Thank You Heyman.
Dudleys vs. Dreamer & Sandman gets my vote!
Tons of tables,flaming tables,You won't see that much blood on a WWE PPV ever again!!
everyone running in at the end was a classy way to say goodbye(that's what we thought at the time)

But the whole atmosphere of Cena @ RVD is something unforgetable!!
To this day...I still have never seen a crowd throw a shirt back!!!
And it wasn't just one time,he tried the it again and they still threw it back!!

To me it was the Edge, Foley and Lita VS Dreamer, Funk and Beulah match from '06. It was a very brutal match that stood for everything the real ECW did. Even though Edge was not an ECW original and bashed ECW in the storyline build up to the PPV. He won the respect of the ECW die hards which we all know is hard to do.

RVD VS Cena was a close second to me. Mainly for the sentimental value it was an awesome moment for RVD and all fans of ECW.
Chris Benoit vs. Eddie Guerrero - ECW One Night Stand

First of all, the crowd that night was amazing, and they helped make this match special. No, this will never be remembered as one the all-time classics (and not just because of the Benoit situation), but given the history between the two, the fact they know each other so well, they're both beyond spectacular in the ring, and, to top it off, Joey Styles is on commentary...basically I absolutely love this match. It even involved chair shots and blood for this "one night only" tribute/"farewell" to ECW. This one never gets old.
As much as the Cena vs RVD was, I think Undertaker vs Edge TLC 2008 was the best. Many tables were used, and Edge winning shocked the crap outta me. And with La Famila interfering was pretty cool. The match wouldn't have so good if Undertaker's "career" was on the line. But the best part of the match was Undertaker going through 3/4 tables. Very extreme.
i'd defently have to say - Tanaka and Mike Awesome in 2005 great match with lots of spots and tables, fans defently into the match, and second would have to be RVD vs. Cena in 2006 (not a big fan of cena) so it was nice to see cena getting booed and flicked off with the fans making the match great from throwing the t-shirt back or the toilet paper all the chants perfect, and what better way for rvd to win the wwe/(ecw) title.. wasent a big fan of one night stand after 2006..

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