Favourite Knockout of All-Time?

911 JP

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The title of the thread asks the question, who is your favourite tna knockout of all time, for what ever reason you have your own opinnion. My favourite tna knockout is velvet sky because of everything from her beauty to her attires to her mic work to her contributions with the beautiful people to her wrestling but most of all she did what sable did as a diva and was the first sex symbol of tna with her entrance attire etc. She really extended what the knockouts were, from fighters to beautys who could still kick ass. That is just my opinnion, so who is your favourite knockout of all time?
My favorite KO of all time would have to be Awesome Kong. I loved watching her dominate the division. She has skill, technique, and was a perfect fit to the division. I don't watch womens wrestling just to see a pretty face, I prefer to see a good quality match. I was almost always provided this whenever Awesome Kong was in the ring.
From an overall standpoint, I always liked Taylor Wilde. She's one of the best in the ring and her ability helped set the Knockouts far apart from and above the Divas of the WWE. Simultaneously, she was hot. If you just wanted a piece of eye candy, she fit that role pretty well too in my view.

From just a purely sexual standpoint, Velvet Sky holds a special place between my... uhhh...:blush:I mean in my heart. She's just got the whole cocktease/sex kitten/stripper act down to a science, plust she's got the face and the figure for it.
Awesome Kong just brought something entirely new to the table...she's just a monster, and it was almost laughable to think that anyone could take her down, one-on-one. Gail Kim was the only one to make you believe she could do it...that mix of everything made Gail my favorite, and makes me incredibly frustrated that WWE barely uses her. Roxxi would be my #3, she was just willing to do anything, and could make anyone look good. Now I miss the old days of the Knockouts...all three of them are gone.
I would have to choose Awesome Kong.. When she came in, it was just straight dominance, the only other KO that could and did truely stand up to her was Gail Kim and they had some good matches.. But when Kong finally won the title, she was the most dominant women in pro wrestling today.. She showed us all how real women fight!!
Well, the one I looked foward to seeing every week was Lacey Von Erich. That is for obvious reasons though haha. Also becuase I am a big Von Erich fan.

My all time favorite though would have to be Awsome Kong or Angelina Love. Awsome Kong because of the way she would come in and just DESTROY people. Her fued with Gail Kim was epic. Angelina love was absolutely awsome in her first run with the company when she was a heel and the leader of The Beautiful People. She really is the total package. Madison Rayne is also making quite the name fore herself.
Wow...so...ability, or looks...or both? Ability---would have to go to either Hamada or Alyssa Flash (cheerleader Melissa, Saeed).....I thought she was probably one that could really hold her own with the big boys---without the usual hair pulling, and one or two other moves. Of course, I didn't think her looks were all that bad either...so she kinda gets two votes....;)

Now...looks?? Hands down...Velvet Sky...how can ANYONE not like that ass when it comes in the ring?? I mean seriously...I'm almost positive that it could wake a dead man from a coma....I used to think Angelina Love...but for some reason...she's kinda looking a bit ragged lately...---or course, I can't forget Tara either (kinda have a thing for the thick chicks :)).
I'm going with Hamada:


Amazing in-ring worker, and (in my opinion at least) very attractive as well.

Second place for me would be Sarita, who is one of the few reasons I still watch the show at this point:

My answer is Madison Rayne, I love how see plays the cowardly cocky heel. Not only that but she knows shes hot and plays that off very well. Not a wide moveset but not to small either which also helps.
I just love the beautiful people...all members...lacey was so-oooo hot,and rumor has it she was a super freak,they had to edit a spin-cycle she did because she was being so freaky.!! But the total package i would have to go with Angelina Love..She has the in-ring ability and good looks that look better with her massive boob job.

!!just 1 guys opinion!!
Velvet Sky

I was already a fan of hers before she signed to TNA from her days as Talia. She has the look, the charisma, and "it" factor to be a huge draw for TNA if they would just get behind her. Also she really isn't that bad in the ring. I honestly believe her booking makes her look bad.

Plus I love the entrance.
Daffney. I've always loved me some Daffney; she's unique, she can wrestle, and she's zombie hot! I would also have to say Gail Kim, whose the best of the Knockouts division past or present, and was the reason (along with Kong) the division had such success, which it doesn't now.

On a purely physical aspect Velvet Sky, who is unbelievably hot. I can't believe the WWE hasn't tried to pick her up, she's got everything they like and could really get over on the bigger scale.
people really watch women's wrestling for the wrestling? personally I don't care at all how much they can wrestle in the ring. most important part for me is how they look.
my favorite is Velvet Sky. one of the hottest women wrestlers EVER! her entered to the ring bending over the 2nd rope is EPIC! LET THE PIGEONS LOOSE!!

another one of my favorite females to watch wasn't even a wrestler. Chelsea. she is no longer there anymore, but was valet for Desmond Wolfe. she was hot! her real name is Alison Skipper.

I've only watched TNA since the start of 2010, so haven't seen much of Awesome Kong. however I'm am SO happy about that, she/it is one of the women I do not want to watch.
It has to be Tara

I am literally obsessed with that woman. An absolute babe, stunningly beautiful and sexy as hell...plus she is probably the best in-ring female competitor of the last 10 years in my mind.

She has the best finishing move of any KO, she can brawl, she is tough and along with Mickie James put on one of the best womens matches I have seen for a long time when they main evented impact in the steel cage match
Madison Rayne. She isnt that good of a wrestler though. i think she even got "you cant wrestle chants" before. Sure she has an annoying, screaming voice as part of her gimmick, but i like it. I also like the tiara thing she wears now.

Gail Kim would have to be my favorite as a good wrestler. her matches with Kong were amazing. WWE really needs to give her a push.
Velvet Sky.

Sure she's not going to wow me with five star matches every week, but she's a homegrown talent and I literally can't take my eyes off the screen when she appears. She sets my pigeons loose!

Notable mentions for almost every Knockout theres ever been though. That division can be awesome when it wants to be. I particularly enjoyed the month when Alissa Flash, Sarita and Hamada all showed up. TNA should've built the division around those three. Instead two of them got released and they don't have a clue how to use the third. Shame.
I wold say Mickie james because I simple love her but since she has not been in TNA that long I would probably say Gail Kim. She helped bring the KO out of the shadow and helped carry the division for a longtime

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