Favourite comedy character

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Super Hans

we we we so excited, we so excited.
Like JMT's thread in the bar room this should be from the last 10 years,you can include TV or Film.My favourite would be Dwight K Schrute from The U.S version of the Office it was a tough throw up between him and the character he is based on in the U.K version Gareth Keenan but i went with Dwight as his character has evolved what there being more series of the U.S version.

Remember this is NOT THE BAR ROOM.SO NO SPAM
My favourite comedy actor is probably Seann William Scott right now.

He has held that place since the American Pie franchise and I love his style. Yes, it may be the little boy in me that likes all of the crude humour but I can’t get enough of the guy. I think I have probably seen all of his films that have been released into the mainstream and have honestly enjoyed all of them. I don’t think I can say that for any other comedy actor right now, perhaps with the exception of Jonah Hill. Scott has evolved his character performances since the American Pie series and I feel that he is now more well-rounded actor.

Sure, he may always be known as Stifler but I think he has become so much more than that and although that tag will stick with him for the rest of his career, he should be proud of some of the other movies that he has put out. I mean, who hasn’t seen “Dude! Where’s My Car?” for example. American Pie just catapulted him to fame and it would have been really easy for him to work the same angle in every single movie he made and became typecast. However, I don’t think this has happened to a certain extant.

Jonah Hill is another guy that I really love. He has been given the same treatment as Seann William Scott as it looks as though one movie will really set him in good stead for the rest of his career. Superbad is probably one of my favourite movies ever and that was largely due to the fact that Jonah Hill was fucking astoundingly good. His comedic timing and the fact he can make anything funny is just brilliant to behold and that is what I love most about him.
I really can't narrow it down to just one.

Jack McFarland(Will and Grace): The character was just soo lovably obnoxious. He has all the things I love in my comedic characters wrapped into one person. He's a drama queen, he's an idiot, he's vain, he's materialistic, he's a "hoe", and a pretentious artist. Even when the writing on the show went downhill, I kept watching because he made me laugh so much.

Roseanne Conner(Roseanne): I like her for a lot of the same reasons I like McFarland, only she had a deep grounding in reality that McFarland didn't have. She's also one of the meanest/bluntest/most hilarious leading ladies on television. What's not to love?

Some Others Are:
Karen Walker(Will and Grace)
Kirk Gleason(Gilmore Girls)
Debbie Novotny(Queer As Folk)
Dr. Gregory House (House)
Shawn Spencer (Psych)
Madea (Madea Goes To Jail)
For me, when I want to see a funny character on TV I like to see the dumb people, the guys you look at and think, are you ******ed? So with that "criteria" in mind my choice would have to be, after much deliberation;

Aston Kutcher in the hit TV Series That 70's Show as none other that, Michael Shamus Kelso. I loved this character, the perfect ladies man yet a total idiot on screen, always up to something stupid and could never seem to figure out the obvious, which is why of coarse I loved him as a character.

Other Names Include:

Van Montgomery (Reba, played by Steve Howey)
Jake Harper (Two and a Half Men, played by Angus T. Jones)
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