Favorite year of WCW Nitro !


Championship Contender
WCW Monday Nitro was WCW's flagship show.

What is your favorite year of WCW Monday Nitro (Only WCW Nitro not NWA-WCW) from 1995 -2001 and Why ?
1998, Goldberg streak, Goldberg beats Hall and Hogan in the same night. It was top ten all time wrestling moment. Starcade was awesome no matter what people say, the energy leading up to it, Hall interfering with the camel prod, it was awesome, not to mention the next night, finger poke of doom which was crazy, Goldberg was arrested, Hogan was classic, it may have ushered in the end of wcw but it was a hell of a year as far as sports entertainment goes. I went to Nitro in Hartford CT that year, it was great, the Warrior returned, and the Main Event had Goldberg suplexing the Giant for the 1 2 3! Sting joining Wolfpack was also a great moment.
For me, it's 1999. Even though 1999 was the beginning of the end. The reason is because you had the Filthy Animals stable (Konnan, Rey Mysterio, Billy Kidman, Eddie Guerrero, Torrie Wilson) and Sting's "Back in Black" return. I found the Animals to be very entertaining (even when Disco and Juventud joined the group).
1996. Nitro went from being competitive with WWE to out right kicking there asses in the ratings that year. We got to see the The Outsiders make the jump along with Jericho, Konnan & Mysterio. The cruiserweight division took off that year. The nWo was taking over the business in terms of popularity and we saw the beginning of Stings character evolution. I remember during the early days of the nWo angle thinking it was a real WWE invasion it was done so believable.
1997. You had the whole "was Sting with nWo or WCW?" storyline for the earlier part of 97 which had everybody on the edge of their seat especially when the Stinger would interfere in matches & give hints although you'd still have no clue at the end of the match whose side he was on. Then the end of Uncensored had everybody go crazy when he attacked the nWo members and revealed he was on WCW's side and this followed up with Sting taking out the nWo members at the end of every Nitro, which was just exciting and helped bring up the ratings for Nitro even more in the Monday Night Wars. You also witnessed the rise of DDP and his feud with Macho Man was just wild. They put on great matches together and both men came out of the feud looking awesome. 96, 97 & 98 was just a great time to be a WCW fan.
It would have to be 1996 for me. You had at the beginning of the year some good matches going on before the NWO era. You had Hogan/Savage feuding with the Dungeon of Doom. Hogan and Flair had a series of matches. The tag team was loaded with the Road Warriors, Arn Anderson, Brian Pillman, Harlem Heat, Nasty Boys, Steiner Brothers, American Males, Public Enemy and so on. Then out of no where Scott Hall shows up in May, and changes the landscape of everything. 95-96 was also the era of the Cruiser-weight. Dean Malenko and Rey Mysterio had some awesome matches. Malenko was the "Iceman" and a bad guy but put on awesome matches. In 96 Malenko won the belt off of Otani and defended it against Armstrong, Mysterio, Disco Inferno, and then lost it to Rey on Nitro. Followed up by winning it back at Halloween Havoc 96. We also got to see Ultimo Dragon take the strap in an awesome match. Everything was strong in 96.. Really any time from 96-98 were good times for Nitro. I even liked the pre 96 era, and the The Radicalz storyline that came in 2000.
1996: excellent matches Flair vs Savage & Flair vs Guerrero, debut of NWO, the ascension of The Giant, aka Big Show as a legit star, DDP rising from the bottom of the mid card to become a major player, the energy on the show even before the NWO, when Flair, Savage, Sting, & Luger were carrying the load was palpable. 1996 was the best year.

97 was good, the continuation of the NWO storyline, Sting vs Hogan, however the matches were not as good as in 96, too many Nitros ending with NWO run ins, the cruiserweights were getting de pushes, Guerrero was great as a heel until he got de pushed (couldnt have any heels drawing heat outside the NWO), really the build to Hogan-Sting and the Arn Anderson Retirement/Henning Betrayal were probably the best moments of 97

98 was a cluster. Breaking up the NWO, Hogan hardly around, half of WCW was in the NWO, now half a fan fav group with guys like Sting & Luger and sometimes Brett Hart (who was horribly booked), the heel side was filled with mid carders and jobbers outside of Steiner & Hogan, Goldberg was by far the best thing. Best Nitro Moment: Goldberg beats Hogan and Flair returns. The great Nash promo on his own year long undefeted streak before Starrcade 98 was excellent. By the end of the year, with Hogan MIA, Henning, Luger, Sting, & Hart all sidelined, every two hour Nitro was 20 minutes of Flair vs Bischoff and Nash talking, some of those segments were very good but not enough to save the overall content of the show.

99 Started out great - Ive posted before that I really liked The Fingerpoke of Doom initially, great surprise move, plus it ended the ridiculous split NWO feud, purged all the old timers and mid carders (how many killer heel groups have Virgil, Horace Hogan, Disco Inferno as their "Intern", etc). The Fingerpoke reunited the lean, mean NWO machine and immediately established them as legit heel force, only now with Flair, Hogan & Bischoff's arch nemesis, in control of the company. They should have kept Goldberg alligned with Flair, held off Goldberg vs Nash II till a major PPV (SuperBrawl maybe, not as a mid card match on a spring show no one cared about), and kept the belt on Hogan till summer when we'd have Goldberg-Hogan II, working Flair, Sting, Hart, DDP around them. Instead they wasted Hart's return, dumped Goldberg into the mid card, turned Flair heel, and immediately broke up the NWO. I cant even think of 1999 in WCW without crying about how good it could have been.

2000 never got off the ground. The New Blood vs Millionaires Club/Establishment was an NWO re do, only with midcarders and unknown wrestlers as the heels forcing the WCW guys to put aside their differences and work together (not as believable as Hogan, Nash, & Hall joining together and forcing the WCW guys to unite), made worse as Russo tried to bury all the name guys WCW fans cared about, by the summer Hogan, Flair, Sting, Luger all gone, Nash stopped wrestling and just collected a pay check for promos, Hart was finished (they had nothing for him but he was injured in 99), Savage wanted no part of anything, it got hard to watch. Im not even sure I can pick a "Best Moment" from 2000, the initial New Blood debut maybe, Flair vs Jarret, Booker T becomes the top face, it's tough

To me, 1996 was the best year start to finish. The other years had some highlights to be sure but 96 was the most consistently good.
1996: excellent matches Flair vs Savage & Flair vs Guerrero, debut of NWO, the ascension of The Giant, aka Big Show as a legit star, DDP rising from the bottom of the mid card to become a major player, the energy on the show even before the NWO, when Flair, Savage, Sting, & Luger were carrying the load was palpable. 1996 was the best year.

97 was good, the continuation of the NWO storyline, Sting vs Hogan, however the matches were not as good as in 96, too many Nitros ending with NWO run ins, the cruiserweights were getting de pushes, Guerrero was great as a heel until he got de pushed (couldnt have any heels drawing heat outside the NWO), really the build to Hogan-Sting and the Arn Anderson Retirement/Henning Betrayal were probably the best moments of 97

98 was a cluster. Breaking up the NWO, Hogan hardly around, half of WCW was in the NWO, now half a fan fav group with guys like Sting & Luger and sometimes Brett Hart (who was horribly booked), the heel side was filled with mid carders and jobbers outside of Steiner & Hogan, Goldberg was by far the best thing. Best Nitro Moment: Goldberg beats Hogan and Flair returns. The great Nash promo on his own year long undefeted streak before Starrcade 98 was excellent. By the end of the year, with Hogan MIA, Henning, Luger, Sting, & Hart all sidelined, every two hour Nitro was 20 minutes of Flair vs Bischoff and Nash talking, some of those segments were very good but not enough to save the overall content of the show.

99 Started out great - Ive posted before that I really liked The Fingerpoke of Doom initially, great surprise move, plus it ended the ridiculous split NWO feud, purged all the old timers and mid carders (how many killer heel groups have Virgil, Horace Hogan, Disco Inferno as their "Intern", etc). The Fingerpoke reunited the lean, mean NWO machine and immediately established them as legit heel force, only now with Flair, Hogan & Bischoff's arch nemesis, in control of the company. They should have kept Goldberg alligned with Flair, held off Goldberg vs Nash II till a major PPV (SuperBrawl maybe, not as a mid card match on a spring show no one cared about), and kept the belt on Hogan till summer when we'd have Goldberg-Hogan II, working Flair, Sting, Hart, DDP around them. Instead they wasted Hart's return, dumped Goldberg into the mid card, turned Flair heel, and immediately broke up the NWO. I cant even think of 1999 in WCW without crying about how good it could have been.

2000 never got off the ground. The New Blood vs Millionaires Club/Establishment was an NWO re do, only with midcarders and unknown wrestlers as the heels forcing the WCW guys to put aside their differences and work together (not as believable as Hogan, Nash, & Hall joining together and forcing the WCW guys to unite), made worse as Russo tried to bury all the name guys WCW fans cared about, by the summer Hogan, Flair, Sting, Luger all gone, Nash stopped wrestling and just collected a pay check for promos, Hart was finished (they had nothing for him but he was injured in 99), Savage wanted no part of anything, it got hard to watch. Im not even sure I can pick a "Best Moment" from 2000, the initial New Blood debut maybe, Flair vs Jarret, Booker T becomes the top face, it's tough

To me, 1996 was the best year start to finish. The other years had some highlights to be sure but 96 was the most consistently good.

Yea the year 1999 just make you cry how tragic it was how they all screwed it up. Aparantly Bischoff got a burnout and could not continue to fonction running WCW so had a leave of absence leaving incompetent morons stirring the ship. I also think he was too obsessed by the WWF so when the nWo reunion of early 99 did not beat the WWF in the ratings, he scrapped it and they were gone once Flair won the title. And to me it was a big mistake. They just had a reunion with the finger-poke and they were better than ever. I think the big mistake was focusing on Flair vs nWo instead of Goldberg vs nWo. They went with the idea of alright it's going to be several months of the nWo torturing Flair and then in retribution, he'll win the title. But it did not make for great tv. After the finger-poke, people wanted to see Goldberg kick Hogan's ass and it never happened. Also turning Flair heel when people thought about him finally getting the upperhand on Hogan and turning Hogan face when everybody hated him was so pointless. It was the opposite of a good payoff for the fans. Also after a while, the nWo brought all the rest of their guys, the losers that were still in the Black and White wich sort of went against making their group a smaller, meaner well oiled machine after the finger-poke.

It was the apex of the nWo storyline, it was the built up of Sting who at this time was the hottest face in the wrestling bussiness, yes hotter than SCSA who hit his peak in 1998 instead.

The promos Hogan did were sometimes odd but still great, the wrestling was fantastic.

Its not just WCW best year, its also one of the best years for any wrestling promotions ive ever seen, you basically got everything, cruiserweights, old "legends", cutting edge storyline, great matches.

1998 was great for WWF but it was only great because of Austin vs McMahon and the rise of the Rock. The undercard for WWF in 1998 was abysmal its just that the main event was so great

Everything in 1997 in WCW was great
Summer of 1996 to December of 1997 (Yes, I am aware that that is 15 months) After the mess that was Starrcade 1997 I lost faith in WCW to do anything right. And while I still remained loyal to WCW (I watched right up until the end) it was never quite the same for me. Not only did WCW put tons of time, money and energy into the Sting vs nWo angle- so did I. Unfortunately what should have brought a new era into WCW turned out to be complete let down.

I should add (since no one else has spoken about it) that in 2001 the wrestling aspect of the show became quite good. Bischoff signed a ton of extremely talented cruiserweights and he (or whomever was booking at the time) was pushing them weekly on TV. It felt that WCW was on the right track to become somewhat decent again.

Great thread we need more threads about WCW on here. In all honesty, when WCW was on no wrestling promotion on the planet was better.
Yea the year 1999 just make you cry how tragic it was how they all screwed it up. Aparantly Bischoff got a burnout and could not continue to fonction running WCW so had a leave of absence leaving incompetent morons stirring the ship. I also think he was too obsessed by the WWF so when the nWo reunion of early 99 did not beat the WWF in the ratings, he scrapped it and they were gone once Flair won the title. And to me it was a big mistake. They just had a reunion with the finger-poke and they were better than ever. I think the big mistake was focusing on Flair vs nWo instead of Goldberg vs nWo. They went with the idea of alright it's going to be several months of the nWo torturing Flair and then in retribution, he'll win the title. But it did not make for great tv. After the finger-poke, people wanted to see Goldberg kick Hogan's ass and it never happened. Also turning Flair heel when people thought about him finally getting the upperhand on Hogan and turning Hogan face when everybody hated him was so pointless. It was the opposite of a good payoff for the fans. Also after a while, the nWo brought all the rest of their guys, the losers that were still in the Black and White wich sort of went against making their group a smaller, meaner well oiled machine after the finger-poke.

People forget that evenn though RAW was winning the ratings, Nitro did very well through March, into April 99 although numbers were slipping by then. Twice in Feb 99 they topped 5.0 mark in ratings DESPITE being in direct competition with RAW (makes you wonder where the audience went).

Really from SuperBrawl on things slid fast, just the fact that they did little with Nash-Goldberg after Starrcade was insane, let alone the never did a Goldberg-Hogan II match. Add to that how they misused Hart and post SuperBrawl totally blew it with Flair you can really see why the audience started leaving.

As for the Hogan-Flair "double turn" this is a great example of why you need strong management. Anyone watching WCW at this time could see how hot Hogan's return and the NWO reformation was, it was a no brainer that Hogan-Goldberg II would potentially be a giant $$ maker, and Flair was arguably the second most popular guy in the company behind Goldberg. Hogan however allegedly wanted to be a fan fav so the executed probably the most ill advised turn ever. Just watch the match where the double turn takes place and take note of the audience reaction. The crowd in Louisville just dies the whole match after introductions as Flair and Hogan essentially switch roles. The whole "David Flair goes NWO after being seduced by Torrie Wilson" story was DOA, note how the crowd boos David's appearance at ringside when he attempts to help Hogan and cheers when Arn Anderson beats him up, then they pop fairly loud when Flair wins the belt. I felt the same way watching this unfold at home as the live crowd, poorly planned, poorly executed, they did nothing in the story leading up to this match to make Hogan sympathetic or make me not cheer for Flair, it was the exact opposite of a good payoff for fans. It also further rendered Goldberg useless because they never really put him in the title scene, sending Hogan and Flair on the house show circuit then giving the title to DDP.

This would be like The New England Patriots deciding during the Super Bowl to bench Tom Brady & Wes Welker, play two journeyman back ups, the run the ball on every play - and be surprised when the lost the game.

Actually by the summer the product was watchable again but so much had been ruined by then, you could really see the writing on the wall. They never recovered from their Post SuperBrawl meltdown.
1997 for me. The NWO was hot, and you had Sting with all of that steam. The year long story of him being in or out of NWO. Sting was super hot at that time. I would say the biggest face of that year for sure. I didn't like how Starcade turned out that year, but I pick that year just on how hot Sting was at the time and how great that storyline was playing out.
I think WCW in 1997 was completely unstoppable. The WWF and ECW had to band together to try to keep up and when that didn't work the WWF tried to band together with the NWA. Does anyone remember the Tradtion Rules angle in WWF? It was the WWF taking the nWo's tradtion bites angle and trying to make theri own twist on it. In the WWF they had fake Razor and Diesel. In WCW we had the real thing. WCW had Hogan, Hall, Nash, Piper, Luger, Sting, Giant, DDP, Hennig, Flair, The Steiners, Harlem Heat, Benoit, Guerrero, Syxx, Rey Mysterio, Raven, Sturn, Malenko, Sullivan,Regal thelist goes on and on. The ring work was outstanding, the nWo was on fire, The mainevent was stacked, the midcard was stacked, the opening match card guys were even (for the most part) amazing! All of the titles meant something. The World Title, The US title the Crusierweight title the Tag Titles they all menat something. Every title change meant something. It felt like a real legit title change was taking place. WCW was main stream. It was cool to talk about wresting no matter where you were. Everyone was watching and everyone was home on Monday night glued to Monday Nitro on TNT because they were afraid that if they weren't there that they would miss something. It truly was like having the superbowl every week! Damn I miss that!
I'd say it was 1996-1997. Those years were the best for Nitro as far as quality work was concerned. WCW had its best storylines going that year[96 going into 97] and alot happened that was worth tuning in for. The nWo, Sting's rebirth, DDP, Goldberg, etc. They even had alot of great cruiserweight action in that time and had the most impressive roster with Guerrero, Malenko, Jericho, Mysterio, Juventud, Ultimo Dragon, etc. It was a well-rounded division that had diverse individuals who had their own unique attributes that added to the overall appeal of the division. 1997 in particular seemed to be the year when wrestling became popular with casual fans and became "cool". The nWo was a big part of that perceived cool factor and people were always guessing who would be next to join[although by that point, nWo was becoming overcrowded and old]. It was partly popular to watch WCW just to see who was going to make the jump from WWF over to Nitro. Which is something today's wrestling is severely lacking. It was exciting to see shocking debuts and/or returns. WCW Nitro was great at doing live shock television and that's why millions of fans loved WCW over WWF[since it was mostly taped and spoiled]. The whole thing where WCW gave away WWF results on Nitro were great. It was funny knowing that Foley would win the WWF Title and not have to turn to USA to see it. I watched that entire Nitro instead of tuning into RAW to see what happened. I simply caught the Sunday morning Superstars recap. Nitro was innovative and fun to watch. We also got ALOT of shoot promos with certain guys who were frustrated with their positions which also set Nitro apart from RAW. The closest WWF ever got to that was the whole 1997 controversy with Montreal and Bret Hart. That next night on RAW was the closest that WWF ever got to WCW Nitro type of controversy. Which WCW attempted to cash in on with scooping up Bret.

I loved Nitro right up until the end and I wish they had something similar to it today to challenge WWE. Sadly, I don't think we'll ever see a company at that level competing with WWE anytime soon. I miss that in wrestling with the company wars. You felt like anything could and probably would happen. The surprize element. Something long since forgotten in pro wrestling.
There is no doubt initially the "surprise" element of live TV (provided free thanks to the association between Turner Broadcasting & WCW) provided Nitro. From Lex Luger appearing one night after SummerSlam, to Medusa slamming the WWE Womens Title in the garbage, to Rick Rude appearing live, trashing WWE while a taped promo featuring him with DX was airing on RAW, there were some tremendous moments. It was clearly the best since Jim Crockett Promotions and the NWA were at their height circa 84-87 for the quality of the programming and the legitimacy of the competition between the companies. Those initial years of Nitro were groundbreaking, and quite frankly influenced how wrestling on TV is presented today.
Clearly 1997. Sting/Hogan rivalry was immense. Outstanding.
Mainly though the year i believe after bash at the beach 96'
and also the night (nitro) after road wild (Jay Leno Involved)
96-97. To me, this was a red hot time in WCW and WWE history. Most memorable for me in WCW was Sting's transformation. With the chaos that ensued with the NWO's hostile takeover, Sting went from a flashy and enthusiastic crowd pleaser to a sullen and isolated figure in the shadows. It was a remarkable character overhaul, and it kept me glued to Nitro to see which side he was actually on. It was also a great twist for him to actually be on WCW's side, but extremely pissed off that it was ever in question. Rather than band together with the remaining WCW loyalists, he chose to battle the NWO on his own terms and time. It made him more edgy, and far more compelling.
For an overall year I would have to go with 98. The main reason was that other guys started to get a push as Jericho, Booker, Konnan and others came into their own. The Flock was fun to watch for most of the year. Bret Hart had some great moments, the rise of Goldberg. The Cruiserweights still got a lot of time. Flair came back and was better than ever. Sure you had the Leno nonsense and some awful main events but overall 98 was a great year.

After that it would have to be the summer and fall of 96: The origins of the nWo and the aftermath was absolutely incredible. It was done with near perfection. The shows portrayed the absolute chaos, such as interrupting the show and the announcers played the role wonderfully. Everything clicked: You never knew when the nWo would show up, if you missed a show then you missed out.

97 had its moments, but I felt that the nWo was too strong and took too much precedence. Many of the characters were still a bit cartoonish and you had horrible feuds like Jarrett v. Mongo. Also, Glacier lurked on a lot of PPV's. The Outsiders kept winning as the Steiners and later Flair never really got revenge. There was Sting, the rise of DDP and his feud with Savage and of course the Cruiserweights kept getting more and more airtime, so that was a positive.

99 had its moments. There was some good stuff. After Bischoff left in September prior to Russo coming the next month there were actually some good shows with solid wrestling.

01, the very end was actually really good.
My favourite year is 1997.

Sting's transformation, being a free agent and then feud with the nWo and Hogan was a truly great storyline. It was compelling TV for wrestling fans.

The main event in 1998 was too much of a mess, for me. With the Ultimate Warrior, Jay Leno, the Wolfpac, etc.

The best part of 1998 was the cruiserweights, the Flock and Chris Jericho.

In fact, Jericho's feud with Malenko was some of his best stuff. Just check this youtube clip:

The man of 1,004 holds, Bore-us Malenko, Rey Mysterio's knee. And then of course Ruffus and the Goldberg impersonation later on. Jericho was such an obvious star.
While i'd say my favorite year was 1996, I think 1998 WCW had such a great roster, it was unbelievable from midcarders to cruiserweights, to big stars, it's unreal why this company would fold in a span of a couple of years. They were so stacked everywhere. For Top guys, WWF had Austin, Rock, Taker, HBK and Foley WCW had Flair, Hogan, Piper, Savage, DDP, Sting, Goldberg, Lex Luger, Bret Hart, Kurt Hennig, Nash, Hall and i'm sure I forgot about a few more. There was no reason with all these guys that they could fail. But they did. I think 1998 should have been a cool and intriguing all-out war between the two nWo factions but it never happened. And Sting should have stayed neutral. The Wolfpac would be all the cool guys like Nash, Hall, K-Dog, Steiner, Buff, Macho vs the nWo Hollywood comprised of big monsters like Hogan, Giant, Meng, you bring back the Roadies, plus Vader.
Damn, it was so long ago that wcw was any good and I don't remember if my favourite year was 98 or 99. I think it was 98, we had some pretty cool main events. The one that sticks out most in my mind was the Savage vs Hogan match that went way past the 3 hour time slot but the got the green light to just keep going because of ratings. (maybe it was 97 I honestly can't remember)
There were other main events too like warrior and roddy piper vs Hogan and someone else huge, I so can't remember. Also the goldberg streak, winning the belt and finger poke of doom thing. It was all just classic. People hated the fingerpoke but to me it was just fucking hilarious and typical of the Hogan bias nWo which was the only way it worked for mine. Hated the wolf pac to be frank and Sting was wasted in it. To me the wolf pac was Syxx, Hall and Nash so they killed it for me breaking it off and adding douche bags like Konnan.

We also got Hogan vs Bret Hart. Hogan owned him too, it was more of a credit to Hogan than Hart even technical wise, didn't go anywhere but it made for a good nitro.

Fuck those were the days. WCW was pretty shit from 1999 onwards. I was one of the people that switched back to wwf around that time.
We also got Hogan vs Bret Hart. Hogan owned him too, it was more of a credit to Hogan than Hart even technical wise, didn't go anywhere but it made for a good nitro.

Wow, I totally forgot about that. Just re-watched that match and a couple of thoughts:

- As much as I love Bret, and him constantly saying "I would have given Hogan the best match of his career"... and I know he's referring to in 1993, but this match is awful

- Bret didn't even have entrance music!

- For such a "dream" match, the crowd is dead and doesn't care

- Only reaction is when Sting comes out

- Hogan and Bret are almost the same size! Hogan was pretty old at this point, and Bret got pretty big on the roids I think around 1997-1998. (Pretty sure he's admitted that?) But it's funny to see this, when Bret is always considered as a "small guy", and lead the way for "small guys".

- No wonder the tides changes in 1998. September/October 1998 was the height of the Austin vs McMahon feud. With all of the awesome Austin shenanigans, with hospital visit, bang 3:16, etc. Hogan vs Bret 5 years too late just doesn't come close to comparing.

- Some kid with an "Other Channel Jackass" sign in the crowd is hilarious

- This is the perfect example of the bad guys screwin' over the good guys, and the good guys never getting retribution. The payoff never happened. And by this point, I think the crowd is actually starting to not care and give up on waiting for that eventual payoff.

- This setup Bret vs Sting at Halloween Havoc. Another potential classic wasted with a non-finish. No wonder people got sick of WCW.

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