favorite wwe/wwf wrestler


Dark Match Winner
whos your favorite wrestler and why?my favorite wrestler of course as my name proclaims rob van dam the reason why is because he is the only ecw original to hold an major piece of wwe gold(not incuding chris jericho chris benoit and rey mysterio because their ecw run was not as long)
My all time favorite is The Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels. The first reason being the obvious reason, he is the showstopper, the main event, Mr. Wrestlemania, the guy doesnt screw up, he risked his well being for the good of the company in Montreal, and he can make anyone look good. The other reason is, he carried the WWE through the Monday Night Wars, granted WWE wasn't a hands down success in the beginning, but WCW eventually killed itself, and without guys like Michaels, it very well could have been the other way around. Gotta commend the guy for being loyal.
The Rock. Simply because he's the jabroni-beating, alolowlowlow pie-eating, electrifying, can star in a movie, catch a pass, still have the ability to layeth the smackethdown on your candy-ass, PEOPLE'S CHAMP!!! He was just great and knew how to work the mic and talk smack and back it all up.
rvdfan, work on the spammy threads man, and this has been done tons of times.

But anyway, I would go Chris Jericho. He's an amazing wrestler and has the looks and feel of a champion, while being great on the mic. He's filled with charisma and can play the perfect heel or face. He's proven himself as a champion many times and he's one of the only reasons I stick around with WWE anymore.
Hard to say. There are a few, I really couldn't nail it down to just one.

Chris Jericho - Ever since I first saw the guy I have been a fan. His promo's and ring work is outstanding. He can play a heel or a face just as well as the best if not better. He can be believable as champ and can certainly get the crowd into a match. Jericho is a living legend!

The Rock - I grew into liking wrestling thanks to The Rock. He was the one I always watched as a kid talking smack to anyone who would listen. He could actually wrestle too which made for great match's and his feud with SCSA is legendary. Great star, great performer and a great champion.

Jeff Hardy - I don't care and couldn't give a shit to all the guys that rag on him for being a spot monkey or whatever, the guy is fucking entertaining. My favourites when I was growing up was The Rock (as I said above) and the Hardy's. Jeff was always my fav though because of his lack of fear and high spots. And now watching him I can really see how much he has grown and matured as an entertainer.

Kurt Angle - His persona in the ring just get's me excited. The only reason I will watch TNA is to see Angle ripping it up. His match's are always top notch and the guy can cut a sick promo. He's one of the best pure wrestler's to ever be involved with the WWE and was an awesome talent on the show.

They would be my top 4. I really couldn't choose between them.
All time would have to go the The Game. He carried the company in Austin's absence in late 99-2000. His character WAS fresh and he could make anyone look like a star in the ring. His matches with The Rock especially in 2000 were amazing. They do not get enough credit on the WWE DVD's.

My favorite now would have to be Orton. His character is a perfect mix of demented heel and a little bad-ass. He pinned HHH at Backlash and The One Man Dynasty will be on top for a long time
John Cena-I was just a casual fan after the WWF/E bought out wcw and Goldberg wasn't wrestling. I decided to watch WWE one Thursday night because I was bored and saw Cena have one of his rap battles. Been hooked from then on and now I'm a big WWE fan.So I guess I really started to get into wrestling since Cena has been in the business.
I have 2. The first being Chris Jericho. He is the best as far as mic skills go, and he can bick that up with great wrestling ability. Even when he was with WCW and was mid-carding he was my fave. He had the whole conspiacy victem gimmick for a while there, it was hilarious! Even before that in ECW I was a fan. Back then, he did'nt even cut that many promos, but every match he was in was a great one. A natural and tied for my top one.......Next is the "macho Man" randy savage. While all of the kids back then were swinging from Hulk Hogans nuts, I was more interested in the true wrestler. Every match he had was good, he was great on the mic and just entertaining as hell. His match with ricky steamboat was the best match I have ever seen. He was the only wrestler back then who could steal the show from Hogan. His fued with george "the Animal" steele was hilarious, and he even made the matches classics, even though the animal could'nt wrestle. He was The anti-hero to hogans hero and deserves , more than almost anyone to be in the hall of fame. There ya go....my 2 best.
my favorites is a top 10 list 10. chris jericho cause he has great mic skills and he can work as a face and a heel very well 9.edge 9 time world champion and he has great mic skills and he can also work as a face or a heel really well 8. triple h cause well the sames thing as y2j and edge 7.mr.perfect mr. perfect was one of the greatest wrestlers to never hold the wwe title 6.randy orton great mic skills and he is also a great heel 5. brett hart well he the best there was 4.hbk that guy can wrestle when hes 80. 3. the undertaker well 17-0 at wrestlemania nuff said 2. the rock he has won every title he can also act. 1 my favorite wrestler of all tome ist stonecold steve austin because he is the greatest of all time
This is a tough one, there are so many over the years. I'll have to cheat a bit...

Current star: Chris Jericho. Love his promos, he can wrestle, he can sell a character. Great face or heel. He can look great with cruiserweights and yet be credible with heavyweights.

Former star: Really split between Roddy Piper and Randy Savage. Love Roddy's promos and he was very entertaining in and out of the ring.

Savage could really bring it in the ring, and tell a story. I saw him at some house shows in the 80's and he treated every match like Wrestlemania. I never got the impression he was mailing it in like some stars do at house shows. Plus, he was part of the #1 or #2 Wrestlemania match ever (Taker/HBK is the other one).

Honorable mentions: Mr. Perfect, HBK, Steve Austin, Hart Foundation, Ted DiBiase Sr. And probably some I'm not remembering because I'm only on coffee #1 this morning.
I would have to say that my favorite is Triple H. The game won the respect of almost everyone, even while working as a heel. He has faced the best of the best and put on amazing matches.

I also as a huge fan of Kevin Nash in the old WCW days. He was an athletic big man who could work the mic as good as anyone in the biz. He was charasmatic and led the Wolfpac to new heights.
alot of people dont understand why, and frankly i dnt either but my favoitre from when i was little even now was goldust. I thought he had a great gimmick and played it out even better. He was a great heel and yeah was very very bizzare. then in 02-03 turn with booker he showed off how funny he could be. If wwe lets him have one last run nowbody will ever forget the name..(yeah im gonna do it) ssssssssssssssssss.... goldusssssssssssst
Hard to say. There are a few, I really couldn't nail it down to just one.

Chris Jericho - Ever since I first saw the guy I have been a fan. His promo's and ring work is outstanding. He can play a heel or a face just as well as the best if not better. He can be believable as champ and can certainly get the crowd into a match. Jericho is a living legend!

The Rock - I grew into liking wrestling thanks to The Rock. He was the one I always watched as a kid talking smack to anyone who would listen. He could actually wrestle too which made for great match's and his feud with SCSA is legendary. Great star, great performer and a great champion.

Jeff Hardy - I don't care and couldn't give a shit to all the guys that rag on him for being a spot monkey or whatever, the guy is fucking entertaining. My favourites when I was growing up was The Rock (as I said above) and the Hardy's. Jeff was always my fav though because of his lack of fear and high spots. And now watching him I can really see how much he has grown and matured as an entertainer.

Kurt Angle - His persona in the ring just get's me excited. The only reason I will watch TNA is to see Angle ripping it up. His match's are always top notch and the guy can cut a sick promo. He's one of the best pure wrestler's to ever be involved with the WWE and was an awesome talent on the show.

They would be my top 4. I really couldn't choose between them.

I agree with these choices, except for one. I would replace Jeff Hardy with Stone Cold Steve Austin. Although Jeff is very popular, Stone Cold was the face of the WWE. He redefine what a hero is supposed to be, just as Vince redefined what a heel should be. My top four, in order, is Chris Jericho, Stone Cold Steve Austin and the Rock tied for second, and then Kurt Angle. Tied for fifth is Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair.
Man, good question, but a difficult one aswell.I'd have to go with the legend that is The Ultimate Warrior. This man is he reason i got into wwf. Everything about him was amazing, he had such energy. But from the recent era, id have to go with Chris Jericho. He is the ultimate package, can play face or heel and cuts a mean ass promo. And is quite possibly the funniest guy to ever grace the squared circle. So thanks Y2J....Your the Breast...i mean best :p (sorry lol)
The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels. The man gave his heart and soul and health to keep this company afloat. Why? because he loved the business. Shawn Michaels can make anyone look good and hasnt needed a championship belt to be a great performer and solidify himself as a top tier guy. He is the most charismatic, loyal, skilled, entertaining, and iconic wrestler ever. The man can look like the better wrestler when he loses. He almost always has the match of the year and does whatever he can for the company. He is the ultimate icon.
i would have to say from the WWF days i will have to go with Stone Cold Steve Austin because he made it that you would tune into WWF just to see what he was up to next.
from the time that WWF was in process of change to WWE i would say is...Brock Lesnar just because he made an impact in the short time he was here, he was big but athletic, he put on some amazing matches, esp with Kurt Angle, he cut good promos too.he was just so dominant
and currently i would have to go with

WWE Champion Randy Orton
he has been my favorite since evolution days
he cuts amazing promos, he is an amazing wrestler, his look makes him look like his character, his approach makes him look cocky and arrogant which is his character
of all time:

Shawn Michaels: lets put aside the super wack outfits and visions of him in biker shorts doing the suckit while humping upward from his back..im talking about the guy in the ring, the charismatic one. he's just great to watch. his skill set is the type that i think makes the best wrestler. not too small, not too big, just right and just athletic enough to get the job done...definitley my favorite ever..

Chris Benoit: i never got to see him in the WWE but my memories of him were in the cheesy WCW days. he just had an aura about him that he wasnt to be messed with..im just freaked out at how everything turned out with him and surprised it wasnt more obvious to me and everyone that he really was some sort of a nutcase...the crossface, the flying headbutt though, all classic. he was a wrestler's wrestler..no mic master, he was the real ring master.


Randy Orton: he's not a great wrestler i'll give him that, but ive noticed how much his angle has matured(i didnt see it really but i had an old ppv and he just didnt seem to have it a few years ago, but he does now) and i think his persona is the perfect one for his look and what he's trying to do. the slow, haunting movements, his crazy eyes, the slow talking and the whole Legend Killer thing is great to me.. i just wish he was a better wrestler, he sells the hell out of his trickery tho, like when he won the belt at backlash how he just runs out of the ring as if it werent real. he knows what he's doing..

Jericho: man did i hate this guy in WCW.. i think it was just how regular he seemed. long blond hair, good guy, nothing too insane about him except that he was always a very good wrestler...but now..it started as hate, then i realized how great this guy actually was, and im talking strictly on the mic right now. we know he's great in the ring, but his mic skills have made me a huge fan and im alwyas glued when he speaks..he plays the prick role so good it'd make you think its really him...i still think he needs to do away with the trunks tho, he's too pudgy at this point in his career to do it, his body is aging badly and his chest looks worst than Flairs an flair got him by like 30

Matt Hardy: this is a guy who im still not sold on as a wrestler, i got to watch him in his jobber days with Jeff but completely missed their rise and subsequent fall and split... i hated him as of a month ago but since WM and the broken hand at Backlash im a huge fan. im loving the angle of the wounded broken Matt who gets on the mic to tell you how his brother is a barbarian and how he shouldnt wrestle...im SOOO glad they didnt make Kofi job to him on monday though
My Fave wrestler is Shelton Benjamin, he is extremly under rated. I got hooked on wrestleing because of his goldrush tournament match with HBK. Shelton has been one of the few constansts in the mid card for the past few years as well.
All he needs is a long feud with a ME face to break through the glass ceiling.

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