Favorite WWE Moments of 2011

The Champ

Mexican Plate Lunch
I know we've already done the Slammys and all that, but seeing as it's the last day of what I considered to be a very good WWE year, I thought we should have a thread about the moments of this year that reminded you why, through its ups and downs, we all continue to watch the 'E.

This will be more or less in reverse order.

CM Punk Shoot Promo, Raw July 27, 2011
I figured they had something big planned when Punk was talking about doing an honest thing, and a shoot even crossed my mind as a possibility. But I didn't know how good it would be or how much it would change the company's direction over the summer, and the direction of Punk's career. I've always respected CM Punk's talent, but up until that point I probably wouldn't have listed him as one of my favorites. His work just didn't click with me quite as well as it did with others. But that night more than any other, I became a CM Punk fan for life. He said things that I never thought would be allowed to be said on WWE television, and it started the most entertaining and engaging storyline of the whole year.

The Rock Returns, Raw February 14, 2011
I remember jokingly sending a text that morning to a Rock fan I talk to frequently, saying that it was definitely going to be The Rock. I never thought that joke would actually become reality. His music hitting that night was the most excitement I've felt as a wrestling fan for a long time. Of course, he came out and cut a hilarious promo that reminded me why we all missed him so much in the first place. I thought the Fruity Pebbles thing was hilarious when I first heard it, and even though I was a huge Cole mark at the time watching him get owned was great. Rock coming back for a sustained run was a reminder that anything really can happen in the WWE, and while I do think some of his fanboys get annoying at times, he's still one of my favorites of all time. He reminded me of that with 20 or so minutes that will go down as one of the best returns ever.

Zack Ryder Wins United States Championship, TLC
Who doesn't love a hard worker? Ryder worked harder than anyone to get there, and I became more and more of a fan of his as time went on. Z! TLIS was one of the highlights of 2011 for me even though none of it was on screen. We got to see Ryder show so much personality, and his hard work every week finally paid off as the year was about to end. He had a really nice match with Ziggler, and even though it seemed kind of obvious that he would win, I still marked when he was announced as the NEW United States Champion. Then, watching him celebrate with his dad and Big O was the icing on the cake. He started the year with a fictional championship, and he ended it with a real one. Storybook.

The Undertaker Goes 19-0, WrestleMania XXVII
I know there are people here who can't get into a streak match because it's so damn predictable, and I understand that in a way, but I never fail to suspend my disbelief. That was again the case this year when he faced Triple H. I was so emotionally invested into that match. I thought they came up with great spots and Taker's refusal to die was such a great story. I thought it was over several times, with the third Pedigree and the Tombstone being absolutely incredible near falls. The Sledgehammer/Hell's Gate ending was absolutely brilliant and when I saw H tap, I could hardly contain myself. There's just something about The Undertaker at Mania that's magical. I know the likes of Coco will roll their eyes at that, but sorry, I believe the hype and I won't stop doing so until he retires.

Christian Wins World Heavyweight Championship, Extreme Rules
Going into this, I knew it was do or die for Christian. If he didn't win the title then, he was never going to. Therefore, I wanted him to win very badly because he was so deserving of it, and because I knew it would make for an amazing moment with him and Edge. I had a good feeling about it, too. That match, while not as good as the streak match, may have been just as emotionally draining. Every time Del Rio climbed the ladder, I panicked. I liked Del Rio at the time but damn it, HE COULD WAIT! I rooted so hard for Captain Charisma and I thought Edge coming out for the distraction was fantastic. Edge cheering his best friend on while he grabbed the symbol of ultimate success in this business was amazing, as was their embrace and celebration following the match.

Of course, I hated how they booked Christian after this and some of that stuff would be on a list of my least favorite moments of the year. But damn if that match wasn't the best underdog story since Jeff Hardy. And you know what? It doesn't matter that his reigns sucked. He held it. Twice. And that's something we should all be proud of.

The Rock Puts Boots to Asses / CM Punk Wins WWE Championship, Survivor Series
I don't know if anyone else will have either of these on a list of best moments, and that's fine, because I'm being completely biased here. I can safely say that Survivor Series 2011 was the greatest WWE show I've ever attended and one of the most fun nights of my life. Witnessing the return of The Rock to the ring was incredible. It's hard to wrap my head around the fact that only about 20,000 people in the whole world can say that they were there for The Rock's first match in seven years, and I'm one of them. I knew I had to go because I might never have a chance to see Rocky live again, and he performed as well as anyone could have expected him to. His pops were deafening all night and I didn't even mind the fact that he made three current stars, including my favorite, look like chumps. On any other day I would have, but fuck it, it was the return of the god damn Rock.

His promo after the show is also something that stands out in my head. For those who haven't seen it, you can watch it by clicking the spoiler below. It was a moment between Rock and the Garden, no cameras, just the two sides expressing their gratitude for one another. It reminded me that even though Rock acts like a tough guy on TV and that's why everyone loves him, he's really a nice and humble guy at heart. And I think I like that side of him even more.


As for Punk, everyone about that night for him was great. His introduction from Fink was phenomenal, his pop was enormous, and I loved the match. Now, I missed Money in the Bank due to a vacation so I didn't get to experience that moment like the rest of you did, which is why it's not on this list. This was basically the Garden's Money in the Bank. When Punk made Del Rio tap out, the roof blew off the place. Seeing Punk hold up the title triumphantly, and then leap into the crowd in celebration while the entire Garden chanted his name was a moment that I will never forget as long as I live. I looked at it as a culmination of a roller coaster few months for him, and really the beginning of his run at the very top of the company. Hopefully they don't let these ratings declines slow his push, but whatever the case, that was a moment. The whole night was unforgettable and I really appreciate the fact that WWE never fails to deliver at the Garden. I can't wait for the next time they're there (I know they were a few days ago but I'll save my money for televised events).

I'm tired of typing, so what about the rest of you?
Man, to be honest, out of everything.......

c.m. punk wins wwe championship at money in the bank

That was such an awesome build that really started with the "shoot"
Just the atmosphere in the arena. That's wrestling. I love chicago crowds. I get goosebumps everytime I watch that match. In punk's hometown, fans going crazy, booing the shit out of cena. It just made for a hell of a story. Such a great match too. Man, punk wins the wwe belt for the first time, then vince tries everything, del rio fails, and punk blows vince a kiss and leaves through the crowd with the title. that was BADASS.

Just imagine if
1. Performing in your hometown
2. Fans echoing the building with your name
3. Win the most prestigious prize in the business
4. Walk out on Vince with his belt
My favorite of course is the CM Punk workshoot. It came out of nowhere and surprised everybody. The next day, the internet is buzzed with what is that all about. We haven't seen that kind of promo for more than a decade.
Kevin Nash (Diesel) and Booker-T's return at Royal Rumble : It was great to see Kevin Nash and Booker-T back in the WWE.

The Rock returns to WWE after 7 Years : Rock's return to WWE was one of the greatest returns in WWE history. Rock's return speech and him owning Cena was awesome too.

Undertaker and Triple-H returns at 2/21/11 : Undertaker's return was good but I marked out when HHH returned instantly after the Undertaker.

JBL returns : It was good to see JBL who is one of my favorites back even though it was only a one time thing.

Rock wrestles at Survivor Series after 7 years : Rock wrestled after 7 years like he hasn't missed a beat. Just seeing Rock wrestle after 7 years was great.
If you're above the age of 12, you won't be saying "holy shit" or freaking out when anything happens.

For me, two things made me do this.

CM Punk Promo + Match

Not much left to say about how good it was. All aspects have been covered. I will say this though. You want to know how into that segment and match I was? I bought the paperview. I haven't bought a WWE paperview in my entire life (granted when I was little we just had a cable box where we could watch all for free).

Masked Kane Returns

It shocked all of us. We knew he was returning, we knew there was a bigger possibility of him coming back with a mask, but honestly we all know every time he's coming back we all pray the mask comes back. It was a renewed false hope. And then boom, he returns unexpected with that stupid mask on. And then, he removes it to reveal the plastic we've wanted to see for the last 8 years or so.

Two best moments.
For me, it is hands down CM Punk's promo at the end of RAW where he basically made it seem like a straight shoot. For days on end I remember talking to my brother about the promo, how real it seemed and how THAT would be what changed the business for years to come. My, was I fooled...

Months later Punk is somewhat redundant now, somewhat bland and a far cry from that promo on top of the ramp. He's won & lost and won again the WWE championship and is rumored to be one of the reasons the ratings are low. I love the guy. One helluva worker, and when I say bland, I don't mean his style, what I mean is the way he's coming across on TV. Punk is better than his current push and I wish someone would see that. Maybe this'll all blow over. Maybe Punk is better chasing the belt. But for me, nothing else was better and made time stand still more than that promo.
My honest opinion? I thought I'd say CM Punk Work/Shoot Promo. I have only marked out a little then, but what I REALLY marked out in was when Christian won the world title. I was never happier for ANYBODY. He really deserved it and I don't care what Blandy Borton did next week.

I also loved Daniel Bryan's world title win, but was not nearly as excited.
For me it was Christian winning the World Heavyweight Championship, and Big Show winning the World Heavyweight Championship, I'm a huge fan of both guys. Unfortunately they both lost the title immediately afterwards to less deserving individuals.
me i cant say the cm punk cause i did not see it when actually happen i would say the rock being host of wrestlemania that was cool to see
I posted earlier but a few more things I'd like to expand on...

Masked Kane Return Yeah, it's sucked since. But at least he wears the mask

But my absolute favorite part of the year, during the Cena-Kane promo...when cena is looking around the crowd out pops the classic sign BOO THIS MAN I am no cena fan at all. I boo him. But I respect him. The point is, that is a kick ass sign.

Almost, ALMOST, as cool as the SID sign at Mania 26
There are a few for me, first Diesel in the Rumble was pretty sweet to see, not just Nash being there, but the full Diesel gimmick... Was my fave comeback since The Rockers Reunion...

D. Bryan and Punk as the champs... it proves that WWE IS trying to change itself, even though it is doing so through the constraints it is under... I liked their little moment with Punk bringing Bryan and Ryder out, it was kinda the replacement for the Eddie/Chris moment...

Kane's return was also a hilight, the first RAW i watched live in ages... I do like the 2 mask thing, the welders mask is very Demolition (a team WWE should so reboot) but the look of Kane when he takes it off is as near to perfect as you can get for the character, the new mask looks like "burned flesh"...

There are two top moments that tie for me and both involve CM Punk and his attires... The Randy Savage gear was an awesome tribute and when he hit the flying elbow I marked out proper... but also as much for the "Punk wears Jack Burton" moment... I love Big Trouble In Little China and to see the famed vest was an awesome little surprise moment... I do think guys should do this more... I only wish he had used the "It's all in the reflexes" somewhere ;)
Really well thought out and written The Champ.

I'm not going to repeat the same stuff. I am pretty much on the same page as you guys but I will add:

1. HHH/UT/Michaels in ring promo for WM - they took the idea of the match and brought it to so much more than just a "streak on the line" match. The streak is huge, I have argued that it is bigger than either HW title right now but that segment added so much more to the match. HHH and UT were brilliant but the key was Michaels. He really let himself get shit on quite a bit in order to add more life in to the feud. For a guy with a reputation like Michaels to go out looking like that I was stunned and impressed.

2. 1st half hour of the post-walkout episode - I was so intrigued at how WWE was going to pull off this episode and the 1st half hour delivered. Punk, HHH and Cena all in the ring just shooting the shit and then sending Punk to do commentary with the jacket was great fun. Unfortunately the episode turned to crap way too fast and just went back to the same old Raw we have seen time and time again.

3. Kharma's arrival - her first few appearances really added something to the show. I had no idea where they were going with her. Apparently it didn't matter since she went ahead and got herself knocked up.

That's all I've got to add.
These are not in any specific order, because I liked them all equally. :D

When CM Punk pulled an "Eddie Guerrero" during his match with Alberto Del Rio on Raw a few weeks back.

When CM Punk cut his promo obviously.

CM Punk and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin's backstage promo that went a little something like this

Stone Cold: You wanna beer?
CM Punk: What?
Stone Cold: Wanna beer?
CM Punk: What?

You get the idea.

CM Punk, Daniel Bryan and Zack Ryder's promo from a few weeks back.

CM Punk winning the WWE Championship at Survivor Series and Money in the Bank.

John Cena cleaning Laurinitis' clock at Money in the Bank.

R-Truth during the draft, where he first coined the phrase "Lil' Jimmy"

The Miz vs. John Morrison on the first raw of the year. Man. Lots of memories. Too many to name though.
It's been a good year there are a lot to Mention.

Just to get them out of the way, as everyone mentions these ones: Rock's Return, Punks Promo are on the list. For Obvious Reasons.

* Rock's First Match in 7 years, Huge fan and it couldn't have gone smoother, great return, and not only that great way to end a really good PPV.

* Daniel Bryan wins MITB & Punk vs Cena at MITB, again for obvious reasons.

* Christian finally winning his first WWE world title, like many, i wanted this, and he deserved it.

* Mark Henry, again like Christian, he deserved to win the Title and his work of late is the best of his career.

* CM Punk, Daniel Bryan and Zack Ryder in ring Promo to start RAW, just good to see WWE changing things, wether they stay the course remains to be seen but still good to watch.

* Zack Ryder's Rise, i will admit i am skeptical as too how long this will last and mainly because as popular as he is becoming, let's be honest his character needs more development, longterm, fist pumping and Woo Woo Wooing will only carry him so far, and at TLC by the 3rd Woo Woo Woo i will admit i was over it for that night anyway. If he wants to reach the chance of being World Heavy Weight Champion, then the current character won't do it, i could be wrong but i just don't see it but i really admire the way Zack went about getting himself over, which is rare in today's era of WWE and wrestling as a whole. And enjoy watching his sudden rise.

* 2-21-11 & HHH vs Taker at WM27. Never before has a promo for Undertaker create so much Hype, brillantly executed by WWE, in some degree would have made more sense if The other person was actually Sting in the end results but either way, It was good. HHH challenging Taker was also very well executed, their silent promo, and then the HBK, HHH Taker promo as someone else mentioned all very well done, and increased my excitment for the match, which didn't disappoint. Especially seeing Taker the way he was at the end of the match, great unexpected image with the Taker character anyway.

* Surprise Returns/Debuts, Booker T, Kevin Nash, Mick Foley, Kharma, Austin, JBL, HBK, Masked Kane again The Rock (obviously), i may have missed a few but either way point is, surprised by a lot of these, some great moments.

* Some of the smaller moments, the ones you weren't expecting out of no where, like Rock and Austin backstage at WM, i had goosebumps seeing that reminding me of their great rivarly. And also Cm Punk and Austin Backstage, same goosebump feeling in hopes they are setting up something bigger between these 2 for down the road. There are probably a few more but these 2 stick out the most.

* John Cena, I still ain't a full fan, not since the Thuganomic days, but he impressed me a lot more then i thought possible this year compared to recent years, his seriousness with Punk in his promos (even though he did veer of track with stupid jokes at times), The match with Punk at MITB and again at SS, proving he can wrestle when he wants to make the effort, instead of rolling with the punches, and being a bit lazy in the ring at times, so-to-speak.
WWE allowing The Rock to basically rip him apart, while both make some good points about the other, Rock wins this hands down, he said exactly what a majority thinks about Cena, his one line about going from "the iconic Austin 3:16, To the Dominant and Powerful "If you Smell what the Rock is cooking, to "you can't see me" sums it up perfectly, That and yeah his via satellite promo about Cena being a phony. And i was more surprised WWE allowed Rock to basically rip Cena apart like that considering his merchandise status etc at the time.
And more recently the seeds they are planting with a possible Cena Heel turn. I'll admit i am more interested in Cena's storyline and character then i ever have been in years (besides MITB, and his semi fued with Rock prior to WM27) it has for me created a more interesting Cena, again, then in years. Wether or not WWE has the balls to pull the trigger and make him Heel remains to be seen, (Still a high merchandise seller, that and sinking ratings might make them reconsider, maybe). Either way im interested to see where it goes and more interested in Rock vs Cena at WM becasue of it.

* Spotlight on younger guys and WWE taking risks, again Zack Ryder i already mentioned, But Miz, R-Truth (especially his promos, the Pigeon one at Survivor Series is a stand out, i laughed a lot) Barrett, Sheamus, Daniel Bryan, Punk etc, a lot of younger talent really stepped up this year, when given the oppurtunity, they ran with it well, and it's refreshing to see WWE take more risks like this to establish new stars, that and pushing the boundaries just a bit more then staying 100% PG, a little more edge has made the product better overall, hopefully they continue this.

*Edge's retirement, again a moment i never saw this coming but a perfect send off, and awesome career. Not a favourite moment to see his career end it was sad to see but the way they handled it was well done.

* Not really a full WWE moment and again it's not a fav of mine in a bad way (like i was glad to see the passing) But the way WWE handled Randy Savage's Passing was well done, classy m ove, and the Tribute well deserved, my only problem with it like so many is it's a shame that it took his passing to finally see him back on WWE television. Punks Tribute in a Raw match as this was happening also one of my favourite moments of the year, and again not in a bad way.

*EDIT: * almost forgot one, Jim Ross back on commentary, though short lived and Vince's constant treatment of Ross is bullshit, but in a year i never thought he would return to commentary, he did and it was great, Ross when not involved in stupid fueds with Cole really elevates the product. Sadly WWE doesn't see this. Sure they have to move on one day, but not now. Hopefully (i doubt it) they bring him back on a permanent basis.
Thats a few of mine, there are probably more, but overall 2011 was a very good year for Wrestling and WWE.
2011 was one of the better years that WWE has had in quite a while. So much great highlights.

The Rock's return for the first time in years to be the most electrifying host of (the not so electrifying) Wrestlemania 27 was a great surprise, I didn't check spoilers that week so this was a nice surprise.

Edge's unfortunate retirement, sad to see him go, he will be missed. Edge even got the perfect sendoff.

Christian FINALLY winning the World Title at Exteme Rules made me mark out like I never have before. He should have won WWE World Title gold multiple times before than so the fact that he finally won made it a very special moment.

Punk's epic shoot promo. I knew deep down it was a work but I was still somewhat convinced that it was not scripted and it was litterally a pissed CM Punk shooting the company on National Television. One of the best worked shoots, I've ever seen.

The Cena/Punk match at Money in the Bank. The match was amazing, perfectly booked and the hostile Anti-Cena Chicago crowd made this such a memorable match. Would definatly say this was the best match of 2011.

Del Rio cashing in. This was a highlight for me anyway since I'm a huge Del Rio fan and was very happy to see him become champion even though bad booking forcing him to stick to "Destiny" promos killed a lot of his credibility, made his title reigns decent at best and caused others to be bored of him. Still Del Rio winning the title was great.

Masked Kane's return was another total mark-out moment.

The debut of Kharma despite the quick disppearence due to her pregnancy.

Zack Ryder getting a much deserved push to the US Title after promoting himself on YouTube and Twitter for so long. I was a follower before his big internet campaign so seeing him finally get pushed was great.

The rise of CM Punk to Cena/Orton level. He deserved it and has made Raw truly intersting again. Look forward to a CM Punk 2012.

Lastly, The Barrett Barrage. This has showed that the WWE Writers still have faith in Barrett and he had a very good rivalry with Orton that Smackdown really worth watching. Barrett should hopefully be getting a World Title push in 2012.

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