Favorite Urban Legend

Big Sexy

Deadly Rap Cannibal
Urban Legends are everywhere in the world and some of the best ones come from sports. They range from historic, like Babe Ruth calling his shot, to hilarious, like Dikembe Mutombo walking into a bar drunk while he was at Georgetown and shouting "who wants to sex Mutombo?" Every sport fan knows a ton of Urban Legends and everyone has their favorite.

My personal favorite is the LSD No-No. Back in 1970 Pirates pitcher Doc Ellis pitched a no hitter against the San Diego Padres. 14 years later after his career was over Ellis admitted that he was under the influence of LSD throughout the entirety of that game. Now it wasn't the prettiest no hitter. He struck out 6 but walked 8 and needed some great fielding throughout to help him. That said it's still damn impressive and hard to believe even though it came straight from Ellis's mouth and he has no reason to lie. In fact that's something you'd probably want to keep secret. This Urban Legend has the perfect combination of hilarity, impressiveness, and some unbelievability though I personally find it to be true. Here's a video dedicated to the LSD No-No.


So what's your favorite Urban Legend?
Lebron James's mom and Delonte West having an affair while Lebron was on the Cavs. Just the thought of Lebrons mom hooking up with one of his teammates and effecting his play gets to me. Whether its true or not I have no idea, but I still find it a funny story.
The LSD no-no is a great one. Its so crazy. The Delonte West - Lebron James one I find hard to believe. I just dont think it actually happened. As for me, I have two favorites.

First, The Curse of the Billy Goat. If you dont know, this is the supposed reason why the Cubs have not won a World Series in forever. The story goes that a man came to a 1945 World Series game at Wrigley with his billy goat. He was kicked out of the game because fans were complaining of the goat's smell. On his way out, he proclaimed that the Cubs would never win again and the curse began. The Cubs championship drought is legendary and this absurd curse about a goat adds to mystique around it. Just great stuff.

But my favorite is Babe Ruth's called shot. During the 1932 World Series against the Cubs, Ruth was up at bat. While at the plate the Cubs players on the bench were making fun of him and riding him the entire series. So after the first pitch was called a strike, he looked to the bench and said "thats one". After two balls, Charlie Root threw another strike and Ruth looked towards the bench and said "thats two". Then he shouted at the pitcher, and pointed either at the pitcher or like most people say, towards center field. On the next pitch, he hit a mammoth home run to center. Its still very controversial, with people saying it did or didnt happen, but either way, its one of the great legends in sports.
I have two personal favorites myself. The first is the supposed Cal Ripken/Kevin Costner incident. Costner and Ripken were friends, and Ripken went as far to allow Costner to stay at his house while he was in town. The rumor has it that Ripken returned home from an early morning workout to find Costner in bed with his wife, and pummelled Costner. He then called the Orioles and told them he was "too sick" to play. The Orioles, concerned about Ripken's streak more then anything else, apparently cancelled the game due to an "electrical failure" at the stadium, preserving Ripken's streak. The story is outlandish, and neither Costner or Ripken has talked publicly about it. Ripken and his wife are still together, so I find this "legend" to be unlikely, but funny at the same time.

My other favorite is Wllt Chamberlains boast that he bedded over 20,000 women in his lifetime. Teammates and friends of Ripken have candidly spoke about Wilt's high sexual drive, but the number is rather high. In order for Chamberlain to have done this, he would have had to slept with at least one different woman every day of his entire adult life. With Wilt's supposed standards that he wouldn't sleep with any woman that was married or had kids, I find the number to be extremely high, and likely improbable. Im sure he got his, maybe more then anyone else in history. But the idea of him bedding 20,000 women is unthinkable, and likely just a legend and embellishment on the part of the man.

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