Favorite Smackdown Announce Team

Dr. Mantis Toboggan, M.D.

Dog The Bounty Hunter
Basically I want to know which was you favorite Smackdown Announce Team.

I have to go with the classic team of Michael Cole and Tazz. To me they were and always will be the only team to matter when it comes to Smackdown history. They were there during some of the best moments and feuds. Like when Brock and Big Show broke the ring, Kurt Angle winning the WHC, etc. To me they worked very well together and called some great matches.


My mistake, wrong section. Mods if you could move my thread into the Smackdown section I would appreciate it thank you.
I thought Cole and JBL were a great team. There was alot of chemistry between them two. JBL worked awesome as an antagonist, while cole was the straight play by play commentary. Kind of throwback to the 90s Vince and Jesse Ventura. They sold stories well and put over talent pretty well.
I agree Michael Cole and Tazz did work well together & there was many great moments that they called, but I liked Cole & JBL more. I always enjoyed JBL on the mic & he brought a lot more charisma to the commentating table then Tazz IMO. On top of that Cole/JBL's chemistry seem a little bit stronger as well.
ppl will always agree with the classic team of cole and tazz.. and yes that was a great team as they called some great bouts.

but i think i liked Cole and JBL better.. Tazz was never a great announcer imo.

JR and Mick Foley could have been a GREAT announce team on SD if it had lasted longer than a month!
I agree with the majority of people who have already posted replies here. I absolutely loved Cole and JBL commentating together, mostly because they were polar opposites on the mic. Cole was the neutral, nice guy commentator with the straightforward stuff you'd expect a guy like that to say, and JBL was the idiot who loved all the heels and could never get enough of discussing why they were so much better than the faces. 2007 was my first full year of watching WWE, and luckily I had the priviledge of being able to enjoy Cole and JBL's commentary and how much it added to the matches and storylines each week.

**On a side note, I do agree that Cole and Tazz were good together, and yes, I have watched many matches through YouTube and such with them paired on commentary, but they didn't have the kind of chemistry JBL and Cole had. They were simply two nice guys calling the action.
Michael Cole and JBL by a longshot. Half the time you couldn't understand what Tazz was saying. Sometimes he sounds like Bam Margera's uncle Don Vito. JBL however, spoke clearly and gave us what we needed from a commentator- color. It made sense to cast the business man in the role for a speaker, whether or not they were going with the "wrestling god" shtick.

It was the shit to see JBL tell Cole to shut the hell up. Brashaw owned the announce table.
As everyone said JBL and Cole.They were great.I was sad when JBL left after Armeggedon 07 to go back to wrestling.JBL could make it really funny and him owning Cole was always a bonus.
I actually liked Michael Cole and Tazz, Michael Cole and Jbl, and Matt Striker and Todd Grisham(This doesnt make me like Michael Cole)

Michael Cole and Jbl i loved, especially how Jbl would tell Michael cole to shut up xD. These 2 were good together(except for there reunion in 2011, that was horrible)

Michael Cole and Tazz: i liked there reactions when something happen. Sometimes there speechless or they go crazy. Especially how triple h was drafted to smackdown and traded back to raw, i loved Tazz's Reaction xD

Matt Striker and Todd Grisham: Yes i just said that. Im a huge fan of Matt Striker, and he is the BEST commentator Right Now. Anything with Matt Striker, i would love. Especially putting him with Todd Grisham

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