Favorite RAW/Smackdown Authority Figure ?

Who is your favorite RAW//Smackdown Authority Figure ?

  • Eric Bischoff

  • Vince McMahon

  • Jonathan Coachman

  • William Regal

  • Mike Adamle

  • Stephanie McMahon

  • Vickie Guerrero

  • Anonymous General Manager

  • John Laurinaitis

  • Other

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There have been numerous RAW/Smackdown GMs, etc over the years. My favorite WWE Authority figure would be Eric Bischoff. RAW was always exciting when Eric Bischoff was the GM of RAW.

Eric Bischoff was a great heel and not a bland and boring heel like many others.

So who is your favorite RAW/Smackdown Authority Figure and who is the worst ?
Vince McMahon will always be the ultimate authroity figure to me. He helped make the attitude era what it was, played an integral part in many of the storylines and was a terrific nemesis for guys like Austin, Rock and Foley.

The worst was in my view the Anonymous GM. The fact that the story just got totally scrapped and forgotten with no pay-off was infuriating and the constant noise from the computer making Cole/King interrupt matches was just annoying. A complete waste of time.
my favorite is clearly either Vince McMahon or Eric Bischoff, both had GREAT heat and both were Authority figures who got under your skin, also Mick Foley as Commish was another favorite of mine. those were my top 3 with an honorable mention to Vickie Guerrero as i just laugh at how she gets so much heat. all she has to do is say two words and the fans boo insanely loud.

the worst was the anonymous GM and only because they didnt finish the storyline. a story is not a good story if it doesnt have an ending and this story had no ending. who was the GM???? Cole? Laurinitius?? McMahon in an odd way?? JBL??? Stone Cold??? Foley?? that's the problem. it left you guessing, but in the end, it wasnt revealed and it took a while for the gm to say something because Cole had to say his lines which took up time while the other GMs/owners/commishs just come out and talk, really the computer was the only one i really disliked (not counting the celebrity GMs) as the others had their strengths. really my only issue with Johnny is that his voice tends to give me a headache, but that's nitpicking, when his voice doesnt annoy me, what he says and does is entertaining and he reminds me of a lying politician.
McMahon for sure, he is he epitome of a heel in the wwe. His work with stone cold is the point in its own that makes him the greatest authority figure as he shaped what it is to be a figure of authority in the wwe.
Every time your heard the music hit you knew shit was going to go down, his harsh punishments and brash decisions were always disgusting to the everyday fan but had that aura of knowing he is going to get punished.
People are going to tune in to see a heel gm because they want to see an authority figure get proven wrong and beaten up. All be it because of a shit boss in real life or a general dislike for authority.
Anonymous gm was definitely the worse, the consistent change between face and heel was unbearable and unrealistic.Not to mention the interruptions to matches as was previously mentioned that made matches scrappy and broken up
oh, whoops, i was typing so much, that i forgot Adamle, he was another bad one, but the computer was still worse as there was no payoff and the story just ended. the computer wasnt even fired on screen!! Adamle was second worse, but only because he just wasnt that entertaining
I'd go with Bischoff as the best as he was entertaining and full of himself. He was good as face and heel. It was mainly so great because it surprised the shit out everyone that McMahon hired him. Also I loved his Hot Lesbian Action and 3 Minute warning as well as the introduction of The Elimination Chamber. The worst for me was Teddy Long. Annoying as fuck and always standing up for the faces even when they cheated. BULLSHIT. Also his over the top black acting. I mean I know he's black but he was ridiculous with the Blackitude. Now I am african american so don't start calling me racist
The worst for me was Teddy Long. Annoying and always standing up for the faces even when they cheated. Also his over the top black acting. I mean I know he's black but he was ridiculous with the Blackitude. Now I am african american so don't start calling me racist
first off, i wont call you racist. Second, the reason he's not the worst to me is for many reasons. 1) at the time, he was fresh. Smackdown was coming from heel GMs like Heyman and Angle and even a heel Vince McMahon ran it for a time, so a face like Long was fresh as the fans finally got fair and 2) there are worse GMs than him. Mike Adamle was far worse as he was face, but the fans still didnt care about him and the computer was the worst to me as the fans were wanting to know who it was, but we didnt even get his public firing, the computer just disappeared and the fans got no pay off. the only reason Long is not in many people's top list of authority figures is that he's been GM for SO long that it just felt old and done before and they wanted fresh.
Here's the thing, you put Vince McMahon in there. It is hands down McMahon. Nobody can top the chairman and he has always been there with great storylines involving him.

If Vince was not included here, it would hands down be Eric Bischoff.
McMahon is the best, but, I also laugh every time John Laurinaitis comes on camera. His facial expression are hilarious.
my two favorites were Eric Bischoff he was an asshole to everyone and played the part just so perfectly in WCW and in WWE.

My second favorite GM was Stephanie McMahon unlike her dad Stephanie was the peacemaker on Smack Down and listened to reason with the Smack Down superstars and divas when she was the GM.

My two least favorites were Vickie Guerrero she honestly was not that good of a GM she had no reason to be in WWE after Eddies death and still doesn't she's not that good of a personality for wrestling.

and my second least favorite Mike Adamle Enough Said.
Vince's character was awesome! I loved how he acted cocky when Austin wasn't their, When Austin shows up, he cowards down. Mr.McMahon had great feuds other then Austin, I loved his feuds with Undertaker and the Rock.

Im a BIG Bischoff fan, I can watch Bischoff all day and not get bored. Uncle Eric was his best during his nWo days in the late '90s. He was great GM on Raw, I loved when him and Austin were CO-GM's.
My two least favorites were Vickie Guerrero she honestly was not that good of a GM she had no reason to be in WWE after Eddies death and still doesn't she's not that good of a personality for wrestling.

and my second least favorite Mike Adamle Enough Said.
i can see where you are coming from with Adamle, the guy was supposed to be a face, but the fans didnt care for him, plus his speaking wasnt good either.

As for Vickie. i cant call her the worst, her and Edge was always odd to me, but i cant deny that her heat makes me laugh. all she has to do is say excuse me and the fans boo her loudly which is why i dont think she's the worst. i think it's either Adamle or the computer and i go with the computer because it just ended out of nowhere.
should have made this with everyone except Mr. McMahon because obviously most people will choose him.

My favorite would be McMahon, but after that would be Eric Bischoff. I've always liked Eric, enjoyed his stuff in WCW during the nWo days. Then when he came to WWE as the GM, I got excited and enjoyed his whole run as GM. Was sad when he got released. :(
I'm surprised no one mentioned Paul Heyman or Stone Cold Steve Austin, i'm not trying to take anything away from the other GMs, but those guys were awesome in my opinion, Heyman was that evil sadistic autority figure and Austin was definitly fun as co GM, i remember when he wasn't supose to put his hands on the superstars unless he was phisicly provoced, or when he was riding his 4 wheeler al over the place, those were good times.......
Vince McMahon was the best, but I really liked the things William Regal was doing until he failed the drug test or whatever that was. He was getting major heat, and that Raw where he cut the power at the end was a good WTF moment. I always wanted to see how far he would have ran with the GM spot, but I guess we will never know.
i think easy e trumped even mr mcmahon in his wcw days as the heel executive, he was a smarmy little weasel that couldnt fight unless hios cronies were ther to stack the deak, theres alwayse something about a guy whos cocky but cant fight at all that just gets under ppls skin, at least mcmahon could somewhat hold his own...pkus alot of ppl forget: eric did the evil figure head rold about a year and a half before mcmahon did, just like he copied the nWo to a certain extent with dx i think mcmahon definetly borrowed the idea of evil owner from eric, so no nWo eric, no mr macmahon imo

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