Favorite Randy Orton Feud


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There have been many fueds involving orton theres only a few tho to me that come to mind. He was once the legend killer cocky little arogant punk that people used to hate, and is now the viper who people love which some people hate now that hes a top baby face.
Here are the best fueds hes been in that come to mind
Orton and HHH- these 2 had history since evolution they fueded a little bit after evolution but in the years of 07, 08 , 09 these two fueded and always had history. A great fued!
Orton and Christian- this is possibly the fued of the year they both put on great matches during there 4 month long fued and could possibly be brought back up again in the near future.
And last but not least the fued that put orton on the map as a top WWE superstar
Orton and Undertaker- some of u younger fellows may not remember but in 05 orton was drafted to SD! and began fueding with taker the fued was meant to kick off after mania 21 until orton was seriously injured. But he beat him at summerslam and at No mercy he burned and killed the undertaker and you know the rest. But this is the fued that deff made orton who he is today

gimme ur thoughts and opinions on ur fav orton fueds.
Randy has been in so many great feuds over the years, and as a major Orton mark it's hard for me to narrow it down to one single feud. If there are two that I think define his career and are my personal favorites with the best matches and promos would have to be any of the Cena-Orton feuds and Orton-Christian this year.

Orton vs Cena
These guys went back and forth for what seemed like years, any match where these two tied up was gold but their feud in 2009 was unforgettable. The two greatest young wrestling talents in the company going head to head for months, while there were times I wondered when it would end at the same time I was blown away by how great their matches were. Randy brought out a fire in Cena that he didn't have before and I think that Cena did the same for Randy, they were just on it all the time during this feud and many of their matches were 5 stars in my opinion. This feud IMO was the one that truely cemented Orton's legacy as one of the greatest and one of the top guys in the WWE, and it did the same for Cena.

Orton vs Christian
I can honestly say that I have seen more great matches than I can count(because I've seen alot, not because I can't count high) and Christian & Randy put on some of the most amazing matches I've ever seen. Both of these guys are already great on their own, but as opponents these two put on some of the most technically beautiful matches I have ever seen in my life. The best word to describe their chemistry is fluid, Randy is known for being smooth and not wasting any movement in the ring but Christian added to that with his skill and made all of their matches extremely entertaining while maintaining a flow. It may not be my very favorite feud of all time, but the matches that they had during that feud are going to go down in history for sure, I remember watching them and while I was staring at the TV I was thinking to myself the whole time, "this is amazing, I can tell that I'm watching history right here because I am blown away by how amazing these two are together".
Randy Orton has had quite possibly the biggest kick-off of any Superstar in the history of the company. How many other people started in the mid-card, got thrown into one of the greatest factions in the history of wrestling, and had a gimmick where they got to take down virtually every legend in the business they could find? I mean, the Legend Killer gimmick was...I'll say it...LEGENDARY! So it's a difficult thing to pick out one feud as his greatest.

His heel feud with Triple H was pretty amazing. Handcuffing him to the ropes while he RKO'd his wife and planted her with a kiss was just brilliant writing. Going back a few years I really liked his short feud with the Undertaker, involving his dad "Cowboy" Bob Orton. CM Punk was pretty good, but it could have been way better given more time and a better place on the Mania card.
Randy Orton vs. Triple H - this is my favorite Orton feud. His former Evolution leader, Triple H kick him out of the stable because of jealousy of his success. Triple H claimed his world title after a few back and forth matches. A few years later, the two top heels Edge and Randy Orton formed the Rated-RKO to fight the newly reformed DX. Triple H suffered a legit injury during those time. Fast forward to Orton forming his own stable. Legacy feuded with the McMahons including Triple H. This is where that handcuffed-Triple H-DDT-to-Steph-With-a-kiss happened. A sweet vengeance for what happened a few years ago. :lmao:

Jealousy, vengeance. Not to mention the irony of them switching from face-heel to heel-face at the later years of their feud. One of the best ever.
His feud with Triple H on the Road to Wrestlemania 25 was insane. You don't see feuds get too personal like this one did. Everything in this feud was off the charts. From Orton attacking and kissing Stephanie while HHH was handcuffed to the ropes. Or when HHH finally said "fuck it" and went and attacked Orton at his own house. Great feud, shame that their match ended up being a stinker.
Randy Orton's best feud was with Triple H.. he had one of the best matches ever with HHH in WM 25 and a great build-up. He punted every member of the McMahon family, but sadly, the selfish HHH buried him at WM 25.. Triple H was like 40 years old at the time, why would he bury such a young star for years to come? Anyway, I'm not really complaining much now since Orton made it back on top regardless of the selfish Triple H.. still kind of pissed that HHH didn't put over Cm Punk or took the pin at Vengeance instead of Punk.. which there is really NO excuse whatsoever for.. HHH does put people over, but only people that are muscular and big like Batista, who is the only person that HHH ever put over.. FUCK HHH!
It depends on if we are talking about match quality or storyline quality because Orton VS Christian had BY FAR the best matches, and Orton VS Triple H had the best story. While the Christian feud had a good story to keep fans interested in their show stealers from one PPV to the next all summer, it doesn't even touch the storyline in the Triple H feud. It started in Evolution with the infamous thumbs down moment and got restarted in 2009 as Orton won the Rumble and began attacking Trips' family to get revenge from many years ago. It got even more personal when Trips invaded Orton's "house" to attack him. Their matches did not live up to the hype though so Trips had the best storyline for an Orton feud while Christian got the best matches out of him. They are the two best Randy Ortom feuds. If I absolutely HAD to pick one.... Probably the Christian one. They kept stealing the show for several PPV events in a row and kept fans wanting ONE MORE MATCH.
Randy Orton's best Wrestling Feud was with Christian. They had like, a 1,000 and 1 matches, both on Smackdown and PPV's and still managed to bring something new each time, keeping the crowd invested.

His best Feud moment was definetly when he handcuffed Trips to the ring post, DDT'd Steph and kissed her, I thought HHH sold that moment perfectly, making Randy look all the more sadistic. The whole feud was great, when he smacked VKM, I sure as hell didn't see it coming. Didn't order WM that year, but apparently the match didn't live up to expectations :confused:

Honorabe mention to his Legend Killer saga, I thought that was great, when he spit...UGH!, how digusting, how entertainingly disgusting
The best feud of Randy Orton imo is the one he had with HHH. The stuff they did in 2009 was so intense that it reminded me of the attitude era. I loved it when HHH took out Cody Rhodes with the sledgehammer and then chased Randy and Ted all over backstage. The home invasion episode was amazing, and I was on the edge of my seat. All in all one of my favorite feuds ever.

Does anyone remember the last man standing match they had on RAW?
As of up until this date? Orton's feud with John Cena, no question about it.

So many of the posts thusfar have discussed the personal nature of his feud with HHH, and why that has made the feud between the two Orton's best. What about Orton's feud with John Cena? How was that not just as personal? Orton got the better of Cena week in and week out in the 6 week(remember those) build towards Summerslam, and almost beat him in the match. Cena and Vince both said "no" to the rematch between the two. So Orton raised the stakes by kicking Cena's dad in the head, and later defeating him in a match while Cena had to watch, handcuffed to the ringpost. How is that not personal? Even their match following, at Unforgiven, made sense from a DQ standpoint, as Cena was so incensed by Orton's actions that he just ignored the ref when he ordered him to stop punching. This of course set up what was supposed to be their LMS match at No Mercy, but Cena tore his pectoral the Raw before. They essentiaally picked up where they had left off from 2007 in 2009 and had a number of memorable matches, such as their "I Quit" match, their Hell in A Cell match, and their Ironman match.

So what made this feud better then the one between HHH and Orton? Just as personal, correct, and had a long build heading into Wrestlemania. The problem that came in with this feud was that the matches just weren't very good. Their match at Wrestlemania had no business closing the show, and the six-man tag match at Backlash wasn't much to write home about either, other then the fact that the title changed hands. Their LMS match on Raw was very good, but their 3 Stages of Hell match bombed. Further, before it felt like the feud had been truly resolved, HHH just moved on to Legacy, and Orton to Cena. There never seemed to be a true conclusion.

And then there is Orton and Christian. While this feud likely had the highest quality of matches then any other Randy Orton feud, I feel they really dropped the ball on making this into a convincing feud. Even the most bitter rivarlies in professional sports, for example, cease to be great rivalries when one team wins all the time. Christian's only win this entire summer in the series he had with Orton was a DQ win over Orton. While the matches were all back-and-forth, there was never a real feeling of Christian coming out victorious. For me, that left out the wind from the sails in what was otherwise great quality.

So Im sticking with Orton/Cena. I truly believe that the beginnings of the feud in 2007 was what made Orton into a true main eventer, and ushered in the Age of Orton. Following Cena, and Orton in essence getting the better of Cena there, he became a main eventer and hasn't looked back. His feud with Cena in 2009 really began to establish the diversity of what he could do in the ring, and helped make him into the ring general he is today. The feud was personal, and it lasted over a number of years that the two were able to come back to the feud at a later date and miss little.
The feud with Triple H was the best, hands down. It reminded me of feuds like Flair/Savage or Roberts/Savage when it went beyond the 2 wrestlers being involved. Family members were brought into the angle and made the hate between them that much more believable. The episode where Triple H broke into Orton's house was one of the most memorable Raws ever.

I also have to say that even though I despise Cena, his feud with Orton was pretty epic. Some thought the Orton/Christian feud was dragged out too long, but I personally liked it a lot. My only complaint was the way Christian won the WHC by disqualification and he also didn't have it long enough either time he was champion.
Ortons a cool guy, this is in the Smackdown section so I guess I'll say his feud with Mark Henry for the section but if I ranked top 5 with 1 being the best

5. Orton vs Jeff Hardy (gave Hardy his first shot when he was a main eventer before leaving WWE at the Royal Rumble.)

4. Orton vs Mick Foley (to me this one started Orton back when he was known as the "Legend Killer" and I still remember the scene of him spitting in Foleys Face)

3. Orton vs HBK (HBK returned from injury and went for Ortons title and there was the whole HBK can't use the super kick stipulation on there match and HBK pulled out all types of old school submissions and his elbow drop to beat Orton but he couldn't do it)

2. Orton vs Henry (Most recent of Ortons good feuds, excluding Rhodes in my list because it's still a current feud, it was good to see Orton face a monster heel while he was playing face and unable to beat Henry gave Henry a LOT of credibility and boosted his career for the first time in Henrys long career hes a major threat/player in the game now thanks to Orton)

1. Orton vs HHH (Student vs teacher, there feud back when Orton won his first title and HHH got jealous and kicked him out of the group and fought him for the title. And the more recent time they fought for the title at Mania, the build for that match in the months prior was awesome. These two worked well together and HHH gave Orton the rub that established Orton as a top star.)

For a feud that could have been for Orton I'd say vs Kofi. They started it awesome with Kofi wrecking Ortons car, then the Boom Drop through the table at Madison Square Garden but WWE never really capitalized on something that could have been great with this feud.

Noticeable mention: Orton vs Undertaker (plenty of other people used it so I went a different route)
# 5 vs Mick Foley

This fued has to be recognised. At this stage in his career Randy Orton was a kid with promise thrown into a stable with 2 of the biggest names in wrestling history. Randy grabbed the brass ring in this fued, had epic promos/ encounters with Foley and established himself as a name in the company.

The payoff being a wrestlemania tag match and a awesome hardcore IC title match at Backlash.

# 4 CM Punk

This fued was good, and one of the best at last years Wrestlemania, it really put Orton solidly over as a face. In hindsight, we'd have loved to have seen the pipebomb dropping CM Punk "best in the world" against Orton, and have a longer fued with victories split. But wasn't to be.

# 3 Undertaker

What a fued! I tuned into Smackdown at the time soley to watch these guys fued. I genuinely beleived that Orton would beat Undertaker at wrestlemania, I thought HIAC was a let down, but all other matches were fantastic, and the fued lasted 9 months.

# 2 John Cena

We finally got this fued, it was so stop and start, with each wrestlers injuries impacting the fued. But the 2009 battles were fantastic and rightly so over the WWE championship, this was one instance where the title changing hands often didn't bother me so much because of the nature of the 2 fighters being of such high quality. Both had stellar matches.

Now we wait for a face vs face Wrestlemania match, at least I do.

# 1 Triple H

Some will agree, others will disagree....

Triple H and Orton had the background history, it was personally and intense. Their match at mania was good, but a let down. But in reality, they gave Taker-HBK a longer amount of time and their match suffered as a result. I only hated the match at the time because Orton lost, but now I can watch and respect it.

2007 No mercy LMS was there best match, it was brutal. There overall match quality might not match Orton-Cena, but that WM25 fued was one of the most interesting fued build ups to a wrestlemania in many years.
I'd have to go with his feud with Undertaker as my favorite. That was just awesome. Thats when I really started to pay attention to Taker WM streak. Probably my favorite Taker WM match not including the HBK matches.

Triple H, Cena, Christian and Foley were all great feuds too.
orton and cena in 2009 was incredible. they passed the wwe title back and forth, had crazy stipulations (hell in a cell, i quit, and submission), and the just seem to really click in the ring

orton vs evolution was awesome too, especially since they kept it going years later
My favorite Randy Orton feud is against Triple H. These two have exchanged the WWE / World Heavyweight Championship 5 times.

1. Unforgiven 2004 – With the help of Evolution (Ric Flair and Batista) and The Coach, Triple H destroys Orton’s dream by taking away Randy’s 1st World Title.

2 and 3. No Mercy 2007 – After Randy Orton was awarded the Title by Mr. McMahon due to Cena’s injury, Triple H challenged Orton to a match and won the Title. Later on that night, HHH loses the Title back to Randy, after Hunter just competed in a Title match against Umaga.

4. Backlash 2008 – In a Fatal Four Way match which included the WM 21 Main Event, the Johns, Cena and Layfield, (imagine Morrison and Curtis forming a stable with these two managed by the SVP of TR), The King of Kings once again showed why he was the King of Kings and takes the Title away from the Viper for the 3rd time.

5. Backlash 2009 – Legacy (Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, and Ted DiBiase) defeated The First Family (Triple H, Shane McMahon) and Batista in a Six-Man Tag Team match. The stipulation was if Legacy gets the victory, Orton gets the WWE Title from Hunter. At least Orton pinned Triple H. If Rhodes or DiBiase got the pin, or if Shane or Batista got pinned, I would not have been happy with that result.

They also faced each other at WM XXIV with Cena in a Triple Threat match, and XXV in a one on one match. Not only did they split both matches, but they both retain their respective WWE Titles at as well. It was a pretty personal story at WM XXV I might add. I wonder if we’re going to get Triple H vs. Randy Orton III at WM XXVIII or XXIX.

In second and third place, I would go with Cena and Chirstian as my favorite Orton feuds.

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