Favorite PPV: Starrcade or Wrestlemania.

Which is your favorite PPV?

  • Starcade

  • Wrestlemania

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Dark Match Winner
Personally, My favorite is wrestlemania. Maybe its some what biased because i always loved WWE more then WCW, but Something about WM seems more special then StarCade to me. I mean you have things like Undertakers streak(personal fav thing about wrestlemania) and great matches like

Stone Cold vs The Rock(all 3)
HBK vs Angle
HBK vs Undertaker(both)
The TLC match for the tag title.
HBK vs Bret Hart
the ladder match for the IC title Razor Ramon vs HBK
Stone Cold vs Bret were Stone Cold passed out

And my favorite Wrestlemania Match Owen Hart vs Bret Hart which happened at WM 10 i believe were owen went over.

and Many many more great matches and things that made this ppv special to me.

And thats not mentioning all the legend's/all time greats who made Wrestlemania like HBK, Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Stone Cold, Kurt Angle, The Rock, and Undertaker to just name a few.

So please vote and tell me which one was your favorite PPV.

PS. I have no clue were to put this so if you feel it should be moved feel free to tell me.
I have to go with Wrestlemania over Starcade...a no brainer for me.

With that said, I chose WM 20. This event was highlighted by Eddie Guererro defeating Kurt Angle to retain the WWE title and Chris Benoit winning the WHC in a triple threat match vs HBK and HHH.

Another memorable match was Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar. This was really cool because the fans at MSG completely booed both participants and only cheered for SCSA. If you remember both Lesnar and Goldberg were set to exit the WWE and the fans showed them they were not happy.

The Undertaker vs Kane match was ok...

Cena defended the US title vs The big Show.

And Flair and Batista beat the Rock and Sock connection.

I would say that the Angle/Eddie match was my favorite. Everyone expected Eddie to lose and be the real transitional champion. However, he pulled a fast one on Kurt by untying his boot so that when Kurt slapped on the ankle lock he could easily escape. Eddie won with a roll-up pin. Classic lie, cheat, and steal.
My pick is an easy Wrestlemaina which I pay for every year and watch where as Starcade I never really wacthed it I mean I saw highlight's and all but Wrestlemaina has always been the shows off shows and always will be.
Another memorable match was Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar. This was really cool because the fans at MSG completely booed both participants and only cheered for SCSA. If you remember both Lesnar and Goldberg were set to exit the WWE and the fans showed them they were not happy.
Yeah duh you didn't need to tell us that like we are stupid..:rolleyes:
TheFatManFromYouTube said:
Personally, My favorite is wrestlemania.
Yeah I figured as such since you didn't even spell Starrcade right.

But I really don't think its fair anyways. First off WCW inherited an NWA pay per view ad it had plenty of its own unique ppvs. The main issue is that WCW really had no top ppv in practice because all 12 were mostly of the same caliber. Starrcade was the flag ship simply because they said it was.

Another reason I don't think its fair is because WCW's most notable efforts to upshow wrestlemania were featured on Clash of the Champions. The final reason is because McMahon is always trying to provide wrestlemania with iconic moments. WCW spread its most notable events throughout the year. For example the historic leg drop of Savage and the formation of the NWO took place on Bash at the Beach 1996. Goldberg's historic clean defeat of Hollywood Hogan took place on Nitro. At Starrcade in 1983 however Race's loss of the NWA World title was seen as a passing of the torch and was historic for the Nature Boy. Without that title win Ric Flair would not have been held in such high esteem until the present day.

And 27 Starrcades?! First off 1983 to 2000 would be 17 events, second you don't count year skips. Thats like saying WWE has had 13 Bad(d) Blood ppvs because it started in '97.

As far as Undertaker's streak is concerned my question is this, how is it a legit streak if he missed Wrestlemania X and Wrestlemania 2000? Yeah he didn't lose but still thats kind of weird how its still an 18 instead of 18-2-0 or something like that. Or 9 since he came back at WM X7..

All and all I would have to vote for WM because giving ppvs their own pecking order and personalities is a WWF concept anyways. And I never knew what a "starrcade" was either..

P.S. There were 28 In Your Houses..
WM easily, not even sure this is a fair comparison but oh well, WM had the defining moment of ALL wrestling , Wrestlemania had MOST of my old favorites back in the day, Hulk, Andre, Macho, The Dragon, Demolition, Hart Foundation, British Bulldogs, JYD, The Snake, HBK, HHH, Angle, Goldberg, Lesnar, Sid, Bundy etc. etc... (yes there match was a cluster fuck but goldberg still made it on one) Undertaker has his streak (and if it's ever broken better be by fucking Kane), so I mean... yeah WM
Not really fair to compare the 2 now...Starrcade finished in 2000..and there have been 10 more wrestlemania's since!! and the OP, about 4 or 5 of the matches you listed were after Starrcade finished.. lol Ohh well it's going to have to be WM..What I did enjoy about the early Starrcades is, they focused heavily on the WRESTLING!! e.g. Ric Flair!! Where as WM is mostly about entertainment apart from 1 or 2 matches..
Mania easily. Starrcade had some weird ideas such as the Iron Man Tournament or the NJPW invasion or the Battlebowl shows. They're fine for gimmick PPVs but not as the biggest show of the year. Also Starrcade had the main event of Brutus Beefcake vs. Hulk Hogan for the world title. Even the worst Manias never went that low. Mania by far due to it always being treated like the supershow it was supposed to be.
Starrcade. The thing is... Wrestlemania was booked to be a star-studded, larger than life spectacular. With ENTERTAINMENT. Wrestling was still top notch at the inaugural Wrestlemania, but Starrcade was billed to be a WRESTLING attraction. No bells and whistles. Just plain, old fashioned ass kicking. Flair vs Race trumps Hogan and Mr. T vs Piper and Orndorff. Yea I said it.

Now, the Starrcade events toward the end of WCW were awful. God awful. As KB said, Brutus vs. Hogan headlining the flagship PPV was bad. That match wasn't even considered for HOUSE SHOWS in the WWF. But during the 80's, Starrcade was pretty damn good. Wrestlemania had more bells and whistles and Hulk Hogan. Starrcade had Ric Flair. The difference is marketing. Flair marketed himself into a big name. Hogan depended on the WWE publicity machine. Which is why more people watched Wrestlemania.

For wrestling quality and overall greatness, I'll give the edge to Starrcade.
Wrestlemania isnt called the grandaddy of them all for nothing. Starcade was big in the WcW glory years but could never compete with Wrestlemania.
Just a thought. What with WWE changing PPV names so regularly nowadays and a need for some serious change in their programming why not bring back Starcade? I believe that Survivor Series is under threat in the futue so why not replace it with a huge fanfare of a Starcade return?

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