Favorite Paul Heyman/CM Punk moments

I am Mr. Excitement

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Now that we have been watching Paul Heyman and CM Punk working together for almost a year now both as friends and enemies it got me thinking. These two were once friends on screen and was a pretty entertaining storyline they had together in the year of 2012 and some of 2013. The way they matched up with each other was very unique because CM Punk didn't specifically need Paul Heyman to talk for him. He needed Heyman to get over as a heel and don't tell me he didn't need him because people were still cheering him even with Paul Heyman. Any who these two had some pretty entertaining and controversial moments together as a pair. So my question is what was your favorite Paul Heyman/CM Punk moment(s). My personal favorite was when CM Punk and Heyman faked Jerry Lawler's heart attack at the time it was very controversial but was a good way to draw heat on punk.

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Can't say I disagree with your choice. That Punk - Heyman segment making fun of Lawler's heart attack was probably my favorite Punk-Heyman moment. We knew off-screen that Heyman and Punk were close but it meant absolutely nothing to me until I saw them together. I know Heyman was big on Punk while Punk was in Ohio Valley Wrestling and WWE wasn't too big on Punk at the time. Also Before WWECW's December to Dismember show, Punk was supposed to win the ECW Championship. That was Paul Heyman's idea. However Vince had other ideas. Vince decided to go with Bobby Lashley and due to the failure of that show, Heyman was relieved of his duties as WWECW writer. But my favorite Punk and Heyman moment has to be September 3, 2012 WWE RAW. Punk said since it's labor day he doesn't have to wrestle that night. So he leaves in a car only for Heyman to be revealed as the driver, confirming their alliance.
Personally I wasn't a fan of the Punk/Heyman alliance. More than anybody else in WWE today, Punk didn't need a mouthpiece. I didn't like Punk's heel turn at all, I felt it took all the intrigue out of his title reign and he became a stereotypical chick$h!t heel who couldn't win a match clean to save his life. In my opinion, the alliance with Heyman was the worst thing to ever happen to CM Punk.
CM Punk's 434 day title reign was filed with heart stopping promo's with guys such as Cena, Rock, Ziggler, but the one moment that's my favourite occurred more recently.

After what had happened at MITB, there was an outstanding amount of tension between them on the Raw after that and this was when Punk was at his peak. The promo's that Heyman and Punk inflicted upon on another was emotional, emphatic and dramatic. That moment made the match at Summerslam, all the more spectacular with Brock Lesnar.
They have been an incredible duo. Punk didn't need Heyman but as a combination they were brilliant and he helped get the "best in the world" gimmick over. Otherwise it would have been Punk being egotistical - at least someone shared his views. I know it is kinda soppy but it is a nice thing to see; Punk and Heyman working together. Two close friends and Heyman was the person that helped Punk get onto the main roster and breakthrough.

As for my favourite moment; there are many to pick from. MITB was indeed great with Heyman turning on him. Even Monday night's promo was fantastic. I have to agree with you about my favourite moment being them mocking Jerry Lawler. Some people say it was "cheap" but it worked. It was very simple and it garnered genuine heat. Mocking someone for having a heart attack might not be the most imaginative thing these two delivered but it was probably the most effective.
A recurring moment they shared while working together that got me every time was their tandem twist on "clobberin' time".


Punk going to check his "watch" then pausing as Heyman jutted his arm out allowing Punk to check Paul's actual watch amused me to no end. It's the little details that make something great. While Heyman and Punk have made and continue to make a lot of great big moments, that small moment was brilliant in and of itself each and every time.

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