Favorite Movie Starring...Keanu Reeves


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
I have 2 movies of his that i absolutley love, own and watch whenever i can and those movies are The Replacements and Street Kings.


The Replacements is a great comedy and has great acting from everyone involved (Reeves, Hackman, Jopnes and Faveraujust to name a few). I usually don't like sports movies but this movie is more about the men playing than the sport itself which is a good thing. Also this movie makes me laugh which is the main thing I look for in a comedy.​

Street Kings is about as different from The Replacements as you can get but i love it. Again superb acting from all the stars. This movie kept me guessing about the end while i was sitting on the edge of my seat. I don't want to talk about the plot cause that would spoil it for some people so if you're a fan of the action-crime genre I reccomend this movie.​
There's gonna be two different answers for this if you ask me.

The Devil's Advocate: This is probably my favorite Keanu Reeves movie. However the problem with this movie was that a lot of my love for it is contributed very much due to the participation of Al Pacino. Al was brilliant in the movie, and certainly Keanu was also brilliant. But I wouldn't want to consider the movie great due to Keanu as much as I would due to Al Pacino's final speech, as well as his overall importance to the movie.

Constantine: This is all Keanu for me. I really liked this movie. I've always had a kind of thing for angels and demons fighting like this. The "mystique" and everything about it. Keanu played his role more or less perfect in this movie, and really had that bad-ass persona all over him, and rocking it incredibly well. He controlled the role of Constantine to the point where I doubt I could imagine anybody else in the role.
The Replacement's and easily. I am not a huge fan of "Cool Breeze" Reeves, but this movie is one of my all time favorites. More so because I am a huge Gene Hackman fan, but I though Reeves did an excellent job as the lead. It didn't hurt that he had a great supporting cast surrounding him and that he sort of looks like a QB, at least I think so. He held his own in his scenes with Hackman, and his speech near the end is something I still quote and follow to this day. "Chicks dig scars" classic.

Obviously The Matrix is probably his best known film, and was basically made for him. Once again I thought he did a great job in The Matrix, though Lawrence Fishburne was the highlight for me. Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure is always fun to watch, especially to see Reeves do something different. Point Break is another personal favorite of mine, but once again I went into it for another actor. And A Scanner Darkly was solid, though Robert Downey Jr., made it worthwhile. He has made some good movies, regardless of if I like him or not, but The Replacements is my favorite.
I liked Street Kings myself. I was baffled by all of the plot twists, and usually, I can see them coming. With a strong supporting cast including Hugh Laurie, Forrest Whitaker, and Jay Mohr amongst others, Reeves was brilliant in his role as the cop haunted by the death of his wife.

He was believable as the cop who wasn't afraid to bend rules as long as the bad guy got his. The ending was a surprise, and dramatic, and Reeves played his role darn well. I didn't think he had the range as an actor to pull off the dramatic aspects of this film, and he genuinely, and pleasantly, surprised me. This was easily my favorite movie featuring Reeves.
I'm a pretty big fan of Keanu Reeves and I think he receives a LOT of unjustified flack from movie buffs.

However, I cannot believed The Replacements have made two people's lists thus far. I'm like, literally shocked. Street Kings, too? These are easily two of Keanu's worst films. I really dug The Replacements when I was a teenager, but seeing it again I guess about a year or so ago, the movie sucks outside of a couple of one liners from the underrated Orlando Jones. And Street Kings is just dumb, annoying shit. I HATED it.

Now, here are the list of good films starring Keanu and those which contain his best performances:

River's Edge
Dangerous Liaisons
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
I Love You to Death
Point Break
My Own Private Idaho
The Matrix
The Devil's Advocate

All these films crush The Replacements and Street Kings. Hell, his mediocre flicks like The Night Before, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Little Budda, Johnny Mnemonic, Feeling Minnesota, The Gift, Something's Gotta Give, Constantine, and even sappy over-dramatics like The Lake House and Hardball are better than The Replacements and Street Kings.

Haha... sorry to get on your case a bit, guys; I know it just your opinion, but man I'm truly baffled by the selections, lol.

Anyways, Keanu's best performance is undoubtedly in Dangerous Liaisons, which is an overlooked classic. However, it's not my favorite film from him. My favorite comes between perhaps his three most popular movies to date: Point Break, Speed, and The Matrix. I love all three films, and fuck it's REALLY hard to decide, but man... I have to go with Point Break, simply because I saw it when it was first released on video tape when I was a kid, and have never grown tired of it, no matter how many times I've sat through the film all the way through. Not to say I've ever grown tired of The Matrix and Speed, but Point Break barely gets the edge since I saw it well before I ever saw Speed and The Matrix.
Matrix. The movie is just completely awesome and still works for me to this day. I had to watch it a few times to get what was going on but it, as well as Reeves' performance, definitely holds up. He's robotic enough that it works perfectly for him and he fits into the fighting scenes well enough. Love that movie and he's solid in it as well.
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure

One of my favourite films as a kid and still cracks me up to this day. Reeves is absolutely perfect as the air-headed Ted who is threatened with being sent to a millitary school if he flunks his History report. This would obviously be disasterous as he and his best mate Bill are destined to become world famous rock stars in their band Wyld Stalyns! Enter a time-travelling phone booth, ans many historical figures from throughout history and you have got yourself a movie there guys!

Plus it introduced me to air-guitaring and the phrases "Party on dudes!", "Bogus!", "Bodacious!" and Van Halen (who Bill and Ted are obsessed with)

Fucking beast of a film!
My favorite Keanu Reeves movies are Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure and Point Break. He's got a lot of decent films but those two are the ones I like the most because in Bill & Ted's case it's for how hilarious it was and in the case of Point Break it was due to how good its plot was with the plot twist and the action.

Keanu's best attribute is playing off other characters in the film. In wrestling terms, we would say that he "sells" for his opponents.

In "Speed," he had to use his understated personality to deal with Sandra Bullock, with the other passengers on the bus, with the cops following the action, and most of all, with the villain as played by Dennis Hopper. The action between Keanu and Hopper was masterfully done.

In essence, Keanu plays the same character in all his films (the quarterback in "The Replacements" is the exact same character as in "Speed" who, in turn, is the exact duplicate of Neo) but his ability to play off others was never as evident as it was in "Speed." That was his best.
Speed, Point Break and Constantine are a few of my favorite movies, not just of Keanu's, but in general. Mustang Sally brought up a very good point in that, Keanu is very good at selling for others. Speed he has Hopper and Sandra Bullock and Point Break he has Patrick Swayze, Gary Busey, and even John C. McGinley. Constantine is probably the exception of the three.. Keanu is just a good strong, silent type which is who John Constantine is. Very cool movie and an interesting take on religion.
The Devil's Advocate is my favorite movie with him in it, but as Ferb said, it has a LOT to do with Pacino.

Point Breeze is also a good choice.
I can not believe that Hard Ball has not even had an honorable mention. To me, that movie was one of his best films ever. He was given a completely different role than what we normally see from his action movies and he played it really well. The supporting cast helped a bit as well, but even still his performance did a lot for this movie.

And of course, an honorable mention for me, is The Matrix. To this day, I absolutely LOVE the subway fight scene towards the end. I think it's literally one of the best ones out there. I also love the line "Come on, stop trying to hit me and hit me!" from Morpheus in Neo's training scenario after he was like "I know Kung Fu" dude, all beast and shit, was like "Show me!"

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