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Favorite Mania match to not have a HOFer or future HOFer


Championship Contender
What is one of your favorite WrestleMania matches that did not include a Hall of Famer or surefire future Hall of Famer? (Example: Undertaker and Rock are not in, but they of course will be. Same with Edge, Cena, etc.) Try to be creative. Don't necessarily go for the easy match of snub vs. snub. Try to include some matches that you found entertaining, but there is no clear path for any of the participants to enter the HOF. And if you see your favorite already listed, try to think of another match you enjoyed with this criteria. Also, explain why it is a favorite of yours.

To get the ball rolling, I'll go with Hercules vs. Billy Jack Haynes from WMIII. Yes, I clearly thought of the post idea before thinking of an example. This one just popped into my head though. While this was certainly not a classic, I liked that it had a backstory and a theme of both claiming to be the master of the full nelson. Both looked great at this time and Haynes' press slam was really cool. Also, the blood spot from the chain to the head was a nice touch. Not a classic by any means, but I found it entertaining and it didn't have a HOFer in the match. (Yes, Heenan was Herc's manager, but I am going with non-HOF participants.)

What are some of yours? And, again, don't just list a well-known match that fits this criteria, go by your opinion and explain why. Hoping to get various answers, as opposed to an easy answer like (from a few years ago) Warrior vs. Savage @ WMVII listed 50 times.
WrestleMania XI: Bigelow v LT

This match gets a bad rap because it went on last with a non wrestler on it, but under the circumstances it was a pretty good match. On a card and an event that did not feel like a Mania the build and theatrics surrounding this match were the closest thing to a true Mania feel. LT was more than capable in the ring and by most accounts this was part of what helped WWE come out on the other side from the Steroids Scandal and remain afloat till 97 and the momentum they were able to build into the Attitude Era.
Damn that's a fine question. It maybe cheating since I'm sure Vince will go in but it won't be for his wrestling, so with that said I'm going to say Vince and Shane at WMX7. I just loved that whole build up and match. Again though that is a little cheating but I honestly couldn't think of anything else.
(Example: Undertaker and Rock are not in, but they of course will be. Same with Edge, Cena, etc.)

I had Kane in mind when I was typing, yet wrote Edge for some reason. Who knows...

Damn that's a fine question. It maybe cheating since I'm sure Vince will go in but it won't be for his wrestling, so with that said I'm going to say Vince and Shane at WMX7. I just loved that whole build up and match. Again though that is a little cheating but I honestly couldn't think of anything else.

Ha! You know this one crossed my mind until I DQ'd them because of obvious future HOF entry. BUT, since I said participants only and, you're right, they won't go in as wrestlers, I can let this count. Haha! Great match and storyline!
I'm kind of cheating here because there were actually three HOF'ers (or future HOF'ers) involved in this match in some way, but none of them were actual participants so... still counts right?

I'm going with Umaga vs Bobby Lashley in the "Battle of the Billionaires" at Mania 23. The match was overbooked to all hell but that's what made it so fun in my opinion. Both Lashley and Umaga were putting in some great work heading into Mania and the match itself was actually pretty good. Just a hoss fight with a ton of memorable moments thrown in and we got to see the President of the United States take a Stunner. Without going back and re-watching every Mania, this is the match that stands out to me when taking OP's question into consideration.
Crap! My first reaction was Demolition vs the Power of Pain from Wrestlemania V. But then I remembered that Mr Fuji was also involved in the match so I can't use that.

I have to go with Triple H vs The Undertaker I from wrestlemania 17. This was before the streak was acknowledged and I genuinely thought that the dead man was going to go down.
I'm going with Umaga vs Bobby Lashley in the "Battle of the Billionaires" at Mania 23
My first thought as well.
This was harder than I thought it would be, as there are many matches with at least 1 (future/)Hall of famer in it. Personally I see guys like Kofi, Miz, Ziggler, Matt Hardy, William Regal, and Christian all getting into the hall of fame soon or later, so I had to cheat a little.

I'm going with another match from Wrestlemania 23, Chris Benoit vs MVP for the united states championship.
The build up wasn't the best but it was different. As MVP would introduce champions from around the world, and defeat them each week. Many people discredited MVP going into the match saying things like, he was overrated and that Benoit deserved better. Well MVP proved many wrong, as he not only put on a pretty descent match with Beniot, he out wrestled him. With a few more minutes, this match would be more talked about than it was/is.
Yep! Umaga/Lashley definitely counts. That's a good one, as is Doink vs. Crush. Also, good catch about Mr. Fuji.

I realize it is tough to find a match without any HOFer or surefire future HOFer involved, especially at the rate they are currently being inducted; but, you guys are doing a good job!
First off.. it's a damn travesty Bam Bam isn't in the HOF yet. Ridiculous.

With that said... I know both of these guys will probably end up getting in in time... but I'll go out on a limb. This could arguably be the only World Title match in Mania history that features two guys that you could actually make a decent argument for not getting into the HOF.

I'm going with Del Rio/Swagger for the WHC at Mania 29. I'm a little biased because I was at Mania 29. But it was an important match obviously because it was a title match and had Del Rio's new face turn against Swagger's brief big resurgence.
This is a tough question now that guys like Savage, Warrior, Jake, and others have finally gotten in. First of all, kudos to HeeananGorilla for not jumping down the throat of the guy who said Taker vs. HHH. I'm sure you must have been tempted but nice job in resisting. I like both WM23 mentions. Benoit vs. MVP and Lashley vs. Umaga are probably the two best choices. I want to represent the old school and come up with an obscure one that nobody is thinking about but I don't think I'm going to find one to top either WM23 match.

One that did come to mind is British Bulldog vs. Warlord from WM7. I wasn't going to mention it because I think Bulldog is a future Hall of Famer, but since he's been dead for 15 years and still isn't in I think it belongs here. That was a solid mid card match on an excellent mania. Is it wrong for me to think WWE is just waiting for Dynamite to die to induct the Bulldogs as a team? With his reputation they probably don't want him on their show, and from what I hear he's in pretty bad shape. I feel scummy for thinking that, but it's definitely crossed my mind.
I've got a couple of mind, although they may not count.

My first one is the Steiner Brothers vs. the Headshrinkers at WM IX. That's one of the most overlooked and underrated WM matches ever, as IMO it was the best match on the abysmal WM IX card. It was a great match that should be talked about more. I don't see the Steiners going in anytime soon (though they should), and I don't see the Headshrinkers as a team going in anytime soon either. Obviously Rikishi (Fatu) is inducted in the HOF so that probably disqualifies that match, but he was inducted as Rikishi a singles wrestler, not as Fatu in the Headshrinkers which was a whole different character and gimmick. Maybe it counts?

The second one is X-Pac vs. Shane McMahon at Wrestlemania XV. Other than Rock and Austin, that was probably the best match on the card actually with a great storyline and good in-ring action. Shane I doubt will be inducted as a wrestler as was alluded to early so he shouldn't make this match ineligible. X-Pac though may be inducted at some point down the road so he could be a future Hall of Famer, but he doesn't seem like an obvious one either. So I think it should count for now.

My last one is Molly Holly vs. Victoria at WM XX. One of the few featured women's matches at WM in the 2000's to not feature Lita or Trish Stratus, it had a pretty good feud and story building to it with a memorable ending.

I also would say JBL vs. Finlay which is one of the most underrated WM matches ever IMO, but I think it's safe to say JBL will goin at some point. Still a great, fun match to check out.
I've got a couple of mind, although they may not count.

My first one is the Steiner Brothers vs. the Headshrinkers at WM IX. That's one of the most overlooked and underrated WM matches ever, as IMO it was the best match on the abysmal WM IX card. It was a great match that should be talked about more. I don't see the Steiners going in anytime soon (though they should), and I don't see the Headshrinkers as a team going in anytime soon either. Obviously Rikishi (Fatu) is inducted in the HOF so that probably disqualifies that match, but he was inducted as Rikishi a singles wrestler, not as Fatu in the Headshrinkers which was a whole different character and gimmick. Maybe it counts?

The second one is X-Pac vs. Shane McMahon at Wrestlemania XV. Other than Rock and Austin, that was probably the best match on the card actually with a great storyline and good in-ring action. Shane I doubt will be inducted as a wrestler as was alluded to early so he shouldn't make this match ineligible. X-Pac though may be inducted at some point down the road so he could be a future Hall of Famer, but he doesn't seem like an obvious one either. So I think it should count for now.

My last one is Molly Holly vs. Victoria at WM XX. One of the few featured women's matches at WM in the 2000's to not feature Lita or Trish Stratus, it had a pretty good feud and story building to it with a memorable ending.

I also would say JBL vs. Finlay which is one of the most underrated WM matches ever IMO, but I think it's safe to say JBL will goin at some point. Still a great, fun match to check out.

@dd23beatlesfan1 : I think it's unfortunate that The Steiner Brothers won't get into the WWE Hall of Fame, because the WWE don't like guys like Scott Steiner. Guys who speak their own minds, see through the political bullshit and are never two-faced.

Many might say the only way the Steiner Brothers are going to eventually make the WWE Hall of Fame is when Rick Steiner is still alive, and Scott Steiner eventually dies, so Rick would have had to do a posthumous induction and speak for Scott since Rick is a decent guy to have in the locker room, whereas Scott was universally regarded as a locker room cancer, a bad seed and a non-conformist who is most difficult to coach, a guy who would not back down from backstage fights and plus verbal and physical confrontation.

It's a shame. I have no explanation for Scott Steiner's career. A guy who once had the makings of a superstar earlier on in his career, pissed away all his monster talents in various ways and didn't even realize his potential in the end because of baggage, while Rick Steiner was what he always was going to be as a midcard singles guy.

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