Favorite Commentator of all time


Dark Match Winner
Watching wrestling as a kid was awesome, i'm sure everyone will agree. Remember when Vince would scream here comes the Ullllllllltimate WARRIORrrrrrrrr? Or when Gorilla Monsoon would shout this isn't fair!!! Honky Tonk better not touch Elizabeth!!!! Or J.R. Vince Mcmahon is satan himself!!!! Or even King, Puppies!!!!! Who would be your favorite commentator of all time? Why?

Me personally, i loved Jesse Ventura. his smooth monotone commentary was just beyond his time. He played the heck out of the heel commentator role. And i don't think this was suppose to happen, but a lot of the times he made the bad guys look very justified for what they were doing. Like when Macho Man was jealous of Hogan for thinking him and Elizabeth were hooking up, I remember Jesse saying to Gorilla "would you let your girlfriend be backstage alone with another ripped man Gorilla". Don't know bout yall but i wouldn't hahahaha. He also was very solid about calling the moves and describing some of them (some!!!!!). He was very funny on the mic and you can tell he wasn't trying to be either but it just happened. So that's my pic
My favorite commentator of all time is a heel Jerry Lawler. He was the funniest thing to hear every Monday or PPV. He would always side with the bad guys. It was hilarious. I remember one time when McMahon was in the ring and Austin came down and beat the hell out of him and Lawler is like, "Oh god, Mr. McMahon are you all right?" He just said the funniest shit that I had ever heard from a commentator.

I wish they still did the heel/face commentator parts. It would be a hell of a lot better to listen to. As opposed to Michael Cole calling everything vintage!
my favorite is mike the king of botch adamle..................... KIdding.

But my real favorite is JR. he has the best catchphrases like scolded dog slobber knocker . I like it back then when there is a main event . Jr will sound like he is having a heart attack . andy every time austin wins he would say " stonecold ' stonecold , stonecold!" so jr is my favorite
Joey Styles was once my favorite commentator in the original ECW but ever since he began commentating in WWE, WWE killed him.

Now,I guess my favorite would be Bobby The Brain Heenan.
Great topic here, as commentary has always been one of my favorite parts about pro wrestling. And there's certainly plenty to choose from.

As entertaining as all of the heel commentators (Ventura, Heenan, Lawler, etc.) have been, my favorite is still Jim Ross. I actually kind of idolized Jim Ross as a kid. I always tried to make myself out to be this "know it all" of wrestling trivia as a kid, as I had a gigantic collection of old wrestling magazines, could read passages of the PWI almanacs off the top of my head, could tell people attendance figures and dates and wrestler "heights" and "weights" and all of that stuff. Of course most of what I "taught myself" was all storyline stuff, but I was a kid, what can you expect? :shrug:

But anyways, I tried to be an "encyclopedia" of wrestling history and stats, and I've always been more of a serious, hard working, perfectionist. I was the "kid that studied religiously for an upcoming test." And Jim Ross to me, seemed like that exact type of person, which he is. Of course JR was playing a character, but you could still tell that even outside his character JR knew his shit. He's famous for bringing up random "facts" about wrestlers (many of which are actually true, such as their college backgrounds, etc.) and stats. JR, as his character, and in real life is a wrestling encyclopedia. To me, he is an expert. He comes across as that in his commentating, and his personal appearances, and interviews, outside of the wrestling business. If I had to pick two people that I could spend the day with and just talk about pro wrestling, the essence of it, what it's about, who was good and great, and just it's history, those two people would be Bret Hart (who would give me the perspective of an actual performer/wrestler) and Jim Ross (who is quite possibly the most passionate wrestling fan in the business. I don't like bbq type foods, but I would still go to JR's restaurant and eat as much of his bbq foods as he wanted me to, just to be able to sit down, hang out with him and talk wrestling all day.

I'm pretty indifferent to people. I don't really "look up to people" or have any real heroes. I've kind of always been my own person, and don't really try to "be like other people." But Jim Ross is someone I respect tremendously and do admire. He's obviously one of the most hard working, no-nonsense people in the wrestling business, which is kind of how I am as a person. You could tell that no commentator was ever more prepared and ready to commentate than JR. If I was an up and coming wrestler, sure I would talk to the veterans that know their shit. But you know what? I'd talk to JR just as much if not more than any of them.

That just touches on my appreciation of him as a human being and the type of person he seems to be. Of course he's also entertaining as hell. He's come up with some of the best catchphrases in wrestling history. And while Jerry Lawler and Paul Heyman were often hilarious while commentating, JR was no slouch and could keep up with them too in the comedic department. JR had said some funny stuff too, especially he when he would argue with them while commentating. That's certainly something that "takes two to tango." You can't have a good argument without both people contributing. So as great antagonists as Jerry Lawler and Paul Heyman were, their jokes and general "assholeness" (new word!) wouldn't be nearly as entertaining if JR didn't react the way he always did.

And I don't think there's a wrestling commentator alive that has as passionate of a voice than JR. Humor and funny lines go a long way, but even more important is passion. A great wrestling commentator is not only supposed to add to the presentation and make it more entertaining (Heenan and Monsoon were masters at this), but is also supposed to tell the story of the match to the fan watching at home. The commentator's job is to make the fan care about what they're watching, especially if the wrestlers themselves aren't able to do that. And I don't think there's ever been a wrestling commentator that was better at this than Jim Ross. No commentator can make a match feel so important and epic as Jim Ross can. With his commentating, Jim Ross has made mediocre matches into being good matches. He's made good matches into being great matches. And he's made great matches into being epic matches. His passion for the product can make a skeleton come alive and care about the match. Jim Ross is the best wrestling commentator of all-time. He isn't referred to as "The Voice of the WWE" for nothing after all.

I know some fans here give him a hard time for messing up lines more frequently in recent years, but frankly I don't care. I'd still rather listen to him commentate over anyone in WWE. He's still the greatest of all-time.

My runner up choice would have to be Bobby Heenan. Lawler was great and witty. Ventura had an excellent commentating voice. But Bobby Heenan was the most hilarious commentator of all-time. And he was a master at putting people over in his commentary. Whether you were a good guy or a bad guy, Heenan made the fan watching at home care and interested in who was wrestling in the ring. He put so many good guys over in the matches, but never got out of character as the most obnoxious jerk walking the planet. He was a master.

Other top choices include Gorilla Monsoon, Jerry Lawler, Mike Tenay, Jim Cornette (I enjoyed his commentary quite a bit actually), JBL, and Vince McMahon (annoying at times, but had an unmistakable and thus great announcing voice. And no one could introduce a wrestler to that audience as good as Vince could).

Great topic. :thumbsup:
Yeah i have to agree with beatlesfan.. J.R. is the best. The voice of the Attitute era!
made even the most average match seem really exciting. loved his catchphrases..'hes gonna stomp a mudhole and walk it dry!' and the way he said 'Stone Cold! Stone Cold! Stone Cold!' when Austin won was epic.
Closely followed by Jerry Lawler. those 2 had great chemistry. Who could forget there emotional speech at the end of Raw is Owen- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcpwovipaPs

Still brings a tear to the eye. Vince McMahon was good too..before he became his character.
I'd personally go with Joey Styles. For most of his career the man did every ECW show on his own, and he actually knows the proper names for all the moves, instead of just resorting to saying 'what a powerbomb' like JR does, and unlike Michael Cole he knows the difference between a scoop slam and a powerslam. And unlike The King, he remembers events prior to 2 years ago.

I used to really like JR just as much as Styles, but his passion for the business just seems to be lacking these days. I couldn't believe when i got home from Texas and watched WM on tv that he was pissing around with Cole and King during the Divas Battle Royal instead of trying to call the match properly. Plus when guys get injured these days or take stupidly high risk spots, he doesn't say anything. Remember Jeff's Swanton off the ladder 2 weeks ago at SSlam? 5 years ago JR would be shouting 'Oh my god he must be broken in half! What risks won't JEff Hardy take to retain the WH title?' and this time we got '............................' and when the action resumed JR was talking in his normal voice, not really seeming concerned that JEff may have done himslef a mischief. When they had him on the stretcher JR would have used to say 'No Jeff, stay down, live to fight another day' but instead just said 'hmmm Hardy's refusing medical attention.'

So yeah Joey Styles gets the vote for me.
Favorite commentator of all time? HMMMMM...That is very difficult. There are so many I enjoy such as Lance Russell, Gordon Solie, Jim Ross (UWF/MID SOUTH), Bill Mercer and Bob Caudle. I really can't pick one over the other when it comes to doing commentary. But I will go with Lance Russell as his interviews were incredible. He was so fun to watch with Tojo, Jimmy Hart, Lawler and The Dream Machine. I am going to go with Lance. Very Difficult to answer.
My favourite, like many other people is Good Ol' Jim Ross.

I think his voice is legitimately the voice of WWE now and that the fact he has been made second to Todd Grisham is pretty shit. Especially when he has been welcoming people to the biggest show in the WWE for over 10 years. Yes, Jim Ross is my favourite commentator and I also think that they way he has been treated by WWE at the minute is terrible. He didn't want to go to Smackdown but it happened. Then, they basically demoted him and now he is the CC on Smackdown essentially.

I can't remember a PPV from a few years ago that was not started with the voice of JR and I miss the immensely. I truly hope that he is moved back to Raw to be with the King again and hopefully go back to the way it was before. Michael Cole is a good enough commentator that he could go to Smackdown and Lead Grisham. JR deserves to be on Raw after the loyalty he has showed the company.
Another vote for "The Brain"...a shame that cancer shut down his career & voice way too soon. I still crack a smile when I think back to the days of "ham & eggers" and right after the heel would do something nefarious "...what happened Gorilla? My monitor went out." Even in the times when he'd be announcing after the Heenan family disbanded he wouldn't be overly nasty or blatant when he would degrade Hogan or Savage, but instead would interject humor and a level of cleverness that just isn't seen anymore in the world of announcing. On a related note, does anybody but me miss the Spanish announce table?
I would have to say it's a tie. I love Good 'Ol JR and Bobby Heenan. I wish they would have spent more time together. But when Heenan went to WCW he was good, but he wasn't as good as he was in WWF/E.

But if we're picking the best announcing tag team, I MUST go with Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Ventura. Gorilla always stood up for the babyfaces while Ventura justified the heel's actions. It was a great combo. They announced the first 6 WrestleMania's, many of those being my all time favorites.

Another guy who was good behind the mic was Rowdy Roddy Piper. He would always get so deep in the action that he would use profanity (before it was cool to curse) and he wouldn't always take the side of the babyface. He would justify heel actions as well.
I will have to go with Bobby the Brain as well. He was always a great heel and a great manager. I loved his commentary with Gorilla Monsoon and Mean Gene Okerlund. Mean Gene would be my second favorite. But overall, the voice of wrestling is Jim Ross. It is a shame how Vince has mocked Jim Ross over the years, making fun of everything from his Bells Palsy to his colon cancer.

Jim has never had a bad night, he has stated that he has never taken a day off in over 20 years except for surgery of course. It will be a sad day when Jim Ross is gone, I just hope WWE sends him a proper send off instead of having Santino make out with him.
I am surprised that my favourite commentator has not been mentioned yet- "The Godfather Of Extreme" Paul Heyman.

Heyman commentated on Raw in 2001. It was a short stint, but he made an impact. He generally riled up J.R., which brought JR up to another level. Heyman also put over guys in his commentary, and made you believe, just by his words, how incredible an athlete a superstar was. This was essential in selling the whole "Invasion" angle, as he made you believe that RVD, Booker T and others were threats. It certainly wasn't his fault that the Invasion angle screwed up.

Also, he was truthful in a lot of what he said. He called J.R. on his devotion and bias towards Steve Austin (Lawler would never have done that), and when he cut a promo on Vince McMahon prior to Survivor Series, every word rang true, because it was. Heyman was "real", so his commentary was "real" too.
I know I've said it B4, but the 2 best color commentators IMO, would have 2 be Bobby "The Brain" Heenan & Jim Cornette.

as much as I hated the wrestlers that Heenan managed, I loved the way Heenan was the yin 2 Gorilla Monsoon's yang on Wrestling Challenge & Prime Time Wrestling. many times he made me 4get how angry I was when one of my favorite wrestlers got jacked up, like when Jake The Snake DDT'd Ricky Steamboat on the concrete on SNME, the camera cut 2 Steamboat's wife, & Heenan said something about her being married 2 a pineapple farmer, LOL. matter of fact, Survivor Series '93, the Harts vs. HBK & the Knights, Heenan was in rare form that night, especially when he said Stu Hart had a picture of his wife on the back of a Boston Bruins jacket he was wearing, that had me in tears LMAO.

James E. Cornette, SMH, I don't know what 2 say about him, but every saturday, if the Midnight Express were on the World Championship Wrestling TV show, U can best believe Cornette was gonna go in either on the tag team that his guys were facing, or David Crockett, I remember one weekend, he told Crockett "when U throw parties @ Ur house, U gotta put up alot of mirrors 2 make it look like U have alot of friends"
Jesse Venture. Most commentators say dumb things, The Body had no problem putting co-commentators in their place. All of them were the better for it. He also might've had heelish tendencies, but he was often right.
JBL.I loved it when he made fun of Cole.Classic stuff.Of today,I gotta go with J.R.,but whenever Jericho is special guest commentator,or Edge,it's awesome.
my fav would have to be vince mcmahon back in the day, he was awesome at hyping you up when the ppv's would start as if the crowd was going so wild he had to scream to hear his own voice. Right up there is good ol' JR. His commentaries have always been the best in the business, he just always knows what to say, but i think they should take him off this hybrid match caller/color commentator, i think it just works for one to call the match and someone else make the color commentaries. Gorilla Monsoon (R.I.P.), was a very good commentator and heel bobby heenan (when was he ever a face lol) was also great at what he does.

beer can stryker and josh matthews just don't do it for me. I guess they try too hard and it comes off on tv that way.
Joey styles wins it for me. i would say j.r. for those cathphrases but joey styles had a certain passion i liked. he knows every name to every move. i would watch ecw and have a good understanding of wat move is called wat. and how can you not love OH MY GODDDDD. chances are when he said it...i was saying it too cuz ecw was OMG sick back in the day.
IMO Bobby The Brain wsa the best color guy. He stuck to his story no matter how ridiculous. I loved his off the wall explainations for stuff. He'd use ANY excuse to justify the bad guys. SImply great.
The best play by play guy IMO is Jim Ross. He is the wrestling voice of my generation. Always has background info on the wrestlers, and knows when to shut the fck up n let the wrestlers tell their story.

I'd like the give JBL some mention as well. I thought he did a fantastic job of putting wrestlers over while on the mic. Too bad he's gone.
Another vote for "The Brain"...a shame that cancer shut down his career & voice way too soon. I still crack a smile when I think back to the days of "ham & eggers" and right after the heel would do something nefarious "...what happened Gorilla? My monitor went out." Even in the times when he'd be announcing after the Heenan family disbanded he wouldn't be overly nasty or blatant when he would degrade Hogan or Savage, but instead would interject humor and a level of cleverness that just isn't seen anymore in the world of announcing. On a related note, does anybody but me miss the Spanish announce table?
I have a tie between Jesse the Body Ventura and Bobby The Brain Heenan.
Even though heenan was the better one by a landslide (heenan was entertaining, but also could tell a good story about the match while being hilarious). With that said I thought Jesse was just entertaining, especially when he and vince were together, it still cracks me up listening to Jesse tear McMahon down on Saturday Nights Main Event.
Oh my dear lord, I've been waiting for someone to post this thread for a while now.

My top 5 commentators of all time:

Number 5:
Vince McMahon
God, I don't know how many times I've said this, but I live for the late 80s to early/mid 90s in wrestling. Vince was at the helm for the mid 90s part. Probably one of THE worst commentators ever, but he gave us my favorite quote, "BAAAAAACK BODY DROP!!" and "Oh! What a maneuver!"

Number 2:
Good Ol' JR
Of course, JR's an instant classic. He's been the voice of the WWE since the beginning of the Attitute Era, who could forget classic lines like: "STONE COLD!! STONE COLD!!" "THROUGH HELL-FIRE AND BRIMSTONE!!" "GOOD GOD KING!" or any of his famous catch phrases "beaten like a government mule or a scalded dog" "one legged man in an ass-kicking contest!" "slobber knocker" etc. Plus I always enjoyed his early to mid 90s style of commentating in WCW and even his early days in WWF, he was always so serious, and could really call a match.

Number 3:
Jesse the Body
God what a heel behind the announce table. I really don't think I've seen many of his matches, but if his color commentary was any indicator, he was something special. I live for his work with Gorilla. I used to love it when Gorilla would call a muscle by its scientific name, and you could hear the real life confusion of The Body, but he always played it off beautifully. Probably the reason why he got elected governor.

Number 2:
Bobby the Brain Heenan
One of the greatest managers ever, let alone commentator. I honestly believed Gorilla Monsoon was going to kick his ass every night. His wit was second to none, the only to come close has been the King.

Number 1:
Gorilla Monsoon
IMO, THE greatest commentator ever. The man that gave us "The irresistible force meets the immovable object!" I'm pretty sure he invented the phrase "intestinal fortitude." The chemistry he had with either the Brain or Jesse Ventura, just classic WWF. I don't have enough fingers to count how many times I've heard "WOULD YOU BE SERIOUS!?" or "Shot to the kisser!" or "..and what a beauty!" Gorilla, you are truly missed. RIP.

Of course the King was really close to being in the top 5 for me, I love him.. But I had to throw Vince in there for nostalgic purposes. Joey Styles, Paul Heyman, and I'll even give some credit to Mike Tenay. All great commentators. Edit: I forgot to mention JBL and even Matt Stryker has been pretty good on ECW.
Bobby the brain is the best. JR is up there. JBL was also good. Matt stricker Is pretty good on ecw. Bring back Face and Heel commentators!!!

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