Favorite Batman Movie

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I was watching The Dark Knight last night with my girlfriend and after it was over we started talking about what our favorite Batman movie was, and I'll have to say The Dark Knight has got to be my favorite. Watching it last night made me really appreciate the movie and the depth of all the characters in it, how everything intertwined and tied together at the end, and the sacrifices that everyone had to make for the good of the city. The only thing that io didn't love about the movie was the Batmobile, this tank version just didn't do it for me, it was too far from the original for my liking.

I'll have to say I did love the 90's versions of Batman as well with the comedy and comic book feel. Batman Forever was a personal favorite of mine when I was a kid and I still get into it today and it featured my favorite Batmobile also.

So what is your favorite Batman movie and why? If you liked the TV show better then thats fine too, it had it's moments.

I've seen every Batman movie more times than I can count at this point.

The first Batman was great as a kid, but today it really doesn't hold up at all. Jack Nicholson's Joker was shit, in my opinion, and Kim Basinger was all kinds of awful as Vicki. It's just not a very good movie.

Batman Returns, on the other hand, still manages to be awesome. It's very, very dark, and we really get intriguing villains in this one, along as getting into Bruce Wayne's psyche a bit more. Michelle Pfeiffer in particular made this movie, honestly. She was just great.

Batman Forever was probably my favorite Batman movie when I was a kid, but today it's not very good. I mean, I still dig Val Kilmer as the Batman, and even Jim Carrey's Riddler, but Tommy Lee Jones as Two-Face was just beyond horrible. If you get rid of him, as well as Robin, and make this a movie with just the Batman and Riddler, I think it would have been a classic.

Batman & Robin... loved it when I was a kid, hate it today. That's all there is to it. Everyone knows how terrible this movie is, no need to get into it.

Batman Begins was just awesome. I remember when it first came out I thought it was going to be absolute shit, but one night I randomly popped it on on HBO and was just blown away by it. It's literally a perfect movie.

The Dark Knight, of course, I loved as well. Ledger's Joker will go down as one of my favorite villians in movie history.

However, overall, I would have to say Batman Begins is my favorite Batman movie. The Dark Knight was great, but it had its flaws. Maggie Gyllenhaal as Rachel was just horrendous, and I wasn't completely satisfied with how it ended. Batman Begins, on the other hand, really not a single complaint. As I said, it's a perfect movie.

So, anyway... if you can't tell, here's how I'd rank the Batman films:

1. Batman Begins
2. The Dark Knight
3. Batman Returns
4. Batman Forever
5. Batman
6. Batman & Robin
Batman Returns has got to be my favorite Batman movie of all time. And I don't even like Tim Burton that much. He put more light on the villains of the movie compared to Batman, and I think that was what made it unique for its time. Catwoman was a crazy cat lady and The Penguin was a deformed man abandoned as a baby. What could be more grittier and disturbing with those characters??

And of course it had Christopher Walken.

Batman Returns made me like the Batman & Catwoman love/hate relationship. In the comics I was never a fan of that, but on the big screen it was there; all wrapped up in its psychotic gothness. Spectacular.

I would rank this:

1. Batman Returns
2. The Dark Knight
3. Batman
4. Batman Begins
5. Batman Forever
6. Batman & Robin
The Dark Knight, its performances were oscar winning and it is the most modern, less camp Batman. After Batman Begins established the story, the Dark Knight went for it. The early ones were good but had their drawbacks, Jack Nicholsons joker was too camp, Val Kilmer was a crap batman, Batman and Robin was terrible.
The Dark Knight was a perfect film.
The dark knight is without a doubt my favorite batman movie. It's so dark and raw the joker was played perfectly by heath ledger he brought a joker to the screen that had only existed in the comics he was so violent and scary he was just brilliant. My favorite thing about the movie besides the joker was the moral struggle that batman went through knowing that he couldnt achieve what he wanted (creating a new hero for gotham) without breaking his rule of never killing another man. Tthe depth of this movie is incredible and the jokers little quips about society when trying to turn both batman and harvey dent are right on the money. As crazy as the joker was he understood the evil that flows through everyone and he understood the dog eat dog world we live in. like i said the depth of this movie is great it goes far beyond the realms of your typical comic book movie. I still believe that the dark knight should have won the academy award for best picture last year.
Call me old fashioned but I put Batman and Batman Returns right up there at #1. Why? Michael Keaton that's why. Best Bruce Wayne and Best Batman, period. The Villains in these movies are the best developed in the series, acted with the most seriousness really, and all make sense. We understand them and can connect with them because we know where they come from, who they were before being the villains they are, and how they transition into being the villains they become. In the next two movies we still have some of this but not to this extent, the last well developed villain is The Riddler and that wasn't as serious a character as Catwoman, Penguin, or the original Joker.

The originals relied more on the stories which were better by far, less complex, easier to follow, and better acted. In the 2 newer ones everytime a part of the plot is to be explained someone has to give a speech or something and a long complicated dialog ensues. In the originals things are just there for you and you can pick it up just from looking at the actors, and when something needs explained it is, simply and directly. The originals aren't bombarded and also starring big time Hollywood CG effects and walk away explosion scenes either, but still give you plenty of action without having to sacrifice any logic in the movie. Anyways, for the list.

1. Batman/Batman Returns
2. The Dark Knight
3. Batman Forever
4. Batman Begins
5. Batman and Robin
The movie i enjoyed the most? Dark Knight.

The movie that's closest to the Batman mythos? Batman and not a single one after that comes close.

Penguin is not a mutant who lived in the sewer. He's a mob boss that's well dressed and well spoken, and is called The Penguin, because he's always dressed in a tuxedo and has a long nose and stubby arms and legs, and he waddles. NOT because he was born with flippers. Great movie, but i didn't see the need for that drastic change in the character. Why have the other 2 been done perfectly in terms of characterisation from the books, yet this one has been completely overhauled?

Batman Forever sucked mainly because Val Kilmer was in it for more than 3 seconds, and they turned Two Face into a joke. He's supposed to be Batman's most tragic enemy, one of the constant failures of Batman's career, his best friend disfigured and insane. Ruled by a coin to do evil or do good. He is not a laughing maniac like the Joker, he's a man obsessed with balance and justice. Harvey Dent is the hand of fate.

Joel Schumacher turned him into the guy whose gimmick was to flip a coin for no apparent reason. And of course, he killed him off as well.

Jim Carey as the Riddler, MADE that film barely worth watching. If he hadn't been in it, they'd use that movie to torture Al Quaeda members.

Batman and Robin...... I think even Joel Schumacher knew he had a steaming pile of shit in his hands when he was given that script, and his first thoughts on how to save it were "Fuck it, let's get Arnie to play Freeze. The ridiculous amount of corny one liners in this script can only be delivered by the man who made a career out of it throughout the 80s."

And that was the only good thing about Batman and Robin. Arnie's voice.

Poison Ivy's origin was actually 100% accurate to the comics. Jason Woodrue poisoned her in their research lab and she became Poison Ivy forever more. Sadly however, they decided to shit all over Bane, a character that had such an amazing debut in the comics, becoming 'The Man Who Broke The Bat', that his portrayal i B+R was downright shameful. He couldn't even speak properly for fuck sake, when comic book Bane is a criminal genius!!!!!

Then of course Mr Freeze, a man who has only ever wanted to keep his wife alive, yet has been forced to live life as an ice cube and has become devoid of all emotion, is suddenly cracking jokes and skiing in this abomination of a film.

And George Clooney as Batman? In the midst of his ER days? Schumacher, what were you snorting that year? At least you had the sense to cast Alicia Silverstone as Batgirl, even if you ruined her origin as well.

Batman Begins? Well whaddya know, Joe Chill is finally in a Batman movie. Thank fuckin' christ! Carmine Falcone runs the city when Batman first appears and even in the 10 years before that. Well done again Nolan! Ra's Al Guhl leads the League of Shadows...... WRONG! IT'S THE LEAGUE OF ASSASSINS! WHY FUCKING CHANGE THAT, IF YOU'RE GOING TO SUGGEST THAT HE IS CENTURIES OLD, like he is in the comics?

Scarecrow runs Arkham..... WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lucius Fox knows he's Batman. THIS pissed me off more than anything else. In 80 odd years of Batman comics, Lucius Fox has never even suggested that he thinks Bruce Wayne is Batman. In Nolan's films, Bruce may as well have introduced himself as Mr Batman.

And Dark Knight? Ledger's Joker was cool, but at the same time, it was nothing like the comic book Joker, and i can't honestly believe that palaceprince said it was.

The Joker is supposed to be camp. Guys like TheAnimal may not like it, but that is the character. He kills people with squirty flowers and buzzers. He wears outlandish clothes and laughs like a child. He makes the world his stage and forces them all to watch.

Read 'The Killing Joke'. He shoots Barbara Gordon in the spine and cripples her for life in front of Jim Gordon, who is then mercilessly beaten by Joker's goons. Joker's stood there wearing a Hawaiin shirt, shorts and carrying a polaroid camera. As she bleeds out on the floor, he makes repeated jokes about broken books, knowing Babs is a librarian, and then strips her of her clothes, takes photos of her bleeding all over the place, and makes Gordon sit through a ghost train ride where the photos flash everywhere in front of him, as the Joker sings about going crazy across the intercom.

Ridiculously camp and sickeningly disturbing all at the same time. That's why Nicholson's Joker is better than Ledger's. Ledger's was acted better, but Burton understood Batman much better. Obviously Nolan wasn't doing a direct copy of the comics, he was doing a more realistic version. But if want a direct comic movie, then Burton's first movie is the one to watch.

He is the only director of the three to bother paying any attention to how the Bruce/Batman dynamic actually works.

It's Batman dresses up as Bruce Wayne, not Bruce Wayne dresses up as Batman.

In Schumacher's films, he didn't feel the need to separate the two at all, and therefore his movies sucked dick.

Nolan addressed the issue, but got it backward. Bruce isn't supposed to joke with Alfred about stuff and cry and wonder what he should be doing? He's supposed to know what to do withot having to be consoled, and he should be 'doing the voice' ALL the time, unless he's at the office or on a date.

Dark Knight is a whirlwind action movie, and is probably the best Comic Book movie in existence at the moment.

Tim Burton's Batman however, is the best Batman movie.
You f'ing kids and your "The First Batman with Jack Nicholson" and crap. Are you all lost? That wasn't the first Batman. THIS was:


Holy special edition indeed, biatches!

This movie was awesome. Had the cheesy original music, Adam West as Batman (prior to becoming the mayor of Quahog), and the best villains EVER:


Caesar Romero as The Joker (still my favorite), Frank Gorshin as The Riddler (still the best one), Burgess Meredith as The Penguin (epic!) and Julie Newmar as Catwoman (schwing!).

Get a grip people, this original, cheesy, onomatopoeia-laden film still reigns supreme after all these years!
You f'ing kids and your "The First Batman with Jack Nicholson" and crap. Are you all lost? That wasn't the first Batman. THIS was:


Holy special edition indeed, biatches!

This movie was awesome. Had the cheesy original music, Adam West as Batman (prior to becoming the mayor of Quahog), and the best villains EVER:


Caesar Romero as The Joker (still my favorite), Frank Gorshin as The Riddler (still the best one), Burgess Meredith as The Penguin (epic!) and Julie Newmar as Catwoman (schwing!).

Get a grip people, this original, cheesy, onomatopoeia-laden film still reigns supreme after all these years!

I have to agree with this. I remember watching this movie on VHS constantly when I was young. This was the first Batman movie I ever saw. I knew it was cheesy back then, but the characters were so colorful and alive. As far as the rest of the Batman movies I will have to go with Tim Burton's original version. The first one was classic with Jack Nicholson. Batman Returns had an all star cast too with Michelle Pfeifer, Danny DeVito, and Christopher Walken.

I loved watching the new Batman movies like Batman Forever and Batman and Robin when I was young too. I really wasn't a fan of Batman and Robin, but the main interest I had in that movie was seeing Alicia Silverstone in her school girl outfit. Also the batgirl suit showing the anatomically correct nipples wasn't bad either.

I wasn't a huge fan of Batman Begins. I looked the darker vision of the film but I found the movie boring. I also didn't think the Scarecrow was a great villain to start out the franchise. Here is how I would rank the recent Batman movies.

1. Batman
2. The Dark Knight
3. Batman Returns
4. Batman Begins
5. Batman Forever
6. Batman and Robin
Dark Knight is the best movie according to box office sales, awards etc...but also it's my favourite movie...

It was the 1st Batman movie I watched at the cinema and holy shit it was just great!!! The Most memerable performance has to go to Ledger as Joker, simply amazing... Also two-face, its very ugly looking at his face but they made it look so real...also the story of the movie it the best aswell..
If we can include animated films I would have to say Batman Mask of the Phantasm is my favorite cartoon Batman. But for a live action movie, either Batman or The Dark Knight. Batman because what someone already said, Tim Burton can get the essence of Batman and The Dark Knight for the obvious reasons.
My favorite Batman movie has to be The Dark Knight. Not only did Heath Ledger give us an amazing performance, but the acting from pretty much everyone was just great. The story was gold, and this movie definitely deserves all the praise it gets.

Batman Begins is a close second for me. I really liked this film, but the Dark Knight was just awesome on so many levels. Oh and by the way, thank you for resurrecting the Batman film series Christopher Nolan.

You f'ing kids and your "The First Batman with Jack Nicholson" and crap. Are you all lost? That wasn't the first Batman. THIS was:


Holy special edition indeed, biatches!

This movie was awesome. Had the cheesy original music, Adam West as Batman (prior to becoming the mayor of Quahog), and the best villains EVER:


Caesar Romero as The Joker (still my favorite), Frank Gorshin as The Riddler (still the best one), Burgess Meredith as The Penguin (epic!) and Julie Newmar as Catwoman (schwing!).

Get a grip people, this original, cheesy, onomatopoeia-laden film still reigns supreme after all these years!

Wait a minute.....you didn't like Jim Carrey as The Riddler in Batman Forever, IC? I love the 1966 Batman film, and Gorshin did do a hell of a job. But Carrey portrayed The Riddler character in a great way. Carrey's Riddler was hilarious and psychotic, and he put so much energy into that role.

I like Gorshin, but if you ask me, Carrey's version of The Riddler was EPIC.
My favorite is The Dark Knight because of how awesome the portrayal of Joker was, the movie would have still been great otherwise but Ledger did an amazing job in that unforgettable role. I liked some of the older ones too, but in my opinion they all pale in comparison to The Dark Knight which is in my opinion the best Batman movie.
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