Fastlane LD - Sprinting towards Wrestlemania 32!

I look forwards to being awoken by "Yes! Yes!" chants, so that I know I can fall back asleep and safely miss the main event.

I'm also eagerly awaiting the "Daniel Bryan" chants along with countless amounts of "Wooo's."
Wait, there's no New Day on this card? That has to be a mistake, they must be replacing the commentary.
I know match production is different from main roster and NXT, but Brie's match should be very similar to Bayley's NXT Takeover Fatal Four Way match against Charlotte. She can give it her all, she can do even a few new moves, but in the end, Charlotte will ultimately overpower her.
Huge mistake. Maybe they'll have a good segment instead.

I think it's pretty obvious their appearance will serve two purpose, it'll give Edge and Christian some shine for their new show, and it'll lead to some clusterfuck that'll set up their Mania match/feud. I'm hoping its Enzo and Cass, but I'm not holding my breath.
Holy shit. Energy on commentary? Can Mauro just stay out here tonight? And then announce on RAW tomorrow?

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