Fast 5


Well I went out and saw Fast 5 tonight and my first thought while leaving the theater. It was worth the money and the plot "twist" I was expecting did not happen so I was happy about that. The movie starts off right were the last left off with Turretto going to prison. If you remember the last scene of 4 they showed 3 cars in pursuit of the prison transport bus and thats exactly how this movie pretty much begins. From there it moves along quite nicely introducing some familiar faces from the series, most notably surprised to see Vince and O'Connor seeing each other for the first time since presumably the first movie was interesting to watch unfold. Then from there the true story starts to unfold into a decent story, involving some of the most notable characters from each of the previous flicks. It seemed to me this 5th installment was more of a progression of O'connor and Mia(Turreto's sister) and also Turreto. Bring in the Dwayne Johnson(formerly The Rock....oh wait he wants to be the Rock again) The fight scene between Turreto and The Rock was an all out brawl and was well done, for some the following spoiler might be of interest to you if you dont want to be spoiled do not read it...

At the end of the fight Turreto did the same thing he did to get his first stint...He grabbed a monkey wrench and swung down like he was going to hit Rock in the camera showed it hitting but everyone thought it did but it didnt....the only reason i put this in was the response of the moviegoers i was sitting amongst ....the cheered, and quite loudly I might add, until they showed Rock alive and well and the monkey wrench off to the side.

The final chase scene was one of the best I have scene and can only be rivaled as far as wrecked cars and other things by Bad Boys 2 bridge car chase. All in all I was in all honesty surprised at how much I enjoyed this movie. I expected less than I got.

So if anyone else has seen it I'd love to hear your opinions on it.
I've yet to see it I'm going this weekend sometime, however I feel that this series has always been interesting. You have several different names in the acting business that help makes these movies. I think from what I've heard it seems to just like any other Fast and Furious movie. I think they could eaily continue to have them as long as their is an interest in them. I'm quite excited to see it and this thread just added to the overall hype of the movie.
It was 2001's Ocean's Eleven gone ******ed (with Cars!!!1!!1!). This should have been the job to end all jobs (aren't they all?) yet I was bored through most of the third act. The end chase was just one big repetitive gimmick that they apparently pulled out of their collective asses. The Rock/Diesel fight was also relatively anti-climactic and poorly lit/edited (/shot?).

As one of the few Hollywood guys believably capable of overpowering Vin Diesel, Johnson's Luke Hobbs character comes across as an almost Terminator-esque unstoppable hunter (Predator?) in the intro. …Then falls flat into parody and failure thereafter. More to the point, and to use commonly understood wrestling slang, not once did Torreto put Hobbs over. If Torreto doesn't buy him as a threat why should I?

Overall I was not impressed. It had potential but it was squandered within the first half and failed to regain momentum in the second. Here's hoping Rocky's potential spin-off movie goes a hell of a lot better.

Lastly, and to be fair, I was in a theater filled with loud mouth morons so that may've slightly influenced my overall annoyance.

If they were just going to undo Letty's death they could've done the same for Han rather than contrive the chronology of all the films. Although one wonders if it's specifically because they undid Letty's death that they didn't want to go to the well again with Han's death –even though he's the more interesting charter of the two. Ah well, better luck tomorrow Han…
I checked this film out yesterday & I gotta say I really had a good time watching this movie. This one was a whole movie IMO, not just centering around fast cars, racing, & women. The film has a lot of great action, some really good funny parts, & a storyline decent enough to keep you interested for the whole 2hr & some time limit. For a matter of fact it didn't even seem like the movie was that long.

Bringing in cast members from the previous films was a great idea cause they all worked well together & The Rock was a beast!!! There was a few parts in the movie that was completely unbelievable but its a action movie so you shouldn't expect every aspect of the film to coninside w/reality. This movie is a very good way to kick off the summer, & if you enjoyed the pervious films or just a fan of action blockbusters then I recommend you check Fast Five out. I can honestly say that it is the best of the series so far, If I was to rate them all from my favorite to least it would go.....

Fast Five =B+
2 Fast 2 Furious =B(I gave this one & the 1st one the same rating but I enjoyed this one more)
The Fast & the Furious =B
The Fast And The Furious: Tokyo Drift =C+
Fast and Furious =C(I really wasn't feeling this one)
I went to see this movie a couple of days ago and really enjoyed it for the most part. I think I gave it 3 out of 5 but looking back on it, it was probably deserving of something a little better. Still, I did enjoy this movie and it was due to the fact that this was much more than a movie about cars this time. This movie had a much better plot and probably equals the first one, in terms of hanging on to a good premise. Throughout the movie, I remarked how good a plot line it was for them to be stealing something like they did and I really liked the way that the plot panned out.

I did think that it was very like Ocean's Eleven but that is fine by me. I love the Ocean's movies, so this was a nice little addition to the franchise. I liked how the ending was a twist and I really liked the way that they executed it.

I thought the characterisation was really good and I really enjoyed the part that The Rock played. His opposition to Dom and then his unity with him towards the end was fantastic. He played a great character and deserves a lot of credit for how he worked within the confines of the film. This movie is going to take an absolute fortune at the Box Office and it gets The Rock bank onto some sort of level after doing The Tooth Fairy and Race To Witch Mountain. This puts him back in the big leagues again, which is bad for those who want to see him back in the WWE on a more permanent basis. Still, a good performance.

I liked this movie and thought it was one of the better ones of the series. Probably, it was the best one since 2 Fast and a good way to leave the series if they are going to stop making them now.
I just got back from seeing this and I loved it. Definitely my favorite of the series. It was filled with action, drama, humor, and everything else you look for in the series. I really didn't have much expectations for the movie as I felt the last one was a good end to the series and I was a bit bummed to hear they were making another. However the previews drew me in and I decided to take the bait and check it out. Well worth the price of admission (saw it in IMAX) and I really enjoyed myself.
I went to a movie theater to watch Fast Five.
And I have to tell you, it was worthy the money I gave for it!!

It is without a doubt the best movie of Fast and Furious franchise...
They made a great story with all of the characters, they made me laugh, they made pay attention and they made me be freaking surprised!

I just hate the launch of Fast & Furious: Tokyo Drift, they destroyed the Han character and with that "the rational" part of the movie!! Even if we assume that Tokyo drift have happened later than Fast Five, it seems stupid, because they really cant kill Torreto!
And the only way i can imagine the end of this franchise is with Dominic Torreto dead!
Well they fucked it up!

I hope they make a Fast Six (or 6x Faster, i kinda liked this name xD)
They all did a great job, and every fan will love it!! The Rock is now part of that GREAT franchise, so as my country-fellow Joaquim de Almeida :)

I give it a 4.5/5, i am probably sure that it will be bashed by the stupid critics of Hollywood because they botched in the part of Brian and Mia running from the other guys!

But OVERALL i was very satisfied and they exceed my expectation!!
I recommend it to everyone, it is a great movie... But make sure you see al the other movies!!

6x Faster FTW!
They said a Fast 6 may be in production. Overall no complaints about this movie, It was good for all cultures, ahd good comedy, good plot, Enjoyed it.
This is one of the best movie I have watched in this week. I must recommend to all , must watch this movie..
I really enjoyed this movie, alot more than I thought I would.

The 1st installment was amazing when it came out, and I loved it. I saw 2 Fast 2 Furious and while it was good, it was not as good as the 1st. Then came Tokyo Drift....which fucking sucked.

At that point I thought the franchise was going to do what the American Pie movies have done, and become shells of their former selves, with the original cast all gone and just doing something vaguely similiar to the original films, which keeping the series now.

Then they all got back together for Fast And Furious, and it was actually good! I think Walker and Diesel are perfectly cast in their roles, and the whole cast always has a lot of chemistry. The story itself was decent, and I have recently rewatched this and it still stands up as better than 2F2F and TD.

I weas expecting Fast Five to be a similar standard to 2 and 4, but not as good as the original. However, it may even be the best in the series. I liked the fact that they tried something different, and that it was not all about illegal street racing, there was actually a genuine storyline which made sense. The Rock was excellent, he really added to the movie and it was great to see Vince from TFATF back in the crew, as well as Tyrese and Han.

The chase through the favellas was awesome, the final chase scene was great and overall it was a very entertaining movie, alot of action and explosions, some decent acting, The Rock, Vin Diesel, and Jordanna Brewster..... what more do you need?!
Its a great romp. I think I've seen the first two movies (the fact I can't remember anything about them says it all) but this was just a rollicking good action movie and nothing more. The stunts were great the story served its purpose and we got to see the Rock go toe-to-toe with Vin Diesel. However I fully expect Vin to reciprocate his appearance in a Dwayne Johnson vehicle just to even up the result.
Saw this the other day and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. Seems they are moving the franchise away from the illegal street racing genre into more of a heist film genre. Being a fan of those, I saw the similarities with Ocean's Eleven, a movie that I love, so naturally I liked this one. I figured bringing all the big characters back including the main cast plus Vince, Han, and Roman was going to work well but I wasn't expect what they did with this film at all. It seemed to work well with the ensemble cast and imo this was maybe the best film in the entire Fast & the Furious series; at the very least it is second best to the original.

I also really liked the Rock's part in this film. He's finally getting away from all those Disney comedies and getting into what I think he is more suited for, being an action star. His character was probably the best that Dom had to go up against and the fight scene was awesome. I'd actually be interested in seeing another if they do decide to go that route, assuming that the whole cast returns.
I loved it, I saw this one against my will when my friend dragged me along when I didn't want to spend the money on a movie that I expected to be a flop, boy was I wrong. Fast Five was an absolutely kickass movie from start to finish and I loved it, I knew that I would enjoy Rocky's part in the movie simply because he's The Rock but he did some major damage in that movie in a good way, I thought his character was great and I loved that even though he was set on taking down Vin Deisel they still had a strong sense of mutual respect. Anyway it's a great movie that I got way more out of than I expected and if you havent seen it and want good action with an entertaining plot then check this shit out.

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