[Fantasyland] Charlie Sheen and TNA


Sally Section
Justin LaBar's column on the front page brings up an interesting idea; Charlie Sheen in TNA.

While I think this would never happen- and not because it's TNA, guppies- there's no harm in discussing the what-ifs of it. Were you in charge of TNA, would you be interested in bringing in Charlie Sheen?

First, for the analysis. His fee would likely be around $100,000, based on his "Two and a Half Men" paycheck and current 'Q-rating', for lack of a better term. (Please note that figure is extremely ballpark... and an expansive Yankee Stadium ballpark at that, not a cloistered Fenway Park.) His agent would throw a shit fit about it, almost certainly; professional wrestling, be it WWE or TNA, is not exactly a traditional place to begin a rehabilitation tour in front of the mainstream American public, most of whom views professional wrestling as silly. You wouldn't be able to work a program of any considerable length with him, as his schedule is very much in the air right now and TNA couldn't (and shouldn't) pay his fee multiple times for each appearance.

All that being said, I'd still make Charlie Sheen that offer, so long as he would appear in the next few weeks, while he's still hot in the news. People are eager for Sheen news, for some reason- he even managed to keep those walking, shouting, sign-carrying heat magnets, the Westboro Baptist Church, out of the headlines yesterday. (For those of you who follow the news, that's a pretty impressive feat. The WBC has more heat then Vickie Guerrero. Hell, on that note, maybe TNA should hire them for a night.) People want to see Charlie Sheen, and if you promise people a freak show, they're going to turn in. The numbers will spike for a night (two, if you use a TV taping), and go back down afterwards.... but it will give you a chance to expose your product to the wrestling fans who haven't seen it recently.

Now, would this be the best move for Charlie Sheen? He'd have to be insane to take it (again, having nothing to do with it being TNA, guppies), but I'm not quite ready to rule out that he's having a temporary bout of insanity. As far as his acting career goes, at this particular point it would fall just a couple of feet short of career suicide. Going from prime time network television to taped basic cable is not exactly a positive career move, even for one night.

What are your thoughts?
I think Justin Labar's article was more to mock TNA for bringing various D-list celebrities in to help raise ratings then it was a serious suggestion.

I doubt you'll ever see Charlie Sheen working for TNA. Even with his problems once he's done rehabbing he should have no trouble finding work as an actor. As a fan of Two and a Half Men I'm hoping they pick that back up for more seasons. At the most he'd make an appearance, get paid a fortune and then bail. That's all wrestling is for most celebrities anyway, an easy payday.

And what does TNA have to gain exactly by bringing him in? A brief ratings spike that will dwindle when he leaves. That's all that ever happens when they bring a big name in. And I don't see how he would be introduced, how they can convince the fans that he gives a shit about wrestling. And what would be his role? Manager, announcer, funny backstage segments? Might be good, but for that money they won't get a good return on their investment.
I ve gotta be honest im not the biggest fan of charlie sheen, but if hes got so much heel heat I carnt see why TNA dont promote him, to impact appearances and have an IMPACT SPECIAL advertised, for a 3 hour long show, prime time slot!
And have him advertised in a match in the main event against someone like samoa joe!bring back the killer instinct joe, make people want to change the chanel to watch the crowd chant "joes gonna kill u"at sheen!
would be amazing to see, and at the same time, expose the product!
Give the knockouts title a reason to go back to its own glory days, show the fans why the MCMG are the best tag team in the business against either beer money inc or generation me, and then finally sort out this crap between immortal/fortune/flair/hogan/bischoff/dixie carter crap once and for all and give the people that only want to see joe kill sheen a reason to keep watching impact!

something like this could help samoa joe become what he should be right now, the face of tna!!
Well first off Justin LaBar is an enormous WWE mark so i don't really give a shit what he says here. His opinion means little to nothing. Second of all, why in hell would Charlie Sheen, one of the highest paid actors on TV, want to have anything to do with wrestling let alone TNA? WWE wouldn't even be on his radar let alone TNA. If I were in charge of TNA it wouldn't matter what i was doing, it would be wrong because i'd be in charge of TNA and all the WWE marks on this site would rip me till i got fired. Rip me for not pursuing Sheen and i should be fired, rip me for pursuing him and i should be fired.
Charlie Sheen purposely staged a breakdown so he could get out of the constraints placed on him in his job. He knows that all this controversey can do is make him relevant even if everyone thinks he's nuts. Tom Cruise had a bit of a 'public breakdown' and he's doing just fine. He didn't have to go to TNA because he had turned into a 'so called nutjob'. And Charlie Sheen makes over a million dollars per shitty half an hour episode of Two and a Half Men. Do you think he'd go to work for TNA for a pathetic $100 000? He couldn't even buy the smack he snorts or the hos he pays for with that shit. And why TNA? Why not go to WWE? WWE is the company whose smarky fans act irrationally similar to Sheen in how they defend WWE while lambasting TNAs product. If WWE weren't PG, Sheen would be a perfect fit. WWE could pay him what he'd be looking for, and he could use his appearance to perhaps improve or further destroy his image.
As much as I would enjoy seeing Charlie Sheen in TNA as a mouthpeice or some crap, it'll never happen. HOWEVER, don't be surprised if TNA tries to cash in on his recent "fame" by making a mock charecter, spewing several of his new phrases, or some of the wrestlers start shouting "Bi Winnning!" on a regular basis. Sheen has made massive headlines, and I fully expect TNA to pick a few scraps here and there for cheep pops, but they won't be able to land the full package.

Don't be surprised if in a few weeks we get a Sheen lookalike debut ala The Shore.
It is an entertaining what-if. His tigerblood and adonis DNA winning personality would fit well into TNA's agressive company attitude. He would be a great mouthpiece as a backup/1-night manager for a wrestler.

The guy who mentions WWE more than anyone on the TNA forums, Ilapierre (8x in 2 paragraphs, come on buddy) up there said that Sheen makes over a million dollars per episode so TNA would have to fork over a huge amount of cash unless Charlie Sheen is a fan and wants to get some exposure. But as Derf said, I wouldn't be surprised if TNA debuted their own version of Sheen.
Unfortunately, Charlie Sheen makes 2 million per episode of Two and a Half Men. Which is...just insane. But yeah, why not? Give him the two million and the two knockouts that Labarr mentioned, and TNA would definitely pull in the freakshow demographic (for one show). 90's Vince Russo would have booked a "bowl of coke on a pole" match, I'm sure. But aside from the obvious comedic value in that concept, I don't think TNA would gain more than they spend to bring in Sheen. The temporary surge of TMZ fans watching wrestling probably wouldn't offset the expense of bringing in Sheen, or of sending everyone who walks within five feet of him to rehab.
3/4 Facelock is right, it would be to expensive to get Sheen on the show for 1 night even if he was a fan. As for TNA having their own version of Charlie Sheen,well i guess they already have Jeff Hardy for the role:lmao:
Charlie Sheen has become a Cancer to the news, and it has bled to every avenue of media, why is this on the forum? He would never even entertain the idea of going on TNA. I think if I hear his name again then I am going to punch a toddler in the face.
Well first off Justin LaBar is an enormous WWE mark so i don't really give a shit what he says here. His opinion means little to nothing. Second of all, why in hell would Charlie Sheen, one of the highest paid actors on TV, want to have anything to do with wrestling let alone TNA? WWE wouldn't even be on his radar let alone TNA. If I were in charge of TNA it wouldn't matter what i was doing, it would be wrong because i'd be in charge of TNA and all the WWE marks on this site would rip me till i got fired. Rip me for not pursuing Sheen and i should be fired, rip me for pursuing him and i should be fired.
Charlie Sheen purposely staged a breakdown so he could get out of the constraints placed on him in his job. He knows that all this controversey can do is make him relevant even if everyone thinks he's nuts. Tom Cruise had a bit of a 'public breakdown' and he's doing just fine. He didn't have to go to TNA because he had turned into a 'so called nutjob'. And Charlie Sheen makes over a million dollars per shitty half an hour episode of Two and a Half Men. Do you think he'd go to work for TNA for a pathetic $100 000? He couldn't even buy the smack he snorts or the hos he pays for with that shit. And why TNA? Why not go to WWE? WWE is the company whose smarky fans act irrationally similar to Sheen in how they defend WWE while lambasting TNAs product. If WWE weren't PG, Sheen would be a perfect fit. WWE could pay him what he'd be looking for, and he could use his appearance to perhaps improve or further destroy his image.

:lol: Did Vince molest you or something?

TNA couldn't afford Sheen. Like others have said it would be worthless anyway. Once he leaves so do the little ratings he would bring.
TNA needs to stick to the wrestling, Celebrities, and guest hosts etc... are more what WWE does.
What do you expect, them to have a scene where Jeff Hardy sells Charlie Sheen his fix?
Don' give Russo ideas........

you wouldn't want Charlie Sheen to end up on TNA as an undercover blow user that ends up arresting Jeff Hardy and taking him off the air until his trial ends.....

or would you?
It'd be a great move for TNA, obviously. Sheen is basically the most popular person on the planet at the moment, likely due to his tigerblood and other various magical powers, along with the fact that he's banging Bree Olsen. Respectable man, he is.

If TNA should get him, they should keep him for as long as he'd stick around. It's not like they have anything else going for them at the moment. I have no idea what the hell he'd do, having him join the announce table would be highly entertaining though. Like that one time Booker T did it, except for ten times crazier.

Bottomline, if Sheen were to go to TNA, I'd watch, something I haven't done in months. That should be reason enough.
TNA doesn't need to stop the celebrities, they need MORE. but with that more, they have to be celebrities that can help rather than bringing in celebrities just for the sake of bringing in celebrities.
what do celebrities do? entertain. what is wrestling? entertainment. of course you are going to have your hard core wrestling fans pretty much wanting NOTHING to do with celebrities in WRESTLING, but wrestling IS entertainment. wrestling is a prime time show on television that has wrestling in it.
as for Charlie Sheen, what would he do? how would TNA work him in to some type of angle?
everyone knows he loves women, more specifically hookers and porn stars, so it would be funny to see him come in with some type of angle around the Knockouts.
even if Charlie himself would have no interest in TNA, I think it could be great just to see/hear TNA offer something. the same way they did with Chad Johnson and Marvin Lewis. TNA could offer a cage match between Charlie Sheen and whoever the guy is who canceled Two and a Half Men(forget his name).
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I personally would rather watch Ochocinco vs Carson Palmer in the ring. What is Charlie Sheen going to bring you? Granted he is everywhere right now and is famous but his publicity would be negative unless they had a very good writer writing a story, which they do not have in Russo. I would rather see him wrestle or fight his dad or brother Emilio. He would be a good person to do the talking for Joe. Let Joe be quiet for awhile and smash people and Sheen does all the promos for him or Crimson would be good.

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